28 resultados para Home Therapy


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In this abstract is presented an energy management system included in a SCADA system existent in a intelligent home. The system control the home energy resources according to the players definitions (electricity consumption and comfort levels), the electricity prices variation in real time mode and the DR events proposed by the aggregators.


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Although we have many electric devices at home, there are just few systems to evaluate, monitor and control them. Sometimes users go out and leave their electric devices turned on what can cause energy wasting and dangerous situations. Therefore most of the users may want to know the using states of their electrical appliances through their mobile devices in a pervasive way. In this paper, we propose an Intelligent Supervisory Control System to evaluate, monitor and control the use of electric devices in home, from outside. Because of the transferring data to evaluate, monitor and control user's location and state of home (ex. nobody at home) may be opened to attacks leading to dangerous situations. In our model we include a location privacy module and encryption module to provide security to user location and data. Intelligent Supervising Control System gives to the user the ability to manage electricity loads by means of a multi-agent system involving evaluation, monitoring, control and energy resource agents.


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Objectivo: descrever a intervenção em fisioterapia num paciente com diagnóstico de conflito subacromial. Participantes e Métodos: estudo de caso de um paciente que desenvolveu um quadro doloroso no ombro direito no início de Janeiro de 2011 e em que a intervenção de fisioterapia teve início no princípio de Março de 2011. Foi utilizado como instrumentos de avaliação a EVA (repou-so, noite, e movimentos activos), a escala DASH, goniometria e raio x. Foi aplicado uma variedade de técnicas musculares, nomeadamente técnicas de indução miofasciais, exercícios terapêuticos, kinesiotape, bem como articulares, como a mobilização com movimento de Mulligan. O tratamento foi realizado em dias alternados e teve a duração total de seis semanas. Resultados: logo no final da primeira sessão o paciente referiu melhoria na dor e movimentos activos. Na segunda sessão o paci-ente demonstrou capacidade de realizar auto-mobilização, exercícios terapêuticos e alongamentos no domicílio. A regressão dos sintomas foi relativamente rápida, apenas na quarta sessão não obte-ve melhorias na reavaliação, até à completa remissão no fim da nona sessão. Conclusão: o processo de raciocínio clínico desenvolvido pelo fisioterapeuta durante de tratamento foi salientado. Após a recolha dos dados relativos à história e sua interpretação levantaram-se hipóteses o qual poderia estar na origem numa queixa do ombro com estas características. No exame objectivo foram reali-zados testes para permitir a obtenção do diagnóstico diferencial – conflito subacromial; elaborou-se então um plano de intervenção em colaboração com o paciente, nomeadamente com técnicas de terapia manual recentes, que se mostrou eficaz, com excelentes resultados.


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O Acidente Vascular Encefálico é uma das principais causas de morte, tornando-se cada vez mais iminente processos de reabilitação que minimizem as sequelas, nomeadamente as limitações do membro superior que dificultam o envolvimento em atividades da vida diária. O Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy, surge como uma abordagem que incrementa o uso do membro superior mais afetado. A presente investigação trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos. Pretende-se verificar se existem melhorias na funcionalidade do membro superior mais afetado, analisar em que atividades da vida diária são visíveis melhorias funcionais e compreender se o maior envolvimento nas atividades diárias está diretamente relacionado com a melhoria na capacidade funcional. Pretende-se ainda que os valores obtidos no Wolf Motor Function Test sejam um contributo para a sua validação para a população portuguesa. Utilizou-se um questionário para recolha de dados pessoais e clínicos (amplitudes de movimento, dor e espasticidade); o Wolf Motor Function Test e o Action Research Arm Test para verificar a funcionalidade do membro superior mais afetado; e a Motor Activity Log que avalia o envolvimento em atividades da vida diária. O grupo é constituído por 3 utentes que sofreram um primeiro Acidente Vascular Encefálico até 9 meses de evolução, internados na Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Monção e que cumpriam os critérios de inclusão. O programa foi implementado três horas/dia, durante 10 dias, mantendo a restrição no membro superior menos afetado durante 90% do dia acordado. Como se trata de um estudo de casos múltiplos, analisou-se cada participante individualmente e verificou-se a diferença entre os resultados finais e iniciais para cada uma das variáveis. Os resultados obtidos revelam ganhos na amplitude de movimento, velocidade de execução e capacidade funcional do membro superior mais afetado, nomeadamente nas funções de preensão e pinça da mão, bem como se testemunhou minimização do fenómeno learned nonuse. Verificaram-se ganhos funcionais em todos os participantes nas atividades da vida diária apesar de serem diferentes de participante para participante. Dois participantes afirmaram que voltariam a participar no programa.Conclui-se, assim que a técnica resulta em ganhos funcionais nestes utentes, indicando um caminho alternativo a outras abordagens de reabilitação.


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Background: Physiotherapy has a very important role in the maintenance of the integumentary system integrity. There is very few evidence in humans. Nevertheless, there are some studies about tissue regeneration using low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Aim: To analyze the effectiveness of LLLT on scar tissue. Methods: Seventeen volunteers were stratified by age of their scars, and then randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) — n = 9 – and a placebo group (PG) – n = 8. Fifteen sessions were conducted to both the groups thrice a week. However, in the PG, the laser device was switched off. Scars’ thickness, length, width, macroscopic aspect, pain threshold, pain perception, and itching were measured. Results: After 5 weeks, there were no statistically significant differences in any variable between both the groups. However, analyzing independently each group, EG showed a significant improvement in macroscopic aspect (p = 0.003) using LLLT. Taking into account the scars’ age, LLLT showed a tendency to decrease older scars’ thickness in EG. Conclusion: The intervention with LLLT appears to have a positive effect on the macroscopic scars’ appearance, and on old scars’ thickness, in the studied sample. However, it cannot be said for sure that LLLT has influence on scar tissue.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of different manual techniques on cervical ranges of 17 motion and pressure pain sensitivity in subjects with latent trigger point of the upper trapezius muscle. 18 Methods: One hundred seventeen volunteers, with a unilateral latent trigger point on upper trapezius due to computer 19 work, were randomly divided into 5 groups: ischemic compression (IC) group (n = 24); passive stretching group (n = 20 23); muscle energy technique group (n = 23); and 2 control groups, wait-and-see group (n = 25) and placebo group 21 (n = 22). Cervical spine range of movement was measured using a cervical range of motion instrument as well as 22 pressure pain sensitivity by means of an algometer and a visual analog scale. Outcomes were assessed pretreatment, 23 immediately, and 24 hours after the intervention and 1 week later by a blind researcher. A 4 × 5 mixed repeated- 24 measures analysis of variance was used to examine the effects of the intervention and Cohen d coefficient was used. 25 Results: A group-by-time interaction was detected in all variables (P b .01), except contralateral rotation. The 26 immediate effect sizes of the contralateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation, and pressure pain threshold were large for 3 27 experimental groups. Nevertheless, after 24 hours and 1 week, only IC group maintained the effect size. 28 Conclusions: Manual techniques on upper trapezius with latent trigger point seemed to improve the cervical range of 29 motion and the pressure pain sensitivity. These effects persist after 1 week in the IC group. (J Manipulative Physiol 301 Ther 2013;xx:1-10)


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This study examined the joint effects of home environment and center-based child care quality on children’s language, communication, and early literacy development, while also considering prior developmental level. Participants were 95 children (46 boys), assessed as toddlers (mean age = 26.33 months;Time 1) and preschoolers (mean age = 68.71 months; Time 2) and their families. At both times, children attended center-based child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal. Results from hierarchical linear models indicated that home environment and preschool quality, but not center-based toddler child care quality, were associated with children’s language and literacy outcomes at Time 2. Moreover, the quality of preschool classrooms moderated the association between home environment quality and children’s language and early literacy skills – but not communication skills – at Time 2, suggesting the positive cumulative effects of home environment and preschool quality. Findings further support the existence of a detrimental effect of low preschool quality on children’s language and early literacy outcomes: positive associations among home environment quality and children’s developmental outcomes were found to reduce substantially when children attended low-quality preschool classrooms.


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Se ha poucos anos nao imaginavamos as nossas vidas sem o conforto proporcionado pela iluminacao artificial, fruto do desenvolvimento e proliferacao da producao, transporte e distribuicao de energia electrica, seguramente que nos dias de hoje e indissociavel juntar a esse mesmo conforto e estilo de vida a utilizacao dos meios de telecomunicacoes actuais. Com efeito, a vulgarizacao do uso de telemoveis, a recepcao e transmissao de dados a velocidades cada vez maiores, o aparecimento de televisao de alta definicao (TVAD) em substituicao do actual formato PAL, a surgimento de ofertas de novos servicos como o Video on Demand a par da emergente televisao digital terrestre constituem, seguramente, uma nova revolucao nas infra-estruturas de telecomunicacoes domesticas e profissionais. O sector das telecomunicacoes tem sido aquele que se encontra em pleno crescimento, com os fabricantes e operadores a lancarem novos produtos e solucoes de forma continuada, bem como uma atenta e perspicaz reaccao por parte dos legisladores. Assiste-se verdadeiramente na industria das telecomunicacoes a um movimento relacionado com a convergencia para as redes IP (“Internet Protocol”, ou Protocolo de Internet).


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In future power systems, in the smart grid and microgrids operation paradigms, consumers can be seen as an energy resource with decentralized and autonomous decisions in the energy management. It is expected that each consumer will manage not only the loads, but also small generation units, heating systems, storage systems, and electric vehicles. Each consumer can participate in different demand response events promoted by system operators or aggregation entities. This paper proposes an innovative method to manage the appliances on a house during a demand response event. The main contribution of this work is to include time constraints in resources management, and the context evaluation in order to ensure the required comfort levels. The dynamic resources management methodology allows a better resources’ management in a demand response event, mainly the ones of long duration, by changing the priorities of loads during the event. A case study with two scenarios is presented considering a demand response with 30 min duration, and another with 240 min (4 h). In both simulations, the demand response event proposes the power consumption reduction during the event. A total of 18 loads are used, including real and virtual ones, controlled by the presented house management system.


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The efficacy, cellular uptake and specific transport of dietary antioxidants to target organs, tissues and cells remains the most important setback for their application in the treatment of oxidative-stress related disorders and in particular in neurodegenerative diseases, as brain targeting remains a still unsolved challenge. Nanotechnology based delivery systems can be a solution for the above mentioned problems, specifically in the case of targeting dietary antioxidants with neuroprotective activity. Nanotechnology-based delivery systems can protect antioxidants from degradation, improve their physicochemical drug-like properties and in turn their bioavailability. The impact of nanomedicine in the improvement of the performance of dietary antioxidants, as protective agents in oxidative- stress events, specifically through the use of drug delivery systems, is highlighted in this review as well as the type of nanomaterials regularly used for drug delivery purposes. From the data one can conclude that the research combining (dietary) antioxidants and nanotechnology, namely as a therapeutic solution for neurodegenerative diseases, is still in a very early stage. So, a huge research area remains to be explored that hopefully will yield new and effective neuroprotective therapeutic agents in a foreseeable future.