33 resultados para ALEPH training sessions
Purpose – The aim of this article is to present some results from research undertaken into the information behaviour of European Documentation Centre (EDC) users. It will reflect on the practices of a group of 234 users of 55 EDCs covering 21 Member States of the European Union (EU), used to access European information. Design/methodology/approach – In order to collect the data presented here, five questionnaires were sent to users in all the EDCs in Finland, Ireland, Hungary and Portugal. In the remaining EU countries, five questionnaires were sent to two EDCs chosen at random. The questionnaires were sent by post, following telephone contact with the EDC managers. Findings – Factors determining access to information on the European Union and the frequency of this access are identified. The information providers most commonly used to access European information and the information sources considered the most reliable by respondents will also be analysed. Another area of analysis concerns the factors cited by respondents as facilitating access to information on Europe or, conversely, making it more difficult to access. Parallel to this, the aspects of accessing information on EU that are valued most by users will also be assessed. Research limitations/implications – Questionnaires had to be used, as the intention was to cover a very extensive geographical area. However, in opting for closed questions, it is acknowledged that standard responses have been obtained with no scope for capturing the individual circumstances of each respondent, thus making a qualitative approach difficult. Practical implications – The results provide an overall picture of certain aspects of the information behaviour of EDC users. They may serve as a starting point for planning training sessions designed to develop the skills required to search, access, evaluate and apply European information within an academic context. From a broader perspective, they also constitute factors which the European Commission should take into consideration when formulating its information and communication policy. Originality/value – This is the first piece of academic research into the EDCs and their users, which aimed to cover all Members State of the EU.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica – Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia
A sociedade moderna encontra-se numa evolução progressiva e constante no que respeita às novas tecnologias. Independentemente da área de conhecimento, é de senso comum, que cada vez mais é necessária formação sólida, sendo fundamental a preparação e a consolidação das futuras gerações na utilização das novas tecnologias. As plataformas de e-learning são hoje em dia uma realidade mais que afirmada, e com aplicação em todos os sectores de actividade. A área da saúde não foge à regra, verificando-se que os seus profissionais evidenciam falta de disponibilidade para participação nas formações presenciais, fundamentais para o seu processo de formação contínua (LLL – Long Liffe Learning). Estes profissionais necessitam de estar continuamente actualizados, de forma a melhor poderem contribuir para o desempenho das suas funções, como o aconselhamento dos utentes, acompanhamento de doentes crónicos, uso correcto dos medicamentos, entre outros. O presente trabalho pretende implementar em ambiente hospitalar o modelo de formação à distância em regime de e-learning ou b-learning, identificando potenciais vantagens e constrangimentos inerentes ao processo. Para o efeito, será utilizada a plataforma MEDUCA criada pelo GILT-ISEP e baseada em Moodle, como uma plataforma destinada á formação para profissionais da área da Saúde. Esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre a implementação da dita plataforma em ambiente hospitalar. Esta dissertação apresenta todo o estudo/trabalho desenvolvido para a implementação da plataforma MEDUCA nalgumas entidades contactadas da área da saúde. Espera-se que esta ferramenta ofereça uma alternativa interactiva de educação e aprendizagem, visando melhorar constantemente o nível formativo de cada profissional de saúde.
Mental practice is an internal reproduction of a motor act (whose intention is to promote learning and improving motor skills). Some studies have shown that other cognitive strategies also increase the strength and muscular resistance in healthy people by the enhancement of the performance during dynamic tasks. Mental training sessions may be primordial to improving muscle strength in different subjects. The aim of this study was to systematically review and meta-analiyze studies that assessed whether mental practice is effective in improving muscular strength. We conducted an electronic-computed search in Pub-Med/Medline and ISI Web of Knowledge, Scielo and manual searchs, searching papers written in English between 1991 and 2014. There were 44 studies in Pub-Med/Medline, 631 in ISI Web of Knowledge, 11 in Scielo and 3 in manual searchs databases. After exclusion of studies for duplicate, unrelated to the topic by title and summary, different samples and methodologies, a meta-analysis of 4 studies was carried out to identify the dose-response relationship. We did not find evidence that mental practice is effective in increasing strength in healthy individuals. There is no evidence that mental practice alone can be effective to induce strength gains or to optimize the training effects.
Tese de Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas Área Científica de Línguas e Culturas
O relatório aqui presente foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar da Escola Superior de Educação do Porto no ano letivo 2014/2015 nas valências de creche e pré-escolar. A prática pedagógica Supervisionada decorreu na XXXX e teve como objetivo permitir o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais da formanda de acordo com o perfil de desempenho definido para o efeito no Decreto - Lei nº241/2001. O presente relatório tem como objetivo efetuar a articulação entre a teoria e a prática, refletindo sobre a mesma. Desta forma, o presente relatório está organizado em três grandes capítulos: o primeiro em que a mestranda fundamenta teoricamente as suas opções pedagógicas, o segundo em que procede à caracterização do grupo e da metodologia de investigação-ação utilizada pela mestranda durante a sua prática e, o terceiro capitulo em que são abordadas algumas das propostas realizadas nos dois contextos de estágio, assim como os resultados obtidos pelas mesmas. É preciso ressalvar que este relatório apresenta o resultado de um trabalho colaborativo entre a mestranda e o seu par pedagógico e as educadoras cooperantes. Apresenta também o trabalho colaborativo com o par pedagógico que realizou a sua prática na XXXX juntamente com a mestranda. Este relatório termina com uma reflexão da formanda sobre as potencialidades e os constrangimentos sentidos no âmbito da prática pedagógica.
Psychosocial interventions have proven to be effective in treating social cognition in people with psychotic disorders. The current study aimed to determine the effects of a metacognitive and social cognition training (MSCT) program, designed to both remediate deficits and correct biases in social cognition. Thirty-five clinically stable outpatients were recruited and assigned to the MSCT program (n = 19) for 10 weeks (18 sessions) or to the TAU group (n = 16), and they all completed pre- and post-treatment assessments of social cognition, cognitive biases, functioning and symptoms. The MSCT group demonstrated a significant improvement in theory of mind, social perception, emotion recognition and social functioning. Additionally, the tendency to jump to conclusions was significantly reduced among the MSCT group after training. There were no differential benefits regarding clinical symptoms except for one trend group effect for general psychopathology. The results support the efficacy of the MSCT format, but further development of the training program is required to increase the benefits related to attributional style.
In this paper we describe a casestudy of an experiment on how reflexivity and technology can enhance learning, by using ePorfolios as a training environment to develop translation skills. Translation is today a multiskilled job and translators need to assure their clients a good performance and quality, both in language and in technology domains. In order to accomplish it, for the translator all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pretranslation and posttranslation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance for collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation, namely in terminology management phases, for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development and usability of ePorfolios.
Translator’s training and assessment has used more and more tools and innovative strategies over the years. The goals and results to achieve haven’t changed much, however: translation quality. In order to accomplish it, the translator and all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pre-translation and post-translation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance of collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation. In this paper we describe a case-study of a pilot experiment on the using of e-portfolios as a translation training tool and discuss their role in the definition of a clear set of objectives and phases for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development of eportfolios.
O papel de cuidador formal é, habitualmente, exercido por profissionais devidamente qualificados, designadamente, médicos, enfermeiros psicólogos, assistentes sociais, terapeutas ocupacionais, fisioterapeutas e auxiliares. A sua formação académica, profissional é específica para o desempenho deste papel, integrada no contexto de uma actividade profissional onde são exercidas competências, no âmbito da saúde. Nos lares, hospitais, instituições comunitárias, entre outros, existem indivíduos que se enquadram no perfil traçado, a actividade é desgastante, quer física, quer psicologicamente, o que muitas vezes facilita o aparecimento da ansiedade e a percepção do stress. O relaxamento enquanto técnica terapêutica poderá atenuar o seu surgimento. Este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar o impacto de um programa de relaxamento, na percepção de stress, nos cuidadores formais do lar da Liga de Amigos de Aguada de Cima. Para este fim, consideramos adequado um estudo do tipo experimental. Assim aplicámos á nossa amostra, dezasseis funcionárias, antes e depois da aplicação do programa de relaxamento progressivo de Jacobson, questionários de auto-preenchimento, adaptados à população portuguesa. Para além disso, nas dezasseis sessões que efectuámos, medimos a tensão arterial e a frequência cardíaca com um esfigmomanómetro digital de pulso, no período antes e depois da implementação do programa. Pela análise dos resultados que obtivemos, constatámos que não houve diferenças significativas do ponto de vista estatístico, entre a ansiedade e a percepção do stress, após o programa de relaxamento Jacobson. Confirmámos porém, que existiram diferenças em alguns itens dos questionários após a implementação do programa de relaxamento, assim como uma diminuição da pressão arterial diastólica e da correlação positiva entre a ansiedade e a percepção de stress. Desta forma, parece existir uma indicação de que o programa de relaxamento progressivo de Jacobson talvez tenha contribuído para minimizar o nível de stress das funcionárias do lar da Liga de Amigos de Aguada de Cima
AGM and Conference in Mechelen 27 – 30 April 2010
This paper deals with the application of an intelligent tutoring approach to delivery training in diagnosis procedures of a Power System. In particular, the mechanisms implemented by the training tool to support the trainees are detailed. This tool is part of an architecture conceived to integrate Power Systems tools in a Power System Control Centre, based on an Ambient Intelligent paradigm. The present work is integrated in the CITOPSY project which main goal is to achieve a better integration between operators and control room applications, considering the needs of people, customizing requirements and forecasting behaviors.
This paper describes an architecture conceived to integrate Power Sys-tems tools in a Power System Control Centre, based on an Ambient Intelligent (AmI) paradigm. This architecture is an instantiation of the generic architecture proposed in [1] for developing systems that interact with AmI environments. This architecture has been proposed as a consequence of a methodology for the inclu-sion of Artificial Intelligence in AmI environments (ISyRAmI - Intelligent Sys-tems Research for Ambient Intelligence). The architecture presented in the paper will be able to integrate two applications in the control room of a power system transmission network. The first is SPARSE expert system, used to get diagnosis of incidents and to support power restoration. The second application is an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) incorporating two training tools. The first tutoring tool is used to train operators to get the diagnosis of incidents. The second one is another tutoring tool used to train operators to perform restoration procedures.
The activity of Control Center operators is important to guarantee the effective performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are crucial to deal with incidents, especially severe faults like blackouts. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Center operators in tasks like incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) approach is used in the training of the operators, having into account context awareness and the unobtrusive integration in the working environment. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques were criteriously used and combined together to obtain an effective Intelligent Tutoring environment, namely Multiagent Systems, Neural Networks, Constraint-based Modeling, Intelligent Planning, Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems, User Modeling, and Intelligent User Interfaces.
Cyber-Physical Systems and Ambient Intelligence are two of the most important and emerging paradigms of our days. The introduction of renewable sources gave origin to a completely different dimension of the distribution generation problem. On the other hand, Electricity Markets introduced a different dimension in the complexity, the economic dimension. Our goal is to study how to proceed with the Intelligent Training of Operators in Power Systems Control Centres, considering the new reality of Renewable Sources, Distributed Generation, and Electricity Markets, under the emerging paradigms of Cyber-Physical Systems and Ambient Intelligence. We propose Intelligent Tutoring Systems as the approach to deal with the intelligent training of operators in these new circumstances.