54 resultados para teachers knowledge
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Este artigo tem como foco o uso de casos multimdia na formao inicial de professores e procura analisar o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento didtico de futuras professoras acerca do ensino exploratrio da Matemtica, bem como apreciar as suas perspetivas sobre as mais-valias do caso multimdia utilizado como recurso formativo. Analisam-se questionrios e relatrios de treze alunas do Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo da Universidade de vora, que trabalharam sobre um caso multimdia que retrata a prtica de ensino de uma professora de 1 ciclo. O caso inclui recursos diversificados, sendo os vdeos de sala de aula complementados com o plano da aula, as resolues da tarefa pelos alunos, as reflexes da professora sobre a sua prtica, um quadro de referncia sobre o ensino exploratrio da Matemtica e artigos tericos sobre ensino de natureza exploratria da Matemtica. As alunas em formao apreciaram conhecer e explorar o caso multimdia, ressaltando a possibilidade de atravs dele conhecerem uma nova prtica real de ensino da Matemtica; sublinharam a importncia de ouvirem as reflexes da professora para dotar de sentido a respetiva prtica, revelando as intenes das suas aes; aprenderam tambm conhecimentos relevantes para pr em prtica o ensino exploratrio, nomeadamente relativos ao conhecimento do processo instrucional, tanto no diz respeito planificao, como conduo da aula.
Nos ltimos anos o conhecimento do professor tem vindo a ser reconhecido como um dos aspetos nucleares no, e para o, desenvolvimento do conhecimento matemtico dos alunos. Atendendo a essa centralidade, a formao dever focar-se onde , efetivamente, necessria, de modo a potenciar um incremento do conhecimento dos alunos, pelo conhecimento (e prticas) dos professores. Sendo os nmeros racionais um dos tpicos problemticos para os alunos, fundamental identificar quais as situaes matematicamente (mais) crticas para os professores de modo que, pela formao facultada, possam deixar de o ser. Neste artigo, tendo por foco o conhecimento matemtico do professor e as suas especificidades, discutimos alguns aspetos desse conhecimento de futuros professores sobre nmeros racionais, em concreto o sentido de nmero racional, identificando as suas componentes mais problemticas e equacionando alguns dos porqus em que se sustentam. Terminamos com algumas consideraes sobre implicaes para a formao de professores e responsabilidade dos seus formadores.
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno do grau de mestre em Educao Matemtica na Educao Pr-escolar e nos 1 e 2 Ciclos do Ensino Bsico
In this paper, we introduce an innovative course in the Portuguese Context, the Master's Course in Integrated Didactics in Mother Tongue, Maths, Natural and Social Sciences, taking place at the Lisbon School of Education and discussing in particular the results of the evaluation made by the students who attended the Curricular Unit - Integrated Didactics (CU-ID). This course was designed for in-service teachers of the first six years of schooling and intends to improve connections between different curriculum areas. In this paper, we start to present a few general ideas about curriculum development; to discuss the concept of integration; to present the principles and objectives of the course created as well as its structure; to describe the methodology used in the evaluation process of the above mentioned CU-ID. The results allow us to state that the students recognized, as positive features of the CU-ID, the presence in all sessions of two teachers simultaneously from different scientific areas, as well as invitations issued to specialists on the subject of integration and to other teachers that already promote forms of integration in schools. As negative features, students noted a lack of integrated purpose, applying simultaneously the four scientific areas of the course, and also indicated the need to be familiar with more models of integrated education. Consequently, the suggestions for improvement derived from these negative features. The students also considered that their evaluation process was correct, due to the fact that it was focused on the design of an integrated project for one of the school years already mentioned.
Develop a new model of Absorptive Capacity taking into account two variables namely Learning and knowledge to explain how companies transform information into knowledge
Today, information overload and the lack of systems that enable locating employees with the right knowledge or skills are common challenges that large organisations face. This makes knowledge workers to re-invent the wheel and have problems to retrieve information from both internal and external resources. In addition, information is dynamically changing and ownership of data is moving from corporations to the individuals. However, there is a set of web based tools that may cause a major progress in the way people collaborate and share their knowledge. This article aims to analyse the impact of Web 2.0 on organisational knowledge strategies. A comprehensive literature review was done to present the academic background followed by a review of current Web 2.0 technologies and assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. As the framework of this study is oriented to business applications, the characteristics of the involved segments and tools were reviewed from an organisational point of view. Moreover, the Enterprise 2.0 paradigm does not only imply tools but also changes the way people collaborate, the way the work is done (processes) and finally impacts on other technologies. Finally, gaps in the literature in this area are outlined.
This paper is research oriented and pretends to contribute toward giving empirical evidence about how students develop their reasoning and how they achieved to a proof construction in school context. Its main theme is epistemology. It describes the way in which four students in 9th Grade explored a task related with the discovery of symmetry axes in various geometric figures. The proof constructed by students had essentially an explaining function and it was related with the symmetry axes of regular polygons. The teachers role in meaning negotiation of the proof and its need is described through illustrative episodes. The paper presents part of a study which purpose is to analyse the nature of mathematical proof in classroom, its role and the nature of the relationship between the construction of a proof and the social interactions. Assuming a social perspective, attention is focussed on the social construction of knowledge and on the structuring resources that shape mathematical experience. The studys methodology has an interpretative nature. One outcome of the study discussed here is that students develop first a practical understanding with no awareness of the reasons founding mathematical statements and after a theoretical one leading them to a proof elaboration.
Este artigo apresenta a problematizao da profissionalidade do docente de Mate-mtica, tomando como referncia quatro critrios de procedimento tico. Estes critrios so usados para focar a competncia profissional e o conhecimento do professor de Matemtica bem como o desenvolvimento profissional e a formao contnua. A problematizao apresentada fundamenta-se em literatura consultada mas sobretudo decorre da reflexo feita no mbito da formao prestada a docen-tes de Matemtica do 2. Ciclo e do conhecimento produzido a partir da prtica de formao.
As teachers, we are challenged everyday to solve pedagogical problems and we have to fight for our students attention in a media rich world. I will talk about how we use ICT in Initial Teacher Training and give you some insight on what we are doing. The most important benefit of using ICT in education is that it makes us reflect on our practice. There is no doubt that our classrooms need to be updated, but we need to be critical about every peace of hardware, software or service that we bring into them. It is not only because our budgets are short, but also because elearning is primarily about learning, not technology. Therefore, we need to have the knowledge and skills required to act in different situations, and choose the best tool for the job. Not all subjects are suitable for elearning, nor do all students have the skills to organize themselves their own study times. Also not all teachers want to spend time programming or learning about instructional design and metadata. The promised land of easy use of authoring tools (e.g. eXe and Reload) that will lead to all teachers become Learning Objects authors and share these LO in Repositories, all this failed, like previously HyperCard, Toolbook and others. We need to know a little bit of many different technologies so we can mobilize this knowledge when a situation requires it: integrate elearning technologies in the classroom, not a flipped classroom, just simple tools. Lecture capture, mobile phones and smartphones, pocket size camcorders, VoIP, VLE, live video broadcast, screen sharing, free services for collaborative work, save, share and sync your files. Do not feel stressed to use everything, every time. Just because we have a whiteboard does not mean we have to make it the centre of the classroom. Start from where you are, with your preferred subject and the tools you master. Them go slowly and try some new tool in a nonformal situation and with just one or two students. And you dont need to be alone: subscribe a mailing list and share your thoughts with other teachers in a dedicated forum, even better if both are part of a community of practice, and share resources. We did that for music teachers and it was a success, in two years arriving at 1.000 members. Just do it.
Lidar com as problemticas da sade, implica um domnio dos processos cognitivos (raciocnio, resoluo de problemas e tomada de deciso) e de desempenhos prticos, o que obriga a afectao de um conjunto de atitudes e comportamentos especficos. Este estudo, implementou e avaliou o impacto de experincias pedaggicas desenvolvidas com os estudantes da unidade curricular Radiologia do Sistema Nervoso (RSN) da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Sade de Lisboa (ESTeSL). Aplicaram-se metodologias de ensino mistas (presenciais e virtuais) utilizadas na leccionao terica e prtica no ano curricular 2008/2009. Para a avaliao do perfil de aprendizagem dos estudantes foi aplicado o mtodo de Honey & Munford e para a avaliao e monitorizao dos conhecimentos aplicaram-se check list baseadas nos contedos programticos. A monitorizao das ferramentas da plataforma moodle complementaram a restante informao. Verificou-se uma progresso de aprendizagem positiva para um grupo de estudantes maioritariamente do estilo reflexivo (mdia=10,6 estudantes). As concluses apontaram para um impacto positivo quanto aplicao das metodologias hbridas com maior ndice de sucesso para a metodologia assncrona. Verificou-se tambm mais flexibilidade no acesso aos contedos porm com algumas limitaes tais como residncia inicial por parte dos estudantes, maior carga de trabalho para os docentes, falta de terminais para acesso plataforma e pouca experincia de todos os envolvidos no domnio e manipulao da plataforma. ABSTRACT - This study focused on the role of cognitive processes (reasoning, problem solving and decision making) and performance practice in the formation of attitudes and behaviours relating to health issues. It was conducted to evaluate the effects of pedagogical experiences on students who participated in the course in radiography in the Nervous System Imaging Unit (RSN) of the Lisbon Health School of Technology. Mixed (face-to-face and virtual) teaching methodologies were used in theory and practice sessions. Honey and Munfords method was used to evaluate the learning profile of students. To monitor and evaluate students knowledge acquisition, check lists based on program topics were applied. Other information was supplied through the learning platform of Moodle. The student group with mostly a reflective learning style increased their knowledge. The asynchronous method was shown to produce a higher success rate and more flexibility in accessing content but also registered some limitations such as resistance by students, increased workload for teachers, lack of access to the platform and inexperience of all involved in handling the platform.
ISME, Thessaloniki, 2012
A problemtica da insero profissional dos novos professores tem sido largamente estudada sob vrias perspetivas das quais destacamos, as dificuldades enfrentadas no incio do seu desempenho como docentes (Alen y Sardi, 2009) Krichesky y Merodo (2009), o vinculo entre insero e identidade profissional (Martineau y Portelance, 2005), o desenvolvimento da competncia tica nos novos professores (St. Vincent 2011) e as trajetrias de emprego, entre outras.Os resultados destas pesquisas tm revelado o tipo de problemas enfrentados pelos novos professores entrada na carreira docente e confirmado que nem todos os percursos se iniciam de modo tranquilo e sereno. esta a problemtica que serve de base ao objeto de estudo desta dissertao, pretendendo-se mais precisamente, centrar a nossa pesquisa no percurso profissional de seis professores diplomados pela Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa h dois anos. O objetivo geral do estudo , assim, descrever e compreender o desenvolvimento profissional desses professores, identificar as dimenses mais relevantes, os fatores que o condicionam e os contextos que o limitam ou facilitam. Tendo em conta o objeto de estudo identificaram-se as seguintes questes: 1) Quais as implicaes da formao inicial no desempenho da profisso? 2) Quais as principais dificuldades / problemas com que se defrontaram os novos professores na insero na profisso?; 3) Como atuam os professores principiantes?; O que mudam nas suas prticas, o que perdura?; 4) Como se incrementa o sentimento de pertena ao novo grupo profissional?; 5) Quais as particularidades dos contextos de trabalho em que estes professores se encontram integrados que se revelam facilitadoras e/ou constrangedoras da sua insero profissional? Para o efeito recorremos a uma metodologia qualitativa, e privilegimos como tcnica de recolha de dados a entrevista semiestruturada. Para o tratamento dos dados sustentmo-nos na anlise de contedo seguindo os passos recomendados para a anlise de contedo (Bardin, 2009). Os resultados do estudo permitiram identificar os constrangimentos experimentados por estes professores entrada da profisso, assim como os modos como os ultrapassaram. Destes, destacam-se dificuldades relacionadas com a falta de autonomia, com aspetos de natureza metodolgica, ao nvel da organizao e desenvolvimento curricular e de relacionamento com os elementos da direo das instituies nos contextos de trabalho.Abstract The issue of employability of new teachers has been widely studied from various perspectives. Research has revealed the sort of problems faced by new teachers at the beginning of their career. It confirms that frequently it is not a peaceful and serene start. We highlight the following difficulties: the link between integration and professional identity (Alen y Sardi, 2009; Krichesky y Merodo, 2009), the development of ethical competence in new teachers (y Portelance Martineau, 2005), and the professional path (St. Vincent 2011). This is the hypothesis explored in this thesis. Specifically, we focus our research on the career of six graduate teachers by the Lisbon School of Education. The main objective is to describe and understand the professional development of these teachers. For that we identify the most relevant dimensions, the factors that constrain and contexts that limit or facilitate their development. A qualitative methodology was used throughout the study. Semi structured interviews were the main data collection process. Data treatment followed the recommended framework for content analysis (Bardin, 2009). The following research questions were put forward: 1) What are the impacts of base level of knowledge in the professional performance? 2) What are the main difficulties / problems that new teachers face? 3) How do novice teachers perform? What changes in their methods, what endures? 4) What increases the feeling of belonging to the new professional group? 5) What are the peculiarities of work contexts that act as facilitators and/or barriers to professional acceptance? The results allowed identifying the constraints experienced by teachers at the beginning of their careers, and the ways to surpass them. We highlight the difficulties related to: lack of autonomy; methodologies; curricular organization and development; and the relationship with the directors at their workplace.
This work describes a methodology to extract symbolic rules from trained neural networks. In our approach, patterns on the network are codified using formulas on a Lukasiewicz logic. For this we take advantage of the fact that every connective in this multi-valued logic can be evaluated by a neuron in an artificial network having, by activation function the identity truncated to zero and one. This fact simplifies symbolic rule extraction and allows the easy injection of formulas into a network architecture. We trained this type of neural network using a back-propagation algorithm based on Levenderg-Marquardt algorithm, where in each learning iteration, we restricted the knowledge dissemination in the network structure. This makes the descriptive power of produced neural networks similar to the descriptive power of Lukasiewicz logic language, minimizing the information loss on the translation between connectionist and symbolic structures. To avoid redundance on the generated network, the method simplifies them in a pruning phase, using the "Optimal Brain Surgeon" algorithm. We tested this method on the task of finding the formula used on the generation of a given truth table. For real data tests, we selected the Mushrooms data set, available on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Este estudo pretende descrever e compreender o processo formativo dos professores do 1 ciclo do Ensino Bsico, no contexto do Programa Nacional de Ensino do Portugus (PNEP), as suas dimenses mais relevantes e como percecionada a superviso nesse processo de formao contnua. A metodologia adotada nesta investigao foi de natureza qualitativa e baseou-se num conjunto de entrevistas semi-diretivas realizadas a formandos que frequentaram o PNEP entre 2008/2010. Dos resultados obtidos foi possvel verificar o impacto positivo que esta modalidade de formao contnua teve no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores preparando-os para a implementao do novo programa de portugus e permitindo-lhes desmistificar o papel do supervisor atravs da participao numa experincia de superviso. O trabalho colaborativo entre professores emergiu durante este processo formativo fomentando a construo de saber em colaborao. A prtica pedaggica dos professores apresentou mudanas que pretenderam repercutir-se no aproveitamento dos alunos na rea da lngua portuguesa. - Abstract This study aims to comprehend and describe the formative process and practice of teachers in Basic education (1st Cycle), in the context of the National Programme for the Teaching of Portuguese Language (PNEP), its most relevant dimensions, the factors which affected it and how supervision was perceived by the teachers involved. A qualitative approach was used, based on semi-directed interviews done to teachers that attended the PNEP, from 2008 to 2010. The impact of this type of continuing training on teachers professional development was positive. They felt prepared for the implementation of the new Portuguese Language Programme. They also demystified the role of the supervisor through the participation in an experience of supervision. The teachers collaborative work emerged during this formative process, promoting the construction of knowledge among teachers. Added to this, teachers pedagogical practice also improved reflected on the students proficiency in the Portuguese language.
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Cincias da Educao, especialidade em Superviso em Educao