12 resultados para shape memory alloy,shape memory polymers,effetto memoria di forma
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
In this paper, we propose a new technique that can identify transaction-local memory (i.e. captured memory), in managed environments, while having a low runtime overhead. We implemented our proposal in a well known STM framework (Deuce) and we tested it in STMBench7 with two different STMs: TL2 and LSA. In both STMs the performance improved significantly (4 times and 2.6 times, respectively). Moreover, running the STAMP benchmarks with our approach shows improvements of 7 times in the best case for the Vacation application.
We have calculated the shapes of flat liquid films, and of the transition region to the associated Plateau borders (PBs), by integrating the Laplace equation with a position-dependent surface tension γ(x), where 2x is the local film thickness. We discuss films in either zero or non-zero gravity, using standard γ(x) potentials for the interaction between the two bounding surfaces. We have investigated the effects of the film flatness, liquid underpressure, and gravity on the shape of films and their PBs. Films may exhibit 'humps' and/or 'dips' associated with inflection points and minima of the film thickness. Finally, we propose an asymptotic analytical solution for the film width profile.
We prove existence, uniqueness, and stability of solutions of the prescribed curvature problem (u'/root 1 + u'(2))' = au - b/root 1 + u'(2) in [0, 1], u'(0) = u(1) = 0, for any given a > 0 and b > 0. We also develop a linear monotone iterative scheme for approximating the solution. This equation has been proposed as a model of the corneal shape in the recent paper (Okrasinski and Plociniczak in Nonlinear Anal., Real World Appl. 13:1498-1505, 2012), where a simplified version obtained by partial linearization has been investigated.
We prove existence, uniqueness, and stability of solutions of the prescribed curvature problem (u'/root 1 + u'(2))' = au - b/root 1 + u'(2) in [0, 1], u'(0) = u(1) = 0, for any given a > 0 and b > 0. We also develop a linear monotone iterative scheme for approximating the solution. This equation has been proposed as a model of the corneal shape in the recent paper (Okrasinski and Plociniczak in Nonlinear Anal., Real World Appl. 13:1498-1505, 2012), where a simplified version obtained by partial linearization has been investigated.
An aneurysm is a localized blood-filled dilatation of an artery whose consequences can be deadly. One of its current treatments is endovascular aneurysm repair, a minimally invasive procedure in which an endoprosthesis, called a stent-graft, is placed transluminally to prevent wall rupture. Early stent-grafts were custom designed for the patient through the assembling of off-the-shelf components by the operating surgeon. However, nowadays, stent-grafts have become a commercial product. The existing endoprostheses differ in several aspects, such as shape design and materials, but they have in common a metallic scaffold with a polymeric covering membrane. This article aims to gather relevant information for those who wish to understand the principles of stent-grafts and even to develop new devices. Hence, a stent-graft classification based on different characteristics is presented and the desired features for an ideal device are pointed out. Additionally, the materials currently in use to fabricate this type of endoprosthesis are reviewed and new materials are suggested.
Nesta tese estudamos os efeitos de contágio financeiro e de memória longa causados pelas crises financeiras de 2008 e 2010 em alguns mercados acionistas internacionais. A tese é composta por três ensaios interligados. No Ensaio 1, recorremos à teoria das cópulas para testar a existência de contágio e revelar os canais “investor induced” de transmissão da crise de 2008 aos mercados da Bélgica, França, Holanda e Portugal (grupo NYSE Euronext). Concluímos que existe contágio nestes mercados, que o canal “portfolio rebalancing” é o mecanismo mais importante de transmissão da crise, e que o fenómeno “flight to quality” está presente nos mercados. No Ensaio 2, usando novamente modelos de cópulas, avaliamos os efeitos de contágio provocados pelo mercado acionista grego nos mercados do grupo NYSE Euronext, no contexto da crise de 2010. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que durante a crise de 2010 apenas o mercado português foi objeto de contágio; além disso, conclui-se que os efeitos de contágio provocados pela crise de 2008 são claramente superiores aos efeitos provocados pela crise de 2010. No Ensaio 3, abordamos o tema da memória longa através do estudo do expoente de Hurst dos mercados acionistas da Bélgica, E.U.A., França, Grécia, Holanda, Japão, Reino Unido e Portugal. Verificamos que as propriedades de memória longa dos mercados foram afetadas pelas crises, especialmente a de 2008 – que aumentou a memória longa dos mercados e tornou-os mais persistentes. Finalmente, usando cópulas mais uma vez, verificamos que as crises provocaram, em geral, um aumento na correlação entre os expoentes de Hurst locais dos mercados foco das crises (E.U.A. e Grécia) e os expoentes de Hurst locais dos outros mercados da amostra, sugerindo que o expoente de Hurst pode ser utilizado para detetar efeitos de contágio financeiro. Em síntese, os resultados desta tese sugerem que comparativamente com períodos de acalmia, os períodos de crises financeiras tendem a provocar ineficiência nos mercados acionistas e a conduzi-los na direção da persistência e do contágio financeiro.
A double pi'npin heterostructure based on amorphous SiC has a non linear spectral gain which is a function of the signal wavelength that impinges on its front or back surface. An impulse of a configurable length and amplitude is applied to a 390 nm LED which illuminates one of the sensor surfaces, followed by a time period without any illumination after which an input signal with a different wavelength is impinged upon the front surface. Results show that the intensity and duration of the impulse illumination of the surfaces influences the sensor's response with different output for the same input signal. This paper studies this effect and proposes an application as a short term light memory. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas/ Escritas de Cena.
We have calculated the equilibrium shape of the axially symmetric meniscus along which a spherical bubble contacts a flat liquid surface by analytically integrating the Young-Laplace equation in the presence of gravity, in the limit of large Bond numbers. This method has the advantage that it provides semianalytical expressions for key geometrical properties of the bubble in terms of the Bond number. Results are in good overall agreement with experimental data and are consistent with fully numerical (Surface Evolver) calculations. In particular, we are able to describe how the bubble shape changes from hemispherical, with a flat, shallow bottom, to lenticular, with a deeper, curved bottom, as the Bond number is decreased.
We introduce a simple model for a biaxial nematic liquid crystal. This consists of hard spheroids that can switch shape between prolate (rodlike) and oblate (platelike) subject to an energy penalty Δε. The spheroids are approximated as hard Gaussian overlap particles and are treated at the level of Onsager's second-virial description. We use both bifurcation analysis and a numerical minimization of the free energy to show that, for additive particle shapes, (i) there is no stable biaxial phase even for Δε=0 (although there is a metastable biaxial phase in the same density range as the stable uniaxial phase) and (ii) the isotropic-to-nematic transition is into either one of two degenerate uniaxial phases, rod rich or plate rich. We confirm that even a small amount of shape nonadditivity may stabilize the biaxial nematic phase.
Even though Software Transactional Memory (STM) is one of the most promising approaches to simplify concurrent programming, current STM implementations incur significant overheads that render them impractical for many real-sized programs. The key insight of this work is that we do not need to use the same costly barriers for all the memory managed by a real-sized application, if only a small fraction of the memory is under contention lightweight barriers may be used in this case. In this work, we propose a new solution based on an approach of adaptive object metadata (AOM) to promote the use of a fast path to access objects that are not under contention. We show that this approach is able to make the performance of an STM competitive with the best fine-grained lock-based approaches in some of the more challenging benchmarks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Experimental optoelectronic characterization of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/pi(a-Si:H)-n heterostructure with low conductivity doped layers shows the feasibility of tailoring channel bandwidth and wavelength by optical bias through back and front side illumination. Front background enhances light-to-dark sensitivity of the long and medium wavelength range, and strongly quenches the others. Back violet background enhances the magnitude in short wavelength range and reduces the others. Experiments have three distinct programmed time slots: control, hibernation and data. Throughout the control time slot steady light wavelengths illuminate either or both sides of the device, followed by the hibernation without any background illumination. The third time slot allows a programmable sequence of different wavelengths with an impulse frequency of 6000Hz to shine upon the sensor. Results show that the control time slot illumination has an influence on the data time slot which is used as a volatile memory with the set, reset logical functions. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.