5 resultados para federated search engine
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Este trabalho tem como objectivo apresentar as ferramentas do Lean Thinking e realizar um estudo de caso numa organização em que este sistema é utilizado. Numa primeira fase do trabalho será feito uma análise bibliográfica sobre o ―Lean Thinking”, que consiste num sistema de negócios, uma forma de especificar valor e delinear a melhor sequência de acções que criam valor. Em seguida, será realizado um estudo de caso numa Empresa – Divisão de Motores – no ramo da aeronáutica com uma longa e conceituada tradição com o objectivo de reduzir o TAT (turnaround time – tempo de resposta), ou seja, o tempo desde a entrada de um motor na divisão até à entrega ao cliente. Primeiramente, analisando as falhas existentes em todo o processo do motor, isto é, a análise de tempos de reparação de peças à desmontagem do motor que têm que estar disponíveis à montagem do mesmo, peças que são requisitadas a outros departamentos da Empresa e as mesmas não estão disponíveis quando são precisas passando pelo layout da divisão. Por fim, fazer uma análise dos resultados até então alcançados na divisão de Motores e aplicar as ferramentas do ―Lean Thinking‖ com o objectivo da implementação. É importante referir que a implementação bem-sucedida requer, em primeiro lugar e acima de tudo, um firme compromisso da administração com uma completa adesão à cultura da procura e eliminação de desperdício. Para concluir o trabalho, destaca-se a importância deste sistema e quais são as melhorias que se podem conseguir com a sua implantação.
We study the implications of the searches based on H -> tau(+)tau-by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations on the parameter space of the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). In the 2HDM, the scalars can decay into a tau pair with a branching ratio larger than the SM one, leading to constraints on the 2HDM parameter space. We show that in model II, values of tan beta > 1.8 are definitively excluded if the pseudoscalar is in the mass range 110 GeV < m(A) < 145 GeV. We have also discussed the implications for the 2HDM of the recent dimuon search by the ATLAS collaboration for a CP-odd scalar in the mass range 4-12 GeV.
The salient feature of liquid crystal elastomers and networks is strong coupling between orientational order and mechanical strain. Orientational order can be changed by a wide variety of stimuli, including the presence of moisture. Changes in the orientation of constituents give rise to stresses and strains, which result in changes in sample shape. We have utilized this effect to build soft cellulose-based motor driven by humidity. The motor consists of a circular loop of cellulose film, which passes over two wheels. When humid air is present near one of the wheels on one side of the film, with drier air elsewhere, rotation of the wheels results. As the wheels rotate, the humid film dries. The motor runs so long as the difference in humidity is maintained. Our cellulose liquid crystal motor thus extracts mechanical work from a difference in humidity.
Locating and identifying points as global minimizers is, in general, a hard and time-consuming task. Difficulties increase in the impossibility of using the derivatives of the functions defining the problem. In this work, we propose a new class of methods suited for global derivative-free constrained optimization. Using direct search of directional type, the algorithm alternates between a search step, where potentially good regions are located, and a poll step where the previously located promising regions are explored. This exploitation is made through the launching of several instances of directional direct searches, one in each of the regions of interest. Differently from a simple multistart strategy, direct searches will merge when sufficiently close. The goal is to end with as many direct searches as the number of local minimizers, which would easily allow locating the global extreme value. We describe the algorithmic structure considered, present the corresponding convergence analysis and report numerical results, showing that the proposed method is competitive with currently commonly used global derivative-free optimization solvers.
In order to correctly assess the biaxial fatigue material properties one must experimentally test different load conditions and stress levels. With the rise of new in-plane biaxial fatigue testing machines, using smaller and more efficient electrical motors, instead of the conventional hydraulic machines, it is necessary to reduce the specimen size and to ensure that the specimen geometry is appropriate for the load capacity installed. At the present time there are no standard specimen's geometries and the indications on literature how to design an efficient test specimen are insufficient. The main goal of this paper is to present the methodology on how to obtain an optimal cruciform specimen geometry, with thickness reduction in the gauge area, appropriate for fatigue crack initiation, as a function of the base material sheet thickness used to build the specimen. The geometry is optimized for maximum stress using several parameters, ensuring that in the gauge area the stress distributions on the loading directions are uniform and maximum with two limit phase shift loading conditions (delta = 0 degrees and (delta = 180 degrees). Therefore the fatigue damage will always initiate on the center of the specimen, avoiding failure outside this region. Using the Renard Series of preferred numbers for the base material sheet thickness as a reference, the reaming geometry parameters are optimized using a derivative-free methodology, called direct multi search (DMS) method. The final optimal geometry as a function of the base material sheet thickness is proposed, as a guide line for cruciform specimens design, and as a possible contribution for a future standard on in-plane biaxial fatigue tests