20 resultados para eXtended finite element method

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia


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This study was carried out with the aim of modeling in 2D, in plain strain, the movement of a soft cohesive soil around a pile, in order to enable the determination of stresses resulting along the pile, per unit length. The problem in study fits into the large deformations problem and can be due to landslide, be close of depth excavations, to be near of zones where big loads are applied in the soil, etc. In this study is used an constitutive Elasto-Plastic model with the failure criterion of Mohr-Coulomb to model the soil behavior. The analysis is developed considering the soil in undrained conditions. To the modeling is used the finite element program PLAXIS, which use the Updated Lagrangian - Finite Element Method (UL-FEM). In this work, special attention is given to the soil-pile interaction, where is presented with some detail the formulation of the interface elements and some studies for a better understand of his behavior. It is developed a 2-D model that simulates the effect of depth allowing the study of his influence in the stress distribution around the pile. The results obtained give an important base about how behaves the movement of the soil around a pile, about how work the finite element program PLAXIS and how is the stress distribution around the pile. The analysis demonstrate that the soil-structure interaction modeled with the UL-FEM and interface elements is more appropriate to small deformations problems.


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A package of B-spline finite strip models is developed for the linear analysis of piezolaminated plates and shells. This package is associated to a global optimization technique in order to enhance the performance of these types of structures, subjected to various types of objective functions and/or constraints, with discrete and continuous design variables. The models considered are based on a higher-order displacement field and one can apply them to the static, free vibration and buckling analyses of laminated adaptive structures with arbitrary lay-ups, loading and boundary conditions. Genetic algorithms, with either binary or floating point encoding of design variables, were considered to find optimal locations of piezoelectric actuators as well as to determine the best voltages applied to them in order to obtain a desired structure shape. These models provide an overall economy of computing effort for static and vibration problems.


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Functionally graded materials are composite materials wherein the composition of the constituent phases can vary in a smooth continuous way with a gradation which is function of its spatial coordinates. This characteristic proves to be an important issue as it can minimize abrupt variations of the material properties which are usually responsible for localized high values of stresses, and simultaneously providing an effective thermal barrier in specific applications. In the present work, it is studied the static and free vibration behaviour of functionally graded sandwich plate type structures, using B-spline finite strip element models based on different shear deformation theories. The effective properties of functionally graded materials are estimated according to Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. These sandwich structures can also consider the existence of outer skins of piezoelectric materials, thus achieving them adaptive characteristics. The performance of the models, are illustrated through a set of test cases. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The diaphragm is a muscular membrane separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities, and its motion is directly linked to respiration. In this study, using data from a 59-year-old female cadaver obtained from the Visible Human Project, the diaphragm is reconstructed and, from the corresponding solid object, a shell finite element mesh is generated and used in several analyses performed with the ABAQUS 6.7 software. These analyses consider the direction of the muscle fibres and the incompressibility of the tissue. The constitutive model for the isotropic strain energy as well as the passive and active strain energy stored in the fibres is adapted from Humphrey's model for cardiac muscles. Furthermore, numerical results for the diaphragmatic floor under pressure and active contraction in normal and pathological cases are presented.


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A previously developed model is used to numerically simulate real clinical cases of the surgical correction of scoliosis. This model consists of one-dimensional finite elements with spatial deformation in which (i) the column is represented by its axis; (ii) the vertebrae are assumed to be rigid; and (iii) the deformability of the column is concentrated in springs that connect the successive rigid elements. The metallic rods used for the surgical correction are modeled by beam elements with linear elastic behavior. To obtain the forces at the connections between the metallic rods and the vertebrae geometrically, non-linear finite element analyses are performed. The tightening sequence determines the magnitude of the forces applied to the patient column, and it is desirable to keep those forces as small as possible. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm optimization is applied to this model in order to determine the sequence that minimizes the corrective forces applied during the surgery. This amounts to find the optimal permutation of integers 1, ... , n, n being the number of vertebrae involved. As such, we are faced with a combinatorial optimization problem isomorph to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The fitness evaluation requires one computing intensive Finite Element Analysis per candidate solution and, thus, a parallel implementation of the Genetic Algorithm is developed.


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As comportas de vigas de fundo, objecto de estudo no presente trabalho, são essenciais devido à sua capacidade de controlo do fluxo de água em casos de emergência. Assim este trabalho visou o dimensionamento e análise estrutural de uma comporta dessa natureza. Para o seu dimensionamento foi essencial a norma DIN19704-1:1998, que define todos os padrões que devem ser levados em conta numa construção hidráulica em aço. Deste modo, após uma breve descrição do enquadramento e do estado da arte relativamente a este assunto, foram apresentados ao longo do trabalho, os cálculos dos principais componentes mecânicos que fazem parte dum projecto de uma comporta de vigas. Para comprovar a validade do dimensionamento da comporta realizado através da norma, recorreu-se a um software de análise e simulação por elementos finitos, COSMOSWorks, no sentido de assim prever o comportamento mecânico em análise estática linear, que as solicitações mecânicas em presença têm sobre a comporta. Os resultados da comparação entre o dimensionamento teórico e a análise de tensões através do COSMOSWorks nos elementos mais críticos da estrutura, permitem concluir globalmente que a comporta está bem dimensionada tendo em conta os esforços que tem de suportar.


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Este trabalho teve como objectivo o estudo de um sistema de levitação magnética com chumaceiras supercondutoras, para utilização numa fonte de alimentação de energia eléctrica ininterrupta, que usa um volante de inércia como sistema de armazenamento de energia. Partindo de um modelo comercial existente, foi modelizada a substituição do sistema de levitação por um sistema com chumaceiras supercondutoras. Foi feito o dimensionamento do magnete permanente e do supercondutor de forma a atingir-se a força de levitação magnética necessária para elevar o rotor da máquina, garantindo simultaneamente a máxima estabilidade do sistema. Os perfis de distribuição do campo magnético no volante de inércia foram modelizados recorrendo ao método dos elementos finitos, através da utilização do software Ansys. O cálculo da força de levitação foi efectuado recorrendo ao software MATHEMATICA.


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Nesta dissertação pretende-se simular o comportamento dinâmico de uma laje de betão armado aplicando o Método de Elementos Finitos através da sua implementação no programa FreeFEM++. Este programa permite-nos a análise do modelo matemático tridimensional da Teoria da Elasticidade Linear, englobando a Equação de Equilíbrio, Equação de Compatibilidade e Relações Constitutivas. Tratando-se de um problema dinâmico é necessário recorrer a métodos numéricos de Integração Directa de modo a obter a resposta em termos de deslocamento ao longo do tempo. Para este trabalho escolhemos o Método de Newmark e o Método de Euler para a discretização temporal, um pela sua popularidade e o outro pela sua simplicidade de implementação. Os resultados obtidos pelo FreeFEM++ são validados através da comparação com resultados adquiridos a partir do SAP2000 e de Soluções Teóricas, quando possível.


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Apresenta-se a modelização, através do Método dos Elementos Finitos, de um sistema de proteção automática de comboios, denominado DTAV – Dispositivo de Travagem Automático de Via. A modelização é realizada com o auxílio do software Ansys 13.0. Descreve-se a evolução histórica dos sistemas de proteção automática de comboios, desde a época vitoriana até à atualidade. São categorizados os vários tipos de sistemas de proteção existentes, consoante as suas funcionalidades e os seus princípios físicos de funcionamento. É apresentada uma breve descrição da normalização em vigor, aplicada aos sistemas de proteção automáticos de comboios. Descreve-se em pormenor o sistema DTAV, nomeadamente a sua funcionalidade, o seu princípio físico de funcionamento e o conjunto de equipamentos de que é constituído. Apresenta-se uma breve introdução sobre o método dos elementos finitos, enquadrando o modelo criado com os princípios físicos em que se fundamenta, nomeadamente através da descrição das equações de eletromagnetismo. Desenvolve-se modelo do sistema DTAV, evidenciado as etapas da construção e os resultados obtidos, validados por um conjunto de especificações e ensaios prévios realizados em laboratório.


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This paper is a contribution for the assessment and comparison of magnet properties based on magnetic field characteristics particularly concerning the magnetic induction uniformity in the air gaps. For this aim, a solver was developed and implemented to determine the magnetic field of a magnetic core to be used in Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry. The electromagnetic field computation is based on a 2D finite-element method (FEM) using both the scalar and the vector potential formulation. Results for the magnetic field lines and the magnetic induction vector in the air gap are presented. The target magnetic induction is 0.2 T, which is a typical requirement of the FFC NMR technique, which can be achieved with a magnetic core based on permanent magnets or coils. In addition, this application requires high magnetic induction uniformity. To achieve this goal, a solution including superconducting pieces is analyzed. Results are compared with a different FEM program.


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: In this work we derive an analytical solution given by Bessel series to the transient and one-dimensional (1D) bioheat transfer equation in a multi-layer region with spatially dependent heat sources. Each region represents an independent biological tissue characterized by temperature-invariant physiological parameters and a linearly temperature dependent metabolic heat generation. Moreover, 1D Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates are used to define the geometry and temperature boundary conditions of first, second and third kinds are assumed at the inner and outer surfaces. We present two examples of clinical applications for the developed solution. In the first one, we investigate two different heat source terms to simulate the heating in a tumor and its surrounding tissue, induced during a magnetic fluid hyperthermia technique used for cancer treatment. To obtain an accurate analytical solution, we determine the error associated with the truncated Bessel series that defines the transient solution. In the second application, we explore the potential of this model to study the effect of different environmental conditions in a multi-layered human head model (brain, bone and scalp). The convective heat transfer effect of a large blood vessel located inside the brain is also investigated. The results are further compared with a numerical solution obtained by the Finite Element Method and computed with COMSOL Multi-physics v4.1 (c). (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas