15 resultados para documentation management
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The aim of this paper is concerned with the design and development of a functional framework for maritime mode integration in European automotive supply chain management when considering outbound distribution. Furthermore, it provides a readjustment of traditional concepts and terminology with findings that the role of ro-ro port terminals should be considered as decoupling points, poles and postponement platforms. Case studies examine relevant Western European ro-ro port terminals for cars and respective links to assembly/factories of vehicles localized in the hinterland and concludes that ro-ro port terminals reduce logistical friction and impedance, as well as promote space/time compression.
O papel crucial da escola na sociedade e o exercício da atividade profissional como docente, com um olhar atento sobre o traçar das políticas educativas, motivou a elaboração deste trabalho de investigação, que tem como objeto de estudo os papéis desempenhados pelos diretores das escolas estatais e não estatais e como objetivos específicos estudar o impacto da legislação emanada pela tutela, nas escolas públicas e privadas e analisar as convergências e divergências nas conceções e práticas dos seus diretores. As dimensões analíticas exploradas no estudo abrangem as conceções gestionárias dos diretores quanto aos modelos de gestão, às práticas de autonomia, ao serviço educativo e à prestação de contas. Este trabalho de natureza qualitativa foca o olhar sobre um grupo restrito de atores educativos que foram escolhidos devido ao papel que desempenham na organização educativa e porque a publicação do Decreto- Lei 75/ 2008 de 22 de abril, trouxe alterações à escola pública. A tradição de direção colegial que vigorava nas organizações educativas estatais foi quebrada. O presidente do conselho diretivo é doravante substituído pelo diretor que passa a delegar competências, a designar equipas e a prestar contas à tutela e comunidade educativa à semelhança do diretor da escola privada. O estudo de caso apresentado foi realizado em três escolas públicas e em três colégios privados com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas e à análise documental. As conclusões deste trabalho remetem para a existência de muitos pontos de convergência entre a opinião dos diretores da escola pública e privada. As temáticas relativas à autonomia, escolha do pessoal docente e prestação de contas, são olhadas pela mesma perspetiva. A autonomia é vista como “uma miragem”; uma “terra prometida” (Lima e Afonso, 1995). A prestação de contas é exigida aos diretores do ensino estatal e do privado através de instrumentos próximos. As principais divergências situam-se ao nível do menor interesse demonstrado, por parte da direção da escola privada, pela oferta de cursos profissionais e pelo menor investimento em estratégias para a prevenção do abandono escolar, que é considerado pouco significativo na escola não estatal. A defesa da escolha de escola e da modalidade de cheque ensino são outros dos pontos que marcam a divergência entre estes diretores. Abstract: This investigative paper - whose objective is the study of the role of the school directors, both State and non-state, and the impact of legislation on both State and private schools, as well as the analysis of the convergent and divergent conceptions and practices of these directors – is motivated by the crucial role played by schools in our society and by the professional activity of the teacher, with an attentive look at the educational practices. The analytical dimension explored in this study includes the various concepts of management of the school director as models of management, as well as practices in self-sufficiency, budget control and educational service to the community. This study has a qualitative nature and focuses on a small group of individuals who were chosen for the role they play in the whole educational structure, considering that the Decree nº 75/2008, published on April the 22nd, determined alterations to the public school system. The traditional method of control of the public school system has, henceforth, been changed. The headmaster is now substituted by a director who delegates his functions, makes up work teams and elaborates the school budget which is presented to the respective governmental ministry and the community, much like as what happens in private schools. The present study encompasses three public schools and three private schools, the methods of study being semi-structured interviews as well as the consultation of documentation. The conclusions point to many convergent opinions of the school directors of both the public and the private sector. The school directors of both public and private schools used in this study share the same opinion as to the factors involved in the selection of teachers, the elaboration of the school budget and the implementation of self-sufficiency policies. These self-sufficiency policies are seen as a “mirage” or a “promised land” (Lima and Afonso, 1995). The school budget and its management practices are implemented in both public and private schools through similar instruments. The principal differences are noted on smaller, less interesting points, on the part of the direction of the private schools, and result from the elaboration of professional courses and minor investment in the strategies, oriented to the prevention of school drop-outs, which is considered of little significance in the private school sector. The other factors of divergence result from the right to choose the type of school desired and the type of teaching implemented.
In this paper, a novel mixed-integer nonlinear approach is proposed to solve the short-term hydro scheduling problem in the day-ahead electricity market, considering not only head-dependency, but also start/stop of units, discontinuous operating regions and discharge ramping constraints. Results from a case study based on one of the main Portuguese cascaded hydro energy systems are presented, showing that the proposedmixed-integer nonlinear approach is proficient. Conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sendo os desperdícios “Waste” associados à atividade industrial em Portugal e nos mercados globais e os seus custos inerentes, uma das maiores preocupações a todos os níveis de gestão empresarial, a filosofia “Lean” nasce como ajuda e encaminhamento na solução desta problemática. O conceito “Lean”, no que se refere à indústria, desde sempre e até aos dias de hoje, tem uma enorme ênfase, com a adoção deste conceito.Verificam-se bons resultados ao nível da redução de custos, melhoria da qualidade geral dos artigos produzidos, no controlo da produção em geral e é uma poderosa ferramenta no estreitamento da relação entre os diferentes intervenientes da cadeia de valor de determinado produto, sobretudo com fornecedores e com clientes. Com “Lean Management” e “Glass Wall Management”, em ambientes onde as empresas mais avançadas estão a procurar melhorar a sua competitividade através de uma gestão transparente (“Glass Wall Management”), a partir da qual, “toda informação relevante é compartilhada de maneira a que todos entendam a situação”(Suzaki, K, 1993), ganha cada vez mais importância a existência de uma estrutura organizacional que permita esta transparência e a consequente maturidade das empresas. Neste trabalho foram descritos alguns processos de gestão transparente desenvolvidos nos últimos dois anos numa PME portuguesa, aprofundando o processo de gestão transparente vigente e as ferramentas que ajudam a empresa e que na sua globalidade poderão ser extrapoladas a outras PME Portuguesas de modo que a informação importante e relevante seja partilhada por todos os intervenientes na estrutura empresarial, sendo entendida e desenvolvida por todos através de Edições e Revisões aos documentos mais importantes da empresa. Neste estudo foram contactadas vinte e uma PME’S portuguesas de tipologia de produção MTO (Make to Order) do sector dos estofos/mobiliário, e solicitado o preenchimento de um Questionário, tendo como fim em vista, a verificação do uso desta metodologia “Glass Wall Management” à escala empresarial portuguesa e a interpretação do Conceito Geral “Lean” como filosofia de redução de materiais, tempos e custos.
In general, modern networks are analysed by taking several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into account, their proper balance being required in order to guarantee a desired Quality of Service (QoS), particularly, cellular wireless heterogeneous networks. A model to integrate a set of KPIs into a single one is presented, by using a Cost Function that includes these KPIs, providing for each network node a single evaluation parameter as output, and reflecting network conditions and common radio resource management strategies performance. The proposed model enables the implementation of different network management policies, by manipulating KPIs according to users' or operators' perspectives, allowing for a better QoS. Results show that different policies can in fact be established, with a different impact on the network, e.g., with median values ranging by a factor higher than two.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Contrary to fungi, exposure to mycotoxins is not usually identified as a risk factor present in occupational settings. This is probably due to the inexistence of limits regarding concentration of airborne mycotoxins, and also due to the fact that these compounds are rarely monitored in occupational environments. Despite the optimal conditions for fungal growth and, consequently, for mycotoxins production in all the waste management chain, only a few articles were dedicated to study occupational exposure to mycotoxins in this occupational setting. Aim of study: A study was developed in Portugal aiming to assess occupational co-exposure to mycotoxins in the waste management setting.
Fungi are essential to the survival of our global ecology, but they might pose a significant threat to the health of occupants when they grow in our buildings. The exposure to fungi in homes is a significant risk factor for a number of respiratory symptoms. Well-known illnesses caused by fungi include allergy and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Environmental monitoring for fungi and their disease agents are important aspects of exposure assessment, but few guidelines exist for interpreting their health impacts. This book answers the questions: How does one detect and measure the presence of indoor fungi? What is an acceptable level of indoor fungi? How do we relate this information to human health problems?
Mestrado em Auditoria
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Manutenção
This paper develops an energy management system with integration of smart meters for electricity consumers in a smart grid context. The integration of two types of smart meters (SM) are developed: (i) consumer owned SM and (ii) distributor owned SM. The consumer owned SM runs over a wireless platform - ZigBee protocol and the distributor owned SM uses the wired environment - ModBus protocol. The SM are connected to a SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) that supervises a network of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The SCADA system/PLC network integrates different types of information coming from several technologies present in modern buildings. The developed control strategy implements a hierarchical cascade controller where inner loops are performed by local PLCs, and the outer loop is managed by a centralized SCADA system, which interacts with the entire local PLC network. In order to implement advanced controllers, a communication channel was developed to allow the communication between the SCADA system and the MATLAB software. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
This paper proposes an implementation, based on a multi-agent system, of a management system for automated negotiation of electricity allocation for charging electric vehicles (EVs) and simulates its performance. The widespread existence of charging infrastructures capable of autonomous operation is recognised as a major driver towards the mass adoption of EVs by mobility consumers. Eventually, conflicting requirements from both power grid and EV owners require automated middleman aggregator agents to intermediate all operations, for example, bidding and negotiation, between these parts. Multi-agent systems are designed to provide distributed, modular, coordinated and collaborative management systems; therefore, they seem suitable to address the management of such complex charging infrastructures. Our solution consists in the implementation of virtual agents to be integrated into the management software of a charging infrastructure. We start by modelling the multi-agent architecture using a federated, hierarchical layers setup and as well as the agents' behaviours and interactions. Each of these layers comprises several components, for example, data bases, decision-making and auction mechanisms. The implementation of multi-agent platform and auctions rules, and of models for battery dynamics, is also addressed. Four scenarios were predefined to assess the management system performance under real usage conditions, considering different types of profiles for EVs owners', different infrastructure configurations and usage and different loads on the utility grid (where real data from the concession holder of the Portuguese electricity transmission grid is used). Simulations carried with the four scenarios validate the performance of the modelled system while complying with all the requirements. Although all of these have been performed for one charging station alone, a multi-agent design may in the future be used for the higher level problem of distributing energy among charging stations. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Trabalho de Projecto Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Especialização em Edificações
The complexity associated with fast growing of B2B and the lack of a (complete) suite of open standards makes difficulty to maintain the underlying collaborative processes. Aligned to this challenge, this paper aims to be a contribution to an open architecture of logistics and transport processes management system. A model of an open integrated system is being defined as an open computational responsibility from the embedded systems (on-board) as well as a reference implementation (prototype) of a host system to validate the proposed open interfaces. Embedded subsystem can, natively, be prepared to cooperate with other on-board units and with IT-systems in an infrastructure commonly referred to as a center information system or back-office. In interaction with a central system the proposal is to adopt an open framework for cooperation where the embedded unit or the unit placed somewhere (land/sea) interacts in response to a set of implemented capabilities.