14 resultados para WEC deployment
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo a aplicação dos conceitos adquiridos nas unidades curriculares da licenciatura e do mestrado. Nesse sentido tomou-se a opção da realização de um projecto de execução de uma obra de arte para o trabalho final de mestrado, realizado num conceituado gabinete de projecto de pontes e viadutos, com vista à obtenção do grau de mestre. O projecto refere-se a uma obra de arte que se insere num nó rodoviário de ligação entre duas auto-estradas que, dados os seus condicionamentos de perfil, quer longitudinal quer transversal, e implantação no local, pode ser considerada uma obra de arte especial. O processo de análise foi feito com recurso ao programa de cálculo automático SAP2000®, tendo em conta os regulamentos nacionais aplicáveis a estruturas de pontes e os Eurocódigos em fase de implementação em Portugal. O projecto de execução, objecto deste trabalho, foi realizado em função de uma metodologia de construção simples, que é o recurso à utilização, por fases, de cimbres apoiados no solo. A optimização das fases de construção é um factor condicionante na análise e concepção da obra de arte deste projecto, pelo que se procura obter uma relação optimizada entre o rendimento de construção e o funcionamento estrutural da obra de arte, de forma a garantir a segurança da estrutura e o conforto dos utilizadores a longo prazo.
Projeto de intervênção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa em 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
O presente trabalho, refere-se ao projecto de estabilidade, em betão armado e pré-esforçado, da Escola Superior de Enfermagem Artur Ravara, situada na zona da EXPO em Lisboa. O edifício apresenta-se com uma implantação em “L”, tendo como dimensões máximas 38,50m x 54,80m e desenvolve-se em altura por quatro pisos, dos quais, dois são enterrados. A estrutura do edifício em causa, apresenta duas juntas de dilatação, por forma a tornar desprezáveis os efeitos devidos à retracção e diminuição de temperatura, dividindo o edifício em três blocos. As suas fundações são indirectas, constituídas por estacas moldadas no terreno e respectivos maciços de encabeçamento. As lajes são fungiformes aligeiradas de moldes perdidos, de modo a permitir vencer maiores vãos, que variam entre os 6,60m e os 10,00m, e permitindo também maior rapidez de execução e maior economia. As consolas de 3,50m de vão, em laje maciça, são suportadas por vigas pré-esforçadas de secção variável. Para o cálculo automático da estrutura e da obtenção dos respectivos desenhos das armaduras, foi utilizado o programa de cálculo automático, Tricalc 7.1. O conteúdo do projecto em questão, sendo de carácter académico, não corresponde à versão real, à qual não se teve acesso. O dimensionamento das fundações, devido à fraca resistência dos solos e o dimensionamento da estrutura, devido à geometria e dimensões do edifício, permitiram enfrentar desafios interessantes. Tais desafios, deram possibilidade de enriquecer bastante os conhecimentos sobre a engenharia de estruturas.
In a heterogeneous cellular networks environment, users behaviour and network deployment configuration parameters have an impact on the overall Quality of Service. This paper proposes a new and simple model that, on the one hand, explores the users behaviour impact on the network by having mobility, multi-service usage and traffic generation profiles as inputs, and on the other, enables the network setup configuration evaluation impact on the Joint Radio Resource Management (JRRM), assessing some basic JRRM performance indicators, like Vertical Handover (VHO) probabilities, average bit rates, and number of active users, among others. VHO plays an important role in fulfilling seamless users sessions transfer when mobile terminals cross different Radio Access Technologies (RATs) boundaries. Results show that high bit rate RATs suffer and generate more influence from/on other RATs, by producing additional signalling traffic to a JRRM entity. Results also show that the VHOs probability can range from 5 up to 65%, depending on RATs cluster radius and users mobility profile.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
PURPOSE: Fatty liver disease (FLD) is an increasing prevalent disease that can be reversed if detected early. Ultrasound is the safest and ubiquitous method for identifying FLD. Since expert sonographers are required to accurately interpret the liver ultrasound images, lack of the same will result in interobserver variability. For more objective interpretation, high accuracy, and quick second opinions, computer aided diagnostic (CAD) techniques may be exploited. The purpose of this work is to develop one such CAD technique for accurate classification of normal livers and abnormal livers affected by FLD. METHODS: In this paper, the authors present a CAD technique (called Symtosis) that uses a novel combination of significant features based on the texture, wavelet transform, and higher order spectra of the liver ultrasound images in various supervised learning-based classifiers in order to determine parameters that classify normal and FLD-affected abnormal livers. RESULTS: On evaluating the proposed technique on a database of 58 abnormal and 42 normal liver ultrasound images, the authors were able to achieve a high classification accuracy of 93.3% using the decision tree classifier. CONCLUSIONS: This high accuracy added to the completely automated classification procedure makes the authors' proposed technique highly suitable for clinical deployment and usage.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Área de Especialização de Edificações
The knowledge of the anisotropic properties beneath the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Morocco has been dramatically improved since late 2007 with the analysis of the data provided by the dense TopoIberia broadband seismic network, the increasing number of permanent stations operating in Morocco, Portugal and Spain, and the contribution of smaller scale/higher resolution experiments. Results from the two first TopoIberia deployments have evidenced a spectacular rotation of the fast polarization direction (FPD) along the Gibraltar Arc, interpreted as an evidence of mantle flow deflected around the high velocity slab beneath the Alboran Sea, and a rather uniform N100 degrees E FPD beneath the central Iberian Variscan Massif, consistent with global mantle flow models taking into account contributions of surface plate motion, density variations and net lithosphere rotation. The results from the last Iberarray deployment presented here, covering the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula, also show a rather uniform FPD orientation close to N100 degrees E, thus confirming the previous interpretation globally relating the anisotropic parameters to the LPO of mantle minerals generated by mantle flow at asthenospheric depths. However, the degree of anisotropy varies significantly, from delay time values of around 0.5 s beneath NW Iberia to values reaching 2.0 sin its NE comer. The anisotropic parameters retrieved from single events providing high quality data also show significant differences for stations located in the Variscan units of NW Iberia, suggesting that the region includes multiple anisotropic layers or complex anisotropy systems. These results allow to complete the map of the anisotropic properties of the westernmost Mediterranean region, which can now be considered as one of best constrained regions worldwide, with more than 300 sites investigated over an area extending from the Bay of Biscay to the Sahara platform. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, we present results from teleseismic P-wave receiver functions (PRFs) obtained in Portugal, Western Iberia. A dense seismic station deployment conducted between 2010 and 2012, in the scope of the WILAS project and covering the entire country, allowed the most spatially extensive probing on the bulk crustal seismic properties of Portugal up to date. The application of the H-κ stacking algorithm to the PRFs enabled us to estimate the crustal thickness (H) and the average crustal ratio of the P- and S-waves velocities V p/V s (κ) for the region. Observations of Moho conversions indicate that this interface is relatively smooth with the crustal thickness ranging between 24 and 34 km, with an average of 30 km. The highest V p/V s values are found on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic crust beneath the western and southern coastal domain of Portugal, whereas the lowest values correspond to Palaeozoic crust underlying the remaining part of the subject area. An average V p/V s is found to be 1.72, ranging 1.63-1.86 across the study area, indicating a predominantly felsic composition. Overall, we systematically observe a decrease of V p/V s with increasing crustal thickness. Taken as a whole, our results indicate a clear distinction between the geological zones of the Variscan Iberian Massif in Portugal, the overall shape of the anomalies conditioned by the shape of the Ibero-Armorican Arc, and associated Late Paleozoic suture zones, and the Meso-Cenozoic basin associated with Atlantic rifting stages. Thickened crust (30-34 km) across the studied region may be inherited from continental collision during the Paleozoic Variscan orogeny. An anomalous crustal thinning to around 28 km is observed beneath the central part of the Central Iberian Zone and the eastern part of South Portuguese Zone.
Seismic ambient noise tomography is applied to central and southern Mozambique, located in the tip of the East African Rift (EAR). The deployment of MOZART seismic network, with a total of 30 broad-band stations continuously recording for 26 months, allowed us to carry out the first tomographic study of the crust under this region, which until now remained largely unexplored at this scale. From cross-correlations extracted from coherent noise we obtained Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion curves for the period range 5–40 s. These dispersion relations were inverted to produce group velocity maps, and 1-D shear wave velocity profiles at selected points. High group velocities are observed at all periods on the eastern edge of the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons, in agreement with the findings of previous studies. Further east, a pronounced slow anomaly is observed in central and southern Mozambique, where the rifting between southern Africa and Antarctica created a passive margin in the Mesozoic, and further rifting is currently happening as a result of the southward propagation of the EAR. In this study, we also addressed the question concerning the nature of the crust (continental versus oceanic) in the Mozambique Coastal Plains (MCP), still in debate. Our data do not support previous suggestions that the MCP are floored by oceanic crust since a shallow Moho could not be detected, and we discuss an alternative explanation for its ocean-like magnetic signature. Our velocity maps suggest that the crystalline basement of the Zimbabwe craton may extend further east well into Mozambique underneath the sediment cover, contrary to what is usually assumed, while further south the Kaapval craton passes into slow rifted crust at the Lebombo monocline as expected. The sharp passage from fast crust to slow crust on the northern part of the study area coincides with the seismically active NNE-SSW Urema rift, while further south the Mazenga graben adopts an N-S direction parallel to the eastern limit of the Kaapvaal craton. We conclude that these two extensional structures herald the southward continuation of the EAR, and infer a structural control of the transition between the two types of crust on the ongoing deformation.