21 resultados para Stresses.
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
This study was carried out with the aim of modeling in 2D, in plain strain, the movement of a soft cohesive soil around a pile, in order to enable the determination of stresses resulting along the pile, per unit length. The problem in study fits into the large deformations problem and can be due to landslide, be close of depth excavations, to be near of zones where big loads are applied in the soil, etc. In this study is used an constitutive Elasto-Plastic model with the failure criterion of Mohr-Coulomb to model the soil behavior. The analysis is developed considering the soil in undrained conditions. To the modeling is used the finite element program PLAXIS, which use the Updated Lagrangian - Finite Element Method (UL-FEM). In this work, special attention is given to the soil-pile interaction, where is presented with some detail the formulation of the interface elements and some studies for a better understand of his behavior. It is developed a 2-D model that simulates the effect of depth allowing the study of his influence in the stress distribution around the pile. The results obtained give an important base about how behaves the movement of the soil around a pile, about how work the finite element program PLAXIS and how is the stress distribution around the pile. The analysis demonstrate that the soil-structure interaction modeled with the UL-FEM and interface elements is more appropriate to small deformations problems.
Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference - 18-20 September 2013
As comportas de vigas de fundo, objecto de estudo no presente trabalho, são essenciais devido à sua capacidade de controlo do fluxo de água em casos de emergência. Assim este trabalho visou o dimensionamento e análise estrutural de uma comporta dessa natureza. Para o seu dimensionamento foi essencial a norma DIN19704-1:1998, que define todos os padrões que devem ser levados em conta numa construção hidráulica em aço. Deste modo, após uma breve descrição do enquadramento e do estado da arte relativamente a este assunto, foram apresentados ao longo do trabalho, os cálculos dos principais componentes mecânicos que fazem parte dum projecto de uma comporta de vigas. Para comprovar a validade do dimensionamento da comporta realizado através da norma, recorreu-se a um software de análise e simulação por elementos finitos, COSMOSWorks, no sentido de assim prever o comportamento mecânico em análise estática linear, que as solicitações mecânicas em presença têm sobre a comporta. Os resultados da comparação entre o dimensionamento teórico e a análise de tensões através do COSMOSWorks nos elementos mais críticos da estrutura, permitem concluir globalmente que a comporta está bem dimensionada tendo em conta os esforços que tem de suportar.
A obesidade é apontada como o distúrbio nutricional mais frequente em crianças e adolescentes nos países desenvolvidos e a sua prevalência tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial a um ritmo alarmante. Neste artigo, são apresentados três estudos que se coordenam entre si. No primeiro estudo, avalia-se a prevalência de pré-obesidade (22,6%) e de obesidade (7,8%) infantojuvenil em Portugal, apresentando valores superiores nos rapazes e nos adolescentes mais jovens. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares, verifica-se que o consumo de alimentos de características nutricionais de baixa qualidade é superior no grupo normoponderal. Em relação à atividade física, quanto maior o índice de atividade física menor o percentil de I.M.C. No estudo sobre determinantes parentais, salienta-se que a grande maioria dos pais das crianças com excesso de peso tendem a sub-avaliar o peso da criança. Outro aspeto relevante é a confirmação de que o conhecimento nutricional dos pais influencia claramente os hábitos alimentares das crianças. Por fim, é apresentado um projeto de intervenção que, intervindo nos determinantes parentais, visa a mudança das suas crenças e comportamentos, de modo a promoverem mudanças alimentares nos seus filhos.
The salient feature of liquid crystal elastomers and networks is strong coupling between orientational order and mechanical strain. Orientational order can be changed by a wide variety of stimuli, including the presence of moisture. Changes in the orientation of constituents give rise to stresses and strains, which result in changes in sample shape. We have utilized this effect to build soft cellulose-based motor driven by humidity. The motor consists of a circular loop of cellulose film, which passes over two wheels. When humid air is present near one of the wheels on one side of the film, with drier air elsewhere, rotation of the wheels results. As the wheels rotate, the humid film dries. The motor runs so long as the difference in humidity is maintained. Our cellulose liquid crystal motor thus extracts mechanical work from a difference in humidity.
Functionally graded materials are composite materials wherein the composition of the constituent phases can vary in a smooth continuous way with a gradation which is function of its spatial coordinates. This characteristic proves to be an important issue as it can minimize abrupt variations of the material properties which are usually responsible for localized high values of stresses, and simultaneously providing an effective thermal barrier in specific applications. In the present work, it is studied the static and free vibration behaviour of functionally graded sandwich plate type structures, using B-spline finite strip element models based on different shear deformation theories. The effective properties of functionally graded materials are estimated according to Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. These sandwich structures can also consider the existence of outer skins of piezoelectric materials, thus achieving them adaptive characteristics. The performance of the models, are illustrated through a set of test cases. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
High salinity causes remarkable losses in rice productivity worldwide mainly because it inhibits growth and reduces grain yield. To cope with environmental changes, plants evolved several adaptive mechanisms, which involve the regulation of many stress-responsive genes. Among these, we have chosen OsRMC to study its transcriptional regulation in rice seedlings subjected to high salinity. Its transcription was highly induced by salt treatment and showed a stress-dose-dependent pattern. OsRMC encodes a receptor-like kinase described as a negative regulator of salt stress responses in rice. To investigate how OsRMC is regulated in response to high salinity, a salt-induced rice cDNA expression library was constructed and subsequently screened using the yeast one-hybrid system and the OsRMC promoter as bait. Thereby, two transcription factors (TFs), OsEREBP1 and OsEREBP2, belonging to the AP2/ERF family were identified. Both TFs were shown to bind to the same GCC-like DNA motif in OsRMC promoter and to negatively regulate its gene expression. The identified TFs were characterized regarding their gene expression under different abiotic stress conditions. This study revealed that OsEREBP1 transcript level is not significantly affected by salt, ABA or severe cold (5 °C) and is only slightly regulated by drought and moderate cold. On the other hand, the OsEREBP2 transcript level increased after cold, ABA, drought and high salinity treatments, indicating that OsEREBP2 may play a central role mediating the response to different abiotic stresses. Gene expression analysis in rice varieties with contrasting salt tolerance further suggests that OsEREBP2 is involved in salt stress response in rice.
Trabalho Final para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference (Exp at)- Univ Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal - Sep 18-20, 2013
A maioria dos órgãos históricos portugueses data dos finais do século XVIII ou do princípio do século XIX. Durante este período foi construído um invulgar número de instrumentos em Lisboa e nas áreas circundantes por António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1756-1828) e outros organeiros menos prolíficos. O estudo desses órgãos, muitos dos quais (restaurados ou não) se encontram próximos das condições originais, permite a identificação de um tipo de instrumento com uma morfologia específica, claramente emancipada do chamado «órgão ibérico». No entanto, até muito recentemente, não era conhecida música que se adaptasse às idiossincrasisas daqueles instrumentos. O recente estudo das obras para órgão de José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) permitiu clarificar esta situação. Bem conhecido durante a sua vida como organista e compositor, José Marques e Silva foi um dos ultimos mestres do Seminário Patriarcal. A importância da sua produção musical reside não só num substancial número de obras com autoria firmemente estabelecida – escritas, na maior parte, para coro misto com acompanhamento de órgão obbligato – mas também na íntima relação entre a sua escrita e a morfologia dos órgãos construídos em Portugal durante a sua vida. Este artigo enfatiza a importância de José Marques e Silva (indubitavelmente, o mais significativo compositor português para órgão do seu tempo) sublinhando a relevância das suas obras para órgão solo, cujo uso extensivo de escrita idiomática e indicações de registação fazem delas um dos mais importantes documentos só início do século XIX sobre a prática organística em Portugal.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
Laminate composite multi-cell structures have to support both axial and shear stresses when sustaining variable twist. Thus the properties and design of the laminate may not be the most adequate at all cross-sections to support the torsion imposed on the cells. In this work, the effect of some material and geometric parameters on the optimal mechanical behaviour of a multi-cell composite laminate structure is studied when torsion is present. A particle swarm optimization technique is used to maximize the multi-cell structure torsion constant that can be used to obtain the angle of twist of the composite laminate profile.
Functionally graded materials are a type of composite materials which are tailored to provide continuously varying properties, according to specific constituent's mixing distributions. These materials are known to provide superior thermal and mechanical performances when compared to the traditional laminated composites, because of this continuous properties variation characteristic, which enables among other advantages, smoother stresses distribution profiles. Therefore the growing trend on the use of these materials brings together the interest and the need for getting optimum configurations concerning to each specific application. In this work it is studied the use of particle swarm optimization technique for the maximization of a functionally graded sandwich beam bending stiffness. For this purpose, a set of case studies is analyzed, in order to enable to understand in a detailed way, how the different optimization parameters tuning can influence the whole process. It is also considered a re-initialization strategy, which is not a common approach in particle swarm optimization as far as it was possible to conclude from the published research works. As it will be shown, this strategy can provide good results and also present some advantages in some conditions. This work was developed and programmed on symbolic computation platform Maple 14. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A detailed analysis of fabrics of the chilled margin of a thick dolerite dyke (Foum Zguid dyke, Southern Morocco) was performed in order to better understand the development of sub-fabrics during dyke emplacement and cooling. AMS data were complemented with measurements of paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic fabrics (measured with high field torque magnetometer), neutron texture and microstructural analyses. The ferrimagnetic and AMS fabrics are similar, indicating that the ferrimagnetic minerals dominate the AMS signal. The paramagnetic fabric is different from the previous ones. Based on the crystallization timing of the different mineralogical phases, the paramagnetic fabric appears related to the upward flow, while the ferrimagnetic fabric rather reflects the late-stage of dyke emplacement and cooling stresses. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dual-phase functionally graded materials are a particular type of composite materials whose properties are tailored to vary continuously, depending on its two constituent's composition distribution, and which use is increasing on the most diverse application fields. These materials are known to provide superior thermal and mechanical performances when compared to the traditional laminated composites, exactly because of this continuous properties variation characteristic, which enables among other advantages smoother stresses distribution profile. In this paper we study the influence of different homogenization schemes, namely the schemes due to Voigt, Hashin-Shtrikman and Mod-Tanaka, which can be used to obtain bounds estimates for the material properties of particulate composite structures. To achieve this goal we also use a set of finite element models based on higher order shear deformation theories and also on first order theory. From the studies carried out, on linear static analyses and on free vibration analyses, it is shown that the bounds estimates are as important as the deformation kinematics basis assumed to analyse these types of multifunctional structures. Concerning to the homogenization schemes studied, it is shown that Mori-Tanaka and Hashin-Shtrikman estimates lead to less conservative results when compared to Voigt rule of mixtures.