33 resultados para Quality planning control
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Mestrado em Controlo e Gestão dos Negócios
In this paper, two wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and respectively with a two-level or a multilevel converter are simulated in order to access the malfunction transient performance. Three different drive train mass models, respectively, one, two and three mass models, are considered in order to model the bending flexibility of the blades. Moreover, a fractional-order control strategy is studied comparatively to a classical integer-order control strategy. Computer simulations are carried out, and conclusions about the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the electric current injected into the electric grid are in favor of the fractional-order control strategy.
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Mestrado em Contabilidade
Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Objectives - Review available guidance for quality assurance (QA) in mammography and discuss its contribution to harmonise practices worldwide. Methods - Literature search was performed on different sources to identify guidance documents for QA in mammography available worldwide in international bodies, healthcare providers, professional/scientific associations. The guidance documents identified were reviewed and a selection was compared for type of guidance (clinical/technical), technology and proposed QA methodologies focusing on dose and image quality (IQ) performance assessment. Results - Fourteen protocols (targeted at conventional and digital mammography) were reviewed. All included recommendations for testing acquisition, processing and display systems associated with mammographic equipment. All guidance reviewed highlighted the importance of dose assessment and testing the Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) system. Recommended tests for assessment of IQ showed variations in the proposed methodologies. Recommended testing focused on assessment of low-contrast detection, spatial resolution and noise. QC of image display is recommended following the American Association of Physicists in Medicine guidelines. Conclusions - The existing QA guidance for mammography is derived from key documents (American College of Radiology and European Union guidelines) and proposes similar tests despite the variations in detail and methodologies. Studies reported on QA data should provide detail on experimental technique to allow robust data comparison. Countries aiming to implement a mammography/QA program may select/prioritise the tests depending on available technology and resources.
Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is a technique introduced to shape more precisely the dose distributions to the tumour, providing a higher dose escalation in the volume to irradiate and simultaneously decreasing the dose in the organs at risk which consequently reduces the treatment toxicity. This technique is widely used in prostate and head and neck (H&N) tumours. Given the complexity and the use of high doses in this technique it’s necessary to ensure as a safe and secure administration of the treatment, through the use of quality control programmes for IMRT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate statistically the quality control measurements that are made for the IMRT plans in prostate and H&N patients, before the beginning of the treatment, analysing their variations, the percentage of rejected and repeated measurements, the average, standard deviations and the proportion relations.
Mammography equipment must be evaluated to ensure that images will be of acceptable diagnostic quality with lowest radiation dose. Quality Assurance (QA) aims to provide systematic and constant improvement through a feedback mechanism to address the technical, clinical and training aspects. Quality Control (QC), in relation to mammography equipment, comprises a series of tests to determine equipment performance characteristics. The introduction of digital technologies promoted changes in QC tests and protocols and there are some tests that are specific for each manufacturer. Within each country specifi c QC tests should be compliant with regulatory requirements and guidance. Ideally, one mammography practitioner should take overarching responsibility for QC within a service, with all practitioners having responsibility for actual QC testing. All QC results must be documented to facilitate troubleshooting, internal audit and external assessment. Generally speaking, the practitioner’s role includes performing, interpreting and recording the QC tests as well as reporting any out of action limits to their service lead. They must undertake additional continuous professional development to maintain their QC competencies. They are usually supported by technicians and medical physicists; in some countries the latter are mandatory. Technicians and/or medical physicists often perform many of the tests indicated within this chapter. It is important to recognise that this chapter is an attempt to encompass the main tests performed within European countries. Specific tests related to the service that you work within must be familiarised with and adhered too.
A transient analysis for two full-power converter wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator is studied in this article, taking into consideration, as a new contribution to earlier studies, a pitch control malfunction. The two full-power converters considered are, respectively, a two-level and a multi-level converter. Moreover, a novel control strategy based on fractional-order controllers for wind turbines is studied. Simulation results are presented; conclusions are in favor of the novel control strategy, improving the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid.
This paper presents a new integrated model for the simulation of wind energy systems. The proposed model is more realistic and accurate, considering a variable-speed wind turbine, two-mass rotor, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), different power converter topologies, and filters. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with PMSG/full-power converter topology, based on fractional-order controllers. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with matrix and multilevel power converter topologies, in order to adequately assert the system performance in what regards the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.
Nowadays, the cooperative intelligent transport systems are part of a largest system. Transportations are modal operations integrated in logistics and, logistics is the main process of the supply chain management. The supply chain strategic management as a simultaneous local and global value chain is a collaborative/cooperative organization of stakeholders, many times in co-opetition, to perform a service to the customers respecting the time, place, price and quality levels. The transportation, like other logistics operations must add value, which is achieved in this case through compression lead times and order fulfillments. The complex supplier's network and the distribution channels must be efficient and the integral visibility (monitoring and tracing) of supply chain is a significant source of competitive advantage. Nowadays, the competition is not discussed between companies but among supply chains. This paper aims to evidence the current and emerging manufacturing and logistics system challenges as a new field of opportunities for the automation and control systems research community. Furthermore, the paper forecasts the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies integrated into an information and communication technologies (ICT) framework based on distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) supported by a multi-agent system (MAS), as the most value advantage of supply chain management (SCM) in a cooperative intelligent logistics systems. Logistical platforms (production or distribution) as nodes of added value of supplying and distribution networks are proposed as critical points of the visibility of the inventory, where these technological needs are more evident.
O presente relatório diz respeito a um estágio de natureza profissional realizado com o objectivo de constituir Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil no perfil de Edificações, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. O estágio subordinado ao tema “Prestação de serviços de Assessoria, Fiscalização e Coordenação de Segurança da Obra de REABILITAÇÃO DAS COBERTURAS, ACESSIBILIDADES E SEGURANÇA DA ANTIGA ESCOLA VEIGA BEIRÃO – PALÁCIO VALADARES, EM LISBOA”, decorreu na Pengest – Planeamento, Engenharia e Gestão, S.A., empresa vocacionada para a prestação de serviços de Assessoria, Gestão, Coordenação e Fiscalização de Obras, sector no qual possui vasta e diversificada experiência, e reconhecidos mérito e competência. O objectivo da empreitada é o de recuperação deste imóvel, intervenção necessária à instalação no local da Exposição “República e Ensino” enquadrada no âmbito das Comemorações do Centenário da República. A empreitada foi adjudicada ao Empreiteiro Teixeira Duarte, S.A, pelo valor de €998.072,76. O prazo é de 4,5 meses prevendo-se a conclusão para 18 de Março de 2010. Embora a proposta de estágio tenha decorrido no início de 2010, no âmbito do tema que viria a ser proposto e de forma a integrar a Estagiária numa empresa em pleno funcionamento, o estágio teve início aquando do início da empreitada, em Novembro de 2009. Exceptuando os trabalhos de montagem da grua-torre e dos andaimes para a cobertura provisória, que decorreram antes da consignação, foi acompanhado todo o processo de Fiscalização. A Estagiária participou na análise do Plano de Trabalhos, nas vistorias às fracções autónomas e edifícios adjacentes, nas visitas à obra e na elaboração de relatórios mensais. Acompanhou os procedimentos da Pengest no Controlo do Planeamento, da Qualidade e Financeiro. Em relação à Coordenação de Segurança em obra, por ser um tema tão vasto e específico, teve acesso aos relatórios, não tendo efectivamente participado nas actividades desenvolvidas sobre esta matéria. Sob a co-orientação da Eng.ª Isabel Vicente, responsável da Fiscalização e orientação do Eng.º José Pedro Fernandes do ISEL, a estagiária desenvolveu este estágio de forma proveitosa, sempre com o auxílio de uma equipa experiente em Gestão e Fiscalização.
Power converters play a vital role in the integration of wind power into the electrical grid. Variable-speed wind turbine generator systems have a considerable interest of application for grid connection at constant frequency. In this paper, comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with three power converter topologies: matrix, two-level and multilevel. A fractional-order control strategy is studied for the variable-speed operation of wind turbine generator systems. The studies are in order to compare power converter topologies and control strategies. The studies reveal that the multilevel converter and the proposed fractional-order control strategy enable an improvement in the power quality, in comparison with the other power converters using a classical integer-order control strategy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As wind power generation undergoes rapid growth, new technical challenges emerge: dynamic stability and power quality. The influence of wind speed disturbances and a pitch control malfunction on the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid is studied for variable-speed wind turbines with different power-electronic converter topologies. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with permanent magnet synchronous generators. The performance of disturbance attenuation and system robustness is ascertained. Simulation results are presented and conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde.