15 resultados para Paròtides -- Tumors
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The calculation of the dose is one of the key steps in radiotherapy planning1-5. This calculation should be as accurate as possible, and over the years it became feasible through the implementation of new algorithms to calculate the dose on the treatment planning systems applied in radiotherapy. When a breast tumour is irradiated, it is fundamental a precise dose distribution to ensure the planning target volume (PTV) coverage and prevent skin complications. Some investigations, using breast cases, showed that the pencil beam convolution algorithm (PBC) overestimates the dose in the PTV and in the proximal region of the ipsilateral lung. However, underestimates the dose in the distal region of the ipsilateral lung, when compared with analytical anisotropic algorithm (AAA). With this study we aim to compare the performance in breast tumors of the PBC and AAA algorithms.
Objetivo – Caracterizar clínica e estatisticamente os doentes com metástases cerebrais submetidos a radiocirurgia. Metodologia – Análise retrospetiva dos doentes com metástases cerebrais submetidos a radiocirurgia com Linac no Hospital do Meixoeiro, sendo a informação analisada no SPSS, versão 18. Resultados – Avaliaram‑se 116 doentes com metástases cerebrais. As localizações primárias de pulmão (54,30%) e mama (21,60%) predominaram. Destacaram‑se como sintomas mais frequentes: cefaleias, fraqueza motora, hemiparesia, paresia e tonturas. Confirma‑se a existência de correlação entre os sintomas decorrentes da presença de metástase e a sua localização cerebral, evidenciando a sua importância no diagnóstico precoce das metástases. O lobo frontal foi a localização cerebral predominante. Discussão e Considerações Finais – Verifica‑se que tendencialmente não existe correlação entre a localização primária e a localização cerebral da metástase. O número de metástases tratadas não sugere ter influência no tempo de sobrevida após o seu diagnóstico. A realização de cirurgia e/ou administração de radioterapia holocraniana previamente à radiocirurgia não apresentou prolongamento de sobrevida em comparação com os doentes não submetidos a tratamento prévio. ABSTRACT: Objective – To characterize clinically and statistically patients with brain metastases who underwent radiosurgery. Methodology – Retrospective analysis of patients with brain metastases that underwent linear accelerator‑based radiosurgery in Hospital do Meixoeiro, and the information analyzed in SPSS version 18. Results – Were evaluated 116 patients with brain metastases. Primary tumors of lung (54.30%) and breast (21.60%) were predominant. Symptoms that stood out as common: headache, motor deficit, hemiparesis, paresis and dizziness. It was confirmed the existence of a correlation between the symptoms arising from the presence of metastasis and its brain location, showing its importance in early diagnosis of metastases. The frontal lobe and the parietal lobe represented the most affected locations by brain metastases. Discussion of results and Concluding Remarks – It verified that tends to be no correlation between the primary location of the tumor and the location of brain metastasis. The number of treated metastases didn’t suggest influence on survival after their diagnosis. The realization of surgery and/or administration of whole‑brain irradiation therapy prior to radiosurgery, showed no prolongation of survival compared with patients that were not submitted to previous treatment.
Introdução – O cancro de mama é a principal causa de morte por cancro na população feminina portuguesa. Assim, pretende-se descrever sucintamente o percurso de uma paciente com tumor de mama, evidenciando a interligação entre algumas áreas das tecnologias da saúde. Metodologia – Selecionou-se um caso clínico de uma paciente com cancro de mama e recorreu-se à pesquisa bibliográfica de forma a apoiar ou refutar os resultados obtidos com o referido caso clínico. Resultados e discussão de resultados – Em 1996 foi diagnosticado à paciente um carcinoma ductal da mama esquerda e posteriormente, em 2011, foi diagnosticada uma metástase do carcinoma mamário com padrão mucinoso. Neste caso, bem como em todos os tumores de mama, foi realizada uma abordagem multidisciplinar envolvendo diferentes áreas das tecnologias da saúde. Para deteção e diagnóstico do cancro de mama são utilizadas a mamografia e a ultrassonografia. Para casos de re-estadiamento e monitorização da terapêutica devem ser utilizadas a tomografia por emissão de positrões (TEP) e a ressonância magnética mamária. No que se refere à terapêutica, neste tipo de tumores recorre-se à cirurgia, à radioterapia e à quimioterapia. ABSTRACT - Introduction – The breast cancer is the main cause of death by cancer in the Portuguese female population. We intend to describe briefly the pathway of a patient with breast cancer, highlighting the connection between some of the health technology areas. Methodology – It was selected a clinical case of a patient with breast cancer and it was used a literature research to support or refute the results obtained with the mentioned clinical case. Results and discussion – In 1996, it was diagnosed to the patient a ductal carcinoma of the left breast and in 2011 it was diagnosed a breast metastases. In this case, as well as other breast tumours, it was done a multidisciplinary approach involving different areas of health technologies. For detection and diagnose of breast cancer it’s used the mammography and ultrasound. For cases of re-staging and treatment monitoring it should be used positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. Regarding the therapy approach, in this type of tumours, it is used surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Introdução – Numa era em que os tratamentos de Radioterapia Externa (RTE) exigem cada vez mais precisão, a utilização de imagem médica permitirá medir, quantificar e avaliar o impacto do erro provocado pela execução do tratamento ou pelos movimentos dos órgãos. Objetivo – Analisar os dados existentes na literatura acerca de desvios de posicionamento (DP) em patologias de cabeça e pescoço (CP) e próstata, medidos com Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) ou Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Metodologia – Para esta revisão da literatura foram pesquisados artigos recorrendo às bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e b-on. Foram incluídos artigos que reportassem DP em patologias CP e próstata medidos através de CBCT e EPID. Seguidamente foram aplicados critérios de validação, que permitiram a seleção dos estudos. Resultados – Após a análise de 35 artigos foram incluídos 13 estudos e validados 9 estudos. Para tumores CP, a média (μ) dos DP encontra-se entre 0,0 e 1,2mm, com um desvio padrão (σ) máximo de 1,3mm. Para patologias de próstata observa-se μDP compreendido entre 0,0 e 7,1mm, com σ máximo de 7,5mm. Discussão/Conclusão – Os DP em patologias CP são atribuídos, maioritariamente, aos efeitos secundários da RTE, como mucosite e dor, que afetam a deglutição e conduzem ao emagrecimento, contribuindo para a instabilidade da posição do doente durante o tratamento, aumentando as incertezas de posicionamento. Os movimentos da próstata devem-se principalmente às variações de preenchimento vesical, retal e gás intestinal. O desconhecimento dos DP afeta negativamente a precisão da RTE. É importante detetá-los e quantificá-los para calcular margens adequadas e a magnitude dos erros, aumentando a precisão da administração de RTE, incluindo o aumento da segurança do doente. - ABSTRACT - Background and Purpose – In an era where precision is an increasing necessity in external radiotherapy (RT), modern medical imaging techniques provide means for measuring, quantifying and evaluating the impact of treatment execution and movement error. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on the quantification of setup deviations (SD) in patients with head and neck (H&N) or prostate tumors, using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) or Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Methods – According to the study protocol, MEDLINE/PubMed and b-on databases were searched for trials, which were analyzed using selection criteria based on the quality of the articles. Results – After assessment of 35 papers, 13 studies were included in this analysis and nine were authenticated (6 for prostate and 3 for H&N tumors). The SD in the treatment of H&N cancer patients is in the interval of 0.1 to 1.2mm, whereas in prostate cancer this interval is 0.0 to 7.1mm. Discussion – The reproducibility of patient positioning is the biggest barrier for higher precision in RT, which is affected by geometrical uncertainty, positioning errors and inter or intra-fraction organ movement. There are random and systematic errors associated to patient positioning, introduced since the treatment planning phase or through physiological organ movement. Conclusion – The H&N SD are mostly assigned to the Radiotherapy adverse effects, like mucositis and pain, which affect swallowing and decrease secretions, contributing for the instability of patient positioning during RT treatment and increasing positioning uncertainties. Prostate motion is mainly related to the variation in bladder and rectal filling. Ignoring SD affects negatively the accuracy of RT. Therefore, detection and quantification of SD is crucial in order to calculate appropriate margins, the magnitude of error and to improve accuracy in RTE and patient safety.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear. Área de especialização: Radiofarmácia.
Since last decade, the debate on the parameter which reflects prostate cancer sensitivity to fractionation in a radiotherapy treatment, the α/β, has become extensive. Unlike most tumors, the low labeling indices (LI) and large potential doubling time that characterize the prostate tumor led some authors to consider that it may behave as a late responding tissue. So far, the existing studies with regard to this subject point to a low value of α/β, around 2.7 Gy, which may be considered as a therapeutic gain in relation to surrounding normal tissues by using fewer and larger fractions. The aim of this paper is to review several estimates that have been made in the last few years regarding the prostate cancer α/β both from clinical and experimental data, as well as the set of factors that have potentially influenced these evaluations.
Objective: To evaluate the influence of Everolimus (RAD001) on chemically induced urothelial lesions in mice and its influence on in vitro human bladder cancer cell lines. Methods: ICR male mice were given N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine in drinking water for a period of 12 weeks. Subsequently, RAD001 was administered via oral gavage, for 6 weeks. At the end of the experiment, all the animals were sacrificed and tumor development was determined by means of histopathologic evaluation; mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) expressivity was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Three human bladder cancer cell lines (T24, HT1376, and 5637) were treated using a range of RAD001 concentrations. MTT assay, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), and flow cytometry were used to assess cell proliferation, apoptosis index, and cell cycle analysis, respectively. Immunoblotting analysis of 3 cell line extracts using mTOR and Akt antibodies was performed in order to study the expression of Akt and mTOR proteins and their phosphorylated forms. Results: The incidence of urothelial lesions in animals treated with RAD001 was similar to those animals not treated. RAD001 did not block T24 and HT1376 cell proliferation or induce apoptosis. A reduction in cell proliferation rate and therefore G0/G1 phase arrest, as well as a statistically significant induction of apoptosis (P 0.001), was only observed in the 5637 cell line. Conclusion: RAD001 seems not to have a significant effect on chemically induced murine bladder tumors. The effect of RAD001 on tumor proliferation and apoptosis was achieved only in superficial derived bladder cancer cell line, no effect was observed in invasive cell lines.
Background: A common task in analyzing microarray data is to determine which genes are differentially expressed across two (or more) kind of tissue samples or samples submitted under experimental conditions. Several statistical methods have been proposed to accomplish this goal, generally based on measures of distance between classes. It is well known that biological samples are heterogeneous because of factors such as molecular subtypes or genetic background that are often unknown to the experimenter. For instance, in experiments which involve molecular classification of tumors it is important to identify significant subtypes of cancer. Bimodal or multimodal distributions often reflect the presence of subsamples mixtures. Consequently, there can be genes differentially expressed on sample subgroups which are missed if usual statistical approaches are used. In this paper we propose a new graphical tool which not only identifies genes with up and down regulations, but also genes with differential expression in different subclasses, that are usually missed if current statistical methods are used. This tool is based on two measures of distance between samples, namely the overlapping coefficient (OVL) between two densities and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The methodology proposed here was implemented in the open-source R software. Results: This method was applied to a publicly available dataset, as well as to a simulated dataset. We compared our results with the ones obtained using some of the standard methods for detecting differentially expressed genes, namely Welch t-statistic, fold change (FC), rank products (RP), average difference (AD), weighted average difference (WAD), moderated t-statistic (modT), intensity-based moderated t-statistic (ibmT), significance analysis of microarrays (samT) and area under the ROC curve (AUC). On both datasets all differentially expressed genes with bimodal or multimodal distributions were not selected by all standard selection procedures. We also compared our results with (i) area between ROC curve and rising area (ABCR) and (ii) the test for not proper ROC curves (TNRC). We found our methodology more comprehensive, because it detects both bimodal and multimodal distributions and different variances can be considered on both samples. Another advantage of our method is that we can analyze graphically the behavior of different kinds of differentially expressed genes. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the arrow plot represents a new flexible and useful tool for the analysis of gene expression profiles from microarrays.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Terapia com Radiações.
Mestrado em Radioterapia
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Terapia com Radiações
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Terapia com Radiações
Mestrado em Radioterapia
O presente estudo reporta o caso de uma mulher de 63 anos da qual a única informação clínica era a suspeita de um sarcoma da cérvix. Simultaneamente à colpocitologia, foram enviadas biópsias do colo e do endométrio para diagnóstico. A visualização da amostra citológica revelou vários agregados de número variável de células monótonas, com tamanho pequeno, formato redondo e citoplasma escasso, num fundo com diátese. Os núcleos apresentavam moldagem, hipercromasia, cromatina “sal-e-pimenta” e ausência de nucléolos. O aspeto microscópico das biópsias foi concordante com os achados citológicos, tendo sido igualmente identificados focos glanduliformes com características atípicas. A neoplasia mostrou expressão imunohistoquímica dos antigénios enolase neurónio-específica (neuron specific enolase, NSE), sinaptofisina e citoqueratina (clones AE1/AE3), e uma elevada atividade proliferativa demonstrada pela imunorreactividade para o marcador nuclear Ki67/Mib1. Os achados citológicos, histológicos e imunohistoquímicos foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de carcinoma neuroendócrino de pequenas células. Dos tumores cervicais, esta neoplasia maligna é das mais raras, mostrando um comportamento muito agressivo, com prognóstico muito pobre, em que as terapêuticas existentes são pouco consensuais quanto à sua eficácia. A sua etiologia ainda é estudada, podendo estar relacionada com a infeção pelo Vírus do Papiloma Humano.
The very high antiproliferative activity of [Co(Cl)(H2O)(phendione)(2)][BF4] (phendione is 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione) against three human tumor cell lines (half-maximal inhibitory concentration below 1 mu M) and its slight selectivity for the colorectal tumor cell line compared with healthy human fibroblasts led us to explore the mechanisms of action underlying this promising antitumor potential. As previously shown by our group, this complex induces cell cycle arrest in S phase and subsequent cell death by apoptosis and it also reduces the expression of proteins typically upregulated in tumors. In the present work, we demonstrate that [Co(Cl)(phendione)(2)(H2O)][BF4] (1) does not reduce the viability of nontumorigenic breast epithelial cells by more than 85 % at 1 mu M, (2) promotes the upregulation of proapoptotic Bax and cell-cycle-related p21, and (3) induces release of lactate dehydrogenase, which is partially reversed by ursodeoxycholic acid. DNA interaction studies were performed to uncover the genotoxicity of the complex and demonstrate that even though it displays K (b) (+/- A standard error of the mean) of (3.48 +/- A 0.03) x 10(5) M-1 and is able to produce double-strand breaks in a concentration-dependent manner, it does not exert any clastogenic effect ex vivo, ruling out DNA as a major cellular target for the complex. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy studies are indicative of a strong and specific interaction of the complex with human serum albumin, involving one binding site, at a distance of approximately 1.5 nm for the Trp214 indole side chain with log K (b) similar to 4.7, thus suggesting that this complex can be efficiently transported by albumin in the blood plasma.