45 resultados para Myocardial Perfusion Imaging

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Marked regional variations in myocardial activity that are not related to myocardial perfusion defects.Verify the influence of CT-AC inMPI results in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 and higher than 30 for male and female population.


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Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is used on a daily basis to access coronary blood flow in patients that are suspected or have known Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). A Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) or and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan are used to access regional blood flow quantification either at rest or stress, the imaging acquisition is connected to an Electrocardiogram (ECG) and it is able to determine and quantify other myocardial parameters like myocardial wall thickness and wall motion. PET is not used so broadly due to its high procedure cost, the proximity with cyclotron, where are produced the majority of radiopharmaceuticals used in PET, due to their shor thalf-life. This work is intended to carry out a review of the tests relating to radiopharmaceuticals that are used in clinical practice in SPECT or PET for assessment of myocardial perfusion, also focusing very promising radiopharmaceuticals that are under investigation or in clinical trials with great potential for conventional nuclear medicine or PET, proceeding to a comparative analysis of both techniques and respective radiopharmaceuticals used.


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Myocardial perfusion-gated-SPECT (MP-gated-SPECT) imaging often shows radiotracer uptake in abdominal organs. This accumulation interferes frequently with qualitative and quantitative assessment of the infero-septal region of myocardium. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of ingestion of different fat content on the reduction of extra-myocardial uptake and to improve MP-gated-SPECT image quality. In this study, 150 patients (65 ^ 18 years) who were referred for MP-gated-SPECT underwent a 1-day-protocol including imaging after stress (physical or pharmacological) and resting conditions. All patients gave written informed consent. Patients were subdivided into five groups: GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV. In the first four groups, patients ate two chocolate bars with different fat content. Patients in GV – control group (CG) – had just water. Uptake indices (UI) of myocardium (M)/liver(L) and M/stomach–proximal bowel(S) revealed lower UI of M/S at rest in all groups. Both stress and rest studies using different food intake indicate that patients who ate chocolate with different fat content showed better UI of M/L than the CG. The UI of M/L and M/S of groups obtained under physical stress are clearly superior to that of groups obtained under pharmacological stress. These differences are only significant in patients who ate high-fat chocolate or drank water. The analysis of all stress studies together (GI, GII, GIII and GIV) in comparison with CG shows higher mean ranks of UI of M/L for those who ate high-fat chocolate. After pharmacological stress, the mean ranks of UI of M/L were higher for patients who ate high- and low-fat chocolate. In conclusion, eating food with fat content after radiotracer injection increases, respectively, the UI of M/L after stress and rest in MP-gated-SPECT studies. It is, therefore, recommended that patients eat a chocolate bar after radiotracer injection and before image acquisition.


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Introduction: multimodality environment; requirement for greater understanding of the imaging technologies used, the limitations of these technologies, and how to best interpret the results; dose optimization; introduction of new techniques; current practice and best practice; incidental findings, in low-dose CT images obtained as part of the hybrid imaging process, are an increasing phenomenon with advancing CT technology; resultant ethical and medico-legal dilemmas; understanding limitations of these procedures important when reporting images and recommending follow-up; free-response observer performance study was used to evaluate lesion detection in low-dose CT images obtained during attenuation correction acquisitions for myocardial perfusion imaging, on two hybrid imaging systems.


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Incidental findings on low-dose CT images obtained during hybrid imaging are an increasing phenomenon as CT technology advances. Understanding the diagnostic value of incidental findings along with the technical limitations is important when reporting image results and recommending follow-up, which may result in an additional radiation dose from further diagnostic imaging and an increase in patient anxiety. This study assessed lesions incidentally detected on CT images acquired for attenuation correction on two SPECT/CT systems. Methods: An anthropomorphic chest phantom containing simulated lesions of varying size and density was imaged on an Infinia Hawkeye 4 and a Symbia T6 using the low-dose CT settings applied for attenuation correction acquisitions in myocardial perfusion imaging. Twenty-two interpreters assessed 46 images from each SPECT/CT system (15 normal images and 31 abnormal images; 41 lesions). Data were evaluated using a jackknife alternative free-response receiver-operating-characteristic analysis (JAFROC). Results: JAFROC analysis showed a significant difference (P < 0.0001) in lesion detection, with the figures of merit being 0.599 (95% confidence interval, 0.568, 0.631) and 0.810 (95% confidence interval, 0.781, 0.839) for the Infinia Hawkeye 4 and Symbia T6, respectively. Lesion detection on the Infinia Hawkeye 4 was generally limited to larger, higher-density lesions. The Symbia T6 allowed improved detection rates for midsized lesions and some lower-density lesions. However, interpreters struggled to detect small (5 mm) lesions on both image sets, irrespective of density. Conclusion: Lesion detection is more reliable on low-dose CT images from the Symbia T6 than from the Infinia Hawkeye 4. This phantom-based study gives an indication of potential lesion detection in the clinical context as shown by two commonly used SPECT/CT systems, which may assist the clinician in determining whether further diagnostic imaging is justified.


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Introdução – A cintigrafia de perfusão do miocárdio (CPM) é um dos exames complementares de diagnóstico mais indicados na patologia cardiovascular. A atividade extramiocárdica é um problema recorrente na aquisição e avaliação da imagem. Parâmetros como o radiofármaco (RF) administrado, o tipo de esforço, a ingestão de alimentos, o posicionamento e o processamento de imagem influenciam a atividade extramiocárdica na CPM. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar o protocolo da CPM a nível nacional e avaliar a percentagem de repetições das aquisições provocadas por este problema. Metodologia – Para a realização deste estudo, a população selecionada foram os Serviços de Medicina Nuclear (SMN) em Portugal Continental. Foram analisados 15 questionários, respondidos pelos Técnicos Coordenadores dos vários SMN. Foi realizada a associação do comportamento das variáveis, através da estatística descritiva e do Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman. Resultados – A percentagem de repetições é menor com o uso da 99mTecnécio(Tc)-Tetrofosmina, aquisição de imagens tardias, ingestão de diversos alimentos (água, leite, sumo, pão com manteiga) e com a correção de atenuação. Conclusão – Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a maioria das soluções aplicadas nos SMN resultam numa diminuição das repetições.


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Ramo de especialização: Radiofarmácia


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Introdução – A cintigrafia de perfusão do miocárdio (CPM) é utilizada no diagnóstico e seguimento de pacientes com doença arterial coronária, sendo a sua avaliação frequentemente realizada através da análise visual dos cortes tomográficos. A escala de cores selecionada é essencial na interpretação clínica das imagens de perfusão do miocárdio. Objetivo – Avaliar a influência de diferentes escalas de cores na avaliação qualitativa das imagens de CPM e estudar quais as mais adequadas para análise visual. Métodos – Trinta e cinco estudos de CPM foram avaliados visualmente por 16 estudantes da licenciatura em medicina nuclear nas escalas de cores Cool, Gray, Gray Invert, Thermal e Warm. Para a escala de cores Cool, a análise das imagens de CPM foi realizada através de um sistema de classificação semiquantitativo por scores. As restantes escalas de cores foram avaliadas por comparação com a análise das imagens efetuada com escala de cores Cool. Resultados/Discussão – Para a escala de cores Cool, a variabilidade interoperador revelou a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre todos os participantes (p<0,05), o que se pode atribuir à subjetividade da avaliação visual. Os resultados relativos às escalas de cores Gray e Gray Invert foram os mais próximos da perfusão do miocárdio observada com a escala Cool, considerando-se escalas de cores alternativas na análise visual dos estudos de CPM. Para as escalas de cores Thermal e Warm os resultados foram mais divergentes, não se considerando adequadas para a avaliação visual dos estudos de CPM. Conclusão – A escala de cores influencia a avaliação qualitativa da perfusão na CPM.


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A crucial method for investigating patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is the calculation of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). It is, consequently, imperative to precisely estimate the value of LVEF--a process that can be done with myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Therefore, the present study aimed to establish and compare the estimation performance of the quantitative parameters of the reconstruction methods filtered backprojection (FBP) and ordered-subset expectation maximization (OSEM). Methods: A beating-heart phantom with known values of end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, and LVEF was used. Quantitative gated SPECT/quantitative perfusion SPECT software was used to obtain these quantitative parameters in a semiautomatic mode. The Butterworth filter was used in FBP, with the cutoff frequencies between 0.2 and 0.8 cycles per pixel combined with the orders of 5, 10, 15, and 20. Sixty-three reconstructions were performed using 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 OSEM subsets, combined with several iterations: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 32, and 64. Results: With FBP, the values of end-diastolic, end-systolic, and the stroke volumes rise as the cutoff frequency increases, whereas the value of LVEF diminishes. This same pattern is verified with the OSEM reconstruction. However, with OSEM there is a more precise estimation of the quantitative parameters, especially with the combinations 2 iterations × 10 subsets and 2 iterations × 12 subsets. Conclusion: The OSEM reconstruction presents better estimations of the quantitative parameters than does FBP. This study recommends the use of 2 iterations with 10 or 12 subsets for OSEM and a cutoff frequency of 0.5 cycles per pixel with the orders 5, 10, or 15 for FBP as the best estimations for the left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction quantification in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy.


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Myocardial Perfusion Gated Single Photon Emission Tomography (Gated-SPET) imaging is used for the combined evaluation of myocardial perfusion and left ventricular (LV) function. But standard protocols of the Gated-SPECT studies require long acquisition times for each study. It is therefore important to reduce as much as possible the total duration of image acquisition. However, it is known that this reduction leads to decrease on counts statistics per projection and raises doubts about the validity of the functional parameters determined by Gated-SPECT. Considering that, it’s difficult to carry out this analysis in real patients. For ethical, logistical and economical matters, simulated studies could be required for this analysis. Objective: Evaluate the influence of the total number of counts acquired from myocardium, in the calculation of myocardial functional parameters (LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction, EDV – end-diastolic volume, ESV – end-sistolic volume) using routine software procedures.


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Introdução – Os estudos Gated – Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) são uma das técnicas de imagiologia cardíaca que mais evoluiu nas últimas décadas. Para a análise das imagens obtidas, a utilização de softwares de quantificação leva a um aumento da reprodutibilidade e exatidão das interpretações. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar, em estudos Gated-SPECT, a variabilidade intra e interoperador de parâmetros quantitativos de função e perfusão do miocárdio, obtidos com os softwares Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS) e Quantitative Perfusion SPECT (QPS). Material e métodos – Recorreu-se a uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência de 52 pacientes, que realizaram estudos Gated-SPECT do miocárdio por razões clínicas e que integravam a base de dados da estação de processamento da Xeleris da ESTeSL. Os cinquenta e dois estudos foram divididos em dois grupos distintos: Grupo I (GI) de 17 pacientes com imagens com perfusão do miocárdio normal; Grupo II (GII) de 35 pacientes que apresentavam defeito de perfusão nas imagens Gated-SPECT. Todos os estudos foram processados 5 vezes por 4 operadores independentes (com experiência de 3 anos em Serviços de Medicina Nuclear com casuística média de 15 exames/semana de estudos Gated-SPECT). Para a avaliação da variabilidade intra e interoperador foi utilizado o teste estatístico de Friedman, considerando α=0,01. Resultados e discussão – Para todos os parâmetros avaliados, os respectivos valores de p não traduziram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>α). Assim, não foi verificada variabilidade intra ou interoperador significativa no processamento dos estudos Gated-SPECT do miocárdio. Conclusão – Os softwares QGS e QPS são reprodutíveis na quantificação dos parâmetros de função e perfusão avaliados, não existindo variabilidade introduzida pelo operador.


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Myocardial Perfusion Gated Single Photon Emission Tomography (Gated-SPET) imaging is used for the combined evaluation of myocardial perfusion and left ventricular (LV). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of the total number of counts acquired from myocardium, in the calculation of myocardial functional parameters using routine software procedures. Methods: Gated-SPET studies were simulated using Monte Carlo GATE package and NURBS phantom. Simulated data were reconstructed and processed using the commercial software package Quantitative Gated-SPECT. The Bland-Altman and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze the influence of the number of total counts in the calculation of LV myocardium functional parameters. Results: In studies simulated with 3MBq in the myocardium there were significant differences in the functional parameters: Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), end-systolic volume (ESV), Motility and Thickness; between studies acquired with 15s/projection and 30s/projection. Simulations with 4.2MBq show significant differences in LVEF, end-diastolic volume (EDV) and Thickness. Meanwhile in the simulations with 5.4MBq and 8.4MBq the differences were statistically significant for Motility and Thickness. Conclusion: The total number of counts per simulation doesn't significantly interfere with the determination of Gated-SPET functional parameters using the administered average activity of 450MBq to 5.4MBq in myocardium.


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Myocardial perfusion gated-single photon emission computed tomography (gated-SPECT) imaging is used for the combined evaluation of myocardial perfusion and left ventricular (LV) function. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of counts/pixel and concomitantly the total counts in the myocardium for the calculation of myocardial functional parameters. Material and methods: Gated-SPECT studies were performed using a Monte Carlo GATE simulation package and the NCAT phantom. The simulations of these studies use the radiopharmaceutical 99mTc-labeled tracers (250, 350, 450 and 680MBq) for standard patient types, effectively corresponding to the following activities of myocardium: 3, 4.2, 5.4-8.2MBq. All studies were simulated using 15 and 30s/projection. The simulated data were reconstructed and processed by quantitative-gated-SPECT software, and the analysis of functional parameters in gated-SPECT images was done by using Bland-Altman test and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. Results: In studies simulated using different times (15 and 30s/projection), it was noted that for the activities for full body: 250 and 350MBq, there were statistically significant differences in parameters Motility and Thickness. For the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), end-systolic volume (ESV) it was only for 250MBq, and 350MBq in the end-diastolic volume (EDV), while the simulated studies with 450 and 680MBq showed no statistically significant differences for global functional parameters: LVEF, EDV and ESV. Conclusion: The number of counts/pixel and, concomitantly, the total counts per simulation do not significantly interfere with the determination of gated-SPECT functional parameters, when using the administered average activity of 450MBq, corresponding to the 5.4MBq of the myocardium, for standard patient types.


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Since the first in vivo studies of cerebral function with radionuclides by Ingvar and Lassen, nuclear medicine (NM) brain applications have evolved dramatically, with marked improvements in both methods and tracers. Consequently it is now possible to assess not only cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism but also neurotransmission. Planar functional imaging was soon substituted by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET); it now has limited application in brain imaging, being reserved for the assessment of brain death.


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The acquisition of a Myocardial Perfusion image (MPI) is of great importance for the diagnosis of the coronary artery disease, since it allows to evaluate which areas of the heart aren’t being properly perfused, in rest and stress situations. This exam is greatly influenced by photon attenuation which creates image artifacts and affects quantification. The acquisition of a Computerized Tomography (CT) image makes it possible to get an atomic images which can be used to perform high-quality attenuation corrections of the radiopharmaceutical distribution, in the MPI image. Studies show that by using hybrid imaging to perform diagnosis of the coronary artery disease, there is an increase on the specificity when evaluating the perfusion of the right coronary artery (RCA). Using an iterative algorithm with a resolution recovery software for the reconstruction, which balances the image quality, the administered activity and the scanning time, we aim to evaluate the influence of attenuation correction on the MPI image and the outcome in perfusion quantification and imaging quality.