11 resultados para Mentu, Ida

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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O cinema português não tem junto do público nacional o mesmo apelo de outros tempos. Hoje a oferta é maior e o cinema norte-americano parece ter invadido as salas de cinema portuguesas. Hoje o cinema português está mais dependente do financiamento público, a ida às salas de cinema para ver produções nacionais é parca quando comparada com afluência para ver filmes de outros países e a produção nacional nem sempre passa nas salas nacionais. Sob este cenário, o trabalho aqui apresentado pretende responder ao que parece ser uma necessidade de desenvolvimento e de crescimento do sector usando como ferramenta as relações públicas. Este trabalho consiste, assim, numa aplicação prática das técnicas de relações públicas para construir uma estratégia de comunicação que, por um lado, promova o cinema português e que, por outro, fortaleça o sector.


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Seismic recordings of IRIS/IDA/GSN station CMLA and of several temporary stations in the Azores archipelago are processed with P and S receiver function (PRF and SRF) techniques. Contrary to regional seismic tomography these methods provide estimates of the absolute velocities and of the Vp/Vs ratio up to a depth of similar to 300 km. Joint inversion of PRFs and SRFs for a few data sets consistently reveals a division of the subsurface medium into four zones with a distinctly different Vp/Vs ratio: the crust similar to 20 km thick with a ratio of similar to 1.9 in the lower crust, the high-Vs mantle lid with a strongly reduced VpNs velocity ratio relative to the standard 1.8, the low-velocity zone (LVZ) with a velocity ratio of similar to 2.0, and the underlying upper-mantle layer with a standard velocity ratio. Our estimates of crustal thickness greatly exceed previous estimates (similar to 10 km). The base of the high-Vs lid (the Gutenberg discontinuity) is at a depth of-SO km. The LVZ with a reduction of S velocity of similar to 15% relative to the standard (IASP91) model is terminated at a depth of similar to 200 km. The average thickness of the mantle transition zone (TZ) is evaluated from the time difference between the S410p and SKS660p, seismic phases that are robustly detected in the S and SKS receiver functions. This thickness is practically similar to the standard IASP91 value of 250 km. and is characteristic of a large region of the North Atlantic outside the Azores plateau. Our data are indicative of a reduction of the S-wave velocity of several percent relative to the standard velocity in a depth interval from 460 to 500 km. This reduction is found in the nearest vicinities of the Azores, in the region sampled by the PRFs, but, as evidenced by SRFs, it is missing at a distance of a few hundred kilometers from the islands. We speculate that this anomaly may correspond to the source of a plume which generated the Azores hotspot. Previously, a low S velocity in this depth range was found with SRF techniques beneath a few other hotspots.


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Glucose 2-oxidase (pyranose oxidase, pyranose: oxygen-2-oxidoreductase, EC from Coriolus versicolor catalyses the oxidation of D-glucose at carbon 2 in the presence of molecular O(2) producing D-glucosone (2-keto-glucose and D-arabino-2-hexosulose) and H(2)O(2). It was used to convert D-glucose into D-glucosone at moderate pressures (i.e. up to 150 bar) with compressed air in a modified commercial batch reactor. Several parameters affecting biocatalysis at moderate pressures were investigated as follows: pressure, [enzyme], [glucose], pH, temperature, nature of fluid and the presence of catalase. Glucose 2-oxidase was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography on epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B-IDA-Cu(II) column at pH 6.0. The rate of bioconversion of D-glucose increased with the pressure since an increase in the pressure with compressed air resulted in higher rates of conversion. On the other hand, the presence of catalase increased the rate of reaction which strongly suggests that H(2)O(2) acted as inhibitor for this reaction. The rate of bioconversion of D-glucose by glucose 2-oxidase in the presence of either nitrogen or supercritical CO(2) at 110 bar was very low compared with the use of compressed air at the same pressure. The optimum temperature (55 degrees C) and pH (5.0) of D-glucose bioconversion as well as kinetic parameters for this enzyme were determined under moderate pressure. The activation energy (E(a)) was 32.08 kJmol(-1) and kinetic parameters (V(max), K(m), K(cat) and K(cat)/K(m)) for this bioconversion were 8.8 Umg(-1) protein, 2.95 mM, 30.81 s(-1) and 10,444.06 s(-1)M(-1), respectively. The biomass of C. versicolor as well as the cell-free extract containing glucose 2-oxidase activity were also useful for bioconversion of D-glucose at moderate pressures. The enzyme was apparently stable at moderate pressures since such pressures did not affect significantly the enzyme activity.


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The immobilized glucose 2-oxidase (pyranose oxidase, pyranose:oxygen-2-oxidoreductase, EC from Coriolus versicolor was used to convert D-glucose into D-glucosone at moderate pressures, up to 150 bar, with compressed air in a modified commercial batch reactor. Several parameters affecting biocatalysis at moderate pressures were investigated as follows: pressure, different forms of immobilized biocatalysts, glucose concentration, pH, temperature and the presence of catalase. Glucose 2-oxidase (GOX2) was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography on epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B-IDA-Cu(II) column at pH 6.0. Purified enzyme and catalase were immobilized into a polyethersulfone (PES) membrane in the presence of glutaraldehyde and gelatin. Enhancement of the bioconversion of D-glucose was done by the pressure since an increase in the pressure with compressed air increases the conversion rates. The optimum temperature and pH for bioconversion of D-glucose were found to be 62 degrees C and pH 6.0, respectively and the activation energy (E(a)) was 28.01 kJ mol(-1). The apparent kinetic constants (V(max)' K(m)', K(cat)' and K(cat)/K(m)') for this bioconversion were 2.27 U mg(-1) protein, 11.15 mM, 8.33 s(-1) and 747.38 s(-1) M(-1), respectively. The immobilized biomass of C. versicolor as well as crude extract containing GOX2 activity were also useful for bioconversion of D-glucose at 65 bar with a yield of 69.9 +/- 3.8% and 91.3 +/- 1.2%, respectively. The immobilized enzyme was apparently stable for several months without any significant loss of enzyme activity. On the other hand, this immobilized enzyme was also stable at moderate pressures, since such pressures did not affect significantly the enzyme activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work was to devise a one-step purification procedure for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of IgG class by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). Therefore, several stationary phases were prepared containing immobilized metal chelates in order to study the chromatographic behaviour of MAbs against wild-type amidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Such MAbs adsorbed to Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Co(II)-IDA agarose columns. The increase in ligand concentration and the use of longer spacer arms and higher pH values resulted in higher adsorption of MAbs into immobilized metal chelates. The dynamic binding capacity and the maximum binding capacity were 1.33 +/- 0.015 and 3.214 +/- 0.021 mg IgG/mL of sedimented commercial matrix, respectively. A K(D) of 4.53 x 10(-7) M was obtained from batch isotherm measurements. The combination of tailor-made stationary phases of IMAC and the correct selection of adsorption conditions permitted a one-step purification procedure to be devised for MAbs of IgG class. Culture supernatants containing MAbs were purified by IMAC on commercial-Zn(II) and EPI-30-IDA-Zn(II) Sepharose 6B columns and by affinity chromatography on Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B. This MAb preparation revealed on SDS-PAGE two protein bands with M(r) of 50 and 22 kDa corresponding to the heavy and light chains, respectively. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A produção de energia elétrica através de fontes de energia renovável tem crescido de uma forma considerável nos últimos anos com um forte incentivo decorrente das políticas europeias e nacionais. Portugal é assim um dos países de referência a nível mundial de energia eólica, ocupando o terceiro lugar relativamente ao consumo de energia proveniente da eólica com uma percentagem de 15,6%. O crescimento deste tipo de tecnologias foi possível devido aos apoios governamentais, que introduziram um regime remuneratório assente sobre uma tarifa regulada, incentivando assim o investimento em fontes de energia renovável. Derivado à crise económica atual e ao pedido de ajuda externa de Portugal, o governo português foi aconselhado a parar com os incentivos financeiros às energias renováveis. Face a esta conjuntura económica, o sobrecusto atual para os consumidores assim como a projeção futura de novas instalações de acordo com o plano de Estratégia Nacional para a Energia com horizonte de 2020, poderá influenciar Portugal no futuro a passar para mercado liberalizado no que diz respeito à energia eólica. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise de um parque eólico em mercado liberalizado, ou seja deixando de estar sob tarifa, tendo assim de licitar a sua energia em mercado como qualquer outro produtor em regime ordinário. Com a ida a mercado poderá existir um decréscimo de receita do produtor eólico, devido à dinâmica do próprio mercado. Desta forma a presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal estudar um meio de maximização da receita. Os resultados obtidos demonstram uma dependência de vários fatores, nomeadamente da volatilidade dos preços de mercado, dos preços de regulação de energia secundária, da previsão da produção, para os vários cenários efetuados para maximizar a receita do produtor num ambiente de mercado livre. No final são ainda identificados alguns meios de incentivo assim como de incremento da receita do produtor em tecnologias renováveis em detrimento da produção baseada em recursos fósseis.


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No inÌcio deste novo sÈculo continua a ser pertinente a afirmaÁ„o de Boaventura Sousa Santos, tantas vezes invocada nas v·rias ediÁıes de um seu Discurso sobr e as CiÍncias , porque vivemos, de facto, numa ìsociedade de comunicaÁ„o e interactivaî (Sousa Santos, 2002: 6). Contudo, n„o pretendemos aqui elaborar um discurso sobre as ciÍncias, nem t„o pouco discursar sobre a sociedade de comunicaÁ„o. O desafio que nos colocamos prende-se antes com a (re)descoberta da didacticidade.


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Research on cluster analysis for categorical data continues to develop, new clustering algorithms being proposed. However, in this context, the determination of the number of clusters is rarely addressed. We propose a new approach in which clustering and the estimation of the number of clusters is done simultaneously for categorical data. We assume that the data originate from a finite mixture of multinomial distributions and use a minimum message length criterion (MML) to select the number of clusters (Wallace and Bolton, 1986). For this purpose, we implement an EM-type algorithm (Silvestre et al., 2008) based on the (Figueiredo and Jain, 2002) approach. The novelty of the approach rests on the integration of the model estimation and selection of the number of clusters in a single algorithm, rather than selecting this number based on a set of pre-estimated candidate models. The performance of our approach is compared with the use of Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978) and Integrated Completed Likelihood (ICL) (Biernacki et al., 2000) using synthetic data. The obtained results illustrate the capacity of the proposed algorithm to attain the true number of cluster while outperforming BIC and ICL since it is faster, which is especially relevant when dealing with large data sets.


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A strain of Pleurotus ostreatus was grown in tomato pomace as sole carbon source for production of laccase. The culture of P. ostreatus revealed a peak of laccase activity (147 U/L of fermentation broth) on the 4th day of culture with a specific activity of 2.8 U/mg protein. Differential chromatographic behaviour of laccase was investigated on affinity chromatographic matrices containing either urea, acetamide, ethanolamine or IDA as affinity ligands. Laccase exhibited retention on such affinity matrices and it was purified on a Sepharose 6B-BDGE-urea column with final enzyme recoveries of about 60%, specific activity of 6.0 and 18.0 U/mg protein and purification factors in the range of 14-46. It was also possible to demonstrate that metal-free laccase did not adsorb to Sepharose 6B-BDGE-urea column which suggests that adsorption of native laccase on this affinity matrix was apparently due to the specific interaction of carbonyl groups available on the matrix with the active site Cu (II) ions of laccase. The kinetic parameters (V (max), K (m) , K (cat), and K (cat)/K (m) ) of the purified enzyme for several substrates were determined as well as laccase stability and optimum pH and temperature of enzyme activity. This is the first report describing the production of laccase from P. ostreatus grown on tomato pomace and purification of this enzyme based on affinity matrix containing urea as affinity ligand.


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In the present paper we compare clustering solutions using indices of paired agreement. We propose a new method - IADJUST - to correct indices of paired agreement, excluding agreement by chance. This new method overcomes previous limitations known in the literature as it permits the correction of any index. We illustrate its use in external clustering validation, to measure the accordance between clusters and an a priori known structure. The adjusted indices are intended to provide a realistic measure of clustering performance that excludes agreement by chance with ground truth. We use simulated data sets, under a range of scenarios - considering diverse numbers of clusters, clusters overlaps and balances - to discuss the pertinence and the precision of our proposal. Precision is established based on comparisons with the analytical approach for correction specific indices that can be corrected in this way are used for this purpose. The pertinence of the proposed correction is discussed when making a detailed comparison between the performance of two classical clustering approaches, namely Expectation-Maximization (EM) and K-Means (KM) algorithms. Eight indices of paired agreement are studied and new corrected indices are obtained.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica