21 resultados para Mega-Marx : johdatus uuteen Marxiin

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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A new circuit topology is proposed to replace the actual pulse transformer and thyratron based resonant modulator that supplies the 60 kV target potential for the ion acceleration of the On-Line Isotope Mass Separator accelerator, the stability of which is critical for the mass resolution downstream separator, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The improved modulator uses two solid-state switches working together, each one based on the Marx generator concept, operating as series and parallel switches, reducing the stress on the series stacked semiconductors, and also as auxiliary pulse generator in order to fulfill the target requirements. Preliminary results of a 10 kV prototype, using 1200 V insulated gate bipolar transistors and capacitors in the solid-state Marx circuits, ten stages each, with an electrical equivalent circuit of the target, are presented, demonstrating both the improved voltage stability and pulse flexibility potential wanted for this new modulator.


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This paper proposes the use of a Modular Marx Multilevel Converter, as a solution for energy integration between an offshore Wind Farm and the power grid network. The Marx modular multilevel converter is based on the Marx generator, and solves two typical problems in this type of multilevel topologies: modularity and dc capacitor voltage balancing. This paper details the strategy for dc capacitor voltage equalization. The dynamic models of the converter and power grid are presented in order to design the converter ac output voltages and the dc capacitor voltage controller. The average current control is presented and used for power flow control, harmonics and reactive power compensation. Simulation results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed (MC)-C-3 topology.


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This paper addresses the voltage droop compensation associated with long pulses generated by solid-stated based high-voltage Marx topologies. In particular a novel design scheme for voltage droop compensation in solid-state based bipolar Marx generators, using low-cost circuitry design and control, is described. The compensation consists of adding one auxiliary PWM stage to the existing Marx stages, without changing the modularity and topology of the circuit, which controls the output voltage and a LC filter that smoothes the voltage droop in both the positive and negative output pulses. Simulation results are presented for 5 stages Marx circuit using 1 kV per stage, with 1 kHz repetition rate and 10% duty cycle.


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The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss a general HV topology of the solid-state Marx modulator, for unipolar or bipolar generation connected with a step-up transformer to increase the output voltage applied to a resistive load. Due to the use of an output transformer, discussion about the reset of the transformer is made to guarantee zero average voltage applied to the primary. It is also discussed the transformer magnetizing energy recovering back to the energy storage capacitors. Simulation results for a circuit that generates 100 kV pulses using 1000 V semiconductors are presented and discussed regarding the voltage and current stress on the semiconductors and result obtained.


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A new Modular Marx Multilevel Converter, M(3)C, is presented. The M(3)C topology was developed based on the Marx Generator concept and can contribute to technological innovation for sustainability by enabling wind energy off-shore modular multilevel power switching converters with an arbitrary number of levels. This paper solves both the DC capacitor voltage balancing problem and modularity problems of multilevel converters, using a modified cell of a solid-state Marx modulator, previously developed by authors for high voltage pulsed power applications. The paper details the structure and operation of the M(3)C modules, and their assembling to obtain multilevel converters. Sliding mode control is applied to a M(3)C leg and the vector leading to automatic capacitor voltage equalization is chosen. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed M(3)C topology.


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Sub-nanosecond bipolar high voltage pulses are a very important tool for food processing, medical treatment, waste water and exhaust gas processing. A Hybrid Modulator for sub-microsecond bipolar pulse generation, comprising an unipolar solid-state Marx generator connected to a load through a stack Blumlein system that produces bipolar pulses and further multiplies the pulse voltage amplitude, is presented. Experimental results from an assembled prototype show the generation of 1000 V amplitude bipolar pulses with 100 ns of pulse width and 1 kHz repetition rate.


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This paper proposes a multifunctional architecture to implement field-programmable gate array (FPGA) controllers for power converters and presents a prototype for a pulsed power generator based on a solid-state Marx topology. The massively parallel nature of reconfigurable hardware platforms provides very high processing power and fast response times allowing the implementation of many subsystems in the same device. The prototype includes the controller, a failure detection system, an interface with a safety/emergency subsystem, a graphical user interface, and a virtual oscilloscope to visualize the generated pulse waveforms, using a single FPGA. The proposed architecture employs a modular design that can be easily adapted to other power converter topologies.


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A mathematical model that simulates the operation of a solid-state bipolar Marx modulator topology, including the influence of parasitic capacitances is presented and discussed as a tool to analyze the circuit behavior and to assist the design engineer to select the semiconductor components and to enhance the operating performance. Simulations show good agreement with experimental results, considering a four stage circuit assembled with 1200 V isolated gate bipolar transistors and diodes, operating at 1000 V dc input voltage and 1-kHz frequency, giving 4 kV and 10-mu s output pulses into several resistive loads. Results show that parasitic capacitances between Marx cells to ground can significantly load the solid-state switches, adding new operating circuit conditions.


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The operation of generalized Marx-type solid-state bipolar modulators is discussed and compared with simplified Marx-derived circuits, to evaluate their capability to deal with various load conditions. A comparative analysis on the number of switches per cell, fiber optic trigger count, losses, and switch hold-off voltages has been made. A circuit topology is obtained as a compromise in terms of operating performance, trigger simplicity, and switching losses. A five-stage laboratory prototype of this circuit has been assembled using 1200 V insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) and diodes, operating with 1000 V dc input voltage and 1 kHz frequency, giving 5 kV bipolar pulses, with 2.5 mu s pulse width and 5 mu s relaxation time into resistive, capacitive, and inductive loads.


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The preliminary results from a bipolar industrial solidstate based Marx generator, developed for the food industry, capable of delivering 25 kV/250 A positive and negative pulses with 12 kW average power, are presented and discussed. This modular topology uses only four controlled switches per cell, 27 cells in total that can be charged up to 1000V each, the two extra cells are used for droop compensation. The triggering signals for all the switches are generated by a FPGA. Considering that biomaterials are similar to resistive type loads, experimental results from this new bipolar 25 kV modulator into resistive loads are presented and discussed.


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Background - Image blurring in Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) is reported to be a problem within many UK breast screening units resulting in significant proportion of technical repeats/recalls. Our study investigates monitors of differing pixel resolution, and whether there is a difference in blurring detection between a 2.3 MP technical review monitor and a 5MP standard reporting monitor. Methods - Simulation software was created to induce different magnitudes of blur on 20 artifact free FFDM screening images. 120 blurred and non-blurred images were randomized and displayed on the 2.3 and 5MP monitors; they were reviewed by 28 trained observers. Monitors were calibrated to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function. T-test was used to determine whether significant differences exist in blurring detection between the monitors. Results - The blurring detection rate on the 2.3MP monitor for 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mm blur was 46, 59, 66, 77and 78% respectively; and on the 5MP monitor 44, 70, 83 , 96 and 98%. All the non-motion images were identified correctly. A statistical difference (p <0.01) in the blurring detection rate between the two monitors was demonstrated. Conclusions - Given the results of this study and knowing that monitors as low as 1 MP are used in clinical practice, we speculate that technical recall/repeat rates because of blurring could be reduced if higher resolution monitors are used for technical review at the time of imaging. Further work is needed to determine monitor minimum specification for visual blurring detection.


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The intensive use of semiconductor devices enabled the development of a repetitive high-voltage pulse-generator topology from the dc voltage-multiplier (VM) concept. The proposed circuit is based on an odd VM-type circuit, where a number of dc capacitors share a common connection with different voltage ratings in each one, and the output voltage comes from a single capacitor. Standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes are used for charging the energy-storing capacitors, from an ac power supply, and two additional on/off semiconductors in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the dc energy-storing capacitors connected in series with the load. Results from a 2-kV experimental prototype with three stages, delivering a 10-mu s pulse with a 5-kHz repetition rate into a resistive load, are discussed. Additionally, the proposed circuit is compared against the solid-state Marx generator topology for the same peak input and output voltages.


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Nesta dissertação referem-se as potencialidades dos programas simuladores de circuitos electrónicos, as suas principais vantagens e desvantagens nas fases de projecto, desenvolvimento e teste de circuitos electrónicos. Justifica-se a escolha do programa simulador Pspice, (Programa de Simulação com ênfase em Circuitos Integrados) em detrimento de outros softwares de simulação. Desenvolve-se o studo dos dispositivos semicondutores de potência (DSP) nomeadamente, díodos de potência PIN e IGBTs utilizados no Circuito Modulador de Impulsos Genéricos de Alta Tensão (MIGAT), bem como dos seus modelos equivalentes e parâmetros principais, para implementação em simulação utilizando o programa Pspice. Propõe-se um método de determinação dos parâmetros do modelo do díodo de potência utilizando essencialmente os manuais dos fabricantes. A validade dos parâmetros determinados é aferida, recorrendo-se à análise comparativa entre os dados obtidos através do modelo Pspice do díodo e as curvas características reais do componente. Referem-se as diferentes tipologias e modos de funcionamento para o circuito MIGAT, baseados no conceito do “gerador de Marx”, recorrendo unicamente a DSP. Tendo como base o simulador Pspice, analisam-se as características relevantes de funcionamento, para uma versão simplificada do circuito MIGAT que gera impulsos bipolares de alta tensão, para vários regimes de funcionamento, com diversos tipos de carga e com a inclusão de elementos parasitas (capacidades e indutâncias distribuídas) e estuda-se a influência destes elementos nos regimes de funcionamento do circuito e das condições mais favoráveis para o funcionamento dos DSP.


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O tema da investigação prende-se com a gestão intermédia das escolas, especificamente, o departamento curricular de expressões (DCEXP). Este estudo analisa as mudanças provocadas pelo novo modelo de estrutura intermédia estabelecido pelo DL nº 75/2008, de 22 de Abril, tendo em conta os vários modelos de agrupamento de escolas vigentes no actual sistema educativo. Procurou-se conhecer a perspectiva de directores, coordenadores de departamento de expressões e professores do mesmo departamento sobre os processos organizacionais e as lógicas de acção desenvolvidas. Para consolidar as múltiplas interrogações e o trajecto final assentar numa reflexão solidamente construída, o corpus teórico envolveu duas grandes temáticas: abordagem da escola como organização e o seu desenvolvimento no sistema educativo português. Em termos metodológicos, optou-se por um estudo qualitativo, com características exploratórias e descritivas. Para a recolha de dados, seleccionámos três agrupamentos de escolas de três concelhos limítrofes ao distrito de Lisboa (um agrupamento vertical, um agrupamento horizontal e um mega agrupamento). Os sujeitos participantes de cada agrupamento foram os directores, os coordenadores do departamento curricular de expressões, um professor do mesmo departamento com muita experiência profissional e um com menos experiência. Realizaram-se doze entrevistas semi-estruturadas, constituídas por um conjunto de questões formuladas a partir dos objectivos e organizadas em temas. Para analisar os dados, utilizámos a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A análise das representações dos diversos grupos de entrevistados permitiu vislumbrar que, apesar da aceitação das mudanças estabelecidas pelos normativos vigentes, as lógicas de acção mantêm-se centradas nas disciplinas de forma fragmentada, dificultando processos colaborativos interdisciplinares. A insatisfação em relação ao actual modelo é consensual em todos os grupos de entrevistados tendo presente a sua complexidade que resulta de aspectos relacionados com a sua dimensão e multidisciplinaridade. No entanto, também vislumbrámos aspectos potenciadores do DCEXP que o valorizam na organização escolar e no processo educativo dos alunos.


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presente dissertação tem como objectivo a análise e simulação de um Modulador de Impulso de Alta Tensão (este circuito tem como finalidade substituir o modulador actual do ISOLDE/CERN), utilizando programas de simulação e de implementação de modelos matemáticos respectivamente no Orcad-Pspice e o Matlab-Simulink. Estudou-se o modulador de impulso de alta tensão projectado para o ISOLDE/CERN, e analisou se o seu funcionamento em função do tempo de recuperação e sobreelevação da tensão na carga, os dois parâmetros mais importantes do sistema. Descreveu-se a operação do modulador de impulso de alta tensão baseado no gerador de MARX, desenvolvido no ISEL em pareceria com o CERN, estudou-se o funcionamento deste tipo de circuito baseado na tecnologia de semicondutores. Desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático que descreve a operação do modulador e implementou-se em MATLAB. Fez-se uma análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos experimentalmente com os de simulações obtidos em MATLAB e em PSPICE, e estudaram-se as limitações destes programas na análise do circuito.