4 resultados para MONARCHY
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
From 1974 to 1986 the Iberian Peninsula was the arena of major political changes. The process then undertaken was characterized by the transition from two Iberian authoritarian regimes to two democracies, which enabled both countries to join the European Economic Community (EEC) on 1 January 1986. However, the political vicissitudes until full membership of what became the European Union (EU) was achieved were very different and were decisively, although not exclusively, influenced by the fact Portugal was a republic and Spain a monarchy. In Portugal the 1974 revolution took place with consequent shift of the head of state while in Spain the engine of change was precisely the head of state: King Juan Carlos I. It is also true that despite the dangers to democracy (terrorism in Spain and some radicalism in Portugal) both societies supported the political parties committed to the democratic process in elections, which helped avoid tensions that could have defeated the process. Likewise, it is possible to argue that in Spain a plan to achieve democracy within the rule of law (an archetypal transition) was designed by the head of state, while in Portugal there was no pre-established plan – the programme of the Armed Forces Movement (Movimento das Forças Armadas [MFA]) was a weak and precarious compromise between different visions of the road to follow, enabling an intense political struggle that almost led to civil war and a dangerous state of crisis.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Tendo presente a relação que o discurso estabelece com a sociedade como um todo, este artigo procura analisar o modo como a monarquia britânica representou o segundo casamento do Príncipe Carlos e o modo como os media construíram os relatos do acontecimento desde 10 de Fevereiro a 9 de Abril de 2005 relativamente a assuntos mais vastos, como sejam as relações de poder, as estruturas económicas dos jornais e a cultura popular. Foi dada particular relevância aos aspectos multifuncionais do discurso (por exemplo, as funções ideacional, interpessoal e textual), o que requer uma leitura contextualizada de um duplo processo de mediação: por um lado, a organização da cerimónia levada a cabo pelo Palácio de St. James e a sua subsequente estratégia para atingir um fechamento monológico e, por outro, as representações discursivas da imprensa britânica, abertas a uma polifonia de vozes e a vários enquadramentos discursivos.
Bearing in mind the relationship between discourse and society at large, this article addresses the way the British monarchy represented Charles’s second marriage and the way the media constructed their accounts in the period from 10 February (announcement) until 9 April 2005 (wedding) in relation to wider issues such as power relations, newspaper economic structures and popular culture. Particular attention is paid to the multifunctional features of discourse (i.e. its ideational, interpersonal and textual functions), which requires a contextualized reading of a dual process of mediation: on the one hand, the staging of the ceremony by St. James’s Palace and its strategy for attaining monologic closure and, on the other hand, discursive representations by the British press open to a polyphony of voices and discursive frames