16 resultados para Head and neck neoplasm

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is a technique introduced to shape more precisely the dose distributions to the tumour, providing a higher dose escalation in the volume to irradiate and simultaneously decreasing the dose in the organs at risk which consequently reduces the treatment toxicity. This technique is widely used in prostate and head and neck (H&N) tumours. Given the complexity and the use of high doses in this technique it’s necessary to ensure as a safe and secure administration of the treatment, through the use of quality control programmes for IMRT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate statistically the quality control measurements that are made for the IMRT plans in prostate and H&N patients, before the beginning of the treatment, analysing their variations, the percentage of rejected and repeated measurements, the average, standard deviations and the proportion relations.


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Introdução – Numa era em que os tratamentos de Radioterapia Externa (RTE) exigem cada vez mais precisão, a utilização de imagem médica permitirá medir, quantificar e avaliar o impacto do erro provocado pela execução do tratamento ou pelos movimentos dos órgãos. Objetivo – Analisar os dados existentes na literatura acerca de desvios de posicionamento (DP) em patologias de cabeça e pescoço (CP) e próstata, medidos com Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) ou Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Metodologia – Para esta revisão da literatura foram pesquisados artigos recorrendo às bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e b-on. Foram incluídos artigos que reportassem DP em patologias CP e próstata medidos através de CBCT e EPID. Seguidamente foram aplicados critérios de validação, que permitiram a seleção dos estudos. Resultados – Após a análise de 35 artigos foram incluídos 13 estudos e validados 9 estudos. Para tumores CP, a média (μ) dos DP encontra-se entre 0,0 e 1,2mm, com um desvio padrão (σ) máximo de 1,3mm. Para patologias de próstata observa-se μDP compreendido entre 0,0 e 7,1mm, com σ máximo de 7,5mm. Discussão/Conclusão – Os DP em patologias CP são atribuídos, maioritariamente, aos efeitos secundários da RTE, como mucosite e dor, que afetam a deglutição e conduzem ao emagrecimento, contribuindo para a instabilidade da posição do doente durante o tratamento, aumentando as incertezas de posicionamento. Os movimentos da próstata devem-se principalmente às variações de preenchimento vesical, retal e gás intestinal. O desconhecimento dos DP afeta negativamente a precisão da RTE. É importante detetá-los e quantificá-los para calcular margens adequadas e a magnitude dos erros, aumentando a precisão da administração de RTE, incluindo o aumento da segurança do doente. - ABSTRACT - Background and Purpose – In an era where precision is an increasing necessity in external radiotherapy (RT), modern medical imaging techniques provide means for measuring, quantifying and evaluating the impact of treatment execution and movement error. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on the quantification of setup deviations (SD) in patients with head and neck (H&N) or prostate tumors, using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) or Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Methods – According to the study protocol, MEDLINE/PubMed and b-on databases were searched for trials, which were analyzed using selection criteria based on the quality of the articles. Results – After assessment of 35 papers, 13 studies were included in this analysis and nine were authenticated (6 for prostate and 3 for H&N tumors). The SD in the treatment of H&N cancer patients is in the interval of 0.1 to 1.2mm, whereas in prostate cancer this interval is 0.0 to 7.1mm. Discussion – The reproducibility of patient positioning is the biggest barrier for higher precision in RT, which is affected by geometrical uncertainty, positioning errors and inter or intra-fraction organ movement. There are random and systematic errors associated to patient positioning, introduced since the treatment planning phase or through physiological organ movement. Conclusion – The H&N SD are mostly assigned to the Radiotherapy adverse effects, like mucositis and pain, which affect swallowing and decrease secretions, contributing for the instability of patient positioning during RT treatment and increasing positioning uncertainties. Prostate motion is mainly related to the variation in bladder and rectal filling. Ignoring SD affects negatively the accuracy of RT. Therefore, detection and quantification of SD is crucial in order to calculate appropriate margins, the magnitude of error and to improve accuracy in RTE and patient safety.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Terapia com Radiações.


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Objetivo: identificar fontes de estresse e estratégias de coping em enfermeiros que exercem funções em três Serviços de Oncologia de Cirurgia Cabeça e Pescoço, de três hospitais centrais de Portugal. Método: estudo transversal, de carácter descritivo e exploratório, cuja amostra foi constituída pelos 96 enfermeiros dos três serviços. Na recolha de dados, foram utilizados: Questionário Sociodemográfico, Questionário de Saúde Geral-12, Inventário de Estressores Ocupacionais e Brief COPE. Resultados: verificaram-se níveis razoáveis de saúde geral. Os estressores mais referidos foram: sobrecarga de trabalho, baixa remuneração salarial, espaço físico onde se desenvolve a profissão, situações emocionalmente perturbadoras e falta de reconhecimento da profissão. As estratégias de coping mais utilizadas foram: planeamento, coping ativo, aceitação e autodistração. Conclusão: os estressores identificados relacionam-se principalmente a aspetos organizacionais e condições de trabalho, e as estratégias de coping escolhidas estão direcionadas para a resolução de problemas e melhoria do bemestar dos enfermeiros. Percentagem expressiva de enfermeiros apresentou níveis elevados de pressão e emoções deprimidas. Os resultados apresentados corroboram estudos anteriores que alertam para a importância do desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção dos níveis de estresse.


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Mestrado em Radioterapia


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Mestrado em Radioterapia - Área de especialização: Dosimetria Clínica


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Background & aims - Patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) present protein-energy malnutrition, but little is known about Trace Elements (TE), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Selenium (Se), Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr). Our aim was the evaluation of serum TE in patients who underwent PEG and its relationship with serum proteins, BMI and nature of underlying disorder. Methods - A prospective observational study was performed collecting: patient's age, gender, underlying disorder, NRS-2002, BMI, serum albumin, transferrin and TE concentration. We used ferrozine colorimetric method for Fe; Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy for Zn/Cu; Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for Se/Cr. The patients were divided into head and neck cancer (HNC) and neurological dysphagia (ND). Results - 146 patients (89 males), 21–95 years: HNC-56; ND-90. Low BMI in 78. Low values mostly for Zn (n = 122) and Fe (n = 69), but less for Se (n = 31), Cu (n = 16), Cr (n = 7); low albumin in 77, low transferrin in 94 and 66 with both proteins low. Significant differences between the groups of underlying disease only for Zn (t140.326 = −2,642, p < 0.01) and a correlation between proteins and TE respectively albumin and Zn (r = 0.197, p = 0.025), and albumin and Fe (r = 0.415, p = 0.000). Conclusions - When gastrostomy was performed, patients display low serum TE namely Zn, but also Fe, less striking regarding others TE. It was related with prolonged fasting, whatever the underlying disease. Low proteins were associated with low TE. Teams taking care of PEG-patients should use Zn supplementation and include other TE evaluation as part of the nutritional assessment of PEG candidates.


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Background and aims: Copper (Cu) is a well studied trace element but little is known about Cu evolution in long term endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding. We aimed to evaluate the evolution serum Cu since the gastrostomy until 12 weeks after the procedure in PEG patients fed with homemade meals. Methods: A prospective observational study was performed evaluating serum copper, albumin, transferrin and body mass index (BMI) at the time of the gastrostomy, 4 weeks and 12 weeks after. Data also included age, gender, NRS 2002 and nature of the underlying disease causing dysphagia: head and neck cancer (HNC) or neurological dysphagia (ND). After gastrostomy, patients were fed with homemade PEG meals. Results: One hundred and forty-six patients enrolled, 89 men, aged 21-95 years, 90 with neurologic dysphagia (ND), and 56 with head and neck cancer (HNC). 78 (53%) showed low BMI. Initially, Cu ranged 42-160 μg/dl (normal: 70-140 μg/dl); 130 patients (89%) presented normal Cu, 16 (11%) presented hypocupremia, 53% low albumin (n = 77), and 94 (65%) low transferrin. After 4 weeks, 93% presented normal Cu, 7% presented hypocupremia, low albumin was present in 34%, and low transferrin in 52%. After 12 weeks, 95% presented normal Cu, 5% presented hypocupremia, low albumin was present in 25%, and low transferrin in 32%. Comparing age, gender, underlying disease, BMI, albumin and transferrin, there were no significant differences on serum Cu. Conclusions: Most patients present normal serum Cu when gastrostomy is performed. For patients presenting hypocupremia before gastrostomy, homemade meals are effective for normalizing serum Cu.


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Background and aims - Endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) patients usually present protein-energy malnutrition, but little is known about selenium deficiency. We aimed to assess serum selenium evolution when patients underwent PEG, after 4 and 12 weeks. We also evaluated the evolution of albumin, transferrin and Body Mass Index and the influence of the nature of the underlying disease. Methods - A blood sample was obtained before PEG (T0), after 4 (T1) and 12 (T3) weeks. Selenium was assayed using GFAAS (Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy). The PEG patients were fed through homemade meals. Patients were studied as a whole and divided into two groups: head and neck cancer (HNC) and neurological dysphagia (ND). Results - We assessed 146 patients (89 males), between 21-95 years old: HNC-56; ND-90. Normal values of selenium in 79% (n=115); low albumin in 77, low transferrin in 94, low values for both serum proteins in 66. Low BMI in 78. Selenium has slow evolution, with most patients still displaying normal Selenium at T3 (82%). Serum protein levels increase from T0 to T3, most patients reaching normal values. The nature of the underlying disease is associated with serum proteins but not with selenium. Conclusions - Low serum selenium is uncommon when PEG is performed, after 4 and 12 weeks of enteral feeding and cannot be related with serum proteins levels or dysphagia cause. Enteral nutrition using customized homemade kitchen meals is satisfactory to prevent or correct Selenium deficiency in the majority of PEG patients.


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The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained.


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The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained. In this study the electromagnetic analysis has been performed via FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain).


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Previous Monte Carlo studies have investigated the multileaf collimator (MLC) contribution to the build-up region for fields in which the MLC leaves were fully blocking the openings defined by the collimation jaws. In the present work, we investigate the same effect but for symmetric and asymmetric MLC defined field sizes (2×2, 4×4, 10×10 and 3×7 cm2). A Varian 2100C/D accelerator with 120-leaf MLC is accurately modeled fora6MVphoton beam using the BEAMnrc/EGSnrc code. Our results indicate that particles scattered from accelerator head and MLC are responsible for the increase of about 7% on the surface dose when comparing 2×2 and 10×10 cm2 fields. We found that the MLC contribution to the total build-up dose is about 2% for the 2×2 cm2 field and less than 1% for the largest fields.


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Atualmente a Tomografia Computorizada (TC) é o método de imagem que mais contribui para a dose coletiva resultante de exposições médicas. Este estudo pretende determinar os valores de Índice de Dose de TC (CTDI) e produto dose-comprimento (DLP) para os exames de crânio e tórax em adultos num equipamento de TC multidetetores; e efetuar uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem. Determinaram-se os valores de CTDI e DLP utilizando uma câmara de ionização e fantomas de crânio e tórax. Efetuou-se ainda uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem com o fantoma Catphan® 500 e observadores, respetivamente. Os resultados obtidos foram superiores relativamente às Guidelines europeias no protocolo de crânio (CTDIvol = 80,13 mGy e DLP = 1209,22 mGy.cm) e inferiores no protocolo de tórax (CTDIvol = 8,37 mGy e DLP = 274,71 mGy.cm). Na análise objetiva da qualidade da imagem, à exceção da resolução de baixo contraste no protocolo de crânio, todos os outros critérios analisados estavam em conformidade com a legislação. Na análise subjetiva da qualidade da imagem existiu uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as classificações atribuídas pelos observadores às imagens nos parâmetros avaliados (p = 0,000-0,005).


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As mulheres com cancro da mama obtiveram, nos últimos anos, um aumento significativo da esperança média de vida; contudo, muitas destas mulheres vivem com as complicações crónicas resultantes do tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar as complicações músculo-esqueléticas (CME) nas sobreviventes de cancro da mama e enfatizar a necessidade de desenvolver terapêuticas preventivas para estas complicações. Métodos – Noventa e quatro mulheres sobreviventes de cancro da mama responderam a um questionário sobre potenciais CME. Resultados – Foi detetada associação significativa entre idade e linfedema (p=0,004), dor no braço (DB) (p=0,000), dor no ombro (DO) (p=0,004), dificuldade em elevar o braço (DEB) (p=0,022) e cervicalgia (p=0,000), verificando-se uma maior incidência nas mulheres com mais de 50 anos. Uma associação significativa foi detetada entre linfadenectomia e linfedema (p=0,000), DB (p=0,000), DO (p=0,008), verificando-se que as mulheres sujeitas a linfadenectomia apresentam maior incidência de linfedema, de DB e de DO. Quanto à sobrevivência constatou-se que as mulheres com mais de 10 anos de sobrevivência têm mais CME. Relativamente à mastectomia foi detetada associação significativa com o linfedema (p=0,012), DB (p=0,020), DO (p=0,003), DEB (p=0,037) e cervicalgia (p=0,020). Verificou-se que as mulheres mastectomizadas têm maior tendência para apresentar linfedema, DB, DO, DEB e cervicalgia. Conclusão – No nosso estudo, as mulheres acima dos 50 anos, as que realizaram a linfadenectomia, as com mais de 10 anos de sobrevivência e as mastectomizadas apresentaram maior incidência de CME.