23 resultados para HBP 6-6

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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O presente estudo tem como objectivo investigar o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica e a sua relação com as conceptualizações de escrita em crianças portuguesas dos quatro aos seis anos de idade. A amostra do estudo é constituída por 60 crianças de idade pré-escolar divididas por quatro grupos etários (4 anos – 4 anos e 6 meses.; 4 anos e 7 meses – 5 anos e 1 mês; 5 anos e 2 meses- 5 anos e 8 meses; 5 anos e 9 meses – 6 anos e 3 meses). As crianças foram testadas com uma bateria de seis provas de consciência fonológica e sujeitas a uma entrevista para apreciar as suas conceptualizações de escrita. O teste das Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven foi aplicado de forma a ser usado como controle na análise de regressão. Os resultados demonstram que existe um crescente desenvolvimento fonológico de acordo com a idade das crianças, mas que a maior parte das crianças ainda não vai além do nível pré-silábico, no que respeita às conceptualizações de escrita. Não foram encontradas correlações significativas entre a consciência fonológica e os níveis de conceptualização sobre a escrita. A hipótese de que a criança desenvolve conceitos de escrita como consequência da sua consciência fonológica não é suportada por este estudo. A falta de correlações significativas sugere que a consciência fonológica não deve ser vista como resultado do desenvolvimento de conceitos de escrita. É possível que a consciência fonológica seja uma condição necessária, mas não suficiente para o desenvolvimento das conceptualizações de escrita silábicas, e consequentemente alfabéticas nas crianças.


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A identificação de experiências correctas e controladas para testar uma dada hipótese científica exige processos mentais complexos, sendo uma tarefa exigente para crianças. Foram formuladas as seguintes hipóteses: (1) as crianças compreendem o que é uma boa experiência para testar uma dada hipótese, e conseguem justificar correctamente as suas escolhas de forma clara e rigorosa; (2) as crianças têm um melhor desempenho quando as experiências correctas e incorrectas são apresentadas em dois grupos distintos (condição passiva), do que quando estão misturadas (condição activa); (3) o desempenho das crianças é influen¬ciado pelo seu conhecimento e/ou crenças acerca do fenómeno a ser expe¬rimentado; (4) o desempenho melhora com a idade; e (5) que o mecanismo do controle de variáveis é facilmente aprendido. Crianças do 3º e 6º anos de escolaridade (N = 36 de cada grupo etário) avaliaram experi¬ências em seis tarefas diferentes, sendo-lhes pedido para escolherem a experiência mais correcta e rigorosa para testar uma dada hipótese e para justificarem essa escolha. Os resultados mostraram que a maior parte dos participantes conseguiam distinguir uma experiência correcta em algumas das seis tarefas. O desempenho foi superior na condição passiva do que na activa. Em algumas tarefas, a natureza do fenómeno usado levou as crianças a manterem as suas ideias e crenças e responder incorrectamente. Também a relevância que as variáveis apresentavam para os participantes influenciou as suas escolhas de experiências correctas. Foram apenas encontradas pequenas diferenças entre os dois grupos etários. Quando o mecanismo de controle de variáveis lhes foi ensinado de forma directa e explicita, as crianças aprenderam e conseguiram transferir a sua aprendiza¬gem para outras situações científicas.


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Características da aprendizagem por problemas: aprendizagem centrada no aluno; aprendizagem em pequeno grupo; professor / facilitador; primeiro passo da aprendizagem (contacto com problemas reais); problema (instrumento para alcançar conhecimento e aptidões de resolução de problemas); informação obtida através de auto-aprendizagem.


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This work reports on the synthesis of chromium oxide thin films prepared by photodissociation of Cr(CO)(6) in an oxidizing atmosphere, using a pulsed UV laser (KrF, lambda = 248 nm). The experimental conditions, which should enable the synthesis of CrO2, are discussed and results on the deposition of CrxOy films on Al2O3 (0001) substrates are presented.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo a elaboração de um projeto para constituir uma Equipa de Intervenção Precoce dirigida especificamente a uma população que está exposta a inúmeros fatores de risco ambientais e sociais. Para o efeito, analisamos os potenciais problemas da população-alvo de forma a criar uma Equipa de Intervenção Precoce, numa Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social, intitulada, Centro Social do Bairro 6 de Maio. Neste sentido, entrevistamos catorze famílias do bairro, com o propósito de compreender as suas necessidades, prioridades e anseios. Verificamos que os problemas são inúmeros: más condições de habitação, higiene, saúde e alimentação; consumo e venda de estupefacientes; graves doenças infectocontagiosas; baixo estatuto-sócio-económico; situação de exclusão social (desemprego, falta de documentos); entre outros. Adicionalmente, realizamos seis entrevistas a profissionais que trabalham direta ou indiretamente com esta população alvo, que se disponibilizam, contribuindo com as suas expectativas sobre Intervenção Precoce e com as suas ambições neste projeto, para constituir possivelmente, a futura equipa de Intervenção Precoce no Centro Social. As entrevistadas são consensuais no entendimento de Intervenção Precoce e no seu modo de atuação, demonstrando formar uma boa equipa. No intuito de aferir como outras equipas se constituem e fundamentar o nosso projeto, analisamos quatro Equipas de referência, de diferentes locais e diferentes áreas de atuação, com a finalidade de compreender os objetivos, a metodologia, o funcionamento, e todo o trabalho que uma Equipa de Intervenção possa desenvolver. Estas equipas servem de modelo e inspiração para a construção do presente projeto. Da revisão de literatura e da nossa investigação, resulta uma análise qualitativa que aponta caminhos para o projeto de uma futura Equipa de Intervenção Precoce, denominada “Fortaleza”. Assim sendo, delineamos e apresentamos as linhas orientadoras para a proposta de um projeto com objetivos, metodologia, recursos e avaliação, para que, posteriormente possa vir a ser apresentado às entidades competentes.


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A presente investigação foi centrada na análise dos manuais de Ciências da Natureza do 5.º ano editados em 2010, e teve como objetivos: Identificar o tipo de trabalho prático presente; Identificar o tipo de trabalho laboratorial quanto ao seu grau de exigência concetual; Verificar a presença de ideias acerca da natureza da ciência; Comparar as conceções assumidas pelos autores com o teor dos seus manuais; Comparar os resultados obtidos com o de outros estudos similares. A investigação foi de natureza qualitativa, recorrendo-se à análise documental (no caso dos manuais) e ao inquérito (no caso dos autores). Os instrumentos foram, respetivamente, grelhas de análise (I, II e III) e um questionário. A Grelha I foi usada para efetuar o levantamento do tipo de trabalho prático presente nos manuais escolares em estudo; a Grelha II para uma análise do tipo de trabalho laboratorial em função do seu grau de exigência concetual; a Grelha III para apurar aspetos acerca da natureza da ciência neles contemplados. A aplicação de um questionário aos autores dos manuais permitiu identificar as conceções assumidas pelos mesmos acerca do trabalho prático, do trabalho laboratorial e da natureza da ciência, e verificar se as mesmas se encontravam traduzidas no manual pelo qual foram responsáveis. Apesar de se verificar alguma diferenciação qualitativa dos manuais analisados, os resultados revelam uma incidência do trabalho prático de natureza laboratorial, com a finalidade de ilustrar uma teoria anteriormente apresentada, ignorando propostas de mais elevado grau de exigência concetual. Também é dada pouca ênfase a aspetos relacionados com a natureza da ciência. Assinale-se que os autores justificam as suas opções com base no nível etário dos alunos e revelam desconhecer, de forma coerente, alguma tipologia de classificação do trabalho prático e laboratorial. Os resultados são semelhantes aos de outros estudos anteriores. Este estudo visa assim ajudar os professores na avaliação dos manuais com que trabalham ou a adotar no futuro, despertando-os para alguns dos aspetos que devem ter em conta na avaliação da sua qualidade.


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Novel [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)(kappa(2)-L)X] and [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)(kappa(3)-L)]X center dot nH(2)O complexes (L = bis-, tris-, or tetrakis-pyrazolylborate; X = Cl, N-3, PF6, or CF3SO3) are prepared by treatment of [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)Cl-2](2) with poly-(pyrazolyl)borate derivatives [M(L)] (L in general; in detail L = Ph(2)Bp = diphenylbis-(pyrazol-1-yl)borate; L = Tp = hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)borate; L = pzTp = tetrakis(pyrazol-1-yl)borate; L = Tp(4Bo) = hydrotris(indazol-1-yl)borate, L = T-p4Bo,T-5Me = (5-methylindazol-1-yl)borate; L = Tp(Bn,4Ph) = hydrotris(3-benzyl-4-phenylpyrazol-1-yl)borate; M = Na, K, or TI) and characterized by analytical and spectral data (IR, ESIMS, H-1 and C-13 NMR). The structures of [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)(Ph(2)Bp)Cl] (1) and [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)(Tp)Cl] (3) have been established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Electrochemical studies allowed comparing the electron-donor characters of Tp and related ligands and estimating the corresponding values of the Lever E-L ligand parameter. The complexes [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)-(kappa(2)-L)X] and [Ru(eta(6)-p-cymene)(kappa(3)-L)]X center dot nH(2)O act as catalyst precursors for the diastereoselective nitroaldol reaction of benzaldehyde and nitroethane to the corresponding beta-nitroalkanol (up to 82% yield, at room temperature) with diastereoselectivity toward the formation of the threo isomer.


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Physical function is limited post-liver transplantation and exercise training can improve exercise capacity following transplantation but previously assessment of functional capacity is necessary. The 6 minute walk test (6MWT) is routinely used for studying patient’s exercise capacity and is less expensive and time consuming than a Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPXT). There have been some studies looking at the relationship between 6MWT and peak VO2 in patients but few presented an adequate equation for predicted peak VO2 from 6MWT to transplanted patients and none for Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP) liver transplanted patients (FAPTx). The aim of this study was to compare the validity of 6 equations as predictors of VO2 from the 6MWT and compare it with directly measured VO2 in patients FAPTx.


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The compounds [mPTA][CoCl4] (1, mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation), [CoCl(H2O)(DION)(2)][BF4] (2, DION = 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione), [Zn(DION)(2)]Cl-2 (3) and [ZnCl(O-PTA=O)(DION)][BF4] (4) were synthesized by reaction of CoCl2 with [mPTA]I or DION and ZnCl2 with DION or 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-7-oxide (PTA=O) and DION, respectively. All complexes are water soluble and have been characterized by IR, far-IR, H-1, C-13 and P-31{H-1} NMR spectroscopy, ESI-MS, elemental analyses and single-crystal X-ray diffraction structural analysis (for 1). They were screened against the human tumour cell lines HCT116, HepG2 and MCF7. Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit the highest in vitro cytotoxicity and show lower cytotoxic activities in normal human fibroblast cell line than in HCT116 tumour cell line, which demonstrates their slight specificity for this type of tumour cell.


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The ruthenium(II)-cymene complexes [Ru(eta(6)-cymene)(bha)Cl] with substituted halogenobenzohydroxamato (bha) ligands (substituents = 4-F, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 2,4-F-2, 3,4-F-2, 2,5-F-2, 2,6-F-2) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis, and density functional theory (DFT) studies. The compositions of their frontier molecular orbitals (MOs) were established by DFT calculations, and the oxidation and reduction potentials are shown to follow the orders of the estimated vertical ionization potential and electron affinity, respectively. The electrochemical E-L Lever parameter is estimated for the first time for the various bha ligands, which can thus be ordered according to their electron-donor character. All complexes exhibit very strong protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitory activity, even much higher than that of genistein, the clinically used PTK inhibitory drug. The complex containing the 2,4-difluorobenzohydroxamato ligand is the most active one, and the dependences of the PTK activity of the complexes and of their redox potentials on the ring substituents are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: The most recent Varian® micro multileaf collimator(MLC), the High Definition (HD120) MLC, was modeled using the BEAMNRCMonte Carlo code. This model was incorporated into a Varian medical linear accelerator, for a 6 MV beam, in static and dynamic mode. The model was validated by comparing simulated profiles with measurements. Methods: The Varian® Trilogy® (2300C/D) accelerator model was accurately implemented using the state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulation program BEAMNRC and validated against off-axis and depth dose profiles measured using ionization chambers, by adjusting the energy and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the initial electron beam. The HD120 MLC was modeled by developing a new BEAMNRC component module (CM), designated HDMLC, adapting the available DYNVMLC CM and incorporating the specific characteristics of this new micro MLC. The leaf dimensions were provided by the manufacturer. The geometry was visualized by tracing particles through the CM and recording their position when a leaf boundary is crossed. The leaf material density and abutting air gap between leaves were adjusted in order to obtain a good agreement between the simulated leakage profiles and EBT2 film measurements performed in a solid water phantom. To validate the HDMLC implementation, additional MLC static patterns were also simulated and compared to additional measurements. Furthermore, the ability to simulate dynamic MLC fields was implemented in the HDMLC CM. The simulation results of these fields were compared with EBT2 film measurements performed in a solid water phantom. Results: Overall, the discrepancies, with and without MLC, between the opened field simulations and the measurements using ionization chambers in a water phantom, for the off-axis profiles are below 2% and in depth-dose profiles are below 2% after the maximum dose depth and below 4% in the build-up region. On the conditions of these simulations, this tungsten-based MLC has a density of 18.7 g cm− 3 and an overall leakage of about 1.1 ± 0.03%. The discrepancies between the film measured and simulated closed and blocked fields are below 2% and 8%, respectively. Other measurements were performed for alternated leaf patterns and the agreement is satisfactory (to within 4%). The dynamic mode for this MLC was implemented and the discrepancies between film measurements and simulations are within 4%. Conclusions: The Varian® Trilogy® (2300 C/D) linear accelerator including the HD120 MLC was successfully modeled and simulated using the Monte CarloBEAMNRC code by developing an independent CM, the HDMLC CM, either in static and dynamic modes.


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Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation algorithms have been widely used to verify the accuracy of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) dose distributions computed by conventional algorithms due to the ability to precisely account for the effects of tissue inhomogeneities and multileaf collimator characteristics. Both algorithms present, however, a particular difference in terms of dose calculation and report. Whereas dose from conventional methods is traditionally computed and reported as the water-equivalent dose (Dw), MC dose algorithms calculate and report dose to medium (Dm). In order to compare consistently both methods, the conversion of MC Dm into Dw is therefore necessary. This study aims to assess the effect of applying the conversion of MC-based Dm distributions to Dw for prostate IMRT plans generated for 6 MV photon beams. MC phantoms were created from the patient CT images using three different ramps to convert CT numbers into material and mass density: a conventional four material ramp (CTCREATE) and two simplified CT conversion ramps: (1) air and water with variable densities and (2) air and water with unit density. MC simulations were performed using the BEAMnrc code for the treatment head simulation and the DOSXYZnrc code for the patient dose calculation. The conversion of Dm to Dw by scaling with the stopping power ratios of water to medium was also performed in a post-MC calculation process. The comparison of MC dose distributions calculated in conventional and simplified (water with variable densities) phantoms showed that the effect of material composition on dose-volume histograms (DVH) was less than 1% for soft tissue and about 2.5% near and inside bone structures. The effect of material density on DVH was less than 1% for all tissues through the comparison of MC distributions performed in the two simplified phantoms considering water. Additionally, MC dose distributions were compared with the predictions from an Eclipse treatment planning system (TPS), which employed a pencil beam convolution (PBC) algorithm with Modified Batho Power Law heterogeneity correction. Eclipse PBC and MC calculations (conventional and simplified phantoms) agreed well (<1%) for soft tissues. For femoral heads, differences up to 3% were observed between the DVH for Eclipse PBC and MC calculated in conventional phantoms. The use of the CT conversion ramp of water with variable densities for MC simulations showed no dose discrepancies (0.5%) with the PBC algorithm. Moreover, converting Dm to Dw using mass stopping power ratios resulted in a significant shift (up to 6%) in the DVH for the femoral heads compared to the Eclipse PBC one. Our results show that, for prostate IMRT plans delivered with 6 MV photon beams, no conversion of MC dose from medium to water using stopping power ratio is needed. In contrast, MC dose calculations using water with variable density may be a simple way to solve the problem found using the dose conversion method based on the stopping power ratio.


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A 17.6 kb DNA fragment from the right arm of chromosome VII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been sequenced and analysed. The sequence contains twelve open reading frames (ORFs) longer than 100 amino acids. Three genes had already been cloned and sequenced: CCT, ADE3 and TR-I. Two ORFs are similar to other yeast genes: G7722 with the YAL023 (PMT2) and PMT1 genes, encoding two integral membrane proteins, and G7727 with the first half of the genes encoding elongation factors 1gamma, TEF3 and TEF4. Two other ORFs, G7742 and G7744, are most probably yeast orthologues of the human and Paracoccus denitrificans electron-transferring flavoproteins (beta chain) and of the Escherichia coli phosphoserine phosphohydrolase. The five remaining identified ORFs do not show detectable homology with other protein sequences deposited in data banks. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number Z49133.


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The Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic defect in the world. The most common clinical manifestations are acute hemolytic anemia associated with drugs, infections, neonatal jaundice and hemolytic non-spherocytic chronic anemia. The main aim of this study was to determine the frequency of major genetic variants of G6PD leading to enzyme deficiency in children from 0 to 14 years at a Pediatric Hospital in Luanda, Angola. A cross-sectional and descriptive analytical study covered a total of 194 children aged from 0 to 14 years, of both genders and hospitalized at the Pediatric Hospital David Bernardino, Luanda between November and December, 2011. The G202A, A376G and C563T mutations of the G6PD gene were determined by real-time PCR with Taqman probes. The disabled A-/A- genotype was detected in 10 girls (10.9%). Among the boys, 21 (20.6%) presented the genotype A-. Considering all the samples, the A- variant was observed in 22.4% of cases. The Mediterranean mutation was not detected in the Angolan sample. Furthermore, no association was found between genotype and anemia, nutritional state and mucosa color. A significant association, however, was observed with jaundice. Based on the results obtained, there is a clear need to identify those with the disabled genotype in the Angolan population in order to avoid cases of drug-induced anemia, particularly in the treatment of malaria, so prevalent in Angola.


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Introduction: Visual anomalies that affect school-age children represent an important public health problem. Data on the prevalence are lacking in Portugal but is needed for planning vision services. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of strabismus, decreased visual acuity, and uncorrected refractive error in Portuguese children aged 6 to 11 years. Methods and materials: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 672 school-age children (7.69 ± 1.19 years). Children received an orthoptic assessment (visual acuity, ocular alignment, and ocular movements) and non-cycloplegic autorefraction. Results: After orthoptic assessment, 13.8% of children were considered abnormal (n = 93). Manifest strabismus was found in 4% of the children. Rates of esotropia (2.1%) were slightly higher than exotropia (1.8%). Strabismus rates were not statistically significant different per sex (p = 0.681) and grade (p = 0.228). Decreased visual acuity at distance was present in 11.3% of children. Visual acuity ≤20/66 (0.5 logMAR) was found in 1.3% of the children. We also found that 10.3% of children had an uncorrected refractive error. Conclusions: Strabismus affects a small proportion of the Portuguese school-age children. Decreased visual acuity and uncorrected refractive error affected a significant proportion of school-age children. New policies need to be developed to address this public health problem.