14 resultados para EuroPharm Forum

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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A introdução de capacidades RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) em dispositivos móveis não é recente. No entanto, a indústria nunca se mostrou muito interessada nesta vertente, porque não existia uma entidade que regulasse a normalização dos diversos aspectos relacionados, nomeadamente a forma como os dados são transferidos entre os dispositivos e de que forma são guardados esses dados nas tags RFID (dispositivos compostos por circuito integrado e antena, que podem armazenar dados e transferi-los por rádio frequência). A inexistência de normas que pudessem ser adoptadas pelos fabricantes levaria a que cada um tivesse que definir o seu próprio conjunto de formas de transferência e armazenamento, o que conduziria inevitavelmente à fragmentação do mercado. Estes problemas foram resolvidos com a criação da associação industrial sem fins lucrativos NFC Forum, que é composta por diversos fabricantes com interesse na área. Desde a sua criação, esta associação tem vindo a desenvolver protocolos com o objectivo de unificar dispositivos e soluções de vários fabricantes. O termo NFC, ou Near Field Communication, foi criado para identificar esta nova geração de dispositivos móveis, que combinam as capacidades de processamento e interacção com o utilizador de um dispositivo móvel, com a comodidade associada à utilização de cartões sem contacto. Apesar de ser o elemento central nesta nova tecnologia, os dispositivos móveis não são os únicos que compõem esta nova família de tecnologias. Dela fazem também parte tags NFC, baseadas nos mesmos princípios das tags RFID, com a diferença que, nas primeiras, a forma como são organizados os dados é especificada pelas normas do NFC Forum. Uma das áreas de aplicação da tecnologia NFC é a disponibilização de conteúdos presentes em tags ou em outros dispositivos NFC, e exibição desses conteúdos no dispositivo móvel. No presente trabalho, são analisadas as normas publicadas pelo NFC Forum de forma a identificar a forma de estender a estrutura de mensagens proposta. A fase de análise incluiu também a identificação das características dos diversos dispositivos envolvidos nesta nova tecnologia (telemóveis, leitores desktop e tags). São apresentados os resultados do estudo de alguns projectos que utilizam tecnologia NFC, de forma a verificar até que ponto é interessante generalizar a plataforma a desenvolver neste projecto, bem como quais as funcionalidades mínimas desejáveis. Com base nesta análise, são definidos alguns conceitos base para a solução que envolvem tópicos como os protocolos de transporte, assim como o formato dos dados utilizado para transportar o conteúdo entre os vários componentes da solução. O resultado é uma solução híbrida que admite um vasto leque de aplicações. Verificou-se que as soluções actuais poderiam ser implementadas com recurso à solução aqui apresentada e, nos casos em que tal não acontece directamente, a solução actual pode ser estendida para o tornar possível.


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As teachers, we are challenged everyday to solve pedagogical problems and we have to fight for our students’ attention in a media rich world. I will talk about how we use ICT in Initial Teacher Training and give you some insight on what we are doing. The most important benefit of using ICT in education is that it makes us reflect on our practice. There is no doubt that our classrooms need to be updated, but we need to be critical about every peace of hardware, software or service that we bring into them. It is not only because our budgets are short, but also because e‐learning is primarily about learning, not technology. Therefore, we need to have the knowledge and skills required to act in different situations, and choose the best tool for the job. Not all subjects are suitable for e‐learning, nor do all students have the skills to organize themselves their own study times. Also not all teachers want to spend time programming or learning about instructional design and metadata. The promised land of easy use of authoring tools (e.g. eXe and Reload) that will lead to all teachers become Learning Objects authors and share these LO in Repositories, all this failed, like previously HyperCard, Toolbook and others. We need to know a little bit of many different technologies so we can mobilize this knowledge when a situation requires it: integrate e‐learning technologies in the classroom, not a flipped classroom, just simple tools. Lecture capture, mobile phones and smartphones, pocket size camcorders, VoIP, VLE, live video broadcast, screen sharing, free services for collaborative work, save, share and sync your files. Do not feel stressed to use everything, every time. Just because we have a whiteboard does not mean we have to make it the centre of the classroom. Start from where you are, with your preferred subject and the tools you master. Them go slowly and try some new tool in a non‐formal situation and with just one or two students. And you don’t need to be alone: subscribe a mailing list and share your thoughts with other teachers in a dedicated forum, even better if both are part of a community of practice, and share resources. We did that for music teachers and it was a success, in two years arriving at 1.000 members. Just do it.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.


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This work reports on the synthesis of chromium oxide thin films prepared by photodissociation of Cr(CO)(6) in an oxidizing atmosphere, using a pulsed UV laser (KrF, lambda = 248 nm). The experimental conditions, which should enable the synthesis of CrO2, are discussed and results on the deposition of CrxOy films on Al2O3 (0001) substrates are presented.


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In this paper we consider the monoid OR(n) of all full transformations on a chain with n elements that preserve or reverse the orientation, as well as its submonoids OD(n) of all order-preserving or order-reversing elements, OP(n) of all orientation-preserving elements and O(n) of all order-preserving elements. By making use of some well known presentations, we show that each of these four monoids is a quotient of a bilateral semidirectproduct of two of its remarkable submonoids.


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Introdução – A doença oncológica tem sido assunto de abordagem historiográfica particularmente abundante no contexto internacional. No caso português só recentemente começaram a surgir os primeiros trabalhos em redor desta ampla temática. Objetivos – Revolvendo em torno da emergência e estruturação da luta anticancerosa no âmbito internacional, pretende-se apresentar uma breve síntese sobre a evolução deste fenómeno em Portugal na primeira metade do século XX. Metodologia – Análise documental. Qualitativa e heurística. Resultados/Discussão/Considerações finais – A luta contra a doença oncológica em Portugal não destoou do contexto médico-científico e do movimento internacional anticanceroso da primeira metade do século XX. No entanto, a emergência e a institucionalização do projeto anticanceroso nacional apresentou algumas particularidades. Inserido entre uma especialidade médica em processo de afirmação e as necessidades assistenciais dos cancerosos, resultou da conjugação de uma série de fatores que ultrapassam a mera assimilação de novas tecnologias médicas ou da criação de um espaço próprio para a prática da oncologia. Tornou-se também num meio para realizar um trabalho intenso de educação para a saúde, num instrumento de ponta na formação médica especializada e numa referência de modernidade científica no contexto do Estado Novo.


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Marble processing activities generates a.significant amount of waste in dust form. This waste, which is nowadays one of the environmental problems worldwide, presents great potential of being used as mineral addition in blended cements production. This paper shows preliminary results of an ongoing project which ultimate goal is to investigate the viability of using waste marble dust (WMD), produced by marble Portuguese industry, as cement replacement material. In order to evaluate the effects of the WMD on mechanical behaviour, different mortar blended cement mixtures were tested. These mixtures were prepared with different partial substitution level of cement with WMD. Strength results of WMD blended cements were compared to control cements with same level of incorporation of natural limestone used to produce commercial Portland-limestone cements. The results obtained show that WMD blended cements perform better than limestone blended cements for same replacement level up to 20% w/w. Therefore, WMD reveals promising attributes for blended cements production.


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Considering ancient monuments and historical buildings, it seems that these mortars have proved to be durable and reliable materials. The restoration and maintenance of old renders is one of the key aspects of correct rehabilitation practice. The ideal course of action is to replace the damaged material by a material with compatible characteristics.The study in development presents the chemical, physical and morphologic analysis performed for ancient air lime mortars belonging to historical monuments: Santa Marta Fortress in the coast line Lisbon-Cascais dated from XVII century and Defense Wall of Lisbon dated from XI century, which layout could be associated to roman period. It is important to underline that the studied samples of ancient portuguese air lime mortars, have been submitted during centuries to very severe maritime environment that includes daily cycles of wet/dry, wind, friction and the constant presence of salts, generally aggressive. However, they show very good performance and conservation state, unlike most of the new air lime mortars, which are generally considered weak, not very durable, materials. This work is included in a study intending to determine key factors to the durability of these ancient materials in presence of water. Visible reaction rims around some aggregates suggests the occurrence of pozzolanic reactions between aggregates and the lime binder that creates neoformation products, such as calcium-silico-aluminates, which seems be, besides the pores filling, the responsible for the resistance and cohesion of these ancient mortars submitted to aggressive humid environments.


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Conferência - 16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)- Jun 24-27, 2013


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The most common causes of anemia are micronutrient deficiencies, but other factors may influence namely inflammation, parasitic infections and inherited disorders. One strategy to combat micronutrient deficiencies is supplementation, yet, in zones with high prevalence of Schistosomiasis or Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH), supplementation could be not sufficient. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of deworming, on hemoglobin concentration, in children from 2 to 15 years, from Bengo.


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Let X be a finite or infinite chain and let be the monoid of all endomorphisms of X. In this paper, we describe the largest regular subsemigroup of and Green's relations on. In fact, more generally, if Y is a nonempty subset of X and is the subsemigroup of of all elements with range contained in Y, we characterize the largest regular subsemigroup of and Green's relations on. Moreover for finite chains, we determine when two semigroups of the type are isomorphic and calculate their ranks.


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Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro e Comunidade.


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In this paper we investigate some classes of semigroup rings with respect to (semi)primeness and (semi)primitivity. We do so by extending the techniques developed by Munn in (Proc R Soc Edinbur Sect A 107:175-196, 1987) and (Proc R Soc Edinbur Sect A 115:109-117, 1990) for the study of semigroup rings of inverse semigroups. Restriction, weakly ample and ample semigroups are considered.


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In this paper we give presentations for the monoid DPn of all partial isometries on {1,..., n} and for its submonoid ODPn of all order-preserving partial isometries.