7 resultados para Euler

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Facing the lateral vibration problem of a machine rotor as a beam on elastic supports in bending, the authors deal with the free vibration of elastically restrained Bernoulli-Euler beams carrying a finite number of concentrated elements along their length. Based on Rayleigh's quotient, an iterative strategy is developed to find the approximated torsional stiffness coefficients, which allows the reconciliation between the theoretical model results and the experimental ones, obtained through impact tests. The mentioned algorithm treats the vibration of continuous beams under a determined set of boundary and continuity conditions, including different torsional stiffness coefficients and the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, not only in the energetic terms of the Rayleigh's quotient but also on the mode shapes, considering the shape functions defined in branches. Several loading cases are examined and examples are given to illustrate the validity of the model and accuracy of the obtained natural frequencies.


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Industrial rotating machines may be exposed to severe dynamic excitations due to resonant working regimes. Dealing with the bending vibration, problem of a machine rotor, the shaft - and attached discs - can be simply modelled using the Bernoulli-Euler beam theory, as a continuous beam subjected to a specific set of boundary conditions. In this study, the authors recall Rayleigh's method to propose an iterative strategy, which allows for the determination of natural frequencies and mode shapes of continuous beams taking into account the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, including different stiffness coefficients at the right and the left end sides. The algorithm starts with the exact solutions from Bernoulli-Euler's beam theory, which are then updated through Rayleigh's quotient parameters. Several loading cases are examined in comparison with the experimental data and examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the model and the accuracy of the obtained values.


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Equipamentos rotativos podem ser encarados como vigas em apoios elásticos suportando um número finito de elementos concentrados ao longo do seu comprimento. Em operação, este tipo de equipamento pode ser exposto a solicitações dinâmicas severas. Com a finalidade de evitar regimes críticos, os autores propõem um algoritmo baseado no Quociente de Rayleigh, utilizando ateoria das vigas de Bernoulli-Euler. Este algoritmo permite a determinação das soluções próprias de vigas contínuas, considerando diversas condições de fronteira e o efeito da massa concentrada e inércia de rotação dos elementos suportados. Tentando reproduzir as configurações de sistemasreais são usadas diferentes condições de fronteira na formulação da teoria das vigas de Bernoulli- Euler. Salienta-se o facto dos dados analíticos serem experimentalmente verificados através de ensaios de impacto, sendo por sua vez utilizados como entradas do algoritmo de modelação, para a identificação da rigidez torsional dos apoios. Os resultados são discutidos e comparados,sempre que apropriado, com resultados já publicados. Finalmente, o trabalho futuro é delineado.


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Nesta dissertação pretende-se simular o comportamento dinâmico de uma laje de betão armado aplicando o Método de Elementos Finitos através da sua implementação no programa FreeFEM++. Este programa permite-nos a análise do modelo matemático tridimensional da Teoria da Elasticidade Linear, englobando a Equação de Equilíbrio, Equação de Compatibilidade e Relações Constitutivas. Tratando-se de um problema dinâmico é necessário recorrer a métodos numéricos de Integração Directa de modo a obter a resposta em termos de deslocamento ao longo do tempo. Para este trabalho escolhemos o Método de Newmark e o Método de Euler para a discretização temporal, um pela sua popularidade e o outro pela sua simplicidade de implementação. Os resultados obtidos pelo FreeFEM++ são validados através da comparação com resultados adquiridos a partir do SAP2000 e de Soluções Teóricas, quando possível.


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Finding the structure of a confined liquid crystal is a difficult task since both the density and order parameter profiles are nonuniform. Starting from a microscopic model and density-functional theory, one has to either (i) solve a nonlinear, integral Euler-Lagrange equation, or (ii) perform a direct multidimensional free energy minimization. The traditional implementations of both approaches are computationally expensive and plagued with convergence problems. Here, as an alternative, we introduce an unsupervised variant of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network for minimizing the free energy of a fluid of hard nonspherical particles confined between planar substrates of variable penetrability. We then test our algorithm by comparing its results for the structure (density-orientation profiles) and equilibrium free energy with those obtained by standard iterative solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations and with Monte Carlo simulation results. Very good agreement is found and the MLP method proves competitively fast, flexible, and refinable. Furthermore, it can be readily generalized to the richer experimental patterned-substrate geometries that are now experimentally realizable but very problematic to conventional theoretical treatments.


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Finding the structure of a confined liquid crystal is a difficult task since both the density and order parameter profiles are nonuniform. Starting from a microscopic model and density-functional theory, one has to either (i) solve a nonlinear, integral Euler-Lagrange equation, or (ii) perform a direct multidimensional free energy minimization. The traditional implementations of both approaches are computationally expensive and plagued with convergence problems. Here, as an alternative, we introduce an unsupervised variant of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network for minimizing the free energy of a fluid of hard nonspherical particles confined between planar substrates of variable penetrability. We then test our algorithm by comparing its results for the structure (density-orientation profiles) and equilibrium free energy with those obtained by standard iterative solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations and with Monte Carlo simulation results. Very good agreement is found and the MLP method proves competitively fast, flexible, and refinable. Furthermore, it can be readily generalized to the richer experimental patterned-substrate geometries that are now experimentally realizable but very problematic to conventional theoretical treatments.


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The formulation of a bending vibration problem of an elastically restrained Bernoulli-Euler beam carrying a finite number of concentrated elements along its length is presented. In this study, the authors exploit the application of the differential evolution optimization technique to identify the torsional stiffness properties of the elastic supports of a Bernoulli-Euler beam. This hybrid strategy allows the determination of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of continuous beams, taking into account the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, followed by a reconciliation step between the theoretical model results and the experimental ones. The proposed optimal identification of the elastic support parameters is computationally demanding if the exact eigenproblem solving is considered. Hence, the use of a Gaussian process regression as a meta-model is addressed. An experimental application is used in order to assess the accuracy of the estimated parameters throughout the comparison of the experimentally obtained natural frequency, from impact tests, and the correspondent computed eigenfrequency.