103 resultados para Gering, Hugo,
In this paper, a mixed-integer quadratic programming approach is proposed for the short-term hydro scheduling problem, considering head-dependency, discontinuous operating regions and discharge ramping constraints. As new contributions to earlier studies, market uncertainty is introduced in the model via price scenarios, and risk aversion is also incorporated by limiting the volatility of the expected profit through the conditional value-at-risk. Our approach has been applied successfully to solve a case Study based on one of the main Portuguese cascaded hydro systems, requiring a negligible computational time.
In this paper, a novel hybrid approach is proposed for electricity prices forecasting in a competitive market, considering a time horizon of 1 week. The proposed approach is based on the combination of particle swarm optimization and adaptive-network based fuzzy inference system. Results from a case study based on the electricity market of mainland Spain are presented. A thorough comparison is carried out, taking into account the results of previous publications, to demonstrate its effectiveness regarding forecasting accuracy and computation time. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.
Serão apresentadas duas experiências que estudantes de radiologia da ESTeSL tiveram no estrangeiro: a experiência que as estudantes tiveram no seu ERASMUS em Viena de Áustria no 2º semestre de 2014/15 e o decorrer da Summer School OPTIMAX2015, em que as estudantes participaram em agosto de 2015, em Groningen, nos Países Baixos. Falar-se-á um pouco sobre os estudos em radiologia. Discutir-se-ão os desafios que são habitualmente apresentados a um estudante aquando da realização do seu artigo final de investigação, como se podem prevenir e ultrapassar esses obstáculos e construir um artigo científico de qualidade.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
This paper is on the self-scheduling problem for a thermal power producer taking part in a pool-based electricity market as a price-taker, having bilateral contracts and emission-constrained. An approach based on stochastic mixed-integer linear programming approach is proposed for solving the self-scheduling problem. Uncertainty regarding electricity price is considered through a set of scenarios computed by simulation and scenario-reduction. Thermal units are modelled by variable costs, start-up costs and technical operating constraints, such as: forbidden operating zones, ramp up/down limits and minimum up/down time limits. A requirement on emission allowances to mitigate carbon footprint is modelled by a stochastic constraint. Supply functions for different emission allowance levels are accessed in order to establish the optimal bidding strategy. A case study is presented to illustrate the usefulness and the proficiency of the proposed approach in supporting biding strategies. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Measurements in civil engineering load tests usually require considerable time and complex procedures. Therefore, measurements are usually constrained by the number of sensors resulting in a restricted monitored area. Image processing analysis is an alternative way that enables the measurement of the complete area of interest with a simple and effective setup. In this article photo sequences taken during load displacement tests were captured by a digital camera and processed with image correlation algorithms. Three different image processing algorithms were used with real images taken from tests using specimens of PVC and Plexiglas. The data obtained from the image processing algorithms were also compared with the data from physical sensors. A complete displacement and strain map were obtained. Results show that the accuracy of the measurements obtained by photogrammetry is equivalent to that from the physical sensors but with much less equipment and fewer setup requirements. © 2015Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
This work reports a theoretical study aimed to identify the plasmonic resonance condition for a system formed by metallic nanoparticles embedded in an a-Si: H matrix. The study is based on a Tauc-Lorentz model for the electrical permittivity of a-Si: H and a Drude model for the metallic nanoparticles. It is calculated the The polarizability of an sphere and ellipsoidal shaped metal nanoparticles with radius of 20 nm. We also performed FDTD simulations of light propagation inside this structure reporting a comparison among the effects caused by a single nanoparticles of Aluminium, Silver and, as a comparison, an ideally perfectly conductor. The simulation results shows that is possible to obtain a plasmonic resonance in the red part of the spectrum (600-700 nm) when 20-30 nm radius Aluminium ellipsoids are embedded into a-Si: H.
Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro e Comunidade.
Dissertação submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas – vertente Teatro-Música.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica
This paper presents a coordination approach to maximize the total profit of wind power systems coordinated with concentrated solar power systems, having molten-salt thermal energy storage. Both systems are effectively handled by mixed-integer linear programming in the approach, allowing enhancement on the operational during non-insolation periods. Transmission grid constraints and technical operating constraints on both systems are modeled to enable a true management support for the integration of renewable energy sources in day-ahead electricity markets. A representative case study based on real systems is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.
Previous work by our group introduced a novel concept and sensor design for “off-the-person” ECG, for which evidence on how it compares against standard clinical-grade equipment has been largely missing. Our objectives with this work are to characterise the off-the-person approach in light of the current ECG systems landscape, and assess how the signals acquired using this simplified setup compare with clinical-grade recordings. Empirical tests have been performed with real-world data collected from a population of 38 control subjects, to analyze the correlation between both approaches. Results show off-the-person data to be correlated with clinical-grade data, demonstrating the viability of this approach to potentially extend preventive medicine practices by enabling the integration of ECG monitoring into multiple dimensions of people’s everyday lives. © 2015, IUPESM and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The capability to anticipate a contact with another device can greatly improve the performance and user satisfaction not only of mobile social network applications but of any other relying on some form of data harvesting or hoarding. One of the most promising approaches for contact prediction is to extrapolate from past experiences. This paper investigates the recurring contact patterns observed between groups of devices using an 8-year dataset of wireless access logs produced by more than 70000 devices. This effort permitted to model the probabilities of occurrence of a contact at a predefined date between groups of devices using a power law distribution that varies according to neighbourhood size and recurrence period. In the general case, the model can be used by applications that need to disseminate large datasets by groups of devices. As an example, the paper presents and evaluates an algorithm that provides daily contact predictions, based on the history of past pairwise contacts and their duration. Copyright © 2015 ICST.