89 resultados para HOARDING DIMENSION
Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil Estruturas
Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil Estruturas
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Este texto incide sobre o papel da supervisão pedagógica no contexto da avaliação de desempenho docente (ADD), procurando aprofundar a forma como a dimensão formativa da avaliação foi equacionada e desenvolvida nas escolas. Para tal, foram realizados dois estudos num agrupamento de escolas da periferia de Lisboa, abrangendo professores avaliadores e avaliados do 1º e do 2º/3º ciclos. Os estudos tinham como objetivos gerais: i) conhecer asconceções de avaliadores e avaliados sobre os fundamentos e as práticas de avaliação de desempenho desenvolvidas nos seus contextos profissionais; ii) e definir o papel que avaliadores e avaliados atribuem à supervisão neste processo. Para a recolha de dados usou-se a entrevista semi-diretiva, recorrendo-se à análise de conteúdo para tratamento dos dados. O confronto dos resultados das entrevistas permite concluir que as conceções sobre a avaliação de desempenho dos docentes dos diferentes ciclos são semelhantes, mas o processo de avaliação e de supervisão foi vivido de forma distinta. O papel da supervisão na ADD depende, em larga escala, da competência dos avaliadores como supervisores e como professores e é facilitado pela existência prévia de uma cultura de colaboração entre docentes.
Mestrado em Contabilidade
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Considering that recent european high-speed railway system has a traction power system of kV 50 Hz, which causes electromagnetic emission for the outside world, it is important to dimension the railway system emissions, using a frequency/distance dependent propagation model. This paper presents an enhanced theoretical model for VLF to UHF propagation, railway system oriented. It introduces the near field approach (crucial in low frequency propagation) and also considers the source characteristics and type of measuring antenna. Simulations are presented, and comparisons are set with earlier far field models. Using the developed model, a real case study was performed in partnership with Refer Telecom (portuguese telecom operator for railways). The new propagation model was used in order to predict the future high-speed railway electromagnetic emissions in the Lisbon north track. The results show the model's prediction capabilities and also its applicability to realistic scenarios.
This paper presents the design methodology for the creation of corrugated horn antennas for the CosmoGal satellite. The mission will collect the radiation of the cosmic microwave background, by a radiometer in three different radio astronomy frequency bands (10.6-10.7GHz; 15.35-15.4GHz; 23.6-24GHz). It is discussed the design of several types of horns, simulated with the CST software. The best result points to a choked Gaussian corrugated horn antenna, with directivity of 23 dBi, side lobes 35 dB below and cross polarization better than -45 dB. Plus, with the advantage of having a small dimension, with a total length of only 7.43λ © 2014 IEEE.
We look for minimal chiral sets of fermions beyond the standard model that are anomaly free and, simultaneously, vectorlike particles with respect to color SU(3) and electromagnetic U(1). We then study whether the addition of such particles to the standard model particle content allows for the unification of gauge couplings at a high energy scale, above 5.0 x 10(15) GeV so as to be safely consistent with proton decay bounds. The possibility to have unification at the string scale is also considered. Inspired in grand unified theories, we also search for minimal chiral fermion sets that belong to SU(5) multiplets, restricted to representations up to dimension 50. It is shown that, in various cases, it is possible to achieve gauge unification provided that some of the extra fermions decouple at relatively high intermediate scales.
Feature selection is a central problem in machine learning and pattern recognition. On large datasets (in terms of dimension and/or number of instances), using search-based or wrapper techniques can be cornputationally prohibitive. Moreover, many filter methods based on relevance/redundancy assessment also take a prohibitively long time on high-dimensional. datasets. In this paper, we propose efficient unsupervised and supervised feature selection/ranking filters for high-dimensional datasets. These methods use low-complexity relevance and redundancy criteria, applicable to supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning, being able to act as pre-processors for computationally intensive methods to focus their attention on smaller subsets of promising features. The experimental results, with up to 10(5) features, show the time efficiency of our methods, with lower generalization error than state-of-the-art techniques, while being dramatically simpler and faster.
Density-dependent effects, both positive or negative, can have an important impact on the population dynamics of species by modifying their population per-capita growth rates. An important type of such density-dependent factors is given by the so-called Allee effects, widely studied in theoretical and field population biology. In this study, we analyze two discrete single population models with overcompensating density-dependence and Allee effects due to predator saturation and mating limitation using symbolic dynamics theory. We focus on the scenarios of persistence and bistability, in which the species dynamics can be chaotic. For the chaotic regimes, we compute the topological entropy as well as the Lyapunov exponent under ecological key parameters and different initial conditions. We also provide co-dimension two bifurcation diagrams for both systems computing the periods of the orbits, also characterizing the period-ordering routes toward the boundary crisis responsible for species extinction via transient chaos. Our results show that the topological entropy increases as we approach to the parametric regions involving transient chaos, being maximum when the full shift R(L)(infinity) occurs, and the system enters into the essential extinction regime. Finally, we characterize analytically, using a complex variable approach, and numerically the inverse square-root scaling law arising in the vicinity of a saddle-node bifurcation responsible for the extinction scenario in the two studied models. The results are discussed in the context of species fragility under differential Allee effects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present a generator for single top-quark production via flavour-changing neutral currents. The MEtop event generator allows for Next-to-Leading-Order direct top production pp -> t and Leading-Order production of several other single top processes. A few packages with definite sets of dimension six operators are available. We discuss how to improve the bounds on the effective operators and how well new physics can be probed with each set of independent dimension six operators.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo