75 resultados para Bioplastics,Toy sector,Sustainable materials
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão dos Serviços de Saúde
The reuse of structural concrete elements to produce new concrete aggregates is accepted as an alternative to dumping them and is favourable to the sustainability of natural reserves. Even though the construction sector is familiar with the use of coarse recycled concrete aggregates, the recycled concrete fines are classified as less noble resources. This research sets out to limit the disadvantages associated with the performance of concrete containing fine recycled concrete aggregates through the use of superplasticisers. Two types of latest generation superplasticisers were used that differ in terms of water reduction capacity and robustness, and the workability, density and compressive strength of each of the compositions analysed were then compared: a reference concrete, with no plasticisers, and concrete mixes with the superplasticisers. For each concrete family mixes with 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100% replacement ratios of fine natural aggregates (FNA) by fine recycled concrete aggregates (FRA) were analysed. Concrete with incorporation of recycled aggregates was found to have poorer relative performance. The mechanical performance of concrete with recycled aggregates and superplasticisers was generally superior to that of the reference concrete with no admixtures and of conventional concrete with lower performance superplasticisers.
An aneurysm is a localized blood-filled dilatation of an artery whose consequences can be deadly. One of its current treatments is endovascular aneurysm repair, a minimally invasive procedure in which an endoprosthesis, called a stent-graft, is placed transluminally to prevent wall rupture. Early stent-grafts were custom designed for the patient through the assembling of off-the-shelf components by the operating surgeon. However, nowadays, stent-grafts have become a commercial product. The existing endoprostheses differ in several aspects, such as shape design and materials, but they have in common a metallic scaffold with a polymeric covering membrane. This article aims to gather relevant information for those who wish to understand the principles of stent-grafts and even to develop new devices. Hence, a stent-graft classification based on different characteristics is presented and the desired features for an ideal device are pointed out. Additionally, the materials currently in use to fabricate this type of endoprosthesis are reviewed and new materials are suggested.
To study luminescence, reflectance, and color stability of dental composites and ceramics. Materials and Methods: IPS e.max, IPS Classic, Gradia, and Sinfony materials were tested, both unpolished (as-cast) and polished specimens. Coffee, tea, red wine, and distilled water (control) were used as staining drinks. Disk-shaped specimens were soaked in the staining drinks for up to 5 days. Color was measured by a colorimeter. Fluorescence was recorded using a spectrofluorometer, in the front-face geometry. Time-resolved fluorescence spectra were recorded using a laser nanosecond spectrofluorometer. Results: The exposure of the examined dental materials to staining drinks caused changes in color of the composites and ceramics, with the polished specimens exhibiting significantly lower color changes as compared to unpolished specimens. Composites exhibited lower color stability as compared to ceramic materials. Water also caused perceptible color changes in most materials. The materials tested demonstrated significantly different initial luminescence intensities. Upon exposure to staining drinks, luminescence became weaker by up to 40%, dependent on the drink and the material. Time-resolved luminescence spectra exhibited some red shift of the emission band at longer times, with the lifetimes in the range of tens of nanoseconds. Conclusions: Unpolished specimens with a more developed surface have lower color stability. Specimens stored in water develop some changes in their visual appearance. The presently proposed methods are effective in evaluating the luminescence of dental materials. Luminescence needs to be tested in addition to color, as the two characteristics are uncorrelated. It is important to further improve the color and luminescence stability of dental materials.
The activity and selectivity of bi-functional carbon-supported platinum catalysts for the hydroisomerization of n-alkanes have been studied. The influence of the properties of the carbon support on the performance of the catalysts were investigated by incorporating the metallic function on a series of carbons with varied porosity (microporous: GL-50 from Norit, and mesoporous: CMK-3) and surface chemistry (modified by wet oxidation). The characterization results achieved with H-2 chemisorption and TEM showed differences in surface metal concentrations and metal-support interactions depending on the support composition. The highest metal dispersion was achieved after oxidation of the carbon matrix in concentrated nitric acid, suggesting that the presence of surface functional sites distributed in inner and outer surface favors a homogeneous metal distribution. On the other hand, the higher hydrogenating activity of the catalysts prepared with the mesoporous carbon pointed out that a fast molecular traffic inside the pores plays an important role in the catalysts performance. For n-decane hydroisomerization of long chain n-alkanes, higher activities were obtained for the catalysts with an optimized acidity and metal dispersion along with adequate porosity, pointing out the importance of the support properties in the performance of the catalysts.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Resumo: Cement, as well as the remaining constituents of self-compacting mortars, must be carefully selected, in order to obtain an adequate composition with a granular mix as compact as possible and a good performance in the fresh state (self-compacting effect) and the hardened state (mechanical and durability-related behavior). Therefore in this work the possibility of incorporating nano particles in self-compacting mortars was studied. Nano materials are very reactive due mostly to their high specific surface and show a great potential to improve the properties of these mortars, both in mechanical and durability terms. In this work two nano materials were used, nano silica (nano SiO2) in colloidal state and nano titanium (nano TiO2) in amorphous state, in two types of self-compacting mortars (ratio binder:sand of 1:1 and 1:2). The self-compacting mortar mixes have the same water/cement ratio and 30% of replacement of cement with fly ashes. The influence of nano materials nano-SiO2 and nano-TiO2 on the fresh and hardened state properties of these self-compacting mortars was studied. The results show that the use of nano materials in repair and rehabilitation mortars has significant potential but still needs to be optimized. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) are materials that are found naturally in the environment and contain radioactive isotopes that can cause negative effects on the health of workers who manipulate them. Present in underground work like mining and tunnel construction in granite zones, these materials are difficult to identify and characterize without appropriate equipment for risk evaluation. The assessing methods were exemplified with a case study applied to the handling and processing of phosphoric rock where one found significant amounts of radioactive isotopes and consequently elevated radon concentrations in enclosed spaces containing these materials. © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
This paper presents the design of low-cost, conformal UHF antennas and RFID tags on two types of cork substrates: 1) natural cork and 2) agglomerate cork. Such RFID tags find an application in wine bottle and barrel identification, and in addition, they are suitable for numerous antenna-based sensing applications. This paper includes the high-frequency characterization of the selected cork substrates considering the anisotropic behavior of such materials. In addition, the variation of their permittivity values as a function of the humidity is also verified. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, three conformal RFID tags have been implemented on cork, and their performance has been evaluated using both a commercial Alien ALR8800 reader and an in-house measurement setup. The reading of all tags has been checked, and a satisfactory performance has been verified, with reading ranges spanning from 0.3 to 6 m. In addition, this paper discusses how inkjet printing can be applied to cork surfaces, and an RFID tag printed on cork is used as a humidity sensor. Its performance is tested under different humidity conditions, and a good range in excess of 3 m has been achieved, allied to a good sensitivity obtained with a shift of >5 dB in threshold power of the tag for different humid conditions.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Materials selection is a matter of great importance to engineering design and software tools are valuable to inform decisions in the early stages of product development. However, when a set of alternative materials is available for the different parts a product is made of, the question of what optimal material mix to choose for a group of parts is not trivial. The engineer/designer therefore goes about this in a part-by-part procedure. Optimizing each part per se can lead to a global sub-optimal solution from the product point of view. An optimization procedure to deal with products with multiple parts, each with discrete design variables, and able to determine the optimal solution assuming different objectives is therefore needed. To solve this multiobjective optimization problem, a new routine based on Direct MultiSearch (DMS) algorithm is created. Results from the Pareto front can help the designer to align his/hers materials selection for a complete set of materials with product attribute objectives, depending on the relative importance of each objective.
The interest of the study on the implementation of expanded agglomerated cork as exterior wall covering derives from two critical factors in a perspective of sustainable development: the use of a product consisting of a renewable natural material-cork-and the concern to contribute to greater sustainability in construction. The study aims to assess the feasibility of its use by analyzing the corresponding behaviour under different conditions. Since this application is relatively recent, only about ten years old, there is still much to learn about the reliability of its long-term properties. In this context, this study aims to deepen and approach aspects, some of them poorly studied and even unknown, that deal with characteristics that will make the agglomerate a good choice for exterior wall covering. The analysis of these and other characteristics is being performed by testing both under actual exposure conditions, on an experimental cell at LNEC, and on laboratory. In this paper the main laboratory tests are presented and the obtained results are compared with the outcome of the field study. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Present paper present the main results obtained in the scope of an ongoing project which aims to contribute to the valorization of a waste generated by the Portuguese oil company in construction materials. This waste is an aluminosilicate with high pozzolanic reactivity. Several different technological applications had already been tested with success both in terms of properties and compliance with the corresponding standards specifications. Namely, this project results already demonstrated that this waste can be used in traditional concrete, self-compacted concrete, mortars (renders, masonry mortar, concrete repair mortars), cement main constituent as well as alkali activated binders.
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