103 resultados para Gering, Hugo,


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Introdução – A ressonância magnética (RM) mamária com injeção de contraste é uma ferramenta indispensável para a caracterização de lesões mamárias. Para tal, é fulcral uma boa capacidade de saturação de gordura de forma a delimitar as lesões observadas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar quantitativa e qualitativamente as técnicas de saturação de gordura em RM mamária, nomeadamente as técnicas SPAIR e Dixon. Metodologia – Utilizou-se um equipamento de RM de 1,5T com bobina específica para a mama. Aplicou-se, durante o exame, uma sequência adicional em que a técnica de saturação de gordura utilizada foi a Dixon. Posteriormente foram analisadas as imagens obtidas com as técnicas SPAIR e Dixon e colocadas regiões de interesse (ROI) na lesão, na glândula mamária, no tecido adiposo e no ar. Estes valores de sinal obtidos foram registados e calcularam-se as relações sinal-ruído (SNR), contraste-ruído (CNR) e uniformidade de saturação de gordura para as mesmas estruturas a analisar e nas distintas sequências. Resultados – Verificou-se que a técnica de supressão de gordura Dixon apresenta resultados quantitativos e qualitativos superiores à técnica SPAIR. Conclusões – Recomenda-se a utilização da técnica Dixon para saturação de gordura nas sequências de estudo dinâmico com agente de contraste, especificamente nos estudos de RM mamária.


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Perceber a rede estrutural formada pelos neurónios no cérebro a nível da macro escala é um desafio atual na área das neurociências. Neste estudo analisou-se a conectividade estrutural do cérebro em 22 indivíduos saudáveis e em dois doentes com epilepsia pós-traumática. Avaliaram-se as diferenças entre estes dois grupos. Também se pesquisaram diferenças a nível do género e idade no grupo de indivíduos saudáveis e os que têm valores médios mais elevados nas métricas de caracterização da rede. Para tal, desenvolveu-se um protocolo de análise recorrendo a diversos softwares especializados e usaram-se métricas da Teoria dos Grafos para a caracterização da conectividade estrutural entre 118 regiões encefálicas distintas. Dentro do grupo dos indivíduos saudáveis concluiu-se que os homens, no geral, são os que têm média mais alta para as métricas de caracterização da rede estrutural. Contudo, não se observaram diferenças significativas em relação ao género nas métricas de caracterização global do cérebro. Relativamente à idade, esta correlaciona-se negativamente, no geral, com as métricas de caracterização da rede estrutural. As regiões onde se observaram as diferenças mais importantes entre indivíduos saudáveis e doentes são: o sulco rolândico, o hipocampo, o pré-cuneus, o tálamo e o cerebelo bilateralmente. Estas diferenças são consistentes com as imagens radiológicas dos doentes e com a literatura estudada sobre a epilepsia pós-traumática. Preveem-se desenvolvimentos para o estudo da conectividade estrutural do cérebro humano, uma vez que a sua potencialidade pode ser combinada com outros métodos de modo a caracterizar as alterações dos circuitos cerebrais.


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Susceptibility Weighted Image (SWI) is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique that combines high spatial resolution and sensitivity to provide magnetic susceptibility differences between tissues. It is extremely sensitive to venous blood due to its iron content of deoxyhemoglobin. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through the SWI technique, the differences in cerebral venous vasculature according to the variation of blood pressure values. 20 subjects divided in two groups (10 hypertensive and 10 normotensive patients) underwent a MRI system with a Siemens® scanner model Avanto of 1.5T using a synergy head coil (4 channels). The obtained sequences were T1w, T2w-FLAIR, T2* and SWI. The value of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) was assessed in MinIP (Minimum Intensity Projection) and Magnitude images, through drawing free hand ROIs in venous structures: Superior Sagittal Sinus (SSS) Internal Cerebral Vein (ICV) and Sinus Confluence (SC). The obtained values were presented in descriptive statistics-quartiles and extremes diagrams. The results were compared between groups. CNR shown higher values for normotensive group in MinIP (108.89 ± 6.907) to ICV; (238.73 ± 18.556) to SC and (239.384 ± 52.303) to SSS. These values are bigger than images from Hypertensive group about 46 a.u. in average. Comparing the results of Magnitude and MinIP images, there were obtained lower CNR values for the hypertensive group. There were differences in the CNR values between both groups, being these values more expressive in the large vessels-SSS and SC. The SWI is a potential technique to evaluate and characterize the blood pressure variation in the studied vessels adding a physiological perspective to MRI and giving a new approach to the radiological vascular studies.


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O estudo teve como objectivo comparar o impacto do estigma e do bem-estar subjectivo em pessoas com diferentes doenças crónicas. Foram avaliados 729 doentes, recrutados em hospitais de Portugal, que após o diagnóstico retomaram a sua vida normal. Controlando para um conjunto de variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas, a aplicação de Modelos de Análise de Covariância Multivariada, permitiu verificar diferenças significativas apenas para a percepção do estigma entre os grupos de doenças crónicas. Pessoas com obesidade, epilepsia e esclerose múltipla referem mais estigma e pessoas com diabetes tipo1 e miastenia gravis referem menos estigma.


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Electrocardiographic (ECG) signals are emerging as a recent trend in the field of biometrics. In this paper, we propose a novel ECG biometric system that combines clustering and classification methodologies. Our approach is based on dominant-set clustering, and provides a framework for outlier removal and template selection. It enhances the typical workflows, by making them better suited to new ECG acquisition paradigms that use fingers or hand palms, which lead to signals with lower signal to noise ratio, and more prone to noise artifacts. Preliminary results show the potential of the approach, helping to further validate the highly usable setups and ECG signals as a complementary biometric modality.


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A classical application of biosignal analysis has been the psychophysiological detection of deception, also known as the polygraph test, which is currently a part of standard practices of law enforcement agencies and several other institutions worldwide. Although its validity is far from gathering consensus, the underlying psychophysiological principles are still an interesting add-on for more informal applications. In this paper we present an experimental off-the-person hardware setup, propose a set of feature extraction criteria and provide a comparison of two classification approaches, targeting the detection of deception in the context of a role-playing interactive multimedia environment. Our work is primarily targeted at recreational use in the context of a science exhibition, where the main goal is to present basic concepts related with knowledge discovery, biosignal analysis and psychophysiology in an educational way, using techniques that are simple enough to be understood by children of different ages. Nonetheless, this setting will also allow us to build a significant data corpus, annotated with ground-truth information, and collected with non-intrusive sensors, enabling more advanced research on the topic. Experimental results have shown interesting findings and provided useful guidelines for future work. Pattern Recognition


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We study the cosmological evolution of asymmetries in the two-Higgs doublet extension of the Standard Model, prior to the electroweak phase transition. If Higgs flavour-exchanging interactions are sufficiently slow, then a relative asymmetry among the Higgs doublets corresponds to an effectively conserved quantum number. Since the magnitude of the Higgs couplings depends on the choice of basis in the :Higgs doublet space, we attempt to formulate basis-independent out-of-equilibrium conditions. We show that an initial asymmetry between the fliggs scalars, which could be generated by GP violation in the :Higgs sector, will be transformed into a baryon asymmetry by the sphalerons, without the need of B - L violation. This novel mechanism of baryogenesis through (split) Higgsogenesis is exemplified with simple scenarios based on the out-of-equilibrium decay of heavy singlet scalar fields into the illiggs doublets.


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Mestrado em Radiações aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de Ressonância Magnética


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Ressonância Magnética


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Imagem por Ressonância Magnética


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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X-ray fluoroscopy is essential in both diagnosis and medical intervention, although it may contribute to significant radiation doses to patients that have to be optimised and justified. Therefore, it is crucial to the patient to be exposed to the lowest achievable dose without compromising the image quality. The purpose of this study was to perform an analysis of the quality control measurements, particularly dose rates, contrast and spatial resolution of Portuguese fluoroscopy equipment and also to provide a contribution to the establishment of reference levels for the equipment performance parameters. Measurements carried out between 2007 and 2013 on 143 fluoroscopy equipment distributed by 34 nationwide health units were analysed. The measurements suggest that image quality and dose rates of Portuguese equipment are congruent with other studies, and in general, they are as per the Portuguese law. However, there is still a possibility of improvements intending optimisation at a national level.


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Edificações


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Traditional vertically integrated power utilities around the world have evolved from monopoly structures to open markets that promote competition among suppliers and provide consumers with a choice of services. Market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. Electricity can be traded in both organized markets or using forward bilateral contracts. This article focuses on bilateral contracts and describes some important features of an agent-based system for bilateral trading in competitive markets. Special attention is devoted to the negotiation process, demand response in bilateral contracting, and risk management. The article also presents a case study on forward bilateral contracting: a retailer agent and a customer agent negotiate a 24h-rate tariff. © 2014 IEEE.