43 resultados para Web feature service
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Purpose - The education and training of a nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) is not homogeneous among European countries, which leads to different scope of practices and, therefore, different technical skills are assigned. The goal of this research was to characterize the education and training of NMT in Europe. Materials and methods - This study was based on a literature research to characterize the education and training of NMT and support the historical evolution of this profession. It was divided into two different phases: the first phase included analysis of scientific articles and the second phase included research of curricula that allow health professionals to work as NMT in Europe. Results - The majority of the countries [N=31 (89%)] offer the NMT curriculum integrated into the high education system and only in four (11%) countries the education is provided by professional schools. The duration in each education system is not equal, varying in professional schools (2-3 years) and high education level system (2-4 years), which means that different European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, such as 240, 230, 222, 210 or 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, are attributed to the graduates. The professional title and scope of the practice of NMT are different in different countries in Europe. In most countries of Europe, nuclear medicine training is not specific and curriculum does not demonstrate the Nuclear Medicine competencies performed in clinical practice. Conclusion - The heterogeneity in education and training for NMT is an issue prevalent among European countries. For NMT professional development, there is a huge need to formalize and unify educational and training programmes in Europe.
With the advent of wearable sensing and mobile technologies, biosignals have seen an increasingly growing number of application areas, leading to the collection of large volumes of data. One of the difficulties in dealing with these data sets, and in the development of automated machine learning systems which use them as input, is the lack of reliable ground truth information. In this paper we present a new web-based platform for visualization, retrieval and annotation of biosignals by non-technical users, aimed at improving the process of ground truth collection for biomedical applications. Moreover, a novel extendable and scalable data representation model and persistency framework is presented. The results of the experimental evaluation with possible users has further confirmed the potential of the presented framework.
In research on Silent Speech Interfaces (SSI), different sources of information (modalities) have been combined, aiming at obtaining better performance than the individual modalities. However, when combining these modalities, the dimensionality of the feature space rapidly increases, yielding the well-known "curse of dimensionality". As a consequence, in order to extract useful information from this data, one has to resort to feature selection (FS) techniques to lower the dimensionality of the learning space. In this paper, we assess the impact of FS techniques for silent speech data, in a dataset with 4 non-invasive and promising modalities, namely: video, depth, ultrasonic Doppler sensing, and surface electromyography. We consider two supervised (mutual information and Fisher's ratio) and two unsupervised (meanmedian and arithmetic mean geometric mean) FS filters. The evaluation was made by assessing the classification accuracy (word recognition error) of three well-known classifiers (knearest neighbors, support vector machines, and dynamic time warping). The key results of this study show that both unsupervised and supervised FS techniques improve on the classification accuracy on both individual and combined modalities. For instance, on the video component, we attain relative performance gains of 36.2% in error rates. FS is also useful as pre-processing for feature fusion. Copyright © 2014 ISCA.
Discrete data representations are necessary, or at least convenient, in many machine learning problems. While feature selection (FS) techniques aim at finding relevant subsets of features, the goal of feature discretization (FD) is to find concise (quantized) data representations, adequate for the learning task at hand. In this paper, we propose two incremental methods for FD. The first method belongs to the filter family, in which the quality of the discretization is assessed by a (supervised or unsupervised) relevance criterion. The second method is a wrapper, where discretized features are assessed using a classifier. Both methods can be coupled with any static (unsupervised or supervised) discretization procedure and can be used to perform FS as pre-processing or post-processing stages. The proposed methods attain efficient representations suitable for binary and multi-class problems with different types of data, being competitive with existing methods. Moreover, using well-known FS methods with the features discretized by our techniques leads to better accuracy than with the features discretized by other methods or with the original features. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Many learning problems require handling high dimensional datasets with a relatively small number of instances. Learning algorithms are thus confronted with the curse of dimensionality, and need to address it in order to be effective. Examples of these types of data include the bag-of-words representation in text classification problems and gene expression data for tumor detection/classification. Usually, among the high number of features characterizing the instances, many may be irrelevant (or even detrimental) for the learning tasks. It is thus clear that there is a need for adequate techniques for feature representation, reduction, and selection, to improve both the classification accuracy and the memory requirements. In this paper, we propose combined unsupervised feature discretization and feature selection techniques, suitable for medium and high-dimensional datasets. The experimental results on several standard datasets, with both sparse and dense features, show the efficiency of the proposed techniques as well as improvements over previous related techniques.
Feature selection is a central problem in machine learning and pattern recognition. On large datasets (in terms of dimension and/or number of instances), using search-based or wrapper techniques can be cornputationally prohibitive. Moreover, many filter methods based on relevance/redundancy assessment also take a prohibitively long time on high-dimensional. datasets. In this paper, we propose efficient unsupervised and supervised feature selection/ranking filters for high-dimensional datasets. These methods use low-complexity relevance and redundancy criteria, applicable to supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning, being able to act as pre-processors for computationally intensive methods to focus their attention on smaller subsets of promising features. The experimental results, with up to 10(5) features, show the time efficiency of our methods, with lower generalization error than state-of-the-art techniques, while being dramatically simpler and faster.
One fundamental idea of service-oriented computing is that applications should be developed by composing already available services. Due to the long running nature of service interactions, a main challenge in service composition is ensuring correctness of transaction recovery. In this paper, we use a process calculus suitable for modelling long running transactions with a recovery mechanism based on compensations. Within this setting, we discuss and formally state correctness criteria for compensable processes compositions, assuming that each process is correct with respect to transaction recovery. Under our theory, we formally interpret self-healing compositions, that can detect and recover from faults, as correct compositions of compensable processes. Moreover, we develop an automated verification approach and we apply it to an illustrative case study.
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In the last decade, local image features have been widely used in robot visual localization. In order to assess image similarity, a strategy exploiting these features compares raw descriptors extracted from the current image with those in the models of places. This paper addresses the ensuing step in this process, where a combining function must be used to aggregate results and assign each place a score. Casting the problem in the multiple classifier systems framework, in this paper we compare several candidate combiners with respect to their performance in the visual localization task. For this evaluation, we selected the most popular methods in the class of non-trained combiners, namely the sum rule and product rule. A deeper insight into the potential of these combiners is provided through a discriminativity analysis involving the algebraic rules and two extensions of these methods: the threshold, as well as the weighted modifications. In addition, a voting method, previously used in robot visual localization, is assessed. Furthermore, we address the process of constructing a model of the environment by describing how the model granularity impacts upon performance. All combiners are tested on a visual localization task, carried out on a public dataset. It is experimentally demonstrated that the sum rule extensions globally achieve the best performance, confirming the general agreement on the robustness of this rule in other classification problems. The voting method, whilst competitive with the product rule in its standard form, is shown to be outperformed by its modified versions.
Feature discretization (FD) techniques often yield adequate and compact representations of the data, suitable for machine learning and pattern recognition problems. These representations usually decrease the training time, yielding higher classification accuracy while allowing for humans to better understand and visualize the data, as compared to the use of the original features. This paper proposes two new FD techniques. The first one is based on the well-known Linde-Buzo-Gray quantization algorithm, coupled with a relevance criterion, being able perform unsupervised, supervised, or semi-supervised discretization. The second technique works in supervised mode, being based on the maximization of the mutual information between each discrete feature and the class label. Our experimental results on standard benchmark datasets show that these techniques scale up to high-dimensional data, attaining in many cases better accuracy than existing unsupervised and supervised FD approaches, while using fewer discretization intervals.
In machine learning and pattern recognition tasks, the use of feature discretization techniques may have several advantages. The discretized features may hold enough information for the learning task at hand, while ignoring minor fluctuations that are irrelevant or harmful for that task. The discretized features have more compact representations that may yield both better accuracy and lower training time, as compared to the use of the original features. However, in many cases, mainly with medium and high-dimensional data, the large number of features usually implies that there is some redundancy among them. Thus, we may further apply feature selection (FS) techniques on the discrete data, keeping the most relevant features, while discarding the irrelevant and redundant ones. In this paper, we propose relevance and redundancy criteria for supervised feature selection techniques on discrete data. These criteria are applied to the bin-class histograms of the discrete features. The experimental results, on public benchmark data, show that the proposed criteria can achieve better accuracy than widely used relevance and redundancy criteria, such as mutual information and the Fisher ratio.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.