38 resultados para Impact significance
Wireless communications are widely used for various applications, requiring antennas with different features. Often, to achieve the desired radiation pattern, is necessary to employ antenna arrays, using non-uniform excitation on its elements. Power dividers can be used and the best known are the T-junction and the Wilkinson power divider, whose main advantage is the isolation between output ports. In this paper the impact of this isolation on the overall performance of a circularly polarized planar antenna array using non-uniform excitation is investigated. Results show a huge decrease of the array bandwidths either in terms of return loss or in polarization, without resistors. © 2014 IEEE.
This paper deals with the computing simulation of the impact on permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbines due to fifth harmonic content and grid voltage decrease. Power converter topologies considered in the simulations are the two-level and the three-level ones. The three-level converters are limited by unbalance voltages in the DC-link capacitors. In order to lessen this limitation, a new control strategy for the selection of the output voltage vectors is proposed. Controller strategies considered in the simulation are respectively based on proportional integral and fractional-order controllers. Finally, a comparison between the results of the simulations with the two controller strategies is presented in order to show the main advantage of the proposed strategy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Impact of a price-maker pumped storage hydro unit on the integration of wind energy in power systems
The increasing integration of larger amounts of wind energy into power systems raises important operational issues, such as the balance between power generation and demand. The pumped storage hydro (PSH) units are one possible solution to mitigate this problem, once they can store the excess of energy in the periods of higher generation and lower demand. However, the behaviour of a PSH unit may differ considerably from the expected in terms of wind power integration when it operates in a liberalized electricity market under a price-maker context. In this regard, this paper models and computes the optimal PSH weekly scheduling in a price-taker and price-maker scenarios, either when the PSH unit operates in standalone and integrated in a portfolio of other generation assets. Results show that the price-maker standalone PSH will integrate less wind power in comparison with the price-taker situation. Moreover, when the PSH unit is integrated in a portfolio with a base load power plant, the role of the price elasticity of demand may completely change the operational profile of the PSH unit. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Summarize all relevant findings in published literature regarding the potential dose reduction related to image quality using Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) compared to Filtered Back Projection (FBP). Background: Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the most used radiographic modalities in clinical practice providing high spatial and contrast resolution. However it also delivers a relatively high radiation dose to the patient. Reconstructing raw-data using Iterative Reconstruction (IR) algorithms has the potential to iteratively reduce image noise while maintaining or improving image quality of low dose standard FBP reconstructions. Nevertheless, long reconstruction times made IR unpractical for clinical use until recently. Siemens Medical developed a new IR algorithm called SAFIRE, which uses up to 5 different strength levels, and poses an alternative to the conventional IR with a significant reconstruction time reduction. Methods: MEDLINE, ScienceDirect and CINAHL databases were used for gathering literature. Eleven articles were included in this review (from 2012 to July 2014). Discussion: This narrative review summarizes the results of eleven articles (using studies on both patients and phantoms) and describes SAFIRE strengths for noise reduction in low dose acquisitions while providing acceptable image quality. Conclusion: Even though the results differ slightly, the literature gathered for this review suggests that the dose in current CT protocols can be reduced at least 50% while maintaining or improving image quality. There is however a lack of literature concerning paediatric population (with increased radiation sensitivity). Further studies should also assess the impact of SAFIRE on diagnostic accuracy.
Nesta tese estudamos os efeitos de contágio financeiro e de memória longa causados pelas crises financeiras de 2008 e 2010 em alguns mercados acionistas internacionais. A tese é composta por três ensaios interligados. No Ensaio 1, recorremos à teoria das cópulas para testar a existência de contágio e revelar os canais “investor induced” de transmissão da crise de 2008 aos mercados da Bélgica, França, Holanda e Portugal (grupo NYSE Euronext). Concluímos que existe contágio nestes mercados, que o canal “portfolio rebalancing” é o mecanismo mais importante de transmissão da crise, e que o fenómeno “flight to quality” está presente nos mercados. No Ensaio 2, usando novamente modelos de cópulas, avaliamos os efeitos de contágio provocados pelo mercado acionista grego nos mercados do grupo NYSE Euronext, no contexto da crise de 2010. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que durante a crise de 2010 apenas o mercado português foi objeto de contágio; além disso, conclui-se que os efeitos de contágio provocados pela crise de 2008 são claramente superiores aos efeitos provocados pela crise de 2010. No Ensaio 3, abordamos o tema da memória longa através do estudo do expoente de Hurst dos mercados acionistas da Bélgica, E.U.A., França, Grécia, Holanda, Japão, Reino Unido e Portugal. Verificamos que as propriedades de memória longa dos mercados foram afetadas pelas crises, especialmente a de 2008 – que aumentou a memória longa dos mercados e tornou-os mais persistentes. Finalmente, usando cópulas mais uma vez, verificamos que as crises provocaram, em geral, um aumento na correlação entre os expoentes de Hurst locais dos mercados foco das crises (E.U.A. e Grécia) e os expoentes de Hurst locais dos outros mercados da amostra, sugerindo que o expoente de Hurst pode ser utilizado para detetar efeitos de contágio financeiro. Em síntese, os resultados desta tese sugerem que comparativamente com períodos de acalmia, os períodos de crises financeiras tendem a provocar ineficiência nos mercados acionistas e a conduzi-los na direção da persistência e do contágio financeiro.
Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognized anxiety may lead to exam repetition, and impedance of exam performance. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo diagnostic exams related to cancer diagnostic: PET/CT and mammography. Methods: Two hundred and thirty two patients who undergo PET/CT and one hundred thirteen women who undergo mammography filled out one questionnaire after the procedure to determine their concerns, expectations and perceptions of anxiety. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself and fear of the results. Patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of an oncological disease. On the other hand, the diagnostic is the main cause of anxiety in women who are requiring a mammography. 28% of the women reported having experienced pain or intense pain. Conclusions: The performance of diagnostic exams related to cancer diagnostic like a PET/CT and a mammography are important and statistically generators of anxiety. Patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. These results provide expertise that can be used in the development of future training programs to integrate post-graduate courses of health professionals.
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and effective dose for pelvis using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a computed radiography (CR) system. Methods and Materials: To determine the effects of using AEC and non-AEC by applying the 10 kVp rule in two experiments using an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom. Images were acquired using 10 kVp increments (60-120 kVp) for both experiments. The first experiment, based on seven AEC combinations, produced 49 images. The mean mAs from each kVp increment were used as a baseline for the second experiment producing 35 images. A total of 84 images were produced and a panel of 5 experienced observers participated for the image scoring using the 2 AFC visual grading software. PCXMC software was used to estimate the effective dose. Results: A decrease in perceptual image quality as the kVp increases was observed both in non-AEC and AEC experiments, however no significant statistical differences (p> 0.05) were found. Image quality scores from all observers at 10 kVp increments for all mAs values using non-AEC mode demonstrates a better score up to 90 kVp. Effective dose results show a statistical significant decrease (p=0.000) on the 75th quartile from 0.3 mSv at 60 kVp to 0.1 mSv at 120 kVp when applying the 10 kVp rule in non-AEC mode. Conclusion: No significant reduction in perceptual image quality is observed when increasing kVp whilst a marked and significant effective dose reduction is observed.
This paper discusses the results of applied research on the eco-driving domain based on a huge data set produced from a fleet of Lisbon's public transportation buses for a three-year period. This data set is based on events automatically extracted from the control area network bus and enriched with GPS coordinates, weather conditions, and road information. We apply online analytical processing (OLAP) and knowledge discovery (KD) techniques to deal with the high volume of this data set and to determine the major factors that influence the average fuel consumption, and then classify the drivers involved according to their driving efficiency. Consequently, we identify the most appropriate driving practices and styles. Our findings show that introducing simple practices, such as optimal clutch, engine rotation, and engine running in idle, can reduce fuel consumption on average from 3 to 5l/100 km, meaning a saving of 30 l per bus on one day. These findings have been strongly considered in the drivers' training sessions.