37 resultados para Communication networks


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Recently, several distributed video coding (DVC) solutions based on the distributed source coding (DSC) paradigm have appeared in the literature. Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding, a particular case of DVC where side information is made available at the decoder, enable to achieve a flexible distribution of the computational complexity between the encoder and decoder, promising to fulfill novel requirements from applications such as video surveillance, sensor networks and mobile camera phones. The quality of the side information at the decoder has a critical role in determining the WZ video coding rate-distortion (RD) performance, notably to raise it to a level as close as possible to the RD performance of standard predictive video coding schemes. Towards this target, efficient motion search algorithms for powerful frame interpolation are much needed at the decoder. In this paper, the RD performance of a Wyner-Ziv video codec is improved by using novel, advanced motion compensated frame interpolation techniques to generate the side information. The development of these type of side information estimators is a difficult problem in WZ video coding, especially because the decoder only has available some reference, decoded frames. Based on the regularization of the motion field, novel side information creation techniques are proposed in this paper along with a new frame interpolation framework able to generate higher quality side information at the decoder. To illustrate the RD performance improvements, this novel side information creation framework has been integrated in a transform domain turbo coding based Wyner-Ziv video codec. Experimental results show that the novel side information creation solution leads to better RD performance than available state-of-the-art side information estimators, with improvements up to 2 dB: moreover, it allows outperforming H.264/AVC Intra by up to 3 dB with a lower encoding complexity.


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Words are the smallest units of messages. Attention should be given to each word used to be sure it is the most effective one. An effective word is one that the receiver will understand and that will elicit the wanted response. The ability to choose words by (a) using a dictionary and a thesaurus and (b) following some of the principles of business communication described in this text can be improved.


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Plain radiography still accounts for the vast majority of imaging studies that are performed at multiple clinical instances. Digital detectors are now prominent in many imaging facilities and they are the main driving force towards filmless environments. There has been a working paradigm shift due to the functional separation of acquisition, visualization, and storage with deep impact in the imaging workflows. Moreover with direct digital detectors images are made available almost immediately. Digital radiology is now completely integrated in Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) environments governed by the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard. In this chapter a brief overview of PACS architectures and components is presented together with a necessarily brief account of the DICOM standard. Special focus is given to the DICOM digital radiology objects and how specific attributes may now be used to improve and increase the metadata repository associated with image data. Regular scrutiny of the metadata repository may serve as a valuable tool for improved, cost-effective, and multidimensional quality control procedures.


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The criticality of self-assembled rigid rods on triangular lattices is investigated using Monte Carlo simulation. We find a continuous transition between an ordered phase, where the rods are oriented along one of the three (equivalent) lattice directions, and a disordered one. We conclude that equilibrium polydispersity of the rod lengths does not affect the critical behavior, as we found that the criticality is the same as that of monodisperse rodson the same lattice, in contrast with the results of recently published work on similar models. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3556665]


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This paper proposes artificial neural networks in combination with wavelet transform for short-term wind power forecasting in Portugal. The increased integration of wind power into the electric grid, as nowadays occurs in Portugal, poses new challenges due to its intermittency and volatility. Hence, good forecasting tools play a key role in tackling these challenges. Results from a real-world case study are presented. A comparison is carried out, taking into account the results obtained with other approaches. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work describes a methodology to extract symbolic rules from trained neural networks. In our approach, patterns on the network are codified using formulas on a Lukasiewicz logic. For this we take advantage of the fact that every connective in this multi-valued logic can be evaluated by a neuron in an artificial network having, by activation function the identity truncated to zero and one. This fact simplifies symbolic rule extraction and allows the easy injection of formulas into a network architecture. We trained this type of neural network using a back-propagation algorithm based on Levenderg-Marquardt algorithm, where in each learning iteration, we restricted the knowledge dissemination in the network structure. This makes the descriptive power of produced neural networks similar to the descriptive power of Lukasiewicz logic language, minimizing the information loss on the translation between connectionist and symbolic structures. To avoid redundance on the generated network, the method simplifies them in a pruning phase, using the "Optimal Brain Surgeon" algorithm. We tested this method on the task of finding the formula used on the generation of a given truth table. For real data tests, we selected the Mushrooms data set, available on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.


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Video coding technologies have played a major role in the explosion of large market digital video applications and services. In this context, the very popular MPEG-x and H-26x video coding standards adopted a predictive coding paradigm, where complex encoders exploit the data redundancy and irrelevancy to 'control' much simpler decoders. This codec paradigm fits well applications and services such as digital television and video storage where the decoder complexity is critical, but does not match well the requirements of emerging applications such as visual sensor networks where the encoder complexity is more critical. The Slepian Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems brought the possibility to develop the so-called Wyner-Ziv video codecs, following a different coding paradigm where it is the task of the decoder, and not anymore of the encoder, to (fully or partly) exploit the video redundancy. Theoretically, Wyner-Ziv video coding does not incur in any compression performance penalty regarding the more traditional predictive coding paradigm (at least for certain conditions). In the context of Wyner-Ziv video codecs, the so-called side information, which is a decoder estimate of the original frame to code, plays a critical role in the overall compression performance. For this reason, much research effort has been invested in the past decade to develop increasingly more efficient side information creation methods. This paper has the main objective to review and evaluate the available side information methods after proposing a classification taxonomy to guide this review, allowing to achieve more solid conclusions and better identify the next relevant research challenges. After classifying the side information creation methods into four classes, notably guess, try, hint and learn, the review of the most important techniques in each class and the evaluation of some of them leads to the important conclusion that the side information creation methods provide better rate-distortion (RD) performance depending on the amount of temporal correlation in each video sequence. It became also clear that the best available Wyner-Ziv video coding solutions are almost systematically based on the learn approach. The best solutions are already able to systematically outperform the H.264/AVC Intra, and also the H.264/AVC zero-motion standard solutions for specific types of content. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Esta comunicação tem como objetivo analisar como as políticas respeitantes à segurança escolar são reinterpretadas e reorientadas em resultado das estratégias e filosofias de intervenção das direções das escolas e outros agentes educativos. Tendo como premissa que o contexto social não determina linearmente a violência escolar, o estudo centrou-­se na análise das relações entre o contexto social local e organizacional das escolas, procurando identificar os factores relevantes para o processo de regulação da violência. Foram selecionados três clusters de escolas na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, tendo em conta contrastes intra e inter clusters assim como a sua posição relativa face aos níveis de violência registadas a nível nacional. Foi identificada uma diversidade significativa de respostas à violência, concretizadas na mobilização de diferentes recursos pelos responsáveis das escolas com o duplo objetivo de atingir as metas políticas definidas e os seus próprios interesses estratégicos. Esta apropriação e reorientação das políticas realiza-­se através da estruturação de redes locais de poder, hierarquizando competências e responsabilidades, e no processo, redefinindo os objetivos do processo de prevenção e intervenção. A ocultação das situações de violência, o recrutamento preferencial de estudantes de classe média ou com sucesso educativo elevado, ou ainda as sanções desproporcionais para alunos agressores ou indisciplinados, foram algumas das estratégias identificadas. Isto mostra que os atores têm diferentes possibilidades e capacidades de ação num sistema complexo de regras sociais que, dentro de certos limites, lhes permite reinterpretar e reconstruir regras e, em última instância, contribuir para a alteração do próprio sistema (Mouzelis, 2000;; Burns e Flam, 2000;; Lipsky, 1980).


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Wireless local-area networks (WLANs) have been deployed as office and home communications infrastructures worldwide. The diversification of the standards, such as IEEE 802.11 series demands the design of RF front-ends. Low power consumption is one of the most important design concerns in the application of those technologies. To maintain competitive hardware costs, CMOS has been used since it is the best solution for low cost and high integration processing, allowing analog circuits to be mixed with digital ones. In the receiver chain, the low noise amplifier (LNA) is one of the most critical blocks in a transceiver design. The sensitivity is mainly determined by the LNA noise figure and gain. It interfaces with the pre-select filter and the mixer. Furthermore, since it is the first gain stage, care must be taken to provide accurate input match, low-noise figure, good linearity and a sufficient gain over a wide band of operation. Several CMOS LNAs have been reported during the last decade, showing that the most research has been done at 802.11/b and GSM standards (900-2400MHz spectrum) and more recently at 802.11/a (5GHz band). One of the more significant disadvantages of 802.11/b is that the frequency band is crowded and subject to interference from other technologies, as is 2.4GHz cordless phones and Bluetooth. As the demand for radio-frequency integrated circuits, operating at higher frequency bands, increases, the IEEE 802.11/a standard becomes a very attractive option to wireless communication system developers. This paper presents the design and implementation of a low power, low noise amplifier aimed at IEEE 802.11a for WLAN applications. It was designed to be integrated with an active balun and mixer, representing the first step toward a fully integrated monolithic WLAN receiver. All the required circuits are integrated at the same die and are powered by 1.8V supply source. Preliminary experimental results (S-parameters) are shown and promise excellent results. The LNA circuit design details are illustrated in Section 2. Spectre simulation results focused at gain, noise figure (NF) and input/output matching are presented in Section 3. Finally, conclusions and comparison with other recently reported LNAs are made in Section 4, followed by future work.


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In general, modern networks are analysed by taking several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into account, their proper balance being required in order to guarantee a desired Quality of Service (QoS), particularly, cellular wireless heterogeneous networks. A model to integrate a set of KPIs into a single one is presented, by using a Cost Function that includes these KPIs, providing for each network node a single evaluation parameter as output, and reflecting network conditions and common radio resource management strategies performance. The proposed model enables the implementation of different network management policies, by manipulating KPIs according to users' or operators' perspectives, allowing for a better QoS. Results show that different policies can in fact be established, with a different impact on the network, e.g., with median values ranging by a factor higher than two.


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Nos dias de hoje, ferramentas como o Facebook, o Twitter e o YouTube fazem parte do quotidiano. Desde o recente virar do século até ao presente, a sociedade transformou-se. Usamos cada vez mais a Internet. Nela pesquisamos informação e partilhamos conteúdos, sejam eles textos, fotos ou vídeos. As novas ferramentas de comunicação online trouxeram uma maior interatividade entre aquele que emite uma mensagem e aquele que a recebe. Nesta investigação procura-se analisar quais e como é que as novas ferramentas de comunicação online são utilizadas pelas organizações culturais, nomeadamente, pelas companhias de teatro de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, entre 2000 e 2013. Ao longo do enquadramento teórico são abordadas questões como a comunicação das organizações, a comunicação online das mesmas, a utilização das novas ferramentas online por parte de companhias de teatro e o que são considerados sites, media sociais e redes sociais. Entre várias referências, serão citados Grunig e Hunt (1984) que apresentam o modelo de comunicação de dois sentidos simétricos, assim como Phillips e Young (2009) que abordam as diferentes ferramentas de comunicação online. São ainda apresentados estudos relativos à utilização destas ferramentas por parte das organizações artísticas, elaborados pela MTM London (2009) e pelo Australia Council for the Arts (2011). A presente investigação tem por base a observação e acompanhamento das ferramentas de comunicação online utilizadas pelas companhias de teatro, inquéritos aos produtores dessas companhias e entrevistas a alguns dos seus diretores. Com este trabalho pretende-se verificar que ferramentas estão a ser utilizadas pelas companhias, com que regularidade, quem nas companhias gere essas ferramentas, quais as vantagens percecionadas, entre outros aspetos.


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In this work, we present a neural network (NN) based method designed for 3D rigid-body registration of FMRI time series, which relies on a limited number of Fourier coefficients of the images to be aligned. These coefficients, which are comprised in a small cubic neighborhood located at the first octant of a 3D Fourier space (including the DC component), are then fed into six NN during the learning stage. Each NN yields the estimates of a registration parameter. The proposed method was assessed for 3D rigid-body transformations, using DC neighborhoods of different sizes. The mean absolute registration errors are of approximately 0.030 mm in translations and 0.030 deg in rotations, for the typical motion amplitudes encountered in FMRI studies. The construction of the training set and the learning stage are fast requiring, respectively, 90 s and 1 to 12 s, depending on the number of input and hidden units of the NN. We believe that NN-based approaches to the problem of FMRI registration can be of great interest in the future. For instance, NN relying on limited K-space data (possibly in navigation echoes) can be a valid solution to the problem of prospective (in frame) FMRI registration.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Telecomunicações


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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De todas as áreas que sofrerão alterações com o surgimento das Redes Sociais, as Relações Públicas encontram-se na fila da frente desde o seu começo, uma vez que os social media implicam um público e o estabelecimento de um relacionamento com este. Mesmo as dinâmicas presentes nas RP antes da era 2.0, como é o exemplo das relações com os media, interacção com stakeholders ou a gestão de crises, não só estão presentes nas Redes Sociais como são acentuadas e amplificadas por estas. Neste mundo digital, as marcas de moda ligadas ao prêt-à-porter expandem a sua comunicação a outro nível, adaptando-se às novas tecnologias e tirando o máximo partido do potencial que estas têm para lhes oferecer. Apostam em redes sociais como o Facebook e os Blogs da área da moda & beleza de modo a envolver e cativar o seu público-alvo e stakeholders de uma forma muito mais directa, onde estes têm agora uma voz activa e um papel determinante no sucesso da marca. Idealizadas para gerar notoriedade e aumentar a reputação das marcas, como se demonstra ao longo do presente Relatório de Estágio, as Redes Sociais são agora o melhor amigo das marcas e das Relações Públicas.