16 resultados para square well
Introdução – Apesar de em Portugal se verificar o aumento da indústria da produção de aves para consumo humano, apenas alguns estudos incidem sobre a qualidade do ar interior e as implicações da sua degradação. Objectivos – Descrever a contaminação fúngica num aviário, analisar possíveis associações com a temperatura ambiente e a humidade relativa e o possível impacto na saúde dos consumidores e trabalhadores desta unidade. Métodos – Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo para avaliar a contaminação fúngica num aviário. Colheram‑se 5 amostras de ar de 100 litros através do método de compactação e 4 amostras de superfícies, utilizando a técnica da zaragatoa e um quadrado de 10 cm de lado de metal. Simultaneamente, os parâmetros ambientais – temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa – também foram medidos. Resultados – Foram identificadas vinte espécies de fungos no ar, sendo os seguintes os quatro géneros mais comummente isolados: Cladosporium (40,5%), Alternaria (10,8%), Chrysosporium e Aspergillus (6,8%). Nas superfícies, 21 espécies de fungos foram identificadas, sendo os 4 géneros mais identificados Penicillium (51,8%), Cladosporium (25,4%), Alternaria (6,1%) e Aspergillus (4,2%). Importa referir o facto de Aspergillus flavus, também isolado no ar, ser reconhecido como produtor de micotoxinas (aflatoxina) e Aspergillus fumigatus, uma das espécies isoladas no ar e superfícies, ser capaz de causar aspergilose grave ou fatal. Não se verificou relação significativa (p> 0,05) entre a contaminação fúngica e as variáveis ambientais. Conclusão – Caracterizou‑se a distribuição fúngica no ar e superfícies do aviário e analisou‑se a possível influência das variáveis ambientais. Foi reconhecido um potencial problema de Saúde Pública devido à contaminação fúngica e à possível produção de micotoxinas com a eventual contaminação dos produtos alimentares. A contaminação fúngica, particularmente causada pelo Aspergillus fumigatus, e a possível presença de micotoxinas no ar, devem ser encaradas também como fatores de risco neste contexto ocupacional. ABSTRACT - Background – Although there is an increasingly industry that produce whole chickens for domestic consumption in Portugal, only few investigations have reported on the indoor air of these plants and the consequences of their degradation. Objectives – Describe one poultry environmental fungal contamination analyse possible associations between temperature and relative humidity and its possible impact on the health of consumers and of the poultry workers. Methods – A descriptive study was developed to monitor one poultry fungal contamination. Five air samples of 100 litres through impaction method were collected and 4 swab samples from surfaces were also collected using a 10 cm square of metal. Simultaneously, environmental parameters – temperature and relative humidity – were also measured. Results – Twenty species of fungi in air were identified, being the 4 most commonly isolated the following genera: Cladosporium (40.5%), Alternaria (10.8%), Chrysosporium and Aspergillus (6.8%). In surfaces, 21 species of fungi were identified, being the 4 genera more identified Penicillium (51.8%), Cladosporium (25.4%), Alternaria (6.1%) and Aspergillus (4.2%). In addition, Aspergillus flavus also isolated in the poultry air is a well‑known producer of potent mycotoxins (aflatoxin), and Aspergillus fumigatus, one of the species isolated in air and surfaces, is capable of causing severe or fatal aspergillosis. There was no significant relationship (p>0,05) between fungal contamination and environmental variables. Conclusions – Was characterized fungal distribution in poultry air and surfaces and analyzed the association of environmental variables. It was recognized the Public Health problem because of fungal contamination and also due to probable mycotoxins production with the possible contamination of food products. Fungal contamination, particularly due to the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus and also the possible presence of mycotoxins in the air, should be seen as risk factor in this occupational setting.
A actual dependência mundial dos combustíveis fósseis e a crescente necessidade de redução do seu consumo têm culminado em novas directrizes de gestão de recursos de energia. A utilização de recursos energéticos renováveis apresenta-se como um caminho vital para o desenvolvimento sustentável da nossa sociedade. Assim sendo, a energia das ondas surge como potencial fonte de energia que muitos autores afirmam como sendo um dos sectores com maior potencial energético por metro quadrado de área. Contudo, esta ainda é uma tecnologia muito recente, que ainda evidencia uma grande diversidade de conceitos e que ainda se encontra numa fase inicial de demonstração. É neste contexto que foi criado o projecto CORES que visa desenvolver uma turbina de impulso com pás guia de posição variável, no âmbito do desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos e componentes para produção de energia através das ondas do mar. Neste trabalho será desenvolvido um sistema de accionamento de pás móveis para a turbina de impulso, tendo como principal objectivo o fabrico de um protótipo. Assim sendo, será realizado o desenvolvimento, dimensionamento e análise dos seus elementos móveis, bem como do sistema de actuação que melhor se adeqúe e permita um correcto funcionamento do conjunto.
The subject matter of this book is about piano methodology, including technical, musical, artistic, ethical and philosophical issues and reflections. The purpose of this work is to share a personal professional experience insight in the field of piano performance. This text assumes a certain continuity to the major contributions of artists like Ludwig Deppe, Tobias Matthay, Grigory Kogan, Heinrich Neuhaus and George Kochevitsky. At the same time, it tries to integrate and complement this selected literature, bringing new ideas and hints to specific professional issues.
Co-deposition of nickel and cobalt was carried out on austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates by imposing a square waveform current in the cathodic region. The innovative procedure applied in this work allows creating a stable, fully developed, and open porous three-dimensional (3D) dendritic structure, which can be used as electrode for redox supercapacitors. This study investigates in detail the influence of the applied current density on the morphology, mass, and chemical composition of the deposited Ni-Co films and the resulting 3D porous network dendritic structure. The morphology and the physicochemical composition were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (W). The electrochemical behavior of the materials was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results highlight the mechanism involved in the coelectrodeposition process and how the lower limit current density tailors the film composition and morphology, as well as its electrochemical activity.
As coberturas planas são um dos principais elementos construtivos de uma edificação, necessitando por isso de materiais com qualidade e certificados por organismos competentes, bem como de uma conceção e execução minuciosas. Em Portugal, os estudos sobre as anomalias realmente observadas em coberturas planas são ainda bastante reduzidos. Nesse âmbito, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo, efetuar o levantamento e a análise estatística das principais anomalias e causas identificadas em coberturas planas de 75 edifícios, permitindo assim a elaboração de um estudo que possa contribuir para a prevenção dessas anomalias e que indique também as medidas necessárias à reparação e os respetivos custos associados. As anomalias foram analisadas através da observação "in situ" das coberturas o que conduziu ao preenchimento de fichas de obra com os dados recolhidos. Da análise estatística efetuada aos edifícios, verificou-se que as principais anomalias detetadas estão relacionadas com perfurações e fissurações do sistema impermeabilizante, resultantes da falta de conhecimento dos utilizadores. Foi possível verificar erros de execução de remates em pontos singulares da cobertura, por falta de pormenores construtivos desses pontos ou erros de execução por parte do aplicador. Em muitos dos casos estudados, não foi detetada nenhuma anomalia, porque se considerou razoável considerar que o sistema impermeabilizante tenha atingido o fim de vida útil. O custo médio por metro quadrado associado à reabilitação de uma cobertura plana é influenciado principalmente por dois fatores: área e acessibilidade da cobertura. O tipo de anomalia e/ou a sua causa não determinaram o custo por metro quadrado da reparação efetuada, pois esta foi sempre de caracter integral e nunca pontual.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Intervenção Cardiovascular
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar e nos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Rehabilitation is very important for in the results of treatment in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Rehabilitation processes occur through gradual changes. These changes integrate intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the individual, promoting adaptations to the needs and activities of daily living according to individual goals. Recommendations for exercise in multiple sclerosis: these recommendations apply only to patients with EDSS less than 7; moderate intensity aerobic exercise for a total of 20 to 30 minutes, twice or three times for week; the resistance training with low or moderate intensity is well tolerated by patients with MS; associated with these exercises were recommended flexibility exercises of moderate intensity, as well as strengthening exercises. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of the program of self-regulation in the perception of illness and mental health (psychological well-being domain) in multiple sclerosis patients.
Nearly 65% of adults diagnosed with cancer will live, at least, five years after the diagnostic. If the treatment is lengthy and disruptive, the persons can experience difficulties in returning to normal daily life. Research shows that cancer survivors suffer from more psychological distress than those who have never experienced cancer (5.6% versus 3.0%), reason why psychoeducational programs are necessary to help people return to everyday life. The objective of the present study is to identify psychosocial predictors of well being in people that survive cancer, are in stable condition, and a diagnosis of longer than three years.
The behavior of two cationic copper complexes of acetylacetonate and 2,2'-bipyridine or 1,10-phenanthroline, [Cu(acac)(bipy)]Cl (1) and [Cu(acac)(phen)]Cl (2), in organic solvents and ionic liquids, was studied by spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. Both complexes showed solvatochromism in ionic liquids although no correlation with solvent parameters could be obtained. By EPR spectroscopy rhombic spectra with well-resolved superhyperfine structure were obtained in most ionic liquids. The spin Hamiltonian parameters suggest a square pyramidal geometry with coordination of the ionic liquid anion. The redox properties of the complexes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry at a Pt electrode (d = 1 mm) in bmimBF(4) and bmimNTf(2) ionic liquids. Both complexes 1 and 2 are electrochemically reduced in these ionic media at more negative potentials than when using organic solvents. This is in agreement with the EPR characterization, which shows lower A(z) and higher g(z) values for the complexes dissolved in ionic liquids, than in organic solvents, due to higher electron density at the copper center. The anion basicity order obtained by EPR is NTf2-, N(CN)(2)(-), MeSO4- and Me2PO4-, which agrees with previous determinations. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Co-deposition of nickel and cobalt was carried out on austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304) substrates by imposing a square waveform current in the cathodic region. The innovative procedure applied in this work allows creating a stable, fully developed, and open porous three-dimensional (3D) dendritic structure, which can be used as electrode for redox supercapacitors. This study investigates in detail the influence of the applied current density on the morphology, mass, and chemical composition of the deposited Ni-Co films and the resulting 3D porous network dendritic structure. The morphology and the physicochemical composition were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (W). The electrochemical behavior of the materials was evaluated by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The results highlight the mechanism involved in the coelectrodeposition process and how the lower limit current density tailors the film composition and morphology, as well as its electrochemical activity.
Density-dependent effects, both positive or negative, can have an important impact on the population dynamics of species by modifying their population per-capita growth rates. An important type of such density-dependent factors is given by the so-called Allee effects, widely studied in theoretical and field population biology. In this study, we analyze two discrete single population models with overcompensating density-dependence and Allee effects due to predator saturation and mating limitation using symbolic dynamics theory. We focus on the scenarios of persistence and bistability, in which the species dynamics can be chaotic. For the chaotic regimes, we compute the topological entropy as well as the Lyapunov exponent under ecological key parameters and different initial conditions. We also provide co-dimension two bifurcation diagrams for both systems computing the periods of the orbits, also characterizing the period-ordering routes toward the boundary crisis responsible for species extinction via transient chaos. Our results show that the topological entropy increases as we approach to the parametric regions involving transient chaos, being maximum when the full shift R(L)(infinity) occurs, and the system enters into the essential extinction regime. Finally, we characterize analytically, using a complex variable approach, and numerically the inverse square-root scaling law arising in the vicinity of a saddle-node bifurcation responsible for the extinction scenario in the two studied models. The results are discussed in the context of species fragility under differential Allee effects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Basidiomycete strains synthesize several types of beta-D-glucans, which play a major role in the medicinal properties of mushrooms. Therefore, the specific quantification of these beta-D-glucans in mushroom strains is of great biochemical importance. Because published assay methods for these beta-D-glucans present some disadvantages, a novel colorimetric assay method for beta-D-glucan with alcian blue dye was developed. The complex formation was detected by following the decrease in absorbance in the range of 620 nm and by hypsochromic shift from 620 to 606 nm (similar to 14 nm) in UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Analysis of variance was used for optimization of the slope of the calibration curve by using the assay mixture containing 0.017% (w/v) alcian blue in 2% (v/v) acetic acid at pH 3.0. The high-throughput colorimetric assay method on microtiter plates was used for quantification of beta-D-glucans in the range of 0-0.8 mu g, with a slope of 44.15 x 10(-2) and a limit of detection of 0.017 mu g/well. Recovery experiments were carried out by using a sample of Hericium erinaceus, which exhibited a recovery of 95.8% for beta-1,3-D-glucan. The present assay method exhibited a 10-fold higher sensitivity and a 59-fold lower limit of detection compared with the published method with congo red beta-D-glucans of several mushrooms strains were isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia, and they were quantified by this assay method. This assay method is fast, specific, simple, and it can be used to quantify beta-D-glucans from other biological sources. (C) 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers