16 resultados para multi-disciplinary design optimisation


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This paper proposes an implementation, based on a multi-agent system, of a management system for automated negotiation of electricity allocation for charging electric vehicles (EVs) and simulates its performance. The widespread existence of charging infrastructures capable of autonomous operation is recognised as a major driver towards the mass adoption of EVs by mobility consumers. Eventually, conflicting requirements from both power grid and EV owners require automated middleman aggregator agents to intermediate all operations, for example, bidding and negotiation, between these parts. Multi-agent systems are designed to provide distributed, modular, coordinated and collaborative management systems; therefore, they seem suitable to address the management of such complex charging infrastructures. Our solution consists in the implementation of virtual agents to be integrated into the management software of a charging infrastructure. We start by modelling the multi-agent architecture using a federated, hierarchical layers setup and as well as the agents' behaviours and interactions. Each of these layers comprises several components, for example, data bases, decision-making and auction mechanisms. The implementation of multi-agent platform and auctions rules, and of models for battery dynamics, is also addressed. Four scenarios were predefined to assess the management system performance under real usage conditions, considering different types of profiles for EVs owners', different infrastructure configurations and usage and different loads on the utility grid (where real data from the concession holder of the Portuguese electricity transmission grid is used). Simulations carried with the four scenarios validate the performance of the modelled system while complying with all the requirements. Although all of these have been performed for one charging station alone, a multi-agent design may in the future be used for the higher level problem of distributing energy among charging stations. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Intervenção Precoce


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Dissertação de 2º Ciclo conducente ao grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - especialização em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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The morpho-structural evolution of oceanic islands results from competition between volcano growth and partial destruction by mass-wasting processes. We present here a multi-disciplinary study of the successive stages of development of Faial (Azores) during the last 1 Myr. Using high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), and new K/Ar, tectonic, and magnetic data, we reconstruct the rapidly evolving topography at successive stages, in response to complex interactions between volcanic construction and mass wasting, including the development of a graben. We show that: (1) sub-aerial evolution of the island first involved the rapid growth of a large elongated volcano at ca. 0.85 Ma, followed by its partial destruction over half a million years; (2) beginning about 360 ka a new small edifice grew on the NE of the island, and was subsequently cut by normal faults responsible for initiation of the graben; (3) after an apparent pause of ca. 250 kyr, the large Central Volcano (CV) developed on the western side of the island at ca 120 ka, accumulating a thick pile of lava flows in less than 20 kyr, which were partly channelized within the graben; (4) the period between 120 ka and 40 ka is marked by widespread deformation at the island scale, including westward propagation of faulting and associated erosion of the graben walls, which produced sedimentary deposits; subsequent growth of the CV at 40 ka was then constrained within the graben, with lava flowing onto the sediments up to the eastern shore; (5) the island evolution during the Holocene involves basaltic volcanic activity along the main southern faults and pyroclastic eruptions associated with the formation of a caldera volcano-tectonic depression. We conclude that the whole evolution of Faial Island has been characterized by successive short volcanic pulses probably controlled by brief episodes of regional deformation. Each pulse has been separated by considerable periods of volcanic inactivity during which the Faial graben gradually developed. We propose that the volume loss associated with sudden magma extraction from a shallow reservoir in different episodes triggered incremental downward graben movement, as observed historically, when immediate vertical collapse of up to 2 m was observed along the western segments of the graben at the end of the Capelinhos eruptive crises (1957-58).


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This article addresses the problem of obtaining reduced complexity models of multi-reach water delivery canals that are suitable for robust and linear parameter varying (LPV) control design. In the first stage, by applying a method known from the literature, a finite dimensional rational transfer function of a priori defined order is obtained for each canal reach by linearizing the Saint-Venant equations. Then, by using block diagrams algebra, these different models are combined with linearized gate models in order to obtain the overall canal model. In what concerns the control design objectives, this approach has the advantages of providing a model with prescribed order and to quantify the high frequency uncertainty due to model approximation. A case study with a 3-reach canal is presented, and the resulting model is compared with experimental data. © 2014 IEEE.


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Radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting is an emerging technology that will enable to drive the next generation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) without the need of using batteries. In this paper, we present RF energy harvesting circuits specifically developed for GSM bands (900/1800) and a wearable dual-band antenna suitable for possible implementation within clothes for body worn applications. Besides, we address the development and experimental characterization of three different prototypes of a five-stage Dickson voltage multiplier (with match impedance circuit) responsible for harvesting the RF energy. Different printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication techniques to produce the prototypes result in different values of conversion efficiency. Therefore, we conclude that if the PCB fabrication is achieved by means of a rigorous control in the photo-positive method and chemical bath procedure applied to the PCB it allows for attaining better values for the conversion efficiency. All three prototypes (1, 2 and 3) can power supply the IRIS sensor node for RF received powers of -4 dBm, -6 dBm and -5 dBm, and conversion efficiencies of 20, 32 and 26%, respectively. © 2014 IEEE.


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This article addresses the problem of obtaining reduced complexity models of multi-reach water delivery canals that are suitable for robust and linear parameter varying (LPV) control design. In the first stage, by applying a method known from the literature, a finite dimensional rational transfer function of a priori defined order is obtained for each canal reach by linearizing the Saint-Venant equations. Then, by using block diagrams algebra, these different models are combined with linearized gate models in order to obtain the overall canal model. In what concerns the control design objectives, this approach has the advantages of providing a model with prescribed order and to quantify the high frequency uncertainty due to model approximation. A case study with a 3-reach canal is presented, and the resulting model is compared with experimental data. © 2014 IEEE.


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Laminate composite multi-cell structures have to support both axial and shear stresses when sustaining variable twist. Thus the properties and design of the laminate may not be the most adequate at all cross-sections to support the torsion imposed on the cells. In this work, the effect of some material and geometric parameters on the optimal mechanical behaviour of a multi-cell composite laminate structure is studied when torsion is present. A particle swarm optimization technique is used to maximize the multi-cell structure torsion constant that can be used to obtain the angle of twist of the composite laminate profile.


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Associado à escassez dos combustíveis fósseis e ao desejado controlo de emissões nocivas para a atmosfera, assistimos no mundo ao desenvolvimento do um novo paradigma — a mobilidade eléctrica. Apesar das variações de maior ou menor arbítrio político dos governos, do excelente ou débil desenvolvimento tecnológico, relacionados com os veículos eléctricos, estamos perante um caminho, no que diz respeito à mobilidade eléctrica, que já não deve ser encarado como uma moda mas como uma orientação para o futuro da mobilidade. Portugal tendo dado mostras que pretende estar na dianteira deste desafio, necessita equacionar e compreender em que condições existirá uma infra-estrutura nacional capaz de fazer o veículo eléctrico vingar. Assim, neste trabalho, analisa-se o impacto da mobilidade eléctrica em algumas dessas infra-estruturas, nomeadamente nos edifícios multi-habitacionais e redes de distribuição em baixa tensão. São criados neste âmbito, quatro perfis de carregamento dos EVs nomeadamente: nas horas de chegada a casa; nas horas de vazio com início programado pelo condutor; nas horas de vazio controlado por operador de rede (“Smart Grid”); e um cenário que contempla a utilização do V2G. Com a obrigação legal de nos novos edifícios serem instaladas tomadas para veículos eléctricos, é estudado, com os cenários anteriores a possibilidade de continuar a conceber as instalações eléctricas, sem alterar algumas das disposições legais, ao abrigo dos regulamentos existentes. É também estudado, com os cenários criados e com a previsão da venda de veículos eléctricos até 2020, o impacto deste novo consumo no diagrama de carga do Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. Mostra-se assim que a introdução de sistemas inteligentes de distribuição de energia [Smartgrid e vehicle to grid” (V2G)] deverá ser encarada como a solução que por excelência contribuirá para um aproveitamento das infra-estruturas existentes e simultaneamente um uso acessível para os veículos eléctricos.


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A energia eléctrica é um bem essencial para a maioria das sociedades. O seu fornecimento tem sido encarado como um serviço público, da responsabilidade dos governos, através de empresas monopolistas, públicas e privadas. O Mercado Ibérico de Electricidade (MIBEL) surge com o objectivo da integração e cooperação do sector eléctrico Português e Espanhol, no qual é possível negociar preços e volumes de energia. Actualmente, as entidades podem negociar através de um mercado bolsista ou num mercado de contratos bilaterais. Uma análise dos mercados de electricidade existentes mostra que estes estão longe de estarem liberalizados. As tarifas não reflectem o efeito da competitividade. Além disso, o recurso a contratos bilaterais limita frequentemente os clientes a um único fornecedor de energia eléctrica. Nos últimos anos, têm surgido uma série de ferramentas computacionais que permitem simular, parte ou a totalidade, dos mercados de electricidade. Contudo, apesar das suas potencialidades, muitos simuladores carecem de flexibilidade e generalidade. Nesta perspectiva, esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de um simulador de mercados de energia eléctrica que possibilite lidar com as dificuldades inerentes a este novo modelo de mercado, recorrendo a agentes computacionais autónomos. A dissertação descreve o desenho e a implementação de um simulador simplificado para negociação de contratos bilaterais em mercados de energia, com particular incidência para o desenho das estratégias a utilizar pelas partes negociais. Além disso, efectua-se a descrição de um caso prático, com dados do MIBEL. Descrevem-se também várias simulações computacionais, envolvendo retalhistas e consumidores de energia eléctrica, que utilizam diferentes estratégias negociais. Efectua-se a análise detalhada dos resultados obtidos. De forma sucinta, os resultados permitem concluir que as melhores estratégias para cada entidade, no caso prático estudado, são: a estratégia de concessões fixas, para o retalhista, e a estratégia de concessões baseada no volume de energia, para o consumidor.


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One of the most effective ways of controlling vibrations in plate or beam structures is by means of constrained viscoelastic damping treatments. Contrary to the unconstrained configuration, the design of constrained and integrated layer damping treatments is multifaceted because the thickness of the viscoelastic layer acts distinctly on the two main counterparts of the strain energy the volume of viscoelastic material and the shear strain field. In this work, a parametric study is performed exploring the effect that the design parameters, namely the thickness/length ratio, constraining layer thickness, material modulus, natural mode and boundary conditions have on these two counterparts and subsequently, on the treatment efficiency. This paper presents five parametric studies, namely, the thickness/length ratio, the constraining layer thickness, material properties, natural mode and boundary conditions. The results obtained evidence an interesting effect when dealing with very thin viscoelastic layers that contradicts the standard treatment efficiency vs. layer thickness relation; hence, the potential optimisation of constrained and integrated viscoelastic treatments through the use of properly designed thin multilayer configurations is justified. This work presents a dimensionless analysis and provides useful general guidelines for the efficient design of constrained and integrated damping treatments based on single or multi-layer configurations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the design of low profile antennas by using Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures is introduced. Taking advantage of the fact that they can behave as Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC), it is shown that these structures exhibit dual band in-phase reflection at WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) bands, the 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz bands. These structures are applied to PIFA (Planar Inverted-F Antenna) and the results show that it is possible to obtain low profile PIFA's.


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A new high performance architecture for the computation of all the DCT operations adopted in the H.264/AVC and HEVC standards is proposed in this paper. Contrasting to other dedicated transform cores, the presented multi-standard transform architecture is supported on a completely configurable, scalable and unified structure, that is able to compute not only the forward and the inverse 8×8 and 4×4 integer DCTs and the 4×4 and 2×2 Hadamard transforms defined in the H.264/AVC standard, but also the 4×4, 8×8, 16×16 and 32×32 integer transforms adopted in HEVC. Experimental results obtained using a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA demonstrated the superior performance and hardware efficiency levels provided by the proposed structure, which outperforms its more prominent related designs by at least 1.8 times. When integrated in a multi-core embedded system, this architecture allows the computation, in real-time, of all the transforms mentioned above for resolutions as high as the 8k Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV) (7680×4320 @ 30fps).


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The disturbing emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has been driving the scientific community to urgently search for new and efficient antitubercular drugs. Despite the various drugs currently under evaluation, isoniazid is still the key and most effective component in all multi-therapeutic regimens recommended by the WHO. This paper describes the QSAR-oriented design, synthesis and in vitro antitubercular activity of several potent isoniazid derivatives (isonicotinoyl hydrazones and isonicotinoyl hydrazides) against H37Rv and two resistant Mtb strains. QSAR studies entailed RFs and ASNNs classification models, as well as MLR models. Strict validation procedures were used to guarantee the models' robustness and predictive ability. Lipophilicity was shown not to be relevant to explain the activity of these derivatives, whereas shorter N-N distances and lengthy substituents lead to more active compounds. Compounds I, 2, 4, 5 and 6, showed measured activities against H37Rv higher than INH (i.e., MIC <= 0.28 mu M), while compound 9 exhibited a six fold decrease in MIC against the katG (S315T) mutated strain, by comparison with INH (Le., 6.9 vs. 43.8 mu M). All compounds were ineffective against H37Rv(INH) (Delta katG), a strain with a full deletion of the katG gene, thus corroborating the importance of KatG in the activation of INH-based compounds. The most potent compounds were also shown not to be cytotoxic up to a concentration 500 times higher than MIC. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In order to correctly assess the biaxial fatigue material properties one must experimentally test different load conditions and stress levels. With the rise of new in-plane biaxial fatigue testing machines, using smaller and more efficient electrical motors, instead of the conventional hydraulic machines, it is necessary to reduce the specimen size and to ensure that the specimen geometry is appropriated for the load capacity installed. At the present time there are no standard specimen’s geometries and the indications on literature how to design an efficient test specimen are insufficient. The main goal of this paper is to present the methodology on how to obtain an optimal cruciform specimen geometry, with thickness reduction in the gauge area, appropriated for fatigue crack initiation, as a function of the base material sheet thickness used to build the specimen. The geometry is optimized for maximum stress using several parameters, ensuring that in the gauge area the stress is uniform and maximum with two limit phase shift loading conditions. Therefore the fatigue damage will always initiate on the center of the specimen, avoiding failure outside this region. Using the Renard Series of preferred numbers for the base material sheet thickness as a reference, the reaming geometry parameters are optimized using a derivative-free methodology, called direct multi search (DMS) method. The final optimal geometry as a function of the base material sheet thickness is proposed, as a guide line for cruciform specimens design, and as a possible contribution for a future standard on in-plane biaxial fatigue tests. © 2014, Gruppo Italiano Frattura. All rights reserved.