13 resultados para web applications

em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal


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When developing interactive applications, considering the correctness of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) code is essential. GUIs are critical components of today's software, and contemporary software tools do not provide enough support for ensuring GUIs' code quality. GUIsurfer, a GUI reverse engineering tool, enables evaluation of behavioral properties of user interfaces. It performs static analysis of GUI code, generating state machines that can help in the evaluation of interactive applications. This paper describes the design, software architecture, and the use of GUIsurfer through an example. The tool is easily re-targetable, and support is available to Java/Swing, and WxHaskell. The paper sets the ground for a generalization effort to consider rich internet applications. It explores the GWT web applications' user interface programming toolkit.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoethylene) electrospun membranes were obtained from a blend of dimethylformamide (DMF) and methylethylketone (MEK) solvents. The inclusion of the MEK to the solvent system promotes a faster solvent evaporation allowing complete polymer crystallization during the jet travelling between the tip and the grounded collector. Several processing parameters were systematically changed to study their influence on fiber dimensions. Applied voltage and inner needle diameter do not have large influence on the electrospun fiber average diameter but in the fiber diameter distribution. On the other hand, the increase of the distance between the needle tip to collector results in fibers with larger average diameter. Independently on the processing conditions, all mats are produced in the electroactive phase of the polymer. Further, MC-3T3-E1cell adhesion was not inhibited by the fiber mats preparation, indicating their potential use for biomedical applications.


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Protein-based polymers are present in a wide variety of organisms fulfilling structural and mechanical roles. Advances in protein engineering and recombinant DNA technology allow the design and production of recombinant protein-based polymers (rPBPs) with an absolute control of its composition. Although the application of recombinant proteins as biomaterials is still an emerging technology, the possibilities are limitless and far superior to natural or synthetic materials, as the complexity of the structural design can be fully customized. In this work, we report the electrospinning of two new genetically engineered silk-elastin-like proteins (SELPs) consisting of alternate silk- and elastin-like blocks. Electrospinning was performed with formic acid and aqueous solutions at different concentrations without addition of further agents. The size and morphology of the electrospun structures was characterized by scanning electron microscopy showing to be dependent of concentration and solvent used. Treatment with air saturated with methanol was employed to stabilize the structure and promote water insolubility through a time-dependent conversion of random coils into β-sheets (FTIR). The resultant methanol-treated electrospun mats were characterized for swelling degree (570-720%), water vapour transmission rate (1083 g/m2/day) and mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity of ~126 MPa). Furthermore, the methanol-treated SELP fiber mats showed no cytotoxicity and were able to support adhesion and proliferation of normal human skin fibroblasts. Adhesion was characterized by a filopodia-mediated mechanism. These results demonstrate that SELP fiber mats can provide promising solutions for the development of novel biomaterials suitable for tissue engineering applications.


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Thermoplastic elastomer/carbon nanotube composites are studied for sensor applications due to their excellent mechanical and electrical properties. Piezoresisitive properties of tri-block copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS)/ carbon nanotubes (CNT) prepared by solution casting have been investigated. Young modulus of the SBS/CNT composites increases with the amount of CNT filler content present in the samples, without losing the high strain deformation on the polymer matrix (~1500 %). Further, above the percolation threshold these materials are unique for the development of large deformation sensors due to the strong piezoresistive response. Piezoresistive properties evaluated by uniaxial stretching in tensile mode and 4-point bending showed a Gauge Factors up to 120. The excellent linearity obtained between strain and electrical resistance makes these composites interesting for large strain piezoresistive sensors applications.


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Battery separators based on electrospun membranes of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) have been prepared in order to study the effect of fiber alignment on the performance and characteristics of the membrane. The prepared membranes show an average fiber diameter of 272 nm and a degree of porosity of 87 %. The gel polymer electrolytes are prepared by soaking the membranes in the electrolyte solution. The alignment of the fibers improves the mechanical properties for the electrospun membranes. Further, the microstructure of the membrane also plays an important role in the ionic conductivity, being higher for the random electrospun membrane due to the lower tortuosity value. Independently of the microstructure, both membranes show good electrochemical stability up to 5.0 V versus Li/Li+. These results show that electrospun membranes based on PVDF are appropriate for battery separators in lithium-ion battery applications, the random membranes showing a better overall performance.


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Abstract. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) make software easy to use by providing the user with visual controls. Therefore, correctness of GUI’s code is essential to the correct execution of the overall software. Models can help in the evaluation of interactive applications by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. This paper describes our approach to reverse engineer an abstract model of a user interface directly from the GUI’s legacy code. We also present results from a case study. These results are encouraging and give evidence that the goal of reverse engineering user interfaces can be met with more work on this technique.


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Abstract. Interest in design and development of graphical user interface (GUIs) is growing in the last few years. However, correctness of GUI's code is essential to the correct execution of the overall software. Models can help in the evaluation of interactive applications by allowing designers to concentrate on its more important aspects. This paper describes our approach to reverse engineering abstract GUI models directly from the Java/Swing code.


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Fiber meshes of poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly(hydroxybutyrate)/ poly(ethylene oxide) (PHB/PEO) with different concentrations of chlorhexidine (CHX) were prepared by electrospinning, for assessment as a polymer based drug delivery system. The electrospun fibers were characterized at morphological, molecular and mechanical levels. The bactericidal potential of PHB and PHB/PEO electrospun fibers with and without CHX was investigated against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) by disk diffusion susceptibility tests. Electrospun fibers containing CHX exhibited bactericidal activity. PHB/PEO-1%CHX displayed higher CHX release levels and equivalent antibacterial activity when compared to PHB/PEO with 5 and 10 wt% CHX. Bactericidal performance of samples with 1 wt% CHX was assessed by Colony Forming Units (CFU), where a reduction of 100 % and 99.69 % against E. coli and S. aureus were achieved, respectively.


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Battery separators based on electrospun membranes of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) have been prepared in order to study the effect of fiber alignment on the performance and characteristics of the membrane. The prepared membranes show an average fiber diameter of ~272 nm and a degree of porosity of ~87 %. The gel polymer electrolytes are prepared by soaking the membranes in the electrolyte solution. The alignment of the fibers improves the mechanical properties for the electrospun membranes. Further, the microstructure of the membrane also plays an important role in the ionic conductivity, being higher for the random electrospun membrane due to the lower tortuosity value. Independently of the microstructure, both membranes show good electrochemical stability up to 5.0 V versus Li/Li+. These results show that electrospun membranes based on PVDF are appropriate for battery separators in lithium-ion battery applications, the random membranes showing a better overall performance.


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Development of suitable membranes is a fundamental requisite for tissue and biomedical engineering applications. This work presents fish gelatin random and aligned electrospun membranes cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA). It was observed that the fiber average diameter and the morphology is not influenced by the GA exposure time and presents fibers with an average diameter around 250 nm. Moreover, when the gelatin mats are immersed in a phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS), they can retain as much as 12 times its initial weight of solution almost instantaneously, but the material microstructure of the fiber mats changes from the characteristic fibrous to an almost spherical porous structure. Cross-linked gelatin electrospun fiber mats and films showed a water vapor permeability of 1.37 ± 0.02 and 0.13 ± 0.10 (g.mm)/(m2.h.kPa), respectively. Finally, the processing technique and cross-linking process does not inhibit MC-3T3-E1 cell adhesion. Preliminary cell culture results showed good cell adhesion and proliferation in the cross-linked random and aligned gelatin fiber mats.


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Este estudo pretende conhecer o nível de divulgação de informação sobre responsabilidade social(RS) e analisar possíveis factores determinantes em 60 municípios portugueses. Assumindo que os municípios utilizam cada vez mais Internet como meio de comunicação com seus stakholders, a metodologia de estudo consistiu na analise de conteúdo dos websites e dos documentos disponíveis para download. com vista a determinar se para cada item de informação necessária é elaboração dos Índices de Divulgação de Informação, que permitissem medir o nível de divulgação de informação de cada município. Como forma de analisar a associação existente entre os índices de divulgação de informação criados e os potenciais factores determinantes, foram efectuados diversos testes ás hipóteses formuladas. Os resultados apontam para níveis de divulgação médios na maioria dos índices analisados. O Índice de Divulgação Total(IDT) apurado foi de 0,46. Para cada bloco de informação, o índice que apresentou um valor mais alto foi o da Informação Económica(IDE) com 0,66, seguindo-se o da Informação Social(IDS) com 0,61 e o Ambiental(IDA) com 0,36. O Índice de divulgação de informação genérica(IDG) sobre o RS foi o qeu apresentou valores mais reduzidos, 0,22. Foi efectuada uma analise univariada e bivariada que surgem vários factores como explicativos dos níveis de divulgação de informação. Da aplicação do Modelo de Regressão Linear Multiplica resulta que o IDG é influenciado pelo facto e o município implementar a Agenda 21 Local(A21L) e a pela percentagem de despesas ambientais nas despesas totais(DAMB);que apenas a elevada percentagem de despesas de licenciados(ESCOL)influência o IDE; e a localização do município(LOC, a A21L e a Carga Fiscal(FISC) tem influência no IDA e que a percentagem de habitantes com idade <19 anos e >65 anos(POPID) influencia negativamente o IDA; por ultimo e no que diz respeito ao Índice de Divulgação Total, a CARAT, a A21L, o possuir Certificação e a FISC influenciam positivamente o IDT, enquanto que a POPID influencia negativamente.


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The real Cloud and Ubiquitous Manufacturing systems require effectiveness and permanent availability of resources, their capacity and scalability. One of the most important problems for applications management over cloud based platforms, which are expected to support efficient scalability and resources coordination following SaaS implementation model, is their interoperability. Even application dashboards need to easily incorporate those new applications, their interoperability still remains a big problem to override. So, the possibility to expand these dashboards with efficiently integrated communicational cloud based services (cloudlets) represents a relevant added value as well as contributes to solving the interoperability problem. Following the architecture for integration of enriched existing cloud services, as instances of manufacturing resources, this paper: a) proposes a cloud based web platform to support dashboard integrating communicational services, and b) describe an experimentation to sustain the theory that the effective and efficient interoperability, especially in dynamic environments, could be achieved only with human intervention.


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Os sítios Web são a face das instituições, mas há evidências de frequentemente serem pouco cuidados, sobretudo ao nível dos seus conteúdos. Nesta tese apresentamos uma investigação que desenvolve um modelo de avaliação da qualidade dos conteúdos de sítios Web de unidades de saúde. A revisão bibliográfica, realizada neste trabalho, permitiu identificar as dimensões e atributos de avaliação da qualidade de conteúdos de sítios Web mais considerados pelos diversos autores dos trabalhos mais importantes da área, mas não um modelo que, a partir deles, fosse capaz de os avaliar objetivamente. Assim, levantou-se o problema de saber se todos os atributos têm a mesma importância. Atributos mais importantes devem dar maior contributo na avaliação pretendida e o modelo a ser considerado deve refletir isso, adicionalmente a ferramenta de avaliação deveria ser intuitiva e rápida na aplicação. Para determinar a importância de cada atributo aplicou-se o Método Delphi tendo sido necessário três rondas para encontrar consenso relativamente à importância dos atributos a que se seguiu a aplicação de um conjunto de modelos estatísticos de forma a determinar uma métrica consistente e que permitisse a comparação de pontuações entre sítios web. De acordo com as questões de investigação e os objetivos definidos foi possível encontrar um modelo que fornecesse uma medida objetiva, normalizada e consistente acerca da qualidade de conteúdos de sítios web de unidades de saúde