12 resultados para Democratic Inefficiency
em CiencIPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
Abstract: If we think there is a significant number of legal offshore in the globalized world, then there is not even a global consensus about what «corruption» is. The «illegal corruption» in a country may be legal in another. Moreover, the great global corruption is above the law or above democratic States. And not all democratic States are «Rule of Law». Therefore, the solution is global earlier in time and space law, democratic, free and true law. While the human being does not reach a consensus of what «corruption» really is, the discussion will not go further than a caricature. One of the other problems about «corruption» is that it is very difficult to establish the imputation of crimes, including «corruption» (v.g. Portugal) on some «companies», corporations. We have a juridical problem in the composition of the art. 11. of the Portuguese Penal Code.
This chapter provides a broad look at the Portuguese process of agencification in the last two decades. As with most of the remaining chapters in this book, we cover the basics by describing the administrative landscape, its changes in organizational make-up, the delicate balance between control and autonomy in the ministry-agency relationship, perceptual changes in efficiency and performance measurement in public management, based on a comprehensive survey (COBRA survey of the CRIPO research group) sent to all public-sector organizations under public law with some degree of autonomy (see Chapter 1, Table 1.1). Portugal is undergoing the most pervasive politico-economic crisis in its short democratic history. The administrative mapping conducted in 2007 which served as the basis for the administration of the COBRA survey is already undergoing change.
Enquanto existir Estado-de-Direito, Social, democrático, livre e verdadeiro, o Direito Penal, incluindo o Económico e de Gestão como também é o Tributário, será sempre um problema dos penalistas, do Direito Penal e das Ciências Jurídico-Criminais. Abstract: As long as state-of-law, social, democratic, free and true, Criminal Law, including the Economic and Management as is the Tax will always be a problem of criminalists, the Criminal Law and the Legal and Criminal Sciences.
Diz o art. 53º da Constituição: “É garantida aos trabalhadores a segurança no emprego, sendo proibidos os despedimentos sem justa causa ou por motivos políticos ou ideológicos.”. O direito fundamental da “Segurança no emprego” é uma das principais conquistas da social-democracia e/ou do socialismo democrático europeus, entre outras ideologias políticas e religiosas. Abstract: Says the art. 53 of the Constitution: "It is guaranteed to security workers in employment, being prohibited the unfair dismissal or for political or ideological reasons.". The fundamental right of "Job security" is one of the main achievements of social democracy and / or the European democratic socialism, among other political and religious ideologies.
Um Estado de Direito Social democrático, livre e verdadeiro, não existe sem um Tribunal Constitucional. Abstract: A democratic rule of social law, free and true, does not exist without a Constitutional Court.
Ouvimos também muitos a falar em branqueamento de capitais, crimes financeiros, abuso de informação, manipulação do mercado, etc.. Salvo o devido respeito, contudo, poucos sabem o quão difícil é a prova destes crimes! Sabiam que p.e. até meados de 2008, crimes como o abuso de informação ou a manipulação do mercado eram insusceptíveis de interferência nas comunicações?! Sabiam que até hoje, o Código dos Valores Mobiliários não prevê a criminalização das pessoas colectivas e, portanto, dos próprios bancos?! Abstract: We hear too many to talk about money laundering, financial crimes, insider trading, market manipulation, etc .. Unless all due respect, however, few know how hard it is to prove that the crimes! Standing knew that by mid-2008, crimes such as dealing or market manipulation were incapable of interference in communications ?! They knew that to date, the Securities Code does not provide for the criminalization of legal persons and therefore the banks themselves ?!
art. 73º da Constituição quanto aos fins do conhecimento: “2. O Estado promove a democratização da educação e as demais condições para que a educação, realizada através da escola e de outros meios formativos, contribua para a igualdade de oportunidades, a superação das desigualdades económicas, sociais e culturais, o desenvolvimento da personalidade e do espírito de tolerância, de compreensão mútua, de solidariedade e de responsabilidade, para o progresso social e para a participação democrática na vida colectiva.” § Abstract: art. 73 of the Constitution as to the purposes of knowledge: "2. The State shall promote the democratization of education and the other conditions that enable education, both at school and elsewhere, to contribute to equality of opportunities, overcoming the economic, social and cultural inequalities, the development of personality and spirit tolerance, mutual understanding, solidarity and responsibility, to social progress and to democratic participation in public life. ".
Nem está garantido que o “25 de Abril seja para sempre”. O mais certo é que não esteja. Nem está assegurado, qual verdade ontológica, que não haverá mais “fascismo” ou um outro “Estado Novo de inspiração fascista”, como alguns preferem descrever o período histórico vivido em Portugal entre 1933 (com raízes em 1928 após eleição de Óscar Carmona) e o 25 de Abril de 1974. O mais certo é que surjam novos tipos de “fascismo”. § Abstract: Neither is guaranteed that the "April 25th is forever." Most likely it is not. Neither is assured, what ontological truth, there will be no more "fascism" or another "New State of fascist inspiration," as some prefer to describe the historical period lived in Portugal between 1933 (with roots in 1928 after Óscar Carmona Election) and April 25, 1974. most likely there are new types of "fascism."
Resumo: a criação dum Tribunal Constitucional Internacional, no nosso entender, é uma exigência da própria Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem de 1948. Neste texto são apresentados uma série de argumentos velhos e novos para a importância da existência do Tribunal Constitucional Internacional a nível mundial. Trata-se dum Tribunal que é indispensável à defesa dos Direitos do Homem, contra qualquer tipo de ditadura ou fanatismo económico, social, político, cultural ou mental. § Abstract: the creation of an International Constitutional Court, in our view, is a requirement of own Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. In this paper are given a lot of old and new arguments for the importance of the existence of the International Constitutional Court worldwide. It is of a Court that is indispensable to the defense of human rights, against all forms of dictatorship or economic fanaticism, social, political, cultural or mental.
Lembremo-nos de vez em quando dos presos, que não se podem manifestar, nem têm sindicato relevante em termos de Estado de Direito social, democrático, livre e verdadeiro. Presos pelas mais diversas razões: desde o crime de roubo sem feridos nem mortos, até aos crimes mais bárbaros. Agora que se fala em perdão por outras razões das quais não queremos falar hoje aqui, logo nos lembramos que o perdão não tem sentido se não houver arrependimento. E logo nos lembramos dos presos também. Somente em Portugal, são milhares. E estão presos neste momento em que escrevemos. Certo que também não nos podemos esquecer das vítimas. Sempre tivemos uma preocupação profunda por estas. § Let us remember from time to time the prisoners, who can not speak or have a relevant union in terms of rule of law social, democratic, free and true. Arrested for various reasons: from the wounded without theft crime or dead, even the most barbaric crimes. Now we talk about forgiveness for other reasons which do not want to speak here today, then we remember that forgiveness is meaningless if there is no repentance. And then we remember the prisoners as well. Only in Portugal, thousands. And we're stuck in this time of writing. Also certain that we can not forget the victims. I have always had a deep concern for these.
Art. 114º da Constituição da República Portuguesa: “1. Os partidos políticos participam nos órgãos baseados no sufrágio universal e directo, de acordo com a sua representatividade eleitoral. 2. É reconhecido às minorias o direito de oposição democrática, nos termos da Constituição e da lei. 3. Os partidos políticos representados na Assembleia da República e que não façam parte do Governo gozam, designadamente, do direito de serem informados regular e directamente pelo Governo sobre o andamento dos principais assuntos de interesse público, de igual direito gozando os partidos políticos representados nas Assembleias Legislativas das regiões autónomas e em quaisquer outras assembleias designadas por eleição directa relativamente aos correspondentes executivos de que não façam parte.”. § Article 114 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. "1. Political parties shall participate in organs based on direct and universal suffrage, according to their electoral representation. 2. It is recognized minorities the right to democratic opposition, under the Constitution and the law. 3. Political parties represented in Parliament and not forming part of the Government shall, in particular, the right to be informed regularly and directly by the Government on the progress of the main matters of public interest, equal rights enjoying the political parties represented in Legislative Assemblies of the autonomous regions and any other assemblies formed through direct elections with respect to the corresponding executives who are not part. ".
The way professionals deal with ethical dilemmas and the decisions they make may be guided by a personal and individual ideology, but it is also strongly influenced by their professional group and society. This paper focuses in real situations as they are experienced by individuals in their day-to-day professional life. The data were collected using opened-end interviews. Respondents were asked to identify the ethical dilemmas they had been faced with during their professional life. Qualitative analysis shows that main dilemmas are about how to deal with “informal economy”, “false invoices” and “tax evasion”. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of ethical issues faced by Portuguese Chartered Account (TOC), thus promoting a large debate about the way the TOC can help to create a better society and consequently legitimating their existence as a professional organization of public interest. More than ever, understanding professionals’ behavior in their real context is essential for to build a culture conducive to the ethical development of society, and to ensure, at the same time, the desirable business sustainability. This study gives a broaden description of ethics dilemmas faced by chartered accounts and shows some inefficiency in the ethical control system made by professional bodies.