14 resultados para floresta semidecídua alto-montana
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
The Parque Estadual do Alto Ribeira (PETAR) with about 250 caves, in an Atlantic forest reserve, is an important ecotourist attraction in the Ribeira Valley, an endemic area of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). With the purpose of investigating Leishmania vector species bothersome to humans the sandfly fauna was identified and some of its ecological aspects in the Santana nucleus, captures were undertaken monthly with automatic light traps in 11 ecotopes, including caves, forests, a camping site and domiciliary environments, and on black and white Shannon traps, from January/2001 to December/2002. A total of 2,449 sandflies representing 21 species were captured. The highest values of abundance obtained in the captures with automatic light traps were for Psathyromyia pascalei and Psychodopygus ayrozai. A total of 107 specimens representing 13 species were captured on black (12 species) and white (6 species) Shannon traps set simultaneously. Psychodopygus geniculatus females predominated on the black (43.75%), and Psathyromyia lanei and Ps. ayrozai equally (32.4%) on the white. Nyssomyia intermedia and Nyssomyia neivai, both implicated in the transmission of ACL in the Brazilian Southeastern region, were also captured. Ny. intermedia predominated in the open camping area. Low frequencies of phlebotomines were observed in the caves, where Evandromyia edwardsi predominated Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of the American visceral leishmaniasis, was aslo present. This is its most southernly reported occurrence in the Atlantic forest.
Foram analisadas características da precipitação estimada a partir de 145.194 campos de refletividade, de um total de 827 dias entre 1998 e 2003, obtidos do Radar Meteorológico de São Paulo (RSP). Os eventos foram classificados de acordo com intensidades de precipitação; em Convectivos (EC) e Estratiformes (EE). Quanto à morfologia, cinco tipos de sistemas foram identificados; Convecção Isolada (CI), Brisa Marítima (BM), Linhas de Instabilidade (LI), Bandas Dispersas (BD) e Frentes Frias (FF). Eventos convectivos dominam na primavera e verão e estratiformes no outono e inverno. A CI e a BM tiveram maiores picos de atuação entre outubro e março enquanto as FF de abril a setembro. BD atuam durante todo o ano e as LI só não foram observadas nos meses de junho e julho. Uma comparação pontual entre a precipitação medida pela telemetria e estimada com o radar foi realizada e, mostrou haver, na maioria dos casos, um viés positivo do RSP, para acumulações de 10, 30 e 60 minutos. Com o objetivo de integrar as estimativas de precipitação do radar com as medidas da rede telemétrica, por meio de uma análise objetiva estatística, foram obtidas dos campos de precipitação do radar as estruturas das correlações espaciais em função da distância para acumulações de chuva de 15, 30, 60 e 120 minutos para os cinco tipos de sistemas precipitantes que foram caracterizados. As curvas das correlações espaciais médias de todos os eventos de precipitação de cada sistema foram ajustadas por funções polinomiais de sexta ordem. Os resultados indicam diferenças significativas na estrutura espacial das correlações entre os sistemas precipitantes.
Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver modelos preditores de fitomassa epigéa da vegetação arbórea da Floresta Baixa de Restinga. Foram selecionadas 102 árvores de 29 espécies ocorrentes na área de estudo e 102 indivíduos de jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman), distribuídos proporcionalmente entre as classes de diâmetro da vegetação arbórea. As árvores foram cortadas, ao nível do solo e foram medidos a altura total e o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) de cada árvore. As folhas foram separadas do lenho e a massa fresca da porção lenhosa e foliar medidas separadamente. Amostras de cada fração foram secas a 70 °C, até peso constante, para determinação da massa seca das árvores. Os modelos foram desenvolvidos através de análise de regressão linear, sendo a variável dependente a massa seca (MS) das árvores e as variáveis independentes a altura (h), o diâmetro a altura do peito (d) e as relações d² h e d² h multiplicada pela densidade da madeira (ρ d² h). Os modelos desenvolvidos indicam que o diâmetro explica grande parte da variabilidade da fitomassa das árvores da restinga e a altura é a variável explanatória da equação específica para o jerivá. Os modelos selecionados foram: ln MS (kg) = -1,352 + 2,009 ln d (R² = 0,96; s yx = 0,34) para a comunidade vegetal sem jerivá, ln MS (kg) = -2,052 + 0,801 ln d² h (R² = 0,94; s yx = 0,38) para a comunidade incluindo o jerivá, e ln MS (kg) = -0,884 + 2,40 ln h (R² = 0,92; s yx = 0,49) para o jerivá.
A 'Relação' de 1728 de frei Francisco de São Manços, com a narrativa da primeira exploração da bacia Trombetas-Mapuera, no noroeste do Estado do Pará, embora publicada há mais de cem anos, é aqui, pela primeira vez, objeto de análise e de interpretação geográfica e etno-histórica. A importância do documento está em nomear e em localizar com aproximação cerca de 50 'nações' indígenas, quase todas ignoradas pelas fontes históricas e etnográficas posteriores, além de mencionar muitas de suas aldeias e de seus chefes. A reconstituição do itinerário permitiu concluir que a viagem do 'descobridor do Trombetas' transcorreu, na verdade, em grande parte, pelo Mapuera, seu afluente, até o planalto das Guianas. A informação etnográfica, embora limitada, inclui referências a dois níveis de chefia política e à guerra como meio de obter escravos destinados ao escambo por mercadorias.
Várias estratégias têm sido pensadas com o propósito de se utilizar a biologia molecular como ferramenta na pré-seleção e na seleção de talentos esportivos, na manipulação genética visando ao aumento ou à diminuição da produção de determinadas substâncias pelo organismo, na prescrição do treinamento e na recuperação de lesões. Portanto, o objetivo desta revisão é apresentar o DNA como regulador do funcionamento do organismo e de que forma alterações no perfil genético, tanto espontâneas como induzidas artificialmente, podem modular respostas fisiológicas e morfológicas por alterar a expressão de determinadas proteínas. Será dada especial atenção à descrição dos procedimentos utilizados para a manipulação genética, nos baixos riscos associados e nas estratégias que têm sido desenvolvidas com o objetivo de detectá-la. Com base em conhecimentos científicos, coerência e bom senso, diversas visões devem ser expostas e amplamente discutidas para ser definido o que é permitido e o que é proibido nas competições esportivas.
Secondary forests and exotic tree plantations are expanding across tropical landscapes. However, our current understanding of the value of these human-dominated forest landscapes for invertebrate biodiversity conservation is still very poor. In this paper, we use the leaf-litter ant fauna to assess invertebrate diversity in one commercially managed Eucalyptus plantation (four years old), two abandoned plantations of different regeneration ages (16 and 31 years), and one neighboring secondary Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil. There was a clear gradient in species richness from the secondary forest to the managed Eucalyptus plantation; richness and diversity peaked in secondary forest and in the older regenerating Eucalyptus plantation. Significantly more species were recorded in secondary forest samples than in Eucalyptus plantations, but Eucalyptus plantations had a similar level of richness. Furthermore, a non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis revealed clear differences in species composition between the younger managed Eucalyptus plantation (understory absent) and habitats with sub-developed or developed understory. Eucalyptus plantations were characterized by an assemblage of widespread, generalist species very different from those known to occur in core forest habitats of southeastern Brazil. Our results indicate that while older regenerating Eucalyptus plantations can provide habitat to facilitate the persistence of generalist ant species, it is unlikely to conserve most of the primary forest species, such as specialized predators, Dacetini predators, and nomadic species.
The Atlantic Forest is considered one of the world's biological diversity hotspots but is nevertheless increasingly threatened with the rapid destruction and fragmentation of its natural areas. In the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, remnants of the mixed ombrophilous forest and seasonal deciduous forest exist as islands within large areas of agriculture, pastures and human settlements. Here we present information on species richness and habitat use by anurans in the Floresta Nacional de Chapecó, located in the western portion of the state of Santa Catarina. Anurans were surveyed by active search of potential reproductive sites from December 1998 to December 2001. A total of 29 species were recorded, most of which have a known distribution restricted to southern Brazil and adjacent countries (Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) and use open areas for reproduction. The species composition was most similar to other areas of mixed ombrophilous forest and seasonal deciduous forest from the extreme south of Brazil. The information in this study may support the implementation of conservation and management strategies in the area.
Frutos in natura de C. xanthocarpa (Myrtaceae), coletados em diferentes estádios de amadurecimento na Floresta Estadual de Assis, município de Assis - SP, foram avaliados por meio de métodos tradicionais de análise, técnicas cromatográficas e de espectrometria de massas e de emissão ótica quanto à composição nutricional, ao perfil químico do óleo volátil e ao teor de elementos inorgânicos. Os resultados mostraram alto teor de água (81,4%); lipídios (1,9%); carboidratos totais (8,9%); fibra alimentar (6,3%); além de quantidades razoáveis de ácido ascórbico (17,8 mg.100 g-1); e traços de riboflavina (0,09 mg.100 g-1). No óleo volátil (0,2%), pôde-se identificar 62 componentes, correspondendo a 100% dos constituintes do óleo, destacando-se dentre eles os monoterpenos α-pineno (15%), o-cimeno (10,8%), β-pineno (10,5%). Entre os minerais (16), os principais elementos foram o K (2084 mg.kg-1), P (149 mg.kg-1), Mg (135 mg.kg-1) e, como microelementos, o Fe (6,4 mg.kg-1), Cu (93,3 mg.100 g-1) e Pb (1,3 mg.kg-1). O valor energético do fruto (57,3 kcal.100 g-1) deve-se quase que exclusivamente aos teores de carboidratos totais (8,9%).
Phlebotomines (Diptera, Psychodidae) in the Speleological Province of the Ribeira Valley: 3. Area of hostels for tourists who visit the Parque Estadual do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), state of São Paulo, Brazil. The study characterizes some ecological aspects of the phlebotomine fauna in an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) situated in the Serra district, Iporanga municipality where the hostels for tourists visiting the PETAR are located. Captures were undertaken on a smallholding and a small farm situated near the hostels, monthly between January/2001 and December/2003 with automatic light traps (ALT) in pigsty, hen-house and veranda of a domicile at the two sites, and in peridomicile of the small farm also with black/white Shannon traps. With the ALT a total of 87,224 phlebotomines representing 19 species and also two hybrids of Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) and two anomalous specimens were captured. The standardized index species abundance was for Ny. intermedia = 1.0 and Ny. neivai = 0.935. The highest frequencies of the smallholding occurred in the pigsty, the Williams' mean/capture for Ny. intermedia being 63.7 specimens and for Ny. neivai 29.2, and on the small farm, in the hen-house, Ny. intermedia 402.6 and Ny. neivai 116.2. A total of 863 phlebotomines (Ny. intermedia: 75.4%; Ny. neivai: 24.3%) were captured with black/white Shannon traps; females of both species being predominant in the white trap. The high frequencies of Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai, both implicated in CL transmission, indicate the areas presenting risk of the disease.
Estudaram-se os efeitos da administração de enramicina e monensina sódica sobre a digestão total dos nutrientes da dieta e o consumo de matéria seca digestível em bovinos. Doze fêmeas bovinas não-gestantes e não-lactantes (675 ± 63 kg PV) foram distribuídas inteiramente ao acaso em três tratamentos (controle, enramicina e monensina) e alimentados com dieta contendo 60% de concentrados (milho, farelo de soja e minerais) e 40% de volumoso (cana-de-açúcar). A enramicina foi administrada na dose de 20 mg/animal/dia e a monensina na dose de 300 mg/animal/dia. O experimento teve duração total de 21 dias, de modo que os últimos dez dias foram utilizados para administração do marcador externo (15 g de óxido crômico/animal/dia) e os últimos cinco dias para a coleta de fezes e amostragem dos alimentos. Nenhum dos antibióticos alterou os consumos de matéria seca digestível e NDT e a digestibilidade de matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente ácido, fibra em detergente neutro, amido, energia bruta e nutrientes digestíveis totais.
This paper reports manganese (Mn) fractionation in samples collected from the water column and sediments in an environmental protection area in the Alto do Paranapanema Basin (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). The three locations studied showed equivalent Mn levels, with moderate seasonal differences (p < 0.05). The sediment samples contained five Mn species (p < 0.05): iron and manganese (hydr)oxides > Mn bound to carbonates approximate to exchangeable Mn approximate to Mn bound to silicates > Mn bound to organic matter (p < 0.05). The water samples contained three species (p < 0.05): particulate Mn > labile Mn approximate to non-labile Mn. The data suggest that Mn has a natural origin (Enrichment Factor EF < 2; Geoaccumulation Index I(geo) < 0) and moderate environmental risk (Risk Assessment Code RAC similar to 30%). At the same time, under certain conditions some manganese species could be present in a state of equilibrium between the water column and sediment. These results could provide a basis for Mn management in the Alto do Paranapanema Basin.
This study aimed at verifying the effects of phonophoresis associated with Arnica montana on the acute phase of an inflammatory muscle lesion. Forty Wistar male rats (300 +/- 50 g), of which the Tibialis Anterior muscle was surgically lesioned, were divided into four groups (n = 10 each): control group received no treatment; the ultrasound group (US) was treated in pulsed mode with 1-MHz frequency, 0.5 W/cm(2) intensity (spatial and temporal average - SATA), duty cycle of 1: 2 (2 ms on, 4 ms off, 50%), time of application 3 min per session, one session per day, for 3 days; the phonophoresis or ultrasound plus arnica (US+A) group was treated with arnica with the same US parameters plus arnica gel; and the arnica group (A) was submitted to massage with arnica gel, also for 3 min, once a day, for 3 days. Treatment started 24 h after the surgical lesion. On the 4th day after lesion creation, animals were sacrificed and sections of the lesioned, inflamed muscle were removed for quantitative (mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cell count) and qualitative histological analysis. Collected data from the 4 groups were statistically analyzed and the significance level set at p < 0.05. Results show higher mononuclear cell density in all three treated groups with no significant difference between them, but values were significantly different (p < 0.0001) when compared to control group`s. As to polymorphonuclear cell density, significant differences were found between control group (p = 0.0134) and US, US+A and A groups; the arnica group presented lesser density of polymorphonuclear cells when compared (p = 0.0134) to the other groups. No significant difference was found between US and US+A groups. While the massage with arnica gel proved to be an effective anti-inflammatory on acute muscle lesion in topic use, these results point to ineffectiveness of Arnica montana phonophoresis, US having seemingly checked or minimized its anti-inflammatory effect. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Castoraeschna corbeti sp. nov. is described and diagnosed based on four males (holotype: Brazil, Para State, Floresta Nacional cle Carajas [6 degrees 06`13.9 `` S, 50 degrees 08`13.1 `` W, ca 600 m a.s.l.], 28 ix 2007 to be deposited in Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro). This species is similar to C. longfieldae and C. coronata but can be distinguished mainly by the absence of medio-dorsal spots on S8; postero-dorsal spots on S8-9 very narrow; cerci external margin almost straight in lateral view, without a distinct angulation between stern and base of lamina; cerci apex blunt. The probable ultimate stadium larva is described based on two individuals, male and female, collected at the type locality. Adults were observed flying along margins of a small shaded second-order stream where the larvae were taken. The surrounding forest is under impact of iron ore extraction and will probably disappear in the next years.
An integrated whole-rock petrographic and geochemical study has been carried out on kamafugites and kimberlites of the Late Cretaceous Alto Paranaiba igneous province, in Brazil, and their main minerals, olivine, clinopyroxene, perovskite, phlogopite, spinels and ilmenite. Perovskite is by far the dominant repository for light lanthanides, Nb, Ta, Th and U, and occasionally other elements, reaching concentrations up to 3.4 x 10(4) chondrite values for light lanthanides and 105 chondrite for Th. A very strong fractionation between light and heavy lanthanides (chondrite-normalized La/Yb from similar to 175 to similar to 2000) is also observed. This is likely the first comprehensive dataset on natural perovskite. Clinopyroxene has variable trace-element contents. likely due to the different position of this phase in the crystallization sequence; Sc reaches values as high as 200 ppm whereas the lanthanides show very variable enrichment in light over heavy REE, and commonly show a negative Eu anomaly. The olivine, phlogopite (and tetra-ferriphlogopite), Cr-Ti oxide and ilmenite are substantially barren minerals for lanthanides and most other trace elements, with the exception of Ba, Cs and Rb in mica, and V, Nb and Ta in ilmenite. Estimated mineral/whole-rock partition coefficients for lanthanides in perovskite are similar to previous determinations, though much higher than those calculated in experiments with synthetic compositions, testifying once more to the complex behavior of these elements in a natural environment. The enormous potential for exploitation of lanthanides, Th, U and high-field-strength elements in the Brazilian kamafugites, kimberlites and related rocks is clearly shown.