55 resultados para carcass leanness

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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To evaluate the effects of the supplementation of feed additives on carcass quality in beef cattle, 72 Nellore steers (339.5kg, 20-month old) were feedlot finished and fed for 91 days one of the following diets: 1) control with no additives; or added of 2) live yeast culture; 3) monensin; or 4) the association of both additives. After slaughter, renal, pelvic, and inguinal fat and hot carcass weights were recorded and carcass was split into muscle, bone, and trimmable fat. Carcass Longissimus muscle area and subcutaneous fat thickness at the 12th rib were measured and steaks of Longisimus muscle were taken to determine meat color, shear force, drip, and cooking losses. Yeast increased carcass dressing percentage but there were no effects on hot carcass weight, Longissimus area, subcutaneous fat thickness, percentage and weight of retail cut yield and trimmings. Feed additives had no effect on carcass pH, meat color, fat content, shear force, and drip losses. Supplementation of yeast, monensin or the association of both additives had no important effects on carcass traits and on meat quality of feedlot finished steers.


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Data from the slaughter of 24,001 chickens that were part of a selection program for the production of commercial broilers were used to estimate genetic trend for absolute carcass (CW), breast meat (BRW), and leg (LW) weights, and relative carcass (CY), breast meat (BRY), and leg (LY) weights. The components of (co) variance and breeding values of individuals were obtained by the restricted maximum likelihood method applied to animal models. The relationship matrix was composed of 132,442 birds. The models included as random effects, maternal additive genetic and permanent environmental for CW, BRW, LW, CY, and BRY, and only maternal permanent environmental for LY, besides the direct additive genetic and residual effects, and as fixed effects, hatch week, parents' mating group and sex. The estimates of genetic trend were obtained by average regression of breeding value on generation, and the average genetic trend was estimated by regression coefficients. The genetic trends for CW (+ 6.0336 g/generation), BRW (+ 3.6723 g/generation), LW (+ 1.5846 g/generation), CY (+ 0.1195%/generation), and BRY (+ 0.1388%/generation) were positive, and they were in accordance with the objectives of the selection program for these traits. The genetic trend for LY(-0.0019%/generation) was negative, possibly due to the strong emphasis on selection for BRY and the negative correlations between these two traits.


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The effect of genetic and non-genetic factors for carcass, breast meat and leg weights, and yields of a commercial broiler line were investigated using the restricted maximum likelihood method, considering four different animal models, including or excluding maternal genetic effect with covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects, and maternal permanent environmental effect. The likelihood ratio test was used to determine the most adequate model for each trait. For carcass, breast, and leg weight, and for carcass and breast yield, maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects as well as the covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects were significant. The estimates of direct and maternal heritability were 0.17 and 0.04 for carcass weight, 0.26 and 0.06 for breast weight, 0.22 and 0.02 for leg weight, 0.32 and 0.02 for carcass yield, and 0.52 and 0.04 for breast yield, respectively. For leg yield, maternal permanent environmental effect was important, in addition to direct genetic effects. For that trait, direct heritability and maternal permanent environmental variance as a proportion of the phenotypic variance were 0.43 and 0.02, respectively. The results indicate that ignoring maternal effects in the models, even though they were of small magnitude (0.02 to 0.06), tended to overestimate direct genetic variance and heritability for all traits.


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The impact of large food falls and carrion on meiobenthic communities remains little understood. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the carcass of a stingray, encountered fortuitously in an Australian estuary, affects the underlying meiobenthic community, in particular nematode assemblages. The integrity of the skeleton and the low redox values observed under the carcass suggest that the cadaver had been slowly and chiefly decomposed by microbes. The abundance and number of meiofaunal taxa, as well as nematode abundance and nematode-species richness, were significantly lower under the carcass when compared to samples outside the carcass. Nonetheless, a few nematode species, typical of hypoxic/anoxic sediments, were more abundant under the carcass. Interestingly, all these species were absent or rare in samples near, but not under, the carcass, suggesting that they may take advantage of the reduced environment created by the carcass and the consequent lack of competition to prosper. As observed for other marine environments, carcasses in estuaries create a microhabitat that supports a characteristic meiobenthic fauna, distinct from those inhabiting the surrounding sediments, but similar to those of reduced habitats.


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Relationships between the chemical composition of the 9th- to 11th-rib section and the chemical composition of the carcass and empty body were evaluated for Bos indicus (108 Nellore and 36 Guzerah; GuS) and tropically adapted Bos taurus (56 Caracu; CaS) bulls, averaging 20 to 24 mo of age at slaughter. Nellore cattle were represented by 56 animals from the selected herd (NeS) and 52 animals from the control herd (NeC). The CaS and GuS bulls were from selected herds. Selected herds were based on 20 yr of selection for postweaning BW. Carcass composition was obtained after grinding, homogenizing, sampling, and analyzing soft tissue and bones. Similarly, empty body composition was obtained after grinding, homogenizing, sampling, analyzing, and combining blood, hide, head + feet, viscera, and carcass. Bulls were separated into 2 groups. Group 1 was composed of 36 NeS, 36 NeC, 36 CaS, and 36 GuS bulls and had water, ether extract (EE), protein, and ash chemically determined in the 9th- to 11th-rib section and in the carcass. Group 2 was composed of 20 NeS, 16 NeC, and 20 CaS bulls and water, EE, protein, and ash were determined in the 9th-to 11th-rib section, carcass, and empty body. Linear regressions were developed between the carcass and the 9th-to 11th-rib section compositions for group 1 and between carcass and empty body compositions for group 2. The 9th-to 11th-rib section percentages of water (RWt) and EE (RF) predicted the percentages of carcass water (CWt) and carcass fat (CF) with high precision: CWt, % = 29.0806 + 0.4873 x RWt, % (r(2) = 0.813, SE = 1.06) and CF, % = 10.4037 + 0.5179 x RF, % (r(2) = 0.863, SE = 1.26), respectively. Linear regressions between percentage of CWt and CF and empty body water (EBWt) and empty body fat (EBF) were also predicted with high precision: EBWt, % = -9.6821 + 1.1626 x CWt, % (r(2) = 0.878, SE = 1.43) and EBF, % = 0.3739 + 1.0386 x CF, % (r(2) = 0.982, SE = 0.65), respectively. Chemical composition of the 9th-to 11th-rib section precisely estimated carcass percentages of water and EE. These regressions can accurately predict carcass and empty body compositions for Nellore, Guzerah, and Caracu breeds.


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Data from 9 studies were compiled to evaluate the effects of 20 yr of selection for postweaning weight (PWW) on carcass characteristics and meat quality in experimental herds of control Nellore (NeC) and selected Nellore (NeS), Caracu (CaS), Guzerah (GuS), and Gir (GiS) breeds. These studies were conducted with animals from a genetic selection program at the Experimental Station of Sertaozinho, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. After the performance test (168 d postweaning), bulls (n = 490) from the calf crops born between 1992 and 2000 were finished and slaughtered to evaluate carcass traits and meat quality. Treatments were different across studies. A meta-analysis was conducted with a random coefficients model in which herd was considered a fixed effect and treatments within year and year were considered as random effects. Either calculated maturity degree or initial BW was used interchangeably as the covariate, and least squares means were used in the multiple-comparison analysis. The CaS and NeS had heavier (P = 0.002) carcasses than the NeC and GiS; GuS were intermediate. The CaS had the longest carcass (P < 0.001) and heaviest spare ribs (P < 0.001), striploin (P < 0.001), and beef plate (P = 0.013). Although the body, carcass, and quarter weights of NeS were similar to those of CaS, NeS had more edible meat in the leg region than did CaS bulls. Selection for PWW increased rib-eye area in Nellore bulls. Selected Caracu had the lowest (most favorable) shear force values compared with the NeS (P = 0.003), NeC (P = 0.005), GuS (P = 0.003), and GiS (P = 0.008). Selection for PWW increased body, carcass, and meat retail weights in the Nellore without altering dressing percentage and body fat percentage.


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Mature pregnant crossbred ewes (n = 90) were used in a randomized complete block design experiment and were assigned to 1 of 3 winter-feeding systems differing in primary feed source: haylage (HL), limit-fed corn (CN), or limit-fed dried distillers grains (DDGS). Effects of these winter-feeding strategies on postweaning progeny performance were determined. Lamb progeny (n = 96) were weaned at 61 +/- 4 d of age and fed a common high-concentrate diet. Lambs were assigned to feedlot pen (n = 18) based on dam mid-gestation pen. Growth rate, DMI, and ADG were determined for the first 40 d of the finishing period. At 96 +/- 4 d of age, 1 wether lamb was randomly selected from each pen (n = 18) for a glucose tolerance test. The experiment was terminated, and lambs were slaughtered individually when they were determined to have achieved 0.6-cm 12th-rib fat thickness. After a 24-h chill, carcass data were collected and a 2.54-cm chop was removed from each lamb from the LM posterior to the 12th rib for ether extract analysis. Additional carcass measurements of bone, muscle, and fat from the shoulder, rack, loin, and leg were collected on 35 carcasses. At weaning, lamb BW was not different among treatments, whereas final BW tended to be greater (P = 0.09) for lambs from ewes fed DDGS and CN during gestation than from those fed HL. Overall lamb growth rate from birth to slaughter was not different among treatments. Lambs from ewes fed DDGS vs. CN or HL tended to have a greater initial insulin response (P = 0.09). Dressing percent was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, but no difference (P = 0.16) was detected in HCW among treatments. As expected, 12th rib fat thickness was similar among treatments, whereas LM area was largest to smallest (P = 0.05) in lambs from ewes fed CN, HL, and DDGS, respectively. Proportion of internal fat tended to be greatest to smallest (P = 0.06) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS, CN, and HL, respectively. Calculated boneless trimmed retail cuts percentage was less (P = 0.04) in lambs from ewes fed DDGS than CN or HL. Loin muscle weight as a percentage of wholesale cut tended (P = 0.10) to be greater in lambs from ewes fed CN and HL than DDGS, whereas other muscle, bone, and fat weights and proportions were similar (P > 0.24) among treatments. Prepartum diet during mid to late gestation of ewes altered postnatal fat and muscle deposition and may be associated with alterations in insulin sensitivity of progeny.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic correlations among real-time ultrasound carcass, BW, and scrotal circumference (SC) traits in Nelore cattle. Carcass traits, measured by real-time ultrasound of the live animal, were recorded from 2002 to 2004 on 10 farms across 6 Brazilian states on 2,590 males and females ranging in age from 450 to 599 d. Ultrasound records of LM area (LMA) and backfat thickness (BF) were obtained from cross-sectional images between the 12th and 13th ribs, and rump fat thickness (RF) was measured between the hook and pin bones over the junction between gluteus medius and biceps femoris muscles. Also, BW (n = 22,778) and SC ( n = 5,695) were recorded on animals born between 1998 and 2003. The BW traits were 120, 210, 365, 450, and 550-d standardized BW (W120, W210, W365, W450, and W550), plus BW (WS) and hip height (HH) on the ultrasound scanning date. The SC traits were 365-, 450-, and 550-d standardized SC (SC365, SC450, and SC550). For the BW and SC traits, the database used was from the Nelore Breeding Program-Nelore Brazil. The genetic parameters were estimated with multivariate animal models and REML. Estimated genetic correlations between LMA and other traits were 0.06 (BF), -0.04 ( RF), 0.05 (HH), 0.58 (WS), 0.53 (W120), 0.62 (W210), 0.67 (W365), 0.64 ( W450 and W550), 0.28 (SC365), 0.24 (SC450), and 0.00 ( SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between BF and with other traits were 0.74 ( RF), -0.32 (HH), 0.19 (WS), -0.03 (W120), -0.10 (W210), 0.04 (W365), 0.01 (W450), 0.06 ( W550), 0.17 (SC365 and SC450), and -0.19 (SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between RF and other traits were -0.41 (HH), -0.09 (WS), -0.13 ( W120), -0.09 ( W210), -0.01 ( W365), 0.02 (W450), 0.03 (W550), 0.05 ( SC365), 0.11 ( SC450), and -0.18 (SC550). These estimates indicate that selection for carcass traits measured by real-time ultrasound should not cause antagonism in the genetic improvement of SC and BW traits. Also, selection to increase HH might decrease subcutaneous fat as correlated response. Therefore, to obtain animals suited to specific tropical production systems, carcass, BW, and SC traits should be considered in selection programs.


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A survey was performed to estimate the frequency of Escherichia coli and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) in carcasses obtained from an abattoir in Brazil between February 2006 and June 2007. A total of 216 beef carcasses were sampled at three stages of the slaughter process-preevisceration, postevisceration, and postprocessing-during the rain and dry seasons, respectively. Of the carcasses sampled, 58%, were preevisceration E. coli positive, 38% were postevisceration positive, and 32% postprocessing positive. At the postprocessing stage, the isolation of E. coli was twice as high in the rain season. E. coli was isolated from 85 carcasses of which only 3 (1.4%) were positive for stx-encoding genes. No E. coli O157 serogroup isolates were detected. No antimicrobial resistance was found in nine of the isolates (10% of the total). The most frequent resistances were seen against cephalothin (78%), streptomycin (38%), nalidixic acid (36%), and tetracycline (30%). Multidrug resistance (MDR) to three or more antimicrobial agents was determined in 28 (33%) E. coli isolates. The presence of STEC and MDR strains among the isolates in the beef carcasses emphasizes the importance of proper handling to prevent carcass contamination.


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The aim of this study was to analyze LEP and DGAT1 gene polymorphisms in 3 Nelore lines selected for growth and to evaluate their effects on growth and carcass traits. Traits analyzed were birth, weaning, and yearling weight, rump height, LM area, backfat thickness, and rump fat thickness obtained by ultrasound. Two SNP in the LEP gene [LEP 1620(A/G) and LEP 305(T/C)] and the K232A mutation in the DGAT1 gene were analyzed. The sample consisted of 357 Nelore heifers from 2 lines selected for yearling weight and a control line, established in 1980, at the Estacao Experimental de Zootecnia de Sertaozinho (Sertaozinho, Brazil). Three genotypes were obtained for each marker. Differences in allele frequencies among the 3 lines were only observed for the DGAT1 K232A polymorphism, with the frequency of the A allele being greater in the control line than in the selected lines. The DGAT1 K232A mutation was associated only with rump height, whereas LEP 1620(A/G) was associated with weaning weight and LEP 305(T/C) with birth weight and backfat thickness. However, more studies, with larger data sets, are necessary before these makers can be used for marker-assisted selection.


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Sampling protocols for detecting Salmonella on poultry differ among various countries. In the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service dictates that whole broiler carcasses should be rinsed with 400 ml of 1% buffered peptone water, whereas in the European Union 25-g samples composed of neck skin from three carcasses are evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a whole carcass rinse (WCR) and a neck skin excision (NS) procedure for Salmonella and Escherichia coli isolation from the same broiler carcass. Carcasses were obtained from three broiler processing plants. The skin around the neck area was aseptically removed and bagged separately from the carcass, and microbiological analysis was performed. The corresponding carcass was bagged and a WCR sample was evaluated. No significant difference (alpha <= 0.05) in Salmonella prevalence was found between the samples processed by the two methods, but both procedures produced many false-negative Salmonella results. Prechill, 37% (66 carcasses), 28% (50 carcasses), and 51% (91 carcasses) of the 180 carcasses examined were positive for Salmonella by WCR, NS, and both procedures combined, respectively. Postchill, 3% (5 carcasses), 7% (12 carcasses), and 10% (17 carcasses) of the 177 carcasses examined were positive for Salmonella by the WCR, NS, and combination of both procedures, respectively. Prechill, E. coli plus coliform counts were 3.0 and 2.6 log CFU/ml by the WCR and NS methods, respectively. Postchill. E. coli plus coliform counts were 1.7 and 1.4 log CFU/ml by the WCR and NS methods, respectively.


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Breast weight has great economic importance in poultry industry, and may be associated with other variables. This work aimed to estimate phenotypic correlations between performance (live body weight at 7 and 28 days, and at slaughter, and depth of the breast muscle measured by ultrasonography), carcass (eviscerated body weight and leg weight) and body composition (heart, liver and abdominal fat weight) traits in a broiler line, and quantify the direct and indirect influence of these traits on breast weight. Path analysis was used by expanding the matrix of partial correlation in coefficients which give the direct influence of one trait on another, regardless the effect of the other traits. The simultaneous maintenance of live body weight at slaughter and eviscerated body weight in the matrix of correlations might be harmful for statistical analysis involving systems of normal equations, like path analysis, due to the observed multicollinearity. The live body weight at slaughter and the depth of the breast muscle as measured by ultrasonography directly affected breast weight and were identified as the most responsible factors for the magnitude of the correlation coefficients obtained between the studied traits and breast weight. Individual pre-selection for these traits could favor an increased breast weight in the future reproducer candidates of this line if the broilers' environmental conditions and housing are maintained, since the live body weight at slaughter and the depth of breast muscle measured by ultrasonography were directly related to breast weight.


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Avaliou-se a repetibilidade da mensuração de imagens de ultrassom da área do músculo longissimus dorsi (AOL) e das espessuras de gordura subcutânea do lombo (EGL) e da garupa (EGG). Imagens de ultrassom tomadas no lombo (entre a 12ª e a 13ª costela) e na garupa (entre os músculos gluteus medium e biceps femoris) de novilhas Nelore de 14 a 22 meses de idade foram classificadas em aceitáveis, marginais e rejeitáveis. As imagens aceitáveis e marginais foram mensuradas duas vezes por três técnicos em diferentes níveis de treinamento. Foram estimadas as repetibilidades entre e dentro de técnicos por classe de qualidade da imagem, para determinação do efeito da qualidade da imagem e do técnico no valor absoluto da diferença entre a primeira e a segunda mensuração dessas características. A repetibilidade para as imagens aceitáveis foi maior que para imagens marginais, tanto entre como dentro de técnicos. Na análise da diferença absoluta entre a primeira e a segunda interpretação, foram significativos os efeitos de técnico para AOL e EGL e de classe de qualidade da imagem para AOL. Em geral, o técnico com maior experiência apresentou maiores valores de repetibilidade. É recomendável que a mensuração de imagens de animais de mesmo grupo contemporâneo seja feita por um único técnico.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos do fornecimento da dieta pré-inicial (DPI) e do peso ao alojamento sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de frangos de corte. Utilizaram-se 960 frangos machos, linhagem comercial Cobb-500, alojados em 32 boxes, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, composto de dois pesos ao alojamento (42 e 46 g) e quatro períodos de fornecimento da dieta pré-inicial (0, 1 a 7, 1 a 10 e 1 a 14 dias de idade), durante 49 dias. Os programas alimentares compreenderam três ou quatro fases (pré-inicial e/ou inicial; engorda; final) e as dietas fornecidas eram à base de milho e farelo de soja. De modo geral, aves mais pesadas ao alojamento apresentaram, ao longo de todo o período experimental, maior consumo de ração (CR) e ganho de peso (GP). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na conversão alimentar (CA) dos animais. Considerando todo o período experimental, as aves alimentadas com a dieta pré-inicial durante sete dias apresentaram maior consumo de ração e ganho de peso, porém, menor rendimento de carcaça. O peso ao alojamento determina o desempenho e o oferecimento da dieta pré-inicial durante sete dias beneficia o desempenho das aves.


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Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos do arroz em dietas formuladas com base nos conceitos de proteína bruta e ideal para frangos de corte de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 720 pintos machos de 1 dia de idade da linhagem "Hybro", em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três dietas (sem subprodutos, farelo de arroz integral e quirera de arroz) e dois conceitos de formulação de rações (proteína bruta e ideal), totalizando seis tratamentos e quatro repetições de 30 aves. O ganho de peso, o consumo de ração e a conversão alimentar foram avaliados aos 21 e 42 dias e as características de carcaça aos 42 dias de idade. As aves alimentadas com dietas formuladas pelo conceito tradicional (baseado na proteína bruta) apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar e menor taxa de deposição de gordura abdominal.