17 resultados para Two-point boundary value problems

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In this article we prove new results concerning the existence and various properties of an evolution system U(A+B)(t, s)0 <= s <= t <= T generated by the sum -(A(t) + B(t)) of two linear, time-dependent, and generally unbounded operators defined on time-dependent domains in a complex and separable Banach space B. In particular, writing L(B) for the algebra of all linear bounded operators on B, we can express U(A+B)(t, s)0 <= s <= t <= T as the strong limit in C(8) of a product of the holomorphic contraction semigroups generated by -A (t) and - B(t), respectively, thereby proving a product formula of the Trotter-Kato type under very general conditions which allow the domain D(A(t) + B(t)) to evolve with time provided there exists a fixed set D subset of boolean AND(t is an element of)[0,T] D(A(t) + B(t)) everywhere dense in B. We obtain a special case of our formula when B(t) = 0, which, in effect, allows us to reconstruct U(A)(t, s)0 <=(s)<=(t)<=(T) very simply in terms of the semigroup generated by -A(t). We then illustrate our results by considering various examples of nonautonomous parabolic initial-boundary value problems, including one related to the theory of timedependent singular perturbations of self-adjoint operators. We finally mention what we think remains an open problem for the corresponding equations of Schrodinger type in quantum mechanics.


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In this article dedicated to Professor V. Lakshmikantham on the occasion of the celebration of his 84th birthday, we announce new results concerning the existence and various properties of an evolution system UA+B(t, s)(0 <= s <= t <= T) generated by the sum -(A(t)+B(t)) of two linear, time-dependent and generally unbounded operators defined on time-dependent domains in a complex and separable Banach space B. In particular, writing G(B) for the algebra of all linear bounded operators on B, we can express UA+B(t, s)(0 <= s <= t <= T) as the strong limit in L(B) of a product of the holomorphic contraction semigroups generated by -A(t) and -B(t), thereby getting a product formula of the Trotter-Kato type under very general conditions which allow the domain D(A(t)+B(t)) to evolve with time provided there exists a fixed set D subset of boolean AND D-t epsilon[0,D-T](A(t)+B(t)) everywhere dense in B. We then mention several possible applications of our product formula to various classes of non-autonomous parabolic initial-boundary value problems, as well as to evolution problems of Schrodinger type related to the theory of time-dependent singular perturbations of self-adjoint operators in quantum mechanics. We defer all the proofs and all the details of the applications to a separate publication. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We construct a two-point selection f : [P](2) -> P, where P is the set of the irrational numbers, such that the space (P, tau(f)) is not normal and it is not collectionwise Hausdorff either. Here, tau(f) denotes the topology generated by the two-point selection f. This example answers a question posed by V. Gutev and T. Nogura. We also show that if f :[X](2) -> X is a two-point selection such that the topology tau(f) has countable pseudocharacter, then tau(f) is a Tychonoff topology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We determine derived representation type of complete finitely generated local and two-point algebras over an algebraically closed field. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work we show that the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic operator are generically simple in the set Of Z(2)-symmetric regions of R-n, n >= 2, with a suitable topology. To accomplish this, we combine Baire`s lemma, a generalised version of the transversality theorem, due to Henry [Perturbation of the boundary in boundary value problems of PDEs, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 318 (Cambridge University Press, 2005)], and the method of rapidly oscillating functions developed in [A. L. Pereira and M. C. Pereira, Mat. Contemp. 27 (2004) 225-241].


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Can Boutet de Monvel`s algebra on a compact manifold with boundary be obtained as the algebra Psi(0)(G) of pseudodifferential operators on some Lie groupoid G? If it could, the kernel G of the principal symbol homomorphism would be isomorphic to the groupoid C*-algebra C*(G). While the answer to the above question remains open, we exhibit in this paper a groupoid G such that C*(G) possesses an ideal I isomorphic to G. In fact, we prove first that G similar or equal to Psi circle times K with the C*-algebra Psi generated by the zero order pseudodifferential operators on the boundary and the algebra K of compact operators. As both Psi circle times K and I are extensions of C(S*Y) circle times K by K (S*Y is the co-sphere bundle over the boundary) we infer from a theorem by Voiculescu that both are isomorphic.


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We study the reconstruction of visual stimuli from spike trains, representing the reconstructed stimulus by a Volterra series up to second order. We illustrate this procedure in a prominent example of spiking neurons, recording simultaneously from the two H1 neurons located in the lobula plate of the fly Chrysomya megacephala. The fly views two types of stimuli, corresponding to rotational and translational displacements. Second-order reconstructions require the manipulation of potentially very large matrices, which obstructs the use of this approach when there are many neurons. We avoid the computation and inversion of these matrices using a convenient set of basis functions to expand our variables in. This requires approximating the spike train four-point functions by combinations of two-point functions similar to relations, which would be true for gaussian stochastic processes. In our test case, this approximation does not reduce the quality of the reconstruction. The overall contribution to stimulus reconstruction of the second-order kernels, measured by the mean squared error, is only about 5% of the first-order contribution. Yet at specific stimulus-dependent instants, the addition of second-order kernels represents up to 100% improvement, but only for rotational stimuli. We present a perturbative scheme to facilitate the application of our method to weakly correlated neurons.


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In this work an efficient third order non-linear finite difference scheme for solving adaptively hyperbolic systems of one-dimensional conservation laws is developed. The method is based oil applying to the solution of the differential equation an interpolating wavelet transform at each time step, generating a multilevel representation for the solution, which is thresholded and a sparse point representation is generated. The numerical fluxes obtained by a Lax-Friedrichs flux splitting are evaluated oil the sparse grid by an essentially non-oscillatory (ENO) approximation, which chooses the locally smoothest stencil among all the possibilities for each point of the sparse grid. The time evolution of the differential operator is done on this sparse representation by a total variation diminishing (TVD) Runge-Kutta method. Four classical examples of initial value problems for the Euler equations of gas dynamics are accurately solved and their sparse solutions are analyzed with respect to the threshold parameters, confirming the efficiency of the wavelet transform as an adaptive grid generation technique. (C) 2008 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a detailed description of the Voronoi Tessellation (VT) cluster finder algorithm in 2+1 dimensions, which improves on past implementations of this technique. The need for cluster finder algorithms able to produce reliable cluster catalogs up to redshift 1 or beyond and down to 10(13.5) solar masses is paramount especially in light of upcoming surveys aiming at cosmological constraints from galaxy cluster number counts. We build the VT in photometric redshift shells and use the two-point correlation function of the galaxies in the field to both determine the density threshold for detection of cluster candidates and to establish their significance. This allows us to detect clusters in a self-consistent way without any assumptions about their astrophysical properties. We apply the VT to mock catalogs which extend to redshift 1.4 reproducing the ACDM cosmology and the clustering properties observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data. An objective estimate of the cluster selection function in terms of the completeness and purity as a function of mass and redshift is as important as having a reliable cluster finder. We measure these quantities by matching the VT cluster catalog with the mock truth table. We show that the VT can produce a cluster catalog with completeness and purity > 80% for the redshift range up to similar to 1 and mass range down to similar to 10(13.5) solar masses.


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We study compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, which holds the key to many astrophysical processes, including star formation and cosmic-ray propagation. To account for the variations of the magnetic field in the strongly turbulent fluid, we use wavelet decomposition of the turbulent velocity field into Alfven, slow, and fast modes, which presents an extension of the Cho & Lazarian decomposition approach based on Fourier transforms. The wavelets allow us to follow the variations of the local direction of the magnetic field and therefore improve the quality of the decomposition compared to the Fourier transforms, which are done in the mean field reference frame. For each resulting component, we calculate the spectra and two-point statistics such as longitudinal and transverse structure functions as well as higher order intermittency statistics. In addition, we perform a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of the velocity field into incompressible and compressible parts and analyze these components. We find that the turbulence intermittency is different for different components, and we show that the intermittency statistics depend on whether the phenomenon was studied in the global reference frame related to the mean magnetic field or in the frame defined by the local magnetic field. The dependencies of the measures we obtained are different for different components of the velocity; for instance, we show that while the Alfven mode intermittency changes marginally with the Mach number, the intermittency of the fast mode is substantially affected by the change.


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SPOAN is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder which was recently characterized by our group in a large inbred Brazilian family with 25 affected individuals. This condition is clinically defined by: 1. congenital optic atrophy; 2. progressive spastic paraplegia with onset in infancy; and 3. progressive motor and sensory axonal neuropathy. Overall, we are now aware of 68 SPOAN patients (45 females and 23 males, with age ranging from 5 to 72 years), 44 of which are presented here for the first time. They were all born in the same geographic micro region. Those 68 patients belong to 43 sibships, 40 of which exhibit parental consanguinity. Sixty-one patients were fully clinically evaluated and 64 were included in the genetic investigation. All molecularly studied patients are homozygotes for D11S1889 at 11q13. This enabled us to reduce the critical region for the SPOAN gene from 4.8 to 2.3 Mb, with a maximum two point lod score of 33.2 (with marker D11S987) and of 27.0 (with marker D11S1889). Three genes located in this newly defined critical region were sequenced, but no pathogenic mutation was detected. The gene responsible for SPOAN remains elusive.


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Various popular machine learning techniques, like support vector machines, are originally conceived for the solution of two-class (binary) classification problems. However, a large number of real problems present more than two classes. A common approach to generalize binary learning techniques to solve problems with more than two classes, also known as multiclass classification problems, consists of hierarchically decomposing the multiclass problem into multiple binary sub-problems, whose outputs are combined to define the predicted class. This strategy results in a tree of binary classifiers, where each internal node corresponds to a binary classifier distinguishing two groups of classes and the leaf nodes correspond to the problem classes. This paper investigates how measures of the separability between classes can be employed in the construction of binary-tree-based multiclass classifiers, adapting the decompositions performed to each particular multiclass problem. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the Schwinger model at finite temperature and show that a temperature dependent chiral anomaly may arise from the long distance behavior of the electric field. At high temperature this anomaly depends linearly on the temperature T and is present not only in the two point function, but also in all even point amplitudes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider (for the first time) the ratios of doubly heavy baryon masses (spin 3/2 over spin 1/2 and SU(3) mass-splittings) using double ratios of sum rules (DRSR), which are more accurate than the usual simple ratios often used in the literature for getting the hadron masses. In general, our results agree and compete in precision with potential model predictions. In our approach, the alpha(s) corrections induced by the anomalous dimensions of the correlators are the main sources of the Xi(QQ)*-Xi(QQ) mass-splittings, which seem to indicate a 1/M(Q) behaviour and can only allow the electromagnetic decay Xi(QQ)* -> Xi(QQ) + gamma but not to Xi(QQ) + pi. Our results also show that the SU(3) mass-splittings are (almost) independent of the spin of the baryons and behave approximately like 1/M(Q), which could be understood from the QCD expressions of the corresponding two-point correlator. Our results can improved by including radiative corrections to the SU(3) breaking terms and can be tested, in the near future, at Tevatron and LHCb. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The concept of Fock space representation is developed to deal with stochastic spin lattices written in terms of fermion operators. A density operator is introduced in order to follow in parallel the developments of the case of bosons in the literature. Some general conceptual quantities for spin lattices are then derived, including the notion of generating function and path integral via Grassmann variables. The formalism is used to derive the Liouvillian of the d-dimensional Linear Glauber dynamics in the Fock-space representation. Then the time evolution equations for the magnetization and the two-point correlation function are derived in terms of the number operator. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.