35 resultados para Tabucchi, Antonio. Testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro -- Traduccions

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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The [RuCl(bipy)(dppb)(4-pic)]PF6 complex was prepared and fully characterized. The X-ray crystal structure of this complex was determined in order to make an unambiguous distinction between the two possible positions of the 4-methylpyridine ligand (4-pic) in the compound: trans to phosphorus atom or trans to nitrogen atom. The [RuCl(bipy)(dppb)(4-pic)]PF6 complex exhibits an unusual temperature-dependent accidental degeneracy of the 31P chemical shifts in its solution NMR spectrum.


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Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is an immunodeficiency disorder affecting about 1 in 250,000 individuals. The disease is caused by a lack of superoxide production by the leukocyte enzyme NADPH oxidase. Superoxide is used to kill phagocytosed micro-organisms in neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes and macrophages. The leukocyte NADPH oxidase is composed of five subunits, of which the enzymatic component is gp91-phox, also called Nox2. This protein is encoded by the CYBB gene on the X chromosome. Mutations in this gene are found in about 70% of all CGD patients. This article lists all mutations identified in CYBB in the X-linked form of CGD. Moreover, apparently benign polymorphisms in CYBB are also given, which should facilitate the recognition of future disease-causing mutations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We present our theoretical results for the structural, electronic, vibrational and optical properties of MO(2) (M = Sn, Zr, Hf and Ti) obtained by first-principles calculations. Relativistic effects are demonstrated to be important for a realistic description of the detailed structure of the electronic frequency-dependent dielectric function, as well as of the carrier effective masses. Based on our results, we found that the main contribution of the high values calculated for the oxides dielectric constants arises from the vibrational properties of these oxides, and the vibrational static dielectric constant values diminish with increasing pressure. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study we evaluated the toxic effects on the male adult rat prostate of DBP exposure during fetal and lactational periods, because although many studies have addressed the influence of phthalates on the male reproductive system, only a few have discussed their possible effects on prostate development. Pregnant females were distributed into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Treated (T). The females of the T group received DBP (100 mg/kg, by gavage) from gestation day 12 to postnatal day 21, while C rats received the vehicle (corn oil). In adulthood (90 days old), the animals were euthanized. The serum and testicular testosterone levels were measured. Ventral prostate was removed and weighed. Distal segment fragments of the ventral prostate were fixed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen receptor (AR) and Ki67 antigens. Protein extraction from ventral prostate fragments was performed for AR immunoblotting and Gelatin zymography for MMP-2 and MMP-9 (MMP, metalloproteinase). Stereological and histopathological analyses were also performed. Serum and testicular testosterone levels and prostate weight were comparable between groups. In the T group the relative proportions (%) of epithelial (C=32.86; T=42.04*) and stromal (C=21.61; T=27.88*) compartments were increased, while the luminal compartment was decreased (C=45.54; T=30.08*), *p < 0.05. In T, disseminated inflammatory infiltrate in the stroma, associated or not with epithelial dysplasia and PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia), was observed. Increases in AR expression, proliferation index and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity were noted in T animals. In some T animals, collagen fibrils accumulated adjacent to the epithelium. As far as we are aware, this is the first report in the literature showing that phthalates could play a role in proliferative and inflammatory disorders of the rat prostate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O cerrado é um dos biomas mais ameaçados no mundo, apresentando algumas das maiores taxas de destruição causadas principalmente pela agropecuária. Poucos estudos têm avaliado a diversidade local de aves no cerrado, especialmente em áreas marginais desse bioma. A Estação Ecológica de Itirapina (EEI) contém um dos últimos remanescentes de campos naturais e cerrados do estado de São Paulo. Um levantamento das aves desta unidade de conservação, feito tanto por observações casuais como sistemáticas entre 1998 e 2007, e complementado por revisão de literatura, revelou que 231 espécies apresentaram ocorrência recente na área. Desse total, 38 espécies (16,4%) encontram-se na lista de espécies ameaçadas para o estado de São Paulo e/ou são endêmicas do Cerrado, um alto número quando comparado com outras áreas de cerrados paulistas ou mesmo em relação ao Brasil Central. Tal fato reforça a importância da EEI em relação à conservação da avifauna e demonstra que a mesma está mantendo sua função de conservar a biodiversidade. Adicionalmente, ao longo dos 10 anos de estudo foram detectadas várias ameaças à EEI, e neste sentido são recomendadas aqui algumas sugestões de manejo que consideramos essenciais para essa unidade de conservação manter ou mesmo aumentar sua diversidade de aves.


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar fontes orgânicas e inorgânicas de zinco e cobre nas dietas e seus efeitos no desempenho de leitões desmamados aos 21 dias de idade. Em cada experimento, foram utilizados 90 leitões em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco dietas, seis repetições e três animais por parcela. As dietas utilizadas nos experimentos 1 e 2 continham 120 ppm de zinco e 10 ppm de cobre na forma de sulfato. No experimento 1, foram suplementadas com 0, 300, 600 e 900 ppm de zinco na forma orgânica ou 2.400 ppm na forma de óxido (ZnO) e, no experimento 2, com 0, 50, 100 e 150 ppm de cobre na forma orgânica ou 240 ppm de cobre na forma de sulfato (CuSO4 H2O). No experimento 1, os níveis de zinco de fonte orgânica tiveram efeito linear no consumo de ração e no ganho de peso nos períodos de 0 a 15 dias e de 0 a 21 dias pós-desmame. O ganho de peso nas fases de 0 a 35 dias e de 0 a 42 dias pós-desmame e o consumo de ração dos leitões que receberam a dieta com 900 ppm de zinco de fonte orgânica não diferiram dos valores observados naqueles que receberam a dieta com 2.400 ppm de zinco na forma inorgânica. A suplementação da dieta com zinco na forma orgânica (900 ppm) ou inorgânica (2.400 ppm) aumentou o consumo de ração e o ganho de peso de leitões nas primeiras três semanas após o desmame. A suplementação da dieta com 2.400 ppm de zinco na forma inorgânica reduziu a incidência de diarreia nas primeiras três semanas pós-desmame. No experimento 2, os níveis de cobre de fonte orgânica tiveram efeito quadrático no consumo de ração dos leitões nos períodos de 0 a 31 e de 0 a 40 dias pós-desmame. A suplementação da dieta com cobre, tanto de fonte orgânica (90 ppm) como inorgânica (240 ppm), aumenta o consumo de ração e o ganho de peso de leitões nos primeiros 40 dias pós-desmame.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade e a validade de indicadores de atividade física e sedentarismo, obtidos por sistema de vigilância baseado em inquéritos telefônicos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas análises de reprodutibilidade e validade em duas subamostras aleatórias (n=110 e n=111, respectivamente) da amostra total (N=2.024) de adultos (>18 anos), estudada pelo sistema, no município de São Paulo, em 2005. Os indicadores avaliados incluíram a freqüência de "suficientemente ativos no lazer", "inativos em quatro domínios da atividade física (lazer, trabalho, transporte e atividades domésticas)" e "ver televisão por longos períodos". A reprodutibilidade foi estudada comparando-se resultados obtidos a partir da entrevista telefônica original do sistema e de outra entrevista idêntica repetida após sete a 15 dias e feita por entrevistador diferente do que fez a entrevista original. A validade foi estudada comparando-se resultados obtidos a partir da entrevista telefônica original e de três recordatórios de 24 horas (método de referência) realizados na semana seguinte à entrevista original. RESULTADOS: A freqüência dos três indicadores avaliados foi idêntica ou muito próxima entre a primeira e a segunda entrevistas telefônicas, e os coeficientes kappa se situaram entre 0,53 e 0,80, indicando boa reprodutibilidade de todos os indicadores. Relativamente ao método de referência, evidenciou-se especificidade de 80% ou mais para os três indicadores e sensibilidade de 69,7% para "ver televisão por longos períodos", 59,1% para "inativos em quatro domínios" e 50% para "suficientemente ativos no lazer". CONCLUSÕES: Os indicadores de atividade física e sedentarismo empregados pelo sistema aparentam ser reprodutíveis e suficientemente acurados. Se mantido em operação nos próximos anos, o sistema poderá oferecer ao Brasil um instrumento útil para avaliação de políticas públicas de promoção da atividade física e controle das doenças crôni


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Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for Aulonemia aristulata, an endangered species of economic interest, to further describe its genetic variability and population structure. We also tested cross-amplification in 18 other bamboo species. Methods and Results: Using an enrichment genomic library, 13 microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in A. aristulata. Seven of these loci were polymorphic. Twelve markers were cross-amplified in at least ten of the tested bamboo species. Conclusions: These markers will be useful for studies on the genetic diversity and structure of A. aristulata, which are important for future conservation, management and breeding programs of this species.


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Background: Population antimicrobial use may influence resistance emergence. Resistance is an ecological phenomenon due to potential transmissibility. We investigated spatial and temporal patterns of ciprofloxacin (CIP) population consumption related to E. coli resistance emergence and dissemination in a major Brazilian city. A total of 4,372 urinary tract infection E. coli cases, with 723 CIP resistant, were identified in 2002 from two outpatient centres. Cases were address geocoded in a digital map. Raw CIP consumption data was transformed into usage density in DDDs by CIP selling points influence zones determination. A stochastic model coupled with a Geographical Information System was applied for relating resistance and usage density and for detecting city areas of high/low resistance risk. Results: E. coli CIP resistant cluster emergence was detected and significantly related to usage density at a level of 5 to 9 CIP DDDs. There were clustered hot-spots and a significant global spatial variation in the residual resistance risk after allowing for usage density. Conclusions: There were clustered hot-spots and a significant global spatial variation in the residual resistance risk after allowing for usage density. The usage density of 5-9 CIP DDDs per 1,000 inhabitants within the same influence zone was the resistance triggering level. This level led to E. coli resistance clustering, proving that individual resistance emergence and dissemination was affected by antimicrobial population consumption.


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Propolis is a chemically complex resinous bee product which has gained worldwide popularity as a means to improve health condition and prevent diseases. The main constituents of an aqueous extract of a sample of green propolis from Southeast Brazil were shown by high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy/mass spectroscopy to be mono- and di-O-caffeoylquinic acids; phenylpropanoids known as important constituents of alcohol extracts of green propolis, such as artepillin C and drupanin were also detected in low amounts in the aqueous extract. The anti-inflammatory activity of this extract was evaluated by determination of wound healing parameters. Female Swiss mice were implanted subcutaneously with polyesther-polyurethane sponge discs to induce wound healing responses, and administered orally with green propolis (500mg kg(-1)). At 4, 7 and 14 days post-implantation, the fibrovascular stroma and deposition of extracellular matrix were evaluated by histopathologic and morphometric analyses. In the propolis-treated group at Days 4 and 7 the inflammatory process in the sponge was reduced in comparison with control. A progressive increase in cell influx and collagen deposition was observed in control and propolis-treated groups during the whole period. However, these effects were attenuated in the propolis-treated group at Days 4 and 7, indicating that key factors of the wound healing process are modulated by propolis constituents.


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Background: The tubule-interstitial fibrosis is the hallmark of progressive renal disease and is strongly associated with inflammation of this compartment. Heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a cytoprotective molecule that has been shown to be beneficial in various models of renal injury. However, the role of HO-1 in reversing an established renal scar has not yet been addressed. Aim: We explored the ability of HO-1 to halt and reverse the establishment of fibrosis in an experimental model of chronic renal disease. Methods: Sprague-Dawley male rats were subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) and divided into two groups: non-treated and Hemin-treated. To study the prevention of fibrosis, animals were pre-treated with Hemin at days -2 and -1 prior to UUO. To investigate whether HO-1 could reverse established fibrosis, Hemin therapy was given at days 6 and 7 post-surgery. After 7 and/or 14 days, animals were sacrificed and blood, urine and kidney tissue samples were collected for analyses. Renal function was determined by assessing the serum creatinine, inulin clearance, proteinuria/creatininuria ratio and extent of albuminuria. Arterial blood pressure was measured and fibrosis was quantified by Picrosirius staining. Gene and protein expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic molecules, as well as HO-1 were performed. Results: Pre-treatment with Hemin upregulated HO-1 expression and significantly reduced proteinuria, albuminuria, inflammation and pro-fibrotic protein and gene expressions in animals subjected to UUO. Interestingly, the delayed treatment with Hemin was also able to reduce renal dysfunction and to decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory molecules, all in association with significantly reduced levels of fibrosis-related molecules and collagen deposition. Finally, TGF-beta protein production was significantly lower in Hemin-treated animals. Conclusion: Treatment with Hemin was able both to prevent the progression of fibrosis and to reverse an established renal scar. Modulation of inflammation appears to be the major mechanism behind HO-1 cytoprotection.


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We report first results from an analysis based on a new multi-hadron correlation technique, exploring jet-medium interactions and di-jet surface emission bias at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Pairs of back-to-back high-transverse-momentum hadrons are used for triggers to study associated hadron distributions. In contrast with two-and three-particle correlations with a single trigger with similar kinematic selections, the associated hadron distribution of both trigger sides reveals no modification in either relative pseudorapidity Delta eta or relative azimuthal angle Delta phi from d + Au to central Au + Au collisions. We determine associated hadron yields and spectra as well as production rates for such correlated back-to-back triggers to gain additional insights on medium properties.


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Yields, correlation shapes, and mean transverse momenta p(T) of charged particles associated with intermediate-to high-p(T) trigger particles (2.5 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c) in d + Au and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV are presented. For associated particles at higher p(T) greater than or similar to 2.5 GeV/c, narrow correlation peaks are seen in d + Au and Au + Au, indicating that the main production mechanism is jet fragmentation. At lower associated particle pT < 2 GeV/c, a large enhancement of the near- (Delta phi similar to 0) and away-side (Delta phi similar to pi) associated yields is found, together with a strong broadening of the away-side azimuthal distributions in Au + Au collisions compared to d + Au measurements, suggesting that other particle production mechanisms play a role. This is further supported by the observed significant softening of the away-side associated particle yield distribution at Delta phi similar to pi in central Au + Au collisions.


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We report the microwave dielectric properties and photoluminescence of undoped and europium oxide doped Ta(2)O(5) fibers, grown by laser heated pedestal growth technique. The effects of Eu(2)O(3) doping (1-3 mol %) on the structural, optical, and dielectric properties were investigated. At a frequency of 5 GHz, the undoped material exhibits a dielectric permittivity of 21 and for Eu(2)O(3) doped Ta(2)O(5) samples it increases, reaching up to 36 for the highest doping concentration. Nevertheless, the dielectric losses maintain a very low value. For this wide band gap oxide, Eu(3+) optical activation was achieved and the emission is observed up to room temperature. Thus, the transparency and high permittivity make this material promising for electronic devices and microwave applications. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.