42 resultados para Swedish-speaking Finns
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Objective: Stimulability is the ability to produce an adequate sound under specific conditions. This study aimed to describe the stimulability of Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children with and without phonological disorders for the production of liquid sounds with the aid of visual and tactile cues. Patients and Methods: The study sample included 36 children between 5; 0 and 11; 6 years of age, 18 with phonological disorder and 18 without any speech-language disorders. Stimulability was measured for syllable imitation. The stimulability test employed includes 63 syllables with the sounds [1], [(sic)], and [(sic)], as well as seven oral vowels. If the subject was unable to imitate a sound, a visual cue was given. When necessary, a tactile cue was also given. Results: The sound [(sic)] required greater use of sensory cues. Children with phonological disorder needed a greater number of cues. Conclusion: The use of sensory cues seemed to facilitate sound stimulability, making it possible for the children with phonological disorder to accurately produce the sounds modeled. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Aims: The heterogeneity of the Brazilian population renders the extrapolation of pharmacogenomic data derived from well-defined ethnic groups inappropriate. We investigated the influence of self-reported `race/color`, geographical origin and genetic ancestry on the distribution of four VKORC1 SNPs and haplotypes in Brazilians. Comparative data were obtained from two major ancestral roots of Brazilians: Portuguese and Africans from former Portuguese colonies. Materials & methods: A total of 1037 healthy adults Brazilians, recruited at four different geographical regions and self identified as white, brown or black (race/color categories), 89 Portuguese and 216 Africans from Angola and Mozambique were genotyped for the VKORC1 3673G>A (rs9923231), 5808T>G (rs2884737), 6853G>C (rs8050894) and 9041G>A (rs7294) polymorphisms using TaqMan (R) (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA) assays. VKORC1 haplotypes were statistically inferred using the haplo.stats software. We inferred the statistical association between the distribution of the VKORC1 polymorphisms among Brazilians and self-reported color, geographical region and genetic ancestry by fitting multinomial log linear models via neural networks. Individual proportions of European and African ancestry were used to assess the impact of genetic admixture on the frequency distribution of VKORC1 polymorphisms among Brazilians, and for the comparison of Brazilians with Portuguese and Africans. Results: The frequency distribution of the 3673G>A and 5808T>G polymorphisms, and VKORC1 haplotypes among Brazilians varies across geographical regions, within self-reported color categories and according to the individual proportions of European and African genetic ancestry. Notably, the frequency of the warfarin sensitive VKORC1 3673A allele and the distribution of VKORC1 haplotypes varied continuously as the individual proportion of European ancestry increased in the entire cohort, independently of race/color categorization and geographical origin. Brazilians with more than 80% African ancestry differ significantly from Angolans and Mozambicans in frequency of the 3673G>A, 5808T>G and 6853G>C polymorphisms and haplotype distribution, whereas no such differences are observed between Brazilians with more than 90% European ancestry and Portuguese individuals. Conclusion: The diversity of the Brazilian population, evident in the distribution of VKORC1 polymorphisms, must be taken into account in the design of pharmacogenetic clinical trials and dealt with as a continuous variable. Warfarin dosing algorithms that include `race` terms defined for other populations are clearly not applicable to the heterogeneous and extensively admixed Brazilian population.
Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety conditions with impairment in social life. Cannabidiol (CBD), one major non-psychotomimetic compound of the cannabis sativa plant, has shown anxiolytic effects both in humans and in animals. This preliminary study aimed to compare the effects of a simulation public speaking test (SPST) on healthy control (HC) patients and treatment-naive SAD patients who received a single dose of CBD or placebo. A total of 24 never-treated patients with SAD were allocated to receive either CBD (600 mg; n = 12) or placebo (placebo; n = 12) in a double-blind randomized design 1 h and a half before the test. The same number of HC (n = 12) performed the SPST without receiving any medication. Each volunteer participated in only one experimental session in a double-blind procedure. Subjective ratings on the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) and Negative Self-Statement scale (SSPS-N) and physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance) were measured at six different time points during the SPST. The results were submitted to a repeated-measures analysis of variance. Pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group as assessed with the VAMS. The SSPS-N scores evidenced significant increases during the testing of placebo group that was almost abolished in the CBD group. No significant differences were observed between CBD and HC in SSPS-N scores or in the cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert factors of VAMS. The increase in anxiety induced by the SPST on subjects with SAD was reduced with the use of CBD, resulting in a similar response as the HC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, 1219-1226; doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.6; published online 9 February 2011
Simulated public speaking (SPS) test is sensitive to drugs that interfere with serotonin-mediated neurotransmission and is supposed to recruit neural systems involved in panic disorder. The study was aimed at evaluating the effects of escitalopram, the most selective serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor available, in SPS. Healthy males received, in a double-blind, randomized design, placebo (n = 12), 10 (n = 17) or 20 (n = 14) mg of escitalopram 2 hours before the test. Behavioural, autonomic and neuroendocrine measures were assessed. Both doses of escitalopram did not produce any effect before or during the speech but prolonged the fear induced by SPS. The test itself did not significantly change cortisol and prolactin levels but under the higher dose of escitalopram, cortisol and prolactin increased immediately after SPS. This fear-enhancing effect of escitalopram agrees with previously reported results with less selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the receptor antagonist ritanserin, indicating that serotonin inhibits the fear of speaking in public.
Objectives: The objective of the present study was to evaluate intraluminal esophageal pressure during voice and speech emission in speaking laryngectomees with a tracheoesophageal prosthesis. Methods: In our prospective analysis in a tertiary-care academic hospital, 25 laryngectomees were divided into 2 groups: 11 speaking individuals with a tracheoesophageal prosthesis and a control group of 14 nonspeaking laryngectomees. All patients were subjected to manometry during voice and speech emission tests. We determined the pressures achieved in the distal, middle, and proximal parts of the esophagus. Results: Statistical analysis revealed that the amplitude of pressure in the distal esophagus during sound emission was higher in speaking laryngectomees; in the middle esophagus, intraluminal pressure during emission of the sentence was higher in speaking subjects, and in the proximal esophagus there was no difference between the groups. Conclusions: During the manometric evaluation of the distal and middle esophagus in the presence of voice and speech emission, the intraluminal pressure revealed a significant difference for the speaking laryngectomees with a tracheoesophageal prosthesis. The proximal esophagus behaved similarly in the groups of speakers and nonspeakers. Speaking laryngectomees with a tracheoesophageal prosthesis depend on a differentiated performance of the middle and distal parts of the esophagus.
Este artigo, que tem como referência a teoria crítica, relata o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre atitudes em relação à educação inclusiva, realizada com doze professoras do 5º ano do ensino fundamental; dentre elas, seis tinham experiência de ter em sala de aula alunos com deficiência, e seis não tinham. A análise qualitativa dos dados decorrentes do levantamento realizado em seis escolas da rede municipal de Campo Grande (MS) demonstrou que, de modo geral, as professoras foram favoráveis à educação inclusiva. Contudo, ficou evidente a expressão de atitudes preconceituosas veladas ou explícitas no âmbito escolar. A formação para experiência com quem é "diferente" ainda encontra barreiras por conta do preconceito e da discriminação presentes nesta sociedade que tem como lógica uma "inclusão marginal". Em suas manifestações, apontaram dificuldades de trabalhar com alunos com deficiência intelectual severa; assinalaram que a responsabilidade de trabalhar sob a predominância da educação centrada no desempenho, com foco na inserção das pessoas no mercado de trabalho, gerava um "sentimento de impotência". Diante das contradições existentes, a educação inclusiva não deixa de evidenciar a presença das injustiças que ainda se apresentam no processo educativo. Apesar disso, foram indicados vários elementos favoráveis a essa forma de educação, que não é dissociada de movimentos sociais mais amplos.
The interplay between the biocolloidal characteristics (especially size and charge), pH, salt concentration and the thermal energy results in a unique collection of mesoscopic forces of importance to the molecular organization and function in biological systems. By means of Monte Carlo simulations and semi-quantitative analysis in terms of perturbation theory, we describe a general electrostatic mechanism that gives attraction at low electrolyte concentrations. This charge regulation mechanism due to titrating amino acid residues is discussed in a purely electrostatic framework. The complexation data reported here for interaction between a polyelectrolyte chain and the proteins albumin, goat and bovine alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, insulin, k-casein, lysozyme and pectin methylesterase illustrate the importance of the charge regulation mechanism. Special attention is given to pH congruent to pI where ion-dipole and charge regulation interactions could overcome the repulsive ion-ion interaction. By means of protein mutations, we confirm the importance of the charge regulation mechanism, and quantify when the complexation is dominated either by charge regulation or by the ion-dipole term.
The presence of stem cell characteristics in glioma cells raises the possibility that mechanisms promoting the maintenance and self-renewal of tissue specific stem cells have a similar function in tumor cells. Here we characterized human gliomas of various malignancy grades for the expression of stem cell regulatory proteins. We show that cells in high grade glioma co-express an array of markers defining neural stem cells (NSCs) and that these proteins can fulfill similar functions in tumor cells as in NSCs. However, in contrast to NSCs glioma cells co-express neural proteins together with pluripotent stem cell markers, including the transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Klf4. In line with this finding, in high grade gliomas mesodermal-and endodermal-specific transcription factors were detected together with neural proteins, a combination of lineage markers not normally present in the central nervous system. Persistent presence of pluripotent stem cell traits could only be detected in solid tumors, and observations based on in vitro studies and xenograft transplantations in mice imply that this presence is dependent on the combined activity of intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory cues. Together these results demonstrate a general deregulated expression of neural and pluripotent stem cell traits in malignant human gliomas, and indicate that stem cell regulatory factors may provide significant targets for therapeutic strategies.
We present a re-analysis of the Geneva-Copenhagen survey, which benefits from the infrared flux method to improve the accuracy of the derived stellar effective temperatures and uses the latter to build a consistent and improved metallicity scale. Metallicities are calibrated on high-resolution spectroscopy and checked against four open clusters and a moving group, showing excellent consistency. The new temperature and metallicity scales provide a better match to theoretical isochrones, which are used for a Bayesian analysis of stellar ages. With respect to previous analyses, our stars are on average 100 K hotter and 0.1 dex more metal rich, which shift the peak of the metallicity distribution function around the solar value. From Stromgren photometry we are able to derive for the first time a proxy for [alpha/Fe] abundances, which enables us to perform a tentative dissection of the chemical thin and thick disc. We find evidence for the latter being composed of an old, mildly but systematically alpha-enhanced population that extends to super solar metallicities, in agreement with spectroscopic studies. Our revision offers the largest existing kinematically unbiased sample of the solar neighbourhood that contains full information on kinematics, metallicities, and ages and thus provides better constraints on the physical processes relevant in the build-up of the Milky Way disc, enabling a better understanding of the Sun in a Galactic context.
Based on high-resolution (R approximate to 42 000 to 48 000) and high signal-to-noise (S/N approximate to 50 to 150) spectra obtained with UVES/VLT, we present detailed elemental abundances (O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn, Y, and Ba) and stellar ages for 12 new microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars in the Galactic bulge. Including previous microlensing events, the sample of homogeneously analysed bulge dwarfs has now grown to 26. The analysis is based on equivalent width measurements and standard 1-D LTE MARCS model stellar atmospheres. We also present NLTE Li abundances based on line synthesis of the (7)Li line at 670.8 nm. The results from the 26 microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars show that the bulge metallicity distribution (MDF) is double-peaked; one peak at [Fe/H] approximate to -0.6 and one at [Fe/H] approximate to +0.3, and with a dearth of stars around solar metallicity. This is in contrast to the MDF derived from red giants in Baade's window, which peaks at this exact value. A simple significance test shows that it is extremely unlikely to have such a gap in the microlensed dwarf star MDF if the dwarf stars are drawn from the giant star MDF. To resolve this issue we discuss several possibilities, but we can not settle on a conclusive solution for the observed differences. We further find that the metal-poor bulge dwarf stars are predominantly old with ages greater than 10 Gyr, while the metal-rich bulge dwarf stars show a wide range of ages. The metal-poor bulge sample is very similar to the Galactic thick disk in terms of average metallicity, elemental abundance trends, and stellar ages. Speculatively, the metal-rich bulge population might be the manifestation of the inner thin disk. If so, the two bulge populations could support the recent findings, based on kinematics, that there are no signatures of a classical bulge and that the Milky Way is a pure-disk galaxy. Also, recent claims of a flat IMF in the bulge based on the MDF of giant stars may have to be revised based on the MDF and abundance trends probed by our microlensed dwarf stars.
Context. It is debated whether the Milky Way bulge has characteristics more similar to those of a classical bulge than those of a pseudobulge. Detailed abundance studies of bulge stars are important when investigating the origin, history, and classification of the bulge. These studies provide constraints on the star-formation history, initial mass function, and differences between stellar populations. Not many similar studies have been completed because of the large distance and high variable visual extinction along the line-of-sight towards the bulge. Therefore, near-IR investigations can provide superior results. Aims. To investigate the origin of the bulge and study its chemical abundances determined from near-IR spectra for bulge giants that have already been investigated with optical spectra. The optical spectra also provide the stellar parameters that are very important to the present study. In particular, the important CNO elements are determined more accurately in the near-IR. Oxygen and other alpha elements are important for investigating the star-formation history. The C and N abundances are important for determining the evolutionary stage of the giants and the origin of C in the bulge. Methods. High-resolution, near-infrared spectra in the H band were recorded using the CRIRES spectrometer mounted on the Very Large Telescope. The CNO abundances are determined from the numerous molecular lines in the wavelength range observed. Abundances of the alpha elements Si, S, and Ti are also determined from the near-IR spectra. Results. The abundance ratios [O/Fe], [Si/Fe], and [S/Fe] are enhanced to metallicities of at least [Fe/H] = -0.3, after which they decline. This suggests that the Milky Way bulge experienced a rapid and early burst of star formation similar to that of a classical bulge. However, a similarity between the bulge trend and the trend of the local thick disk seems to be present. This similarity suggests that the bulge could have had a pseudobulge origin. The C and N abundances suggest that our giants are first-ascent red-giants or clump stars, and that the measured oxygen abundances are those with which the stars were born. Our [C/Fe] trend does not show any increase with [Fe/H], which is expected if W-R stars contributed substantially to the C abundances. No ""cosmic scatter"" can be traced around our observed abundance trends: the measured scatter is expected, given the observational uncertainties.
Based on high-resolution spectra obtained with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan telescopes, we present detailed elemental abundances for 20 red giant stars in the outer Galactic disk, located at Galactocentric distances between 9 and 13 kpc. The outer disk sample is complemented with samples of red giants from the inner Galactic disk and the solar neighborhood, analyzed using identical methods. For Galactocentric distances beyond 10 kpc, we only find chemical patterns associated with the local thin disk, even for stars far above the Galactic plane. Our results show that the relative densities of the thick and thin disks are dramatically different from the solar neighborhood, and we therefore suggest that the radial scale length of the thick disk is much shorter than that of the thin disk. We make a first estimate of the thick disk scale length of L(thick) = 2.0 kpc, assuming L(thin) = 3.8 kpc for the thin disk. We suggest that radial migration may explain the lack of radial age, metallicity, and abundance gradients in the thick disk, possibly also explaining the link between the thick disk and the metal-poor bulge.
Context. The detailed chemical abundances of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are key guides to understanding the early chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Most existing data, however, treat giant stars that may have experienced internal mixing later. Aims. We aim to compare the results for giants with new, accurate abundances for all observable elements in 18 EMP turno. stars. Methods. VLT/UVES spectra at R similar to 45 000 and S/N similar to 130 per pixel (lambda lambda 330-1000 nm) are analysed with OSMARCS model atmospheres and the TURBOSPECTRUM code to derive abundances for C, Mg, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, and Ba. Results. For Ca, Ni, Sr, and Ba, we find excellent consistency with our earlier sample of EMP giants, at all metallicities. However, our abundances of C, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn and Co are similar to 0.2 dex larger than in giants of similar metallicity. Mg and Si abundances are similar to 0.2 dex lower (the giant [Mg/Fe] values are slightly revised), while Zn is again similar to 0.4 dex higher than in giants of similar [Fe/H] (6 stars only). Conclusions. For C, the dwarf/giant discrepancy could possibly have an astrophysical cause, but for the other elements it must arise from shortcomings in the analysis. Approximate computations of granulation (3D) effects yield smaller corrections for giants than for dwarfs, but suggest that this is an unlikely explanation, except perhaps for C, Cr, and Mn. NLTE computations for Na and Al provide consistent abundances between dwarfs and giants, unlike the LTE results, and would be highly desirable for the other discrepant elements as well. Meanwhile, we recommend using the giant abundances as reference data for Galactic chemical evolution models.
The formation of clouds is an important process for the atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, and climate, but some aspects of it are not completely understood. In this work, we show that microorganisms might affect cloud formation without leaving the Earth's surface by releasing biological surfactants (or biosurfactants) in the environment, that make their way into atmospheric aerosols and could significantly enhance their activation into cloud droplets. In the first part of this work, the cloud-nucleating efficiency of standard biosurfactants was characterized and found to be better than that of any aerosol material studied so far, including inorganic salts. These results identify molecular structures that give organic compounds exceptional cloud-nucleating properties. In the second part, atmospheric aerosols were sampled at different locations: a temperate coastal site, a marine site, a temperate forest, and a tropical forest. Their surface tension was measured and found to be below 30 mN/m, the lowest reported for aerosols, to our knowledge. This very low surface tension was attributed to the presence of biosurfactants, the only natural substances able to reach to such low values. The presence of strong microbial surfactants in aerosols would be consistent with the organic fractions of exceptional cloud-nucleating efficiency recently found in aerosols, and with the correlations between algae bloom and cloud cover reported in the Southern Ocean. The results of this work also suggest that biosurfactants might be common in aerosols and thus of global relevance. If this is confirmed, a new role for microorganisms on the atmosphere and climate could be identified.
In this paper we determine the local and global resilience of random graphs G(n,p) (p >> n(-1)) with respect to the property of containing a cycle of length at least (1 - alpha)n. Roughly speaking, given alpha > 0, we determine the smallest r(g) (G, alpha) with the property that almost surely every subgraph of G = G(n,p) having more than r(g) (G, alpha)vertical bar E(G)vertical bar edges contains a cycle of length at least (1 - alpha)n (global resilience). We also obtain, for alpha < 1/2, the smallest r(l) (G, alpha) such that any H subset of G having deg(H) (v) larger than r(l) (G, alpha) deg(G) (v) for all v is an element of V(G) contains a cycle of length at least (1 - alpha)n (local resilience). The results above are in fact proved in the more general setting of pseudorandom graphs.