54 resultados para Sidney, Algernon, 1623-1683.
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of the intermediary reaction products during reduction of iron ore, when iron ore and carbonaceous material are agglomerated together as a carbon composite iron ore pellet. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and in order to avoid heat transfer constraints small size samples were used. The carbonaceous materials employed were coke breeze and pure graphite. Portland cement was employed as a binder, and the pellets diameter was 5.2 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellets weight loss, as well as interruption of the reaction at different stages in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. It has been observed that above 1523 K there is the formation of liquid slag inside the pellets, which partially dissolves iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ/mol for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ/mol for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
A citologia anal vem sendo usada para rastreamento do carcinoma anal e suas lesões precursoras nas populações de risco. Quando o raspado do canal anal mostra alterações citológicas está indicada o exame com colposcópio e ácido acético para identificar e realizar biópsia para confirmar o achado. Poucos estudos mostram o seguimento dos doentes tratados de condilomas acuminados perianais. Temos usado os métodos em associação e encontrado lesões subclínicas em metade dos doentes, cujo exame proctológico não revelava doença HPV induzida. Essas lesões são tratadas com tópicos. Entretanto, algumas citologias estavam alteradas e a colposcopia anal não revelou doença HPV induzida. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar o comportamento dessas lesões no seguimento semestral, durante 12 meses, e avaliar se a periodicidade da reavaliação foi suficiente para evitar o aparecimento das lesões de alto grau ou superior. Encontramos 58 (21%) entre 273 doentes nessas condições. As reavaliações de 22 deles após um ano mostraram que as colposcopias permaneceram normais em 17 (74%), sendo que em cinco (22%) a citologia voltou aos padrões normais e 12 (52%) persistiram com alterações. Os outros seis (26%) desenvolveram lesões clínicas ou subclínicas provocadas pelo HPV. As contagens de linfócitos T CD4 dos doentes HIV-positivos foram inferiores nos doentes cujas lesões progrediram. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as alterações podem progredir ou regredir neste grupo distinto de doentes, sendo relacionada à imunidade, e que o intervalo de seis meses é suficiente para cada reavaliação.
The possibility of using a graphite silicone-rubber composite electrode (GSR) in a differential pulse voltammetric(DPV) procedure for rutin (vitamin P) determination is described. Cyclic voltammograms of rutin presented a reversible pair of oxidation/reduction peaks respectively at 0.411 and 0.390 V (vs. SCE) at the GSR surface in Britton-Robinson(B-R) buffer solution pH 4.0. In DPV after optimization of conditions, an oxidation peak at 0.370 V (vs. SCE) was used to quantitative determination of rutin in B-R buffer solution pH 4.0. In this case a linear dynamic range of 5.0×10-8 to 50.0×10-8 mol L-1 was observed with a detection limit of 1.8×10-8 mol L-1 for the analyte. Recoveries from 94 to 113% were observed. The electrode surface was renewed by polishing after each determination, with a repeatability of 1.09 ± 0.06 µA (n = 10) peak current. Rutin was determined in a pharmaceutical formulation using the proposed electrode and the results agreed with those from an official method within 95% confidence level.
Culex (Culex) dolosus (Lych Arribálzaga, 1891) is re-described and compared with Cx. eduardoi Casal & Garcia (1968) based on morphological characteristics. Both species are morphologically similar, and they have been largely misidentified throughout Brazil. Adult male and female, fourth instar larvae, and pupae of Cx. dolosus were examined, based on specimens from Pico do Itapeva, Pindamonhangaba Municipality, Serra da Mantiqueira, São Paulo State, southern Brazil. Male genitalia, larvae and pupae are illustrated. Geographical distribution is summarized from published records, and information on bionomics is based on literature and field data
The protozoan parasites Giardia and Cryptosporidium have been described as important waterbone disease pathogens, and are associated with severe gastrointestinal illnesses. The objective of this paper was to investigate the presence of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts in sample from wtershed catchments and treated water sources. A total of 25 water samples were collected and examined according to the EPA - Method 1623, 2005, consisting of 12 from drinking water and 13 from raw water. Positive samples from raw water for Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts were 46.1 and 7.6%, respectively. In finished water, positive samples were 41.7 per centfor Giardia cysts and 25 per cent for Cryptosporidium oocysts. Concentrations of Giardia cysts found in raw water samples ranged from "not detected" to 0.1oocysts/L, whereas concentrations of Cryptosporidium oocystsranged from "not detected" to 0.1 oocysts/L. In finished water, Giardia concentrations ranged from "not detected" to 0.06 cysts/L, and Cryptosporidium oocysts were not high in the samples analyzed. Nevertheless, the results of this study highlight the need to monitor these organisms in both raw and drinking water.
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar mulheres e recém-nascidos que foram submetidos ao processo de reprodução assistids. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo para coleta de dados e prospectivo para análise, em mulheres submetidas a duas diferentes técnicas de reprodução assistida no Centro de Reprodução Humana do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein no período de janeiro de 1995 a Dezembro de 2003. Foram selecionados todos os casos de sucesso e término do parto que ocorreram na Instituição no período. RESULTADOS: no período analisado, ocorreram 2448 procedimentos, sendo 439 de fertilização in vitro e 2009 de injeção intracitoplasmática de esperma. A taxa de sucesso variou de 25 a 30%. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os dois métodos estudados quanto aos resultados perinatais. Maior morbidade foi observada entre os nascimentos múltiplos em relação aos únicos. CONCLUSÕES: as técnicas de reprodução assistida não interferiram nos resultados perinatais. A prematuridade foi o fator determinante de maior morbimortalidade entre os múltiplos
Objetivo: identificar as representações sociais de mães de crianças da faixa etária de zero a cinco anos de idade do Núcleo de Saúde da Família IV, em Ribeirão Preto-SP, procurando saber o que pensam sobre saúde bucal e tratamento odontológico. Método: trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, sendo utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada para a coleta dos dados e a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: constatou-se grande dificuldade das mães em se expressar a respeito do que é, para elas, saúde. Para essas mães a saúde bucal está relacionada com normas de higiene e dietéticas e também com a ida ao dentista, restringindo-se na preocupação com a estética e pouco com a função. Já em relação ao tratamento odontológico, a grande maioria demonstrou apresentar medo, causado pela sua experiência anterior com o tratamento. A assistência particular está associada à pontualidade e ao atendimento da maneira desejada enquanto o tratamento oferecido pelo setor público à demora e à falta de equipamentos e materiais. A humanização no atendimento e competência do profissional emergiram como dois aspectos importantes, e podem estar determinando a decisão de ir ou não ao dentista. Conclusões: A expressão saúde bucal foi associada à assistência odontológica. O atendimento pelo setor privado foi referido como o que mais se aproxima do tipo ideal de assistência odontológica
As technology improves human vision, some procedures currently performed may be causing a decrease of the natural UV protection of the cornea. A portable dual beam system prototype was assembled for physicians for clinical studies of these effects on the corneas endowing two types of 300-400 nm evaluations: 1, regularly donated corneas and 2, simulating refractive keratectomy by corneal lamellae removal. The system performs 500 measurements/s, providing +/- 0.25% precision for the transmittance. The measurements performed on the prototype are 95% in agreement with Cary 17 and HR4000CG-UV-NIR Ocean Optics spectrophotometers. Preliminary studies on cadaveric corneas demonstrate that, as the stromal layer is reduced (similar to 150 mu m depth), there is significant loss-an average of 7.1%.-of the cornea's natural UV protection. The prototype is being tested in an eye bank for routine evaluation of donor corneas. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Background: HIV-1-infected individuals who spontaneously control viral replication represent an example of successful containment of the AIDS virus. Understanding the anti-viral immune responses in these individuals may help in vaccine design. However, immune responses against HIV-1 are normally analyzed using HIV-1 consensus B 15-mers that overlap by 11 amino acids. Unfortunately, this method may underestimate the real breadth of the cellular immune responses against the autologous sequence of the infecting virus. Methodology and Principal Findings: Here we compared cellular immune responses against nef and vif-encoded consensus B 15-mer peptides to responses against HLA class I-predicted minimal optimal epitopes from consensus B and autologous sequences in six patients who have controlled HIV-1 replication. Interestingly, our analysis revealed that three of our patients had broader cellular immune responses against HLA class I-predicted minimal optimal epitopes from either autologous viruses or from the HIV-1 consensus B sequence, when compared to responses against the 15-mer HIV-1 type B consensus peptides. Conclusion and Significance: This suggests that the cellular immune responses against HIV-1 in controller patients may be broader than we had previously anticipated.
Background: During mating, insect males eject accessory gland proteins (Acps) into the female genital tract. These substances are known to affect female post-mating behavior and physiology. In addition, they may harm the female, e. g., in reducing its lifespan. This is interpreted as a consequence of sexual antagonistic co-evolution. Whereas sexual conflict abounds in non-social species, the peculiar life history of social insects (ants, bees, wasps) with lifelong pair-bonding and no re-mating aligns the reproductive interests of the sexes. Harming the female during mating would negatively affect male fitness and sexual antagonism is therefore not expected. Indeed, mating appears to increase female longevity in at least one ant species. Acps are presumed to play a role in this phenomenon, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. In this study, we investigated genes, which are preferentially expressed in male accessory glands of the ant Leptothorax gredleri, to determine which proteins might be transferred in the seminal fluid. Results: By a suppression subtractive hybridization protocol we obtained 20 unique sequences (USs). Twelve had mutual best matches with genes predicted for Apis mellifera and Nasonia vitripennis. Functional information (Gene Ontology) was available only for seven of these, including intracellular signaling, energy-dependent transport and metabolic enzyme activities. The remaining eight USs did not match sequences from other species. Six genes were further analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR in three life cycle stages of male ants. A gene with carboxy-lyase activity and one of unpredicted function were significantly overexpressed in accessory glands of sexually mature males. Conclusions: Our study is the first one to investigate differential gene expression in ants in a context related to mating. Our findings indicate that male accessory glands of L. gredleri express a series of genes that are unique to this species, possibly representing novel genes, in addition to conserved ones for which functions can be predicted. Identifying differentially expressed genes might help to better understand molecular mechanisms involved in reproductive processes in eusocial Hymenoptera. While the novel genes could account for rapidly evolving ones driven by intra-sexual conflict between males, conserved genes imply that rather beneficial traits might get fixed by a process described as inter-sexual cooperation between males and females.
Background: While microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in tissue differentiation and in maintaining basal physiology, little is known about the miRNA expression levels in stomach tissue. Alterations in the miRNA profile can lead to cell deregulation, which can induce neoplasia. Methodology/Principal Findings: A small RNA library of stomach tissue was sequenced using high-throughput SOLiD sequencing technology. We obtained 261,274 quality reads with perfect matches to the human miRnome, and 42% of known miRNAs were identified. Digital Gene Expression profiling (DGE) was performed based on read abundance and showed that fifteen miRNAs were highly expressed in gastric tissue. Subsequently, the expression of these miRNAs was validated in 10 healthy individuals by RT-PCR showed a significant correlation of 83.97% (P<0.05). Six miRNAs showed a low variable pattern of expression (miR-29b, miR-29c, miR-19b, miR-31, miR-148a, miR-451) and could be considered part of the expression pattern of the healthy gastric tissue. Conclusions/Significance: This study aimed to validate normal miRNA profiles of human gastric tissue to establish a reference profile for healthy individuals. Determining the regulatory processes acting in the stomach will be important in the fight against gastric cancer, which is the second-leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide.
A matrix method is presented for simulating acoustic levitators. A typical acoustic levitator consists of an ultrasonic transducer and a reflector. The matrix method is used to determine the potential for acoustic radiation force that acts on a small sphere in the standing wave field produced by the levitator. The method is based on the Rayleigh integral and it takes into account the multiple reflections that occur between the transducer and the reflector. The potential for acoustic radiation force obtained by the matrix method is validated by comparing the matrix method results with those obtained by the finite element method when using an axisymmetric model of a single-axis acoustic levitator. After validation, the method is applied in the simulation of a noncontact manipulation system consisting of two 37.9-kHz Langevin-type transducers and a plane reflector. The manipulation system allows control of the horizontal position of a small levitated sphere from -6 mm to 6 mm, which is done by changing the phase difference between the two transducers. The horizontal position of the sphere predicted by the matrix method agrees with the horizontal positions measured experimentally with a charge-coupled device camera. The main advantage of the matrix method is that it allows simulation of non-symmetric acoustic levitators without requiring much computational effort.
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of intermediate reaction products during iron ore reduction when iron ore and carbonaceous materials are agglomerated together with or without Portland cement. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and used small size samples in order to minimise heat transfer constraints. Coke breeze and pure graphite were the carbonaceous materials employed. Portland cement was applied as a binder, and pellet diameters were in the range 5.6-6.5 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellet weight loss, as well as the interruption of the reaction at different stages, in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. The experimental temperature was in the range 1423-1623 K, and the total reaction time varied from 240 to 1200 s. It was observed that above 1523 K the formation of liquid slag occurred inside the pellets, which partially dissolved iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ mol(-1) for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ mol(-1) for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
This experiment examined the effects of the discharge of water treatment plant (WTP) sludge into the following three types of wastewater treatment systems: a pilot-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, a pilot-scale activated sludge system, and a full-scale activated sludge sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The UASB reactor received 50 mg of suspended solids ( SS) of WTP sludge per liter of wastewater in the first phase, and, in the second phase, it received 75 mg SS/L. The pilot-scale activated sludge system received 25 and 50 mg SS/L in the first and second phases, respectively. The full-scale WWTP ( SBR) received approximately 74 mg SS/L. The results of the experiments showed that, despite some negative effects on nitrification, there were positive effects on phosphorus removal, and, furthermore, there was the addition of solids in all systems. Water Environ. Res., 82, 392 ( 2010).
The antiproliferative activity of two prenylated benzophenones isolated from Rheedia brasiliensis. the tri-prenylated garciniaphenone and the tetraprenylated benzophenone 7-epiclusianone, was investigated against human cancer cell lines. The antiproliferative activity on melanoma (UACC-62), breast (MCF-7), drug-resistant breast (NCI-ADR), lung/non-small cells (NCI460), ovarian (OVCAR 03), prostate (PC03), kidney (786-0), lung (NCI-460) and tongue (CRL-1624 and CRL-1623) cancer cells was determined using spectrophotometric quantification of the cellular protein content. The effect of these benzophenones on the activity of cathepsins B and G was also investigated. Garciniaphenone displayed cytostatic activity in all cell lines, whereas 7-epiclusianone showed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect. The IC(50) values for cell proliferation revealed that 7-epiclusianone is more active than garciniaphenone against most of the cell lines. Furthermore, the antiproliferative effects demonstrated by garciniaphenone and 7-epiclusianone were related to their cathepsin inhibiting properties. In conclusion, 7-epiclusianone is a promising naturally occurring agent which displays multiple inhibitory effects which may be working in concert to inhibit cancer cell proliferation in vitro. The putative pathway by which 7-epiclusianone affects cancer cell development may involve cathepsin inhibition. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.