20 resultados para Sermones inter unius auctoris collectionem. De Sanctis et festis Nicolaus
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Endothelin may contribute to the development of inflammatory events such as leukocyte recruitment and nociception. Herein, we investigated whether endothelin-mediated mechanical hypernociception (decreased nociceptive threshold, evaluated by electronic pressure-meter) and neutrophil migration (myeloperoxidase activity) are inter-dependent in antigen challenge-induced Th1-driven hind-paw inflammation. In antigen challenge-induced inflammation, endothelin (ET) ET(A) and ET(B) receptor antagonism inhibited both hypernociception and neutrophil migration. Interestingly, ET-1 peptide-induced hypernociception was not altered by inhibiting neutrophil migration or endothelin ET(B) receptor antagonism, but rather by endothelin ET(A) receptor antagonism. Furthermore, endothelin ET(A), but not ET(B), receptor antagonism inhibited antigen-induced PGE(2) production, whereas either selective or combined blockade of endothelin ET(A) and/or ET(B) receptors reduced hypernociception and neutrophil recruitment caused by antigen challenge. Concluding, this study advances knowledge into the role for endothelin in inflammatory mechanisms and further supports the potential of endothelin receptor antagonists in controlling inflammation.
OBJETIVO: este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da largura do septo inter-radicular no local de inserção de mini-implantes autoperfurantes sobre o grau de estabilidade desses dispositivos de ancoragem. MÉTODOS: a amostra consistiu de 40 mini-implantes inseridos entre as raízes do primeiro molar e segundo pré-molar superiores de 21 pacientes, com o intuito de fornecer ancoragem para retração anterior. A largura do septo no local de inserção (LSI) foi mensurada nas radiografias pós-cirúrgicas e, sob esse aspecto, os mini-implantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (áreas críticas, LSI<3mm) e grupo 2 (áreas não críticas, LSI>3mm). A estabilidade dos mini-implantes foi avaliada mensalmente pela quantificação do grau de mobilidade e a partir dessa variável foi calculada a proporção de sucesso. Avaliou-se também: a quantidade de placa, altura de inserção, grau de sensibilidade e período de observação. RESULTADOS: os resultados obtidos demonstraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para o grau de mobilidade e proporção de sucesso entre os mini-implantes inseridos em septos de largura mesiodistal crítica e não crítica. A proporção de sucesso total encontrada foi de 90% e nenhuma variável demonstrou estar relacionada ao insucesso dos mini-implantes. No entanto, observou-se maior sensibilidade nos pacientes cujos mini-implantes apresentavam mobilidade, e que a falha desses dispositivos de ancoragem ocorria logo após sua inserção. CONCLUSÃO: a largura do septo inter-radicular no local de inserção não interferiu na estabilidade dos mini-implantes autoperfurantes avaliados neste estudo.
Flavobacterium columnare is the causative agent of columnaris disease in freshwater fish, implicated in skin and gill disease, often causing high mortality. The aim of this study was the isolation and characterization of Flavobacterium columnare in tropical fish in Brazil. Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and cascudo (Hypostomus plecostomus) were examined for external lesions showing signs of colunmaris disease such as greyish white spots, especially on the head, dorsal part and caudal fin of the fish. The sampling comprised 50 samples representing four different fish species selected for study. Samples for culture were obtained by skin and kidney scrapes with a sterile cotton swabs of columnaris disease fish and streaked onto Carlson and Pacha (1968) artificial culture medium (broth and solid) which were used for isolation. The strains in the liquid medium were Gram negative, long, filamentous, exhibited flexing movements (gliding motility), contained a large number of long slender bacteria and gathered into ‘columns'. Strains on the agar produced yellow-pale colonies, rather small, flat that had rhizoid edges. A total of four Flavobacterium columnare were isolated: 01 Brycon orbignyanus strain, 01 Piaractus mesopotamicus strain, 01 Colossoma macropomum strain, and 01 Hypostomus plecostomus strain. Biochemical characterization, with its absorption of Congo red dye, production of flexirubin-type pigments, H2S production and reduction of nitrates proved that the isolate could be classified as Flavobacterium columnare.
Este artigo apresenta reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre processo de investigação de pós-doutorado que objetivava basicamente construir - na ação - estratégia de "psico-sócio-formação" de pessoas envolvidas com a questão do morador de rua; criar e aplicar um recurso metodológico operacional denominado "conto de encontro transformador". Do ponto de vista teórico, sob perspectivas inter e transdisciplinares de produção do conhecimento, essa "pesquisa-ação-formação" baseou-se no encontro dialógico entre os conhecimentos sobre "encontro transformador", "resiliência" e "ágape" e construtos teóricos da área da Educação, com ênfase no processo de autoformação. O projeto contou com vinte participantes: moradores de rua; trabalhadores de instituições de apoio a moradores de rua; técnicos das Secretarias de Assistência Social da Prefeitura de São Paulo e/ou da Secretaria da Saúde; e provenientes da Universidade de São Paulo e de outras Universidades do Brasil, França e Canadá.
According to Brazilian National Data Survey diabetes is the fifth cause for hospitalization and is one of the ten major causes of mortality in this country. Aims to stratify the estimated cardiovascular risk (eCVR) in a population of type 2 diabetics (T2DM) according to the Framingham prediction equations as well as to determine the association between eCVR with metabolic and clinical control of the disease. Methods From 2000 to 2001 a cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted in 13 public out-patients diabetes/endocrinology clinics from 8 Brazilian cities. The 10-year risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) was estimated by the prediction equations described by Wilson et al (Circulation 1998). LDL equations were preferably used; when patients missed LDL data we used total cholesterol equations instead. Results Data from 1382 patients (59.0% female) were analyzed. Median and inter-quartile range (IQ) of age and duration of diabetes were 57.4 (51-65) and 8.8 (3-13) years, respectively without differences according to the gender. Forty-two percent of these patients were overweight and 35.4% were obese (the prevalence of higher BMI and obesity in this T2DM group was significantly higher in women than in men; p < 0.001). The overall estimated eCVR in T2DM patients was 21.4 (13.5-31.3). The eCVR was high (> 20%) in 738 (53.4%), intermediate in 202 (14.6%) and low in 442 (32%) patients. Men [25.1(15.4-37.3)] showed a higher eCVR than women [18.8 (12.4-27.9) p < 0.001]. The most common risk factor was high LDL-cholesterol (80.8%), most frequently found in women than in men (p = 0.01). The median of risk factors present was three (2-4) without gender differences. Overall we observed that 60 (4.3%) of our patients had none, 154(11.1%) one, 310 (22.4%) two, 385 (27.9%) three, 300 (21.7%) four, 149 (10.5%) five and six, (2%) six risk factors. A higher eCVR was noted in overweight or obese patients (p = 0.01 for both groups). No association was found between eCVR with age or a specific type of diabetes treatment. A correlation was found between eCVR and duration of diabetes (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), creatinine (p < 0.001) and triglycerides levels (p < 0.001) but it was not found with HbA1c, fasting blood glucose and postprandial glucose. A higher eCVR was observed in patients with retinopathy (p < 0.001) and a tendency in patients with microalbuminuria (p = 0.06). Conclusion: our study showed that in this group of Brazilian T2DM the eCVR was correlated with the lipid profile and it was higher in patients with microvascular chronic complications. No correlation was found with glycemic control parameters. These data could explain the failure of intensive glycemic control programs aiming to reduce cardiovascular events observed in some studies.
The longitudinal resistivity rho(xx) of two-dimensional electron gases formed in wells with two subbands displays ringlike structures when plotted in a density-magnetic-field diagram, due to the crossings of spin-split Landau levels (LLs) from distinct subbands. Using spin density functional theory and linear response, we investigate the shape and spin polarization of these structures as a function of temperature and magnetic-field tilt angle. We find that (i) some of the rings ""break'' at sufficiently low temperatures due to a quantum Hall ferromagnetic phase transition, thus exhibiting a high degree of spin polarization (similar to 50%) within, consistent with the NMR data of Zhang et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 246802 (2007)], and (ii) for increasing tilting angles the interplay between the anticrossings due to inter-LL couplings and the exchange-correlation effects leads to a collapse of the rings at some critical angle theta(c), in agreement with the data of Guo et al. [Phys. Rev. B 78, 233305 (2008)].
This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.
This investigation presents a comprehensive characterization of magnetic and transport properties of an interesting superconducting wire, Nb-Ti -Ta, obtained through the solid-state diffusion between Nb-12 at.% Ta alloy and pure Ti. The physical properties obtained from magnetic and transport measurements related to the microstructure unambiguously confirmed a previous proposition that the superconducting currents flow in the center of the diffusion layer, which has a steep composition variation. The determination of the critical field also confirmed that the flux line core size is not constant, and in addition it was possible to determine that, in the center of the layer, the flux line core is smaller than at the borders. A possible core shape design is proposed. Among the wires studied, the one that presented the best critical current density was achieved for a diffusion layer with a composition of about Nb-32% Ti-10% Ta, obtained with a heat treatment at 700 degrees C during 120 h, in agreement with previous studies. It was determined that this wire has the higher upper critical field, indicating that the optimization of the superconducting behavior is related to an intrinsic property of the ternary alloy.
(Spatial-temporal variation in coiled and straight morphotypes of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolsz) Seenayya et Subba Raju (Cyanobacteria)). This study reports the spatial and temporal behavior of straight and coiled morphotypes of C. raciborskii in a reservoir in Brazil`s semiarid region as well as the main factors responsible for the variability. Two set of samples were collected from the subsurface and bottom in the central region of a reservoir in two seasonal periods (dry January 2005; rainy June 2005) over 20-hour sampling periods during daylight (8 am, 12 pm and 4 pm) and dark (8 pm, 12 am and 4 am) hours. Measurements of abiotic parameters were determined concurrently to the sampling of biotic variables. Two C. raciborskii morphotypes were found in the reservoir: straight and coiled. There was no difference in density of the straight and coiled C. raciborskii morphotypes between the different sampling times for either season. Vertical differences were found in the distribution of both morphotypes in both seasons, with greater densities recorded at the subsurface. Densities of the two C. raciborskii morphotypes were greater in the dry season, with the density of the coiled morphotype at the surface two-fold greater than that of the straight morphotype and that found in the rainy season. The ecological success of the coiled morphotype was due to thermal stratification, whereas a mixed condition was determinant in the success of the straight morphotype.
This work aimed to determining the anatomical structure of wood, through methodology of histology and X-ray densitometry, of resin-tapped and not resin-tapped Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis trees samples, of three diameter classes. Pine trees, in forest plantation established in 1969, in the Ecological Experimental Station of Itirapina, from the Forestry Institute of Sao Paulo State, were measured and stratified into three classes of trunk diameter. The pine trees were resin-tapped since 2004, with the opening of two simultaneous and opposing panels. Sixty samples of pine wood trees were extracted from the tree trunk through a non-destructive method and in the laboratory. Tree rings were determined in the laboratory and wood apparent density by X-ray densitometry. The test results showed that: (i) false tree rings occur in the early wood and late wood of the tree rings due to climate change; (ii) the X-ray densitometry allowed the demarcation of the tree rings limits; (iii) the wood apparent density average was significantly different between the trees in high class diameter and in the medium-low class; (iv) the wood characteristics from the resin-tapped and non resin-tapped faces did not show significant differences.
Beh double dagger et`s disease (BD) is a multisystem chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by oral and genital ulceration and ocular involvement. Recurrent oral and genital ulcers are the most common symptoms of BD and occur in more than 80% of patients. The treatments of these disease manifestations include colchicine, corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs in severe cases. Anti-TNF-alpha therapy may be useful in refractory severe BD, particularly for ocular, central nervous system, gastrointestinal and refractory mucocutaneous lesions. During a 2-year period, 280 patients suffering from rheumatic diseases received anti-TNF-alpha agents at the infusion center of our University Hospital. Two patients (0.7%) presented BD; one of them had celiac disease as well, with recalcitrant mucocutaneous lesions that were not responsive to immunosuppressive drugs. We reported those patients who were successfully treated with infliximab and adalimumab, despite their late response.
To assess the potential effects of short-term exposure to particulate air pollution during follicular phase on clinical, laboratory, and pregnancy outcomes of women undergoing IVF/ET. Retrospective cohort study of 400 first IVF/ET cycles of women exposed to ambient particulate matter during follicular phase. Particulate matter (PM) was categorized into quartiles (Q(1): a parts per thousand currency sign30.48 A mu g/m(3), Q(2): 30.49-42.00 A mu g/m(3), Q(3): 42.01-56.72 A mu g/m(3), and Q(4): > 56.72 A mu g/m(3)). Clinical, laboratory, or treatment variables were not affected by follicular phase PM exposure periods. Women exposed to Q(4) period during the follicular phase of conception cycles had a higher risk of miscarriage (odds ratio, 5.05; 95% confidence interval: 1.04-25.51) when compared to women exposed to Q(1-3) periods. Our results show an association between brief exposure to high levels of ambient PM during the preconceptional period and early pregnancy loss, although no effect of this exposure on clinical, laboratory, and treatment outcomes was observed.
The aim was to investigate inter-tester and intra-tester reliability and parallel reliability between a visual assessment method and a method using a pachymeter for locating the mid-point of the patella in determining the medial/lateral patella orientation. Fifteen asymptomatic subjects were assessed and the mid-point of the patella was determined by both methods on two separate occasions two weeks apart. Inter-tester reliability was obtained by ANOVA and by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC); intra-tester reliability was obtained by a paired t-test and ICC; and parallel reliability was obtained by Pearson`s Correlation and ICC, for the measurement on the first and second evaluations. There was acceptable inter-tester agreement (p = 0.490) and reliability for the visual inspection (ICC = 0.747) and for the pachymeter (ICC = 0.716) at the second evaluation. The inter-tester reliability in the first evaluation was unacceptable (visual ICC = 0.604; pachymeter ICC = 0.612). Although there was statistical similarity between measurements for the first and second evaluations for all testers, intra-tester reliability was not acceptable for both methods: visual (examiner 1 ICC = 0.175; examiner 2 ICC = 0.189; examiner 3 ICC = 0.155) and pachymeter (examiner 1 ICC = 0.214; examiner 2 ICC = 0.246; examiner 3 ICC = 0.069). Parallel reliability gave a perfect correlation at the first evaluation (r=0.828; p<0.001) and at the second (r=0.756; p<0.001) and reliability was between acceptable and very good (ICC = [0.748-0.813]). Both visual and pachymeter methods provide reliable and similar medial/lateral patella orientation and are reliable between different examiners, but the results between the two assessments at 2 weeks` interval demonstrated an unacceptable reliability. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Intervertebral cervical disc herniation (CDH) is a relatively common disorder that can coexist with degenerative changes to worsen cervicogenic myelopathy. Despite the frequent disc abnormalities found in asymptomatic populations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered excellent at detecting cervical spine myelopathy (CSM) associated with disc abnormality. The objective of this study was to investigate the intra- and inter-observer reliability of MRI detection of CSM in subjects who also had co-existing intervertebral disc abnormalities. Materials and methods: Seven experienced radiologists reviewed twice the MRI of 10 patients with clinically and/or imaging determined myelopathy. MRI assessment was performed individually, with and without operational guidelines. A Fleiss Kappa statistic was used to evaluate the intra- and inter-observer agreement. Results: The study found high intra-observer percent agreement but relatively low Kappa values on selected variables. Inter-observer reliability was also low and neither observation was improved with operational guidelines. We believe that those low values may be associated with the base rate problem of Kappa. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study demonstrated high intra-observer percent agreement in MR examination for intervertebral disc abnormalities in patients with underlying cervical myelopathy, but differing levels of intra- and inter-observer Kappa agreement among seven radiologists. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.