39 resultados para Prosa latina s.V

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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This article aims at discussing the translation of the word grimoire, central in Mallarme's conception of language, in a poem called 'Prose' and its four translations into Portuguese. To do so, it will be necessary, in the first place, to have a closer look at this word and its meanings in Mallarme's work and discuss, in a following step, the choices in translation.


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A enzima nitrato redutase (NR) catalisa a redução do nitrato a nitrito e controla a taxa de assimilação do nitrato. O ensaio in vitro da nitrato redutase foi otimizado para a linhagem selvagem (marrom, MA) e para a linhagem deficiente em ficoeritrina (verde-clara, VC) de Hypnea musciformis. As duas linhagens foram cultivadas em temperatura de 23 ± 2°C, fotoperíodo de 14 horas, irradiância de 60-90µmol fótons m-2s-1, e meio composto por água do mar esterilizada (30ups) enriquecida com a solução de von Stosch na concentração de 50% (VSES/2). As condições ótimas de ensaio para ambas as linhagens foram: 40µM de NADH; 10min de incubação do extrato bruto (EB) e 100µL de EB. A atividade ótima da NR ocorreu em 4 e 2mM de nitrato para a linhagem VC e MA, respectivamente. As linhagens VC e MA apresentaram, respectivamente, constante aparente de Michaelis-Menten (K M) para NADH de 0,2068 e 0,0837 µM, e K M para nitrato de 0,0492 e 0,0294mM. Os resultados indicam que a NR da linhagem MA tem maior afinidade pelo substrato do que a NR da linhagem VC de H. musciformis. Os experimentos para avaliar os efeitos da disponibilidade de nitrato (5 a 105µM) e nitrato e fosfato (0,5 a 25,5µM, com a relação N:P de 4:1) mostraram que a atividade da NR das linhagens VC e MA não aumentou com a adição de nitrato no meio, o que pode estar relacionado com o estado nutricional dessas algas. A atividade da NR foi maior nos tratamentos com adição de fosfato do que naqueles com adição de apenas nitrato, indicando que esse nutriente é importante para os processos metabólicos relacionados a atividade da NR.


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In Brazil, Hypnea musciformis is the main raw material for carrageenan production and the knowledge of nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism in algae is critical for the success of cultivation because these elements can limit seaweed productivity. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of nitrate (zero to 100 μM) and nitrate plus phosphate (zero to 25 μM) availabilities on the growth, the contents of photosynthetic pigments (phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll a) and proteins, and the photosynthesis and respiration of the brown (BR) and light green (LG) strains of H. musciformis. The results revealed metabolic differences between the colour strains of H. musciformis for nitrogen metabolism: upon nitrate addition, the LG strain stored nitrogen mainly as proteins, while the BR strain stored it as proteins and pigments. Moreover, the respiration of the LG strain and the photosynthesis of the BR strain increased with nitrate concentrations, indicating that the BR strain fixed more photosynthetic carbon than the LG strain.


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This work revisits the fruits of Iryanthera juruensis and Virola pavonis and the leaves from V. michelii, as well as describing a study of the fruits of V. mollissima. In I. juruensis aryltetraline neolignan (1) and tetrahydrofuran neolignan (2), were found while from V. pavonis neolignans of benzofuran type (6-9), the tetrahydrofuran type (2, 11-13, 17) and the biphenyl type (10), in addition to diastereoisomers of the 8.O.4'-oxyneolignan type (14 and 15) and others were isolated. The V. mollissima accumulates the aryltetralone neolignan 4 and its seco derivative (5). The lignoids 1 and 2 obtained from I. juruensis arils possess antileishmanial activity against the promastigote form of Leishmania amazonensis.


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Uma das mais ricas, antigas e diversificadas coleções entomológicas da América Latina, que alberga relevante parcela de nossa biodiversidade, foi drasticamente penalizada durante o episódio que ficou conhecido como o Massacre de Manguinhos, no qual dez eminentes pesquisadores tiveram seus direitos políticos cassados. Esta nota relata uma ínfima parcela da tragédia que desmantelou parte desse acervo e como 8.554 exemplares valiosos da ordem Diptera, pertencentes a 35 famílias, incluindo 99 exemplares-tipos, foram reincorporados à Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, em suas posições originais nos armários de aço, após 35 anos. Esta reincorporação representa o primeiro resgate científico-histórico desse acervo, após o período da ditadura militar no Brasil.


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Caracteres genéricos são ampliados para Irundisaua Martins & Galileo, 2005 (configuração das antenas; processo prosternal com largura menor ou igual à largura de uma procoxa; protíbias achatadas e fortemente alargadas para o ápice) ao qual se adicionam espécies transferidas de Acanthoderes Audinet-Serville, 1835: I. forsteri (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov. do Peru e Brasil (Amazonas) e I. ucayalensis (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov. do Equador, Peru e Brasil (Amazonas).Três novos gêneros são descritos: (1) Catuana comb. nov., espécie-tipo, C. thoracica (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov., caracterizado pelo mesosterno com tubérculo; (2) Mundeu comb. nov., espécie-tipo, M. maculicollis (Bates, 1861) comb. nov., com protórax arredondado nos lados e protíbias alargadas; (3) Urangaua comb. nov., caracteriza-se pelos olhos finamente facetados e divididos, comprimento dos antenômeros III e IV subigual ao comprimento dos antenômeros V-XI em conjunto; é proposto para duas espécies: U. analis Melzer, 1935, comb. nov., espécietipo, e U. subanalis (Zajciw, 1964) comb. nov. Adiciona-se chave para as espécies de Urangaua.


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To investigate the prevalence of urinary incontinence among elderly people living in São Paulo, Brazil and their associated risk factors. The Pan-American Health Organization and World Health Organization coordinated a multicenter study named Health, Wellbeing and Aging (SABE Study) in elderly people (over 60 years old) living in seven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Brazil, the study was carried out in São Paulo in the year 2000. The total Brazilian sample included 2,143 people. The prevalence of self reported urinary incontinence was 11.8% among men and 26.2% for women. It was verified that among those reporting urinary incontinence, 37% also reported stroke and 34% depression. It was found that the greater the dependence that the elderly people presented, the greater the prevalence of urinary incontinence. The associated factors found were depression (odds ratio = 2.49), female (2.42), advanced age (2.35), important functional limitation (2.01). Urinary incontinence is a highly prevalent symptom among the elderly population of the municipality of São Paulo, especially among women. The adoption of preventive measures can reduce the negative effects of urinary incontinence.


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A pesquisa de conhecimentos no campo da oftalmologia constitui processo dinâmico que requer divulgação, em especial por meio de relatos escritos. A redação científica vale-se da terminologia greco-latina. Discutem-se aspectos referentes à clareza, objetividade e precisão da escrita e oferece-se glossário sucinto desses termos aplicados a textos científicos.


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In recent years, the Me-Si-B (Me-metal) ternary systems have received considerable attention aiming at the development of high-temperature structural materials. Assuming that any real application of these materials will rely on multicomponent alloys, as is the case of Ni-base superalloys, phase equilibria data of these systems become very important. In this work, results are reported on phase equilibria in the V-Si-B system, and are summarized in the form of an isothermal section at 1600 A degrees C for the V-VSi(2)-VB region. Several alloys of different compositions were prepared via arc melting and then heat-treated at 1600 A degrees C under high vacuum. All the materials in both as-cast and heat-treated conditions were characterized through x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and selected alloys via wavelength dispersive spectroscopy. A negligible solubility of B in the V(3)Si, V(5)Si(3) (T(1)), and V(6)Si(5) phases as well as of Si in V(3)B(2) and VB phases was noted. Two ternary phases presenting the structures known as T(2) (Cr(5)B(3)-prototype) and D8(8) (Mn(5)Si(3)-prototype) were observed in both as-cast and heat-treated samples. It is proposed that at 1600 A degrees C the homogeneity range of T(2) extends approximately from 5 at.% to 12 at.% Si at constant vanadium content and the composition of D8(8) phase is close to V(59.5)Si(33)B(7.5) (at.%).


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Sinovitis in Scleroderma (SSc) is rare, usually aggressive and fully resembles rheumatoid arthritis. Experimental models of SSc have been used in an attempt to understand its pathogenesis. Previous studies done in our laboratory had already revealed the presence of a synovial remodeling process in rabbits immunized with collagen V. To validate the importance of collagen type V and to explore the quantitative relationship between this factor and synovia remodeling as well as the relationship between collagen type V and other collagens, we studied the synovial tissue in immunized rabbits. Rabbits (N= 10) were immunized with collagen V plus Freund's adjuvant and compared with animals inoculated with adjuvant only (N= 10). Synovial tissues were submitted to histological analysis, immunolocalization to collagen I, III and V and biochemical analysis by eletrophoresis, immunoblot and densitometric method. The synovial tissue presented an intense remodeling process with deposits of collagen types I, III and V after 75 and 120 days of immunization, mainly distributed around the vessels and interstitium of synovial extracellular matrix. Densitometric analysis confirmed the increased synthesis of collagen I, III and V chains (407.69 +/- 80.31; 24.46 +/- 2.58; 70.51 +/- 7.66, respectively) in immunized rabbits when compared with animals from control group (164.91 +/- 15.67; 12.89 +/- 1.05; 32 +/- 3.57) (p<0.0001). We conclude that synovial remodeling observed in the experimental model can reflect the articular compromise present in patients with scleroderma. Certainly, this experimental model induced by collagen V immunization will bring new insights in to pathogenic mechanisms and allow the testing of new therapeutic strategies to ameliorate the prognosis for scleroderma patients.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate collagen deposition, mRNA collagen synthesis and TGFbeta expression in the lung tissue in an experimental model of scleroderma after collagen V-induced nasal tolerance. Methods: Female New Zealand rabbits (N = 12) were immunized with 1 mg/ml of collagen V in Freund's adjuvant (IM). After 150 days, six immunized animals were tolerated by nasal administration of collagen V ( 25 mu g/day) (IM-TOL) daily for 60 days. The collagen content was determined by morphometry, and mRNA expressions of types I, III and V collagen were determined by Real-time PCR. The TGF-beta expression was evaluated by immunostaining and quantified by point counting methods. To statistic analysis ANOVA with Bonferroni test were employed for multiple comparison when appropriate and the level of significance was determined to be p < 0.05. Results: IM-TOL, when compared to IM, showed significant reduction in total collagen content around the vessels (0.371 +/- 0.118 vs. 0.874 +/- 0.282, p < 0.001), bronchioles (0.294 +/- 0.139 vs. 0.646 +/- 0.172, p < 0.001) and in the septal interstitium (0.027 +/- 0.014 vs. 0.067 +/- 0.039, p = 0.026). The lung tissue of IM-TOL, when compared to IM, showed decreased immunostaining of types I, III and V collagen, reduced mRNA expression of types I (0.10 +/- 0.07 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.528, p = 0.002) and V (1.12 +/- 0.42 vs. 4.74 +/- 2.25, p = 0.009) collagen, in addition to decreased TGF-beta expression ( p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Collagen V-induced nasal tolerance in the experimental model of SSc regulated the pulmonary remodeling process, inhibiting collagen deposition and collagen I and V mRNA synthesis. Additionally, it decreased TGF-beta expression, suggesting a promising therapeutic option for scleroderma treatment.


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As a part of our galaxy-cluster redshift survey, we present a set of 79 new velocities in the 4 clusters Abell 376, Abell 970, Abell 1356, and Abell 2244, obtained at Haute-Provence observatory. This set now completes our previous analyses, especially for the first two clusters. Data on individual galaxies are presented, and we discuss some cluster properties. For A376, we obtained an improved mean redshift (z) over bar = 0.04750 with a velocity dispersion of sigma(V) = 860 km s(-1). For A970, we have (z) over bar = 0.05875 with sigma(V) = 881 km s(-1). We show that the A1356 cluster is not a member of the ""Leo-Virgo"" supercluster at a mean redshift (z) over bar = 0.112 and should be considered just as a foreground group of galaxies at (z) over bar = 0.0689, as well as A1435 at (z) over bar = 0.062. We obtain (z) over bar = 0.09962 for A2244 with sigma(V) = 965 km s(-1). The relative proximity of clusters A2244 and A2245 ((z) over bar = 0.08738, sigma(V) = 992 km s(-1)) suggests that these could be members of a supercluster that would include A2249; however, from X-ray data there is no indication of interaction between A2244 and A2245.


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In this paper, we initially present an algorithm for automatic composition of melodies using chaotic dynamical systems. Afterward, we characterize chaotic music in a comprehensive way as comprising three perspectives: musical discrimination, dynamical influence on musical features, and musical perception. With respect to the first perspective, the coherence between generated chaotic melodies (continuous as well as discrete chaotic melodies) and a set of classical reference melodies is characterized by statistical descriptors and melodic measures. The significant differences among the three types of melodies are determined by discriminant analysis. Regarding the second perspective, the influence of dynamical features of chaotic attractors, e.g., Lyapunov exponent, Hurst coefficient, and correlation dimension, on melodic features is determined by canonical correlation analysis. The last perspective is related to perception of originality, complexity, and degree of melodiousness (Euler's gradus suavitatis) of chaotic and classical melodies by nonparametric statistical tests. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3487516]


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The successful measurements of a sublattice magnetism with (51)V NMR techniques in the sigma-phase Fe(100-x)V(x) alloys with x=34.4, 39.9, and 47.9 are reported. Vanadium atoms, which were revealed to be present on all five crystallographic sites, are found to be under the action of the hyperfine magnetic fields produced by the neighboring Fe atoms, which allow the observation of (51)V NMR signals. Their nuclear magnetic properties are characteristic of a given site, which strongly depend on the composition. Site A exhibits the strongest magnetism while site D is the weakest. The estimated average magnetic moment per V atom decreases from 0.36 mu(B) for x=34.4 to 0.20 mu(B) for x=47.9. The magnetism revealed at V atoms is linearly correlated with the magnetic moment of Fe atoms, which implies that the former is induced by the latter.


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In this work we present a complete characterization and magnetic study of vanadium oxide/hexadecylamine nanotubes (VO(x)/Hexa NT's) doped with Co(2)+ and Ni(2+) ions. The morphology of the NT's has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy, while the metallic elements have been quantified by the instrumental neutron activation analysis technique. The static and dynamic magnetic properties were studied by collecting data of magnetization as a function of magnetic field and temperature and by electron paramagnetic resonance. At difference of the majority reports in the literature, we do not observe magnetic dimers in vanadium oxide nanotubes. Also, we observed that the incorporation of metallic ions (Co(2+), S = 3/2 and Ni(2+), S = 1) decreases notably the amount of V(4+) ions in the system, from 14-16% (nondoped case) to 2%-4%, with respect to the total vanadium atoms (fact corroborated by XPS experiments) anyway preserving the tubular nanostructure. The method to decrease the amount of V(4+) in the nanotubes improves considerably their potential technological applications as Li-ion batteries cathodes. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3580252]