em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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RpfG is a paradigm for a class of widespread bacterial two-component regulators with a CheY-like receiver domain attached to a histidine-aspartic acid-glycine-tyrosine-proline (HD-GYP) cyclic di-GMP phosphodiesterase domain. In the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), a two-component system comprising RpfG and the complex sensor kinase RpfC is implicated in sensing and responding to the diffusible signaling factor (DSF), which is essential for cell-cell signaling. RpfF is involved in synthesizing DSF, and mutations of rpfF, rpfG, or rpfC lead to a coordinate reduction in the synthesis of virulence factors such as extracellular enzymes, biofilm structure, and motility. Using yeast two-hybrid analysis and fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments in Xcc, we show that the physical interaction of RpfG with two proteins with diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF) domains controls a subset of RpfG-regulated virulence functions. RpfG interactions were abolished by alanine substitutions of the three residues of the conserved GYP motif in the HD-GYP domain. Changing the GYP motif or deletion of the two GGDEF-domain proteins reduced Xcc motility but not the synthesis of extracellular enzymes or biofilm formation. RpfG-GGDEF interactions are dynamic and depend on DSF signaling, being reduced in the rpfF mutant but restored by DSF addition. The results are consistent with a model in which DSF signal transduction controlling motility depends on a highly regulated, dynamic interaction of proteins that influence the localized expression of cyclic di-GMP.


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Weakly nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves have been explored in this paper using the adiabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations in isobaric coordinates. Assuming rigid lid vertical boundary conditions, the conditions imposed at the surface and at the top of the troposphere were expanded in a Taylor series around two isobaric surfaces in an approach similar to that used in the theory of surface-gravity waves in deep water and capillary-gravity waves. By adopting the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, inertio-gravity, and Kelvin waves, as well as their vertical structures, were obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves were shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(epsilon) approximation. The resonant triads whose wave components satisfy a resonance condition for their vertical structures were found to have the most significant interactions, although this condition is not excluding, unlike the resonant conditions for the zonal wavenumbers and meridional modes. Thus, the analysis has focused on such resonant triads. In general, it was found that for these resonant triads satisfying the resonance condition in the vertical direction, the wave with the highest absolute frequency always acts as an energy source (or sink) for the remaining triad components, as usually occurs in several other physical problems in fluid dynamics. In addition, the zonally symmetric geostrophic modes act as catalyst modes for the energy exchanges between two dispersive waves in a resonant triad. The integration of the reduced asymptotic equations for a single resonant triad shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing realistic magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in general exchange energy on low-frequency (intraseasonal and/or even longer) time scales, with the interaction period being dependent upon the initial mode amplitudes. Potential future applications of the present theory to the real atmosphere with the inclusion of diabatic forcing, dissipation, and a more realistic background state are also discussed.


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Based on our previous work, we investigate here the effects on the wind and magnetospheric structures of weak-lined T Tauri stars due to a misalignment between the axis of rotation of the star and its magnetic dipole moment vector. In such a configuration, the system loses the axisymmetry presented in the aligned case, requiring a fully three-dimensional (3D) approach. We perform 3D numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations of stellar winds and study the effects caused by different model parameters, namely the misalignment angle theta(t), the stellar period of rotation, the plasma-beta, and the heating index.. Our simulations take into account the interplay between the wind and the stellar magnetic field during the time evolution. The system reaches a periodic behavior with the same rotational period of the star. We show that the magnetic field lines present an oscillatory pattern. Furthermore, we obtain that by increasing theta(t), the wind velocity increases, especially in the case of strong magnetic field and relatively rapid stellar rotation. Our 3D, time-dependent wind models allow us to study the interaction of a magnetized wind with a magnetized extrasolar planet. Such interaction gives rise to reconnection, generating electrons that propagate along the planet`s magnetic field lines and produce electron cyclotron radiation at radio wavelengths. The power released in the interaction depends on the planet`s magnetic field intensity, its orbital radius, and on the stellar wind local characteristics. We find that a close-in Jupiter-like planet orbiting at 0.05 AU presents a radio power that is similar to 5 orders of magnitude larger than the one observed in Jupiter, which suggests that the stellar wind from a young star has the potential to generate strong planetary radio emission that could be detected in the near future with LOFAR. This radio power varies according to the phase of rotation of the star. For three selected simulations, we find a variation of the radio power of a factor 1.3-3.7, depending on theta(t). Moreover, we extend the investigation done in Vidotto et al. and analyze whether winds from misaligned stellar magnetospheres could cause a significant effect on planetary migration. Compared to the aligned case, we show that the timescale tau(w) for an appreciable radial motion of the planet is shorter for larger misalignment angles. While for the aligned case tau(w) similar or equal to 100 Myr, for a stellar magnetosphere tilted by theta(t) = 30 degrees, tau(w) ranges from similar to 40 to 70 Myr for a planet located at a radius of 0.05 AU. Further reduction on tau(w) might occur for even larger misalignment angles and/or different wind parameters.


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Interactions of leukocytes with endothelium play a role for the immune system modulated by endogenous agents, such as glucocorticoids and nitric oxide (NO). Glucocorticoids inhibit leukocyte-endothelial interactions whereas the role of NO is still controversial. In this study, the activity of Ca(+2)-dependent nitric oxide synthases was in vivo blocked in male Wistar rats by given L-NAME, 20 mg kg(-1) for 14 days dissolved in drinking water and expression of adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte-endothelial interactions was investigated. Expressions of L-selectin and PECAM-I in peripheral leukocytes and PECAM-1 in endothelial cells were reduced by L-NAME treatment. Only L-selectin expression was controlled at transcriptional levels. These effects were not dependent on endogenous glucocorticoids, as corticosterone levels were not altered in NAME-treated rats. Our results show that NO, produced at physiological levels, controls expression of constitutive adhesion molecules expressions in cell membranes by different mechanisms of action. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Mycoplasma arthritidis causes autoimmune arthritis in rodents. It produces a superantigen (MAM) that simultaneously activates antigen presenting cells and T cells inducing nitric oxide and cytokine release. Nitric oxide is a key inducer and regulator of the immune system activation. Here, we investigated nitric oxide and cytokine production and interactions of these molecules in MAM-stimulated co-cultures of macrophages (J774A.1 cell line) with spleen lymphocytes. We found that: a) MAM-induced nitric oxide, interferon-gamma, membrane-associated tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-2 production in co-cultures of macrophages with lymphocytes from BALB/c and C3H/HePas but not from C57B1/6 mice; b) production of nitric oxide was dependent on interferon-gamma whereas that of interferon-gamma was dependent on interleukin-2 and membrane-associated tumor necrosis factor; c) these cytokines up regulated MAM-induced nitric oxide production. Unraveling the mechanisms of cell activation induced by MAM might be helpful to design strategies to prevent immune system activation by superantigens and therefore in seeking amelioration of associated immunopathologies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In the last decade, there has been renewed interest in biologically active peptides in fields like allergy, autoimmume diseases and antibiotic therapy. Mast cell degranulating peptides mimic G-protein receptors, showing different activity levels even among homologous peptides. Another important feature is their ability to interact directly with membrane phospholipids, in a fast and concentration-dependent way. The mechanism of action of peptide HR1 on model membranes was investigated comparatively to other mast cell degranulating peptides (Mastoparan, Eumenitin and Anoplin) to evidence the features that modulate their selectivity. Using vesicle leakage, single-channel recordings and zeta-potential measurements, we demonstrated that HR1 preferentially binds to anionic bilayers, accumulates, folds, and at very low concentrations, is able to insert and create membrane spanning ion-selective pores. We discuss the ion selectivity character of the pores based on the neutralization or screening of the peptides charges by the bilayer head group charges or dipoles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study investigates the numerical simulation of three-dimensional time-dependent viscoelastic free surface flows using the Upper-Convected Maxwell (UCM) constitutive equation and an algebraic explicit model. This investigation was carried out to develop a simplified approach that can be applied to the extrudate swell problem. The relevant physics of this flow phenomenon is discussed in the paper and an algebraic model to predict the extrudate swell problem is presented. It is based on an explicit algebraic representation of the non-Newtonian extra-stress through a kinematic tensor formed with the scaled dyadic product of the velocity field. The elasticity of the fluid is governed by a single transport equation for a scalar quantity which has dimension of strain rate. Mass and momentum conservations, and the constitutive equation (UCM and algebraic model) were solved by a three-dimensional time-dependent finite difference method. The free surface of the fluid was modeled using a marker-and-cell approach. The algebraic model was validated by comparing the numerical predictions with analytic solutions for pipe flow. In comparison with the classical UCM model, one advantage of this approach is that computational workload is substantially reduced: the UCM model employs six differential equations while the algebraic model uses only one. The results showed stable flows with very large extrudate growths beyond those usually obtained with standard differential viscoelastic models. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complete understanding of the basic constituents of hadrons and the hadronic dynamics at high energies are two of the main challenges for the theory of strong interactions. In particular, the existence of intrinsic heavy quark components in the hadron wave function must be confirmed (or disproved). In this paper we propose a new mechanism for the production of D-mesons at forward rapidities based on the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism and demonstrate that the resulting transverse momentum spectra are strongly dependent on the behavior of the charm distribution at large Bjorken x. Our results show clearly that the hypothesis of intrinsic charm can be tested in pp and p(d)A collisions at RHIC and LHC. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently the paper ""Schwinger mechanism for gluon pair production in the presence of arbitrary time dependent chromo-electric field"" by G. C. Nayak was published [Eur. Phys. J. C 59: 715, 2009; arXiv:0708.2430]. Its aim is to obtain an exact expression for the probability of non-perturbative gluon pair production per unit time per unit volume and per unit transverse momentum in an arbitrary time-dependent chromo-electric background field. We believe that the obtained expression is open to question. We demonstrate its inconsistency on some well-known examples. We think that this is a consequence of using the socalled ""shift theorem""[arXiv:hep-th/0609192] in deriving the expression for the probability. We make some critical comments on the theorem and its applicability to the problem in question.