339 resultados para Israeli acute paralysis -virus
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
The findings of a neurological evaluation in 85 patients with confirmed, acute, dengue virus infection are described. Signs of central nervous system involvement were present in IS patients (21.2%). The most frequent neurological symptom was mental confusion. The frequency of neurological involvement did not differ between patients with primary and secondary dengue infection, and the prevalence of central nervous system involvement in dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever also did not differ significantly. The presence of CNS involvement did not influence the prognosis of dengue infection. Dengue viral CSF RNA was found in 7 of 13 patients submitted to a spinal tap, the CSF viral load being less than 1000 copies/ml. PCR was negative in serum samples obtained from three patients on the same day as the CSF samples, suggesting that the dengue virus actively enters the CNS and that the presence of the virus in the CNS does not result from passive crossing of the blood-brain barrier. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The fact that the diagnosis of infection with dengue virus is usually made by detecting IgM antibodies during the convalescent phase of the disease interferes with disease management and, consequently, with reducing mortality rates. This study evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of detection of NS1 in samples of patients suspected of acute dengue virus infection in Brazil. The results were used to institute treatment and the sensitivity and specificity of detection of NS1 were compared to the results of detection of IgM, virus isolation, and RT-PCR. Detection of NS1 yielded better results than RTPCR and virus isolation. When considering IgM detection and RT-PCR positive results as ""gold standards,"" the sensitivity and specificity of the NS1 assay were 95.9% and 81.1%, respectively. All patients enrolled in the study were treated promptly and had an uneventful course of the disease. The detection of NS1 provided better results than the diagnostic techniques used currently during the acute phase of disease (RT-PCR and virus isolation). Detection of NS1 is an important tool for the diagnosis of acute dengue infection, particularly in highly endemic areas, allowing for rapid treatment of patients and reduction of disease burden. J. Med. Virol. 82: 1400-1405, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Although Bell`s palsy is the major cause of acute peripheral facial palsy, its pathogenesis remains unknown. Reactivation of the varicella zoster virus has been implicated as one of the main causes of Bell`s palsy, however, studies which investigate the varicella zoster virus reactivation in Bell`s palsy patients are mostly Japanese and, therefore, personal and geographic characteristics are quite different from our population. Aims: To determine varicella zoster virus frequency in saliva samples from patients with Bell`s palsy, using PCR. Material and Method: One hundred seventy one patients with acute peripheral facial palsy were prospectively enrolled in this study. One hundred twenty were clinically diagnosed with Bell`s palsy, within one week of onset of the disease and no previous anti-viral therapy. We had 20 healthy adults as controls. Three saliva samples were collected from patients and controls at initial examination and at one and two weeks later. The detection of the varicella zoster virus DNA was performed using PCR. Results: Varicella zoster virus was detected in two patients (1.7%). The virus was not identified in saliva samples from the controls. Conclusions: Varicella zoster virus was detected in 1.7% of saliva samples from patients with Bell`s palsy, using PCR.
Background and objectives: There have been few studies investigating acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients infected with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the factors associated with AKI in H1N1-infected patients. Design, setting, participants, & measurements: This was a study of 47 consecutive critically ill adult patients with reverse transcriptase-PCR-confirmed H1N1 infection in Brazil. Outcome measures were AKI (as defined by the Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage renal failure [RIFLE] criteria) and in-hospital death. Results: AKI was identified in 25 (53%) of the 47 H1N1-infected patients. AKI was associated with vasopressor use, mechanical ventilation, high Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores, and severe acidosis as well as with higher levels of C-reactive protein and lactic dehydrogenase upon intensive care unit (ICU) admission. A nephrology consultation was requested for 16 patients (64%), and 8 (50%) required dialysis. At ICU admission, 7 (15%) of the 25 AKI patients had not yet progressed to AKI. However, by 72 hours after ICU admission, no difference in RIFLE score was found between AKI survivors and nonsurvivors. Of the 47 patients, 9 (19%) died, all with AKI. Mortality was associated with mechanical ventilation, vasopressor use, dialysis, high APACHE II score, high bilirubin levels, and a low RIFLE score at ICU admission. Conclusions: Among critically ill H1N1-infected patients, the incidence of AKI is high. In such patients, AKI is mainly attributable to shock. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1916-1921, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.00840110
Acute liver failure is a syndrome with a wide range of etiologic possibilities in children, but in up to 50% of the cases in the literature no diagnosis is established. This case report adds rubella virus to the list of possible causes of acute liver failure. This association was made by serologic, cell culture, molecular, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical methods.
A total of 316 samples of nasopharyngeal aspirate from infants up to two years of age with acute respiratory-tract illnesses were processed for detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) using three different techniques: viral isolation, direct immunofluorescence, and PCR. Of the samples, 36 (11.4%) were positive for RSV, considering the three techniques. PCR was the most sensitive technique, providing positive findings in 35/316 (11.1%) of the samples, followed by direct immunofluorescence (25/316, 7.9%) and viral isolation (20/315, 6.3%) (p < 0.001). A sample was positive by immunofluorescence and negative by PCR, and 11 (31.4%) were positive only by RT-PCR. We conclude that RT-PCR is more sensitive than IF and viral isolation to detect RSV in nasopharyngeal aspirate specimens in newborn and infants.
Yellow fever (YF) is an acute viral infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes which occurs in two distinct epidemiological cycles: sylvatic and urban. In the sylvatic cycle, the virus is maintained by monkey's infection and transovarian transmission in vectors. Surveillance of non-human primates is required for the detection of viral circulation during epizootics, and for the identification of unaffected or transition areas. An ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) was standardized for estimation of the prevalence of IgG antibodies against yellow fever virus in monkey sera (Alouatta caraya) from the reservoir area of Porto Primavera Hydroelectric Plant, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 570 monkey sera samples were tested and none was reactive to antibodies against yellow fever virus. The results corroborate the epidemiology of yellow fever in the area. Even though it is considered a transition area, there were no reports to date of epizootics or yellow fever outbreaks in humans. Also, entomological investigations did not detect the presence of vectors of this arbovirus infection. ELISA proved to be fast, sensitive, an adequate assay, and an instrument for active search in the epidemiological surveillance of yellow fever allowing the implementation of prevention actions, even before the occurrence of epizootics.
Introdução: Revisar os casos de doenças febris exantemáticas com IgM reagente contra o sarampo, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, durante os cinco anos seguidos a interrupção da transmissão do vírus do sarampo. Métodos: Nós revisamos 463 casos de doenças febris exantemáticas com IgM reagente contra o sarampo, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, de 2000 a 2004. Indivíduos vacinados contra o sarampo 56 dias antes da coleta de amostra foram considerados expostos à vacina. Soros da fase aguda e de convalescença foram testados para a evidência de infecção de sarampo, rubéola, parvovírus B19 e herpes vírus 6. Na ausência de soroconversão para imunoglobulina G contra o sarampo, casos com IgM reagente contra o sarampo foram considerados falsos positivos em pessoas com evidência de outras infecções virais. Resultados: Entre as 463 pessoas com doenças febris exantemáticas que testaram positivo para anticorpos IgM contra o sarampo durante o período, 297 (64 por cento) pessoas foram classificadas como expostas à vacina. Entre os 166 casos não expostos à vacina, 109 (66 por cento) foram considerados falsos positivos baseado na ausência de soroconversão, dos quais 21 (13 por cento) tiveram evidência de infecção por vírus da rubéola, 49 (30 por cento) parvovírus B19 e 28 (17 por cento) infecção por herpes vírus humano 6. Conclusões: Após a interrupção da transmissão do vírus do sarampo é necessária exaustiva investigação dos casos com IgM reagente contra o sarampo, especialmente dos casos não expostos à vacina. Testes laboratoriais para etiologias das doenças febris exantemáticas ajudam na interpretação destes casos
A febre amarela (FA) é doença infecciosa aguda de origem viral transmitida por mosquitos. No ciclo silvestre, o vírus é mantido por meio da infecção de macacos e da transmissão transovariana nos vetores. A vigilância sobre populações de primatas não humanos torna-se necessária para detectar a circulação viral, quando ainda está restrito a epizootias, e para determinar sua presença em regiões indenes ou de transição para a doença. Padronizou-se a técnica ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) para determinar a prevalência de anticorpos da classe IgG contra o vírus da FA em soros de bugios (Alouatta caraya) da região do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Porto Primavera, SP. Foram testados soros de 570 macacos sendo que nenhuma amostra mostrou-se reativa para a presença de anticorpos contra o vírus da FA. Os resultados são coerentes com a epidemiologia da FA na região. Mesmo sendo área de transição, não se conhece, até o momento, ocorrência de epizootia ou surto de FA em humanos e investigações entomológicas não apontaram a presença de vetores para esta arbovirose. A técnica mostrou-se sensível, rápida e útil à vigilância epidemiológica como instrumento de busca ativa permitindo desencadear ações preventivas, como vacinação, antes mesmo do surgimento de epizootias
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a frequent cause of acute and chronic hepatitis and a leading cause for cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV is classified in six major genotypes and more than 70 subtypes. In Colombian blood banks, serum samples were tested for anti-HCV antibodies using a third-generation ELISA. The aim of this study was to characterize the viral sequences in plasma of 184 volunteer blood donors who attended the ""Banco Nacional de Sangre de la Cruz Roja Colombiana,`` Bogota, Colombia. Three different HCV genomic regions were amplified by nested PCR. The first of these was a segment of 180 bp of the 5`UTR region to confirm the previous diagnosis by ELISA. From those that were positive to the 5`UTR region, two further segments were amplified for genotyping and subtyping by phylogenetic analysis: a segment of 380 bp from the NS5B region; and a segment of 391 bp from the E1 region. The distribution of HCV subtypes was: 1b (82.8%), 1a (5.7%), 2a (5.7%), 2b (2.8%), and 3a (2.8%). By applying Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, it was estimated that HCV-1b was introduced into Bogota around 1950. Also, this subtype spread at an exponential rate between about 1970 to about 1990, after which transmission of HCV was reduced by anti-HCV testing of this population. Among Colombian blood donors, HCV genotype 1b is the most frequent genotype, especially in large urban conglomerates such as Bogota, as is the case in other South American countries. J. Med. Virol. 82: 1889-1898, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is a defective hepatotropic virus whose infectivity is dependent on hepatitis B virus (HBV). HDV super- or co-infiection leads to an increased risk of fulminant hepatitis or progression to severe chronic liver disease in HBV infected patients. The Brazilian Amazon Basin has been reported to be endemic for HBV and HDV, especially in the Western Amazon Basin. In this region, HDV infection is frequently associated with acute fulminant hepatitis with characteristic histologic features. HDV is classified into seven major clades (HDV-1 to HDV-7) and HBV is subdivided into eight genotypes (A-H). HDV and HBV genotypes have been shown to have a distinct geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to determine the HBV and HDV genotypes harbored by chronically infected patients from the Eastern Amazon Basin, Brazil. We studied 17 serum samples from HBV and HDV chronically infected patients admitted to a large public hospital (Santa Casa de Misericordia) at Belem, state of Para, Brazil, between 1994 and 2002. HDV-3 and HBV genotype A (subtype adw2) have been identified in all cases, in contrast to previous studies from other regions of the Amazon, where HBV genotype F has been found co-infecting patients that harbored HDV-3. The HDV-3/HBV-A co-infection suggests that there is not a specific interaction between HBV and HDV genotypes, and co-infection might merely reflect the most frequent genotypes found in a particular geographic area. The analysis of the carboxy-terminal region of the large hepatitis D antigen (L-HDAg), which interacts with the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and is essential for HDV assembly, showed some diversity between the different isolates from the Eastern Amazon. This diversity is not observed among HDV-3 sequences from other South American regions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Chronic active Epstein-Barr virus (CAEBV) infection is characterized by chronic or recurrent symptoms for at least 3 months, such as fever, hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis is established due to the presence of anti-EBV antibodies or isolation of this infectious agent in affected tissues. Three cases of CAEBV infection mimicking Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) were described. Case 1: Female 3-year old patient with cervical adenomegaly, anemia and fever developed palpable purpura, haematuria and arthritis. CAEBV infection was established by serology test. She received methylprednisolone and acyclovir. She had generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, disseminated intravascular coagulation and deceased. Case 2: Male 12-year old patient with persistent anemia, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly had CAEBV infection diagnosis by serology test. He developed purpura and arthritis and received methylprednisolone. Case 3: Male 13-year old patient had purpura, abdominal pain, haematuria, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, anemia and elevated liver enzymes. The cervical lymph node biopsy was positive to EBV infection. He received methylprednisolone and acyclovir, developing acute fulminant hepatitis and death. Discussion: CAEBV infection mimicking HSP was rarely observed in our population
Background & Aims: This multi-center study aimed to prospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of a genotype-based Pegylated Interferon alfa-2a/Ribavirin therapy in treatment-naive hepatitis C virus (HCV), positive HCV serology, and quantifiable HCV RNA, infected children. Methods: Eighteen children with genotypes 2 and 3 patients (group A) were assigned to medication for 24 weeks, and 47 children with genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6 patients (group B) for 48 weeks. Results: Early response at week 12 was observed in 83% of group A patients and in 57% of group B patients (p <0.05). End of treatment response was achieved in 94% of patients in group A and in 57% in group B (p <0.001). Sustained virologic response was maintained in 89% of patients in group A and in 57% of patients in group B (p <0.01). Ten patients stopped prematurely the treatment, 2 for serious adverse event (acute hepatitis and thyrotoxicosis), and 8 because of no virologic response at week 24. Peginterferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin dose was adjusted in 15 patients (23%), 11 for neutropenia (17%), and 3 patients (5%), for anemia, respectively. Treatment-related adverse events included fever and flu-like symptoms (54%), irritability depression change of mood (34%), vomiting (23%), abdominal pain (38%), loss of appetite (21.5%) and dermatitis (29%). No influence on height growth was observed. Conclusions: Pegylated inteferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin treatment allowed to achieve SVR in 57% of pediatric patients with genotypes 1, 4, 5 and 6, and in 94% of genotypes 2 and 3. These results show an improved SVR as compared to reference series in adults with similar regimen. (c) 2010 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P>Natural killer (NK) cells bridge the interface between innate and adaptive immunity and are implicated in the control of herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) infection. In subjects infected with human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), the critical impact of the innate immune response on disease progression has recently come into focus. Higher numbers of NK cells are associated with lower HIV-1 plasma viraemia. Individuals with the compound genotype of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) 3DS1 and human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-Bw4-80I, or who have alleles of KIR3DL1 that encode proteins highly expressed on the NK cell surface, have a significant delay in disease progression. We studied the effect of HSV-2 co-infection in HIV-1-infected subjects, and show that HSV-2 co-infection results in a pan-lymphocytosis, with elevated absolute numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and NK cells. The NK cells in HSV-2 co-infected subjects functioned more efficiently, with an increase in degranulation after in vitro stimulation. The number of NK cells expressing the activating receptors NKp30 and NKp46, and expressing KIR3DL1 or KIR3DS1, was inversely correlated with HIV-1 plasma viral load in subjects mono-infected with HIV-1, but not in subjects co-infected with HSV-2. This suggests that HSV-2 infection mediates changes within the NK cell population that may affect immunity in HIV-1 infection.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and the prognostic factors for in-intensive care unit (ICU) and 6-month mortality in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. Design: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in patients admitted to the ICU from 1996 through 2006. The follow-up period extended for 6 months after ICU admission. Setting: The ICU of a tertiary-care teaching hospital at the Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: A total of 278 HIV-infected patients admitted to the ICU were selected. We excluded ICU readmissions (37), ICU admissions who stayed less than 24 hours (44), and patients with unavailable medical charts (36). Outcome Measure: In-ICU and 6-month mortality. Main Results: Multivariate logistic regression analysis and Cox proportional hazards models demonstrated that the variables associated with in-ICU and 6-month mortality were sepsis as the cause of admission (odds ratio [OR] = 3.16 [95% confidence interval [CI] 1.65-6.06]); hazards ratio [HR] = 1.37 [95% Cl 1.01-1.88)), an Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation 11 score >19 [OR = 2.81 (95% CI 1.57-5.04); HR = 2.18 (95% CI 1.62-2.94)], mechanical ventilation during the first 24 hours [OR = 3.92 (95% CI 2.20-6.96); HR = 2.25 (95% CI 1.65-3.07)], and year of ICU admission [OR = 0.90 (95% CI 0.81-0.99); HR = 0.92 [95% CI 0.87-0.97)]. CD4 T-cell count <50 cells/mm(3) Was only associated with ICU mortality [OR = 2.10 (95% Cl 1.17-3.76)]. The use of ART in the ICU was negatively predictive of 6-month mortality in the Cox model [HR = 0.50 (95% CI 0.35-0.71)], especially if this therapy was introduced during the first 4 days of admission to the ICU [HR = 0.58 (95% CI 0.41-0.83)]. Regarding HIV-infected patients admitted to ICU without using ART, those who have started this treatment during ICU, stay presented a better prognosis when time and potential confounding factors were adjusted for [HR 0.55 (95% CI 0.31-0.98)]. Conclusions: The ICU outcome of HIV-infected patients seems to be dependent not only on acute illness severity, but also on the administration of antiretroviral treatment. (Crit Care Med 2009; 37: 1605-1611)