36 resultados para Isoformas de proteínas

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In this study cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and carboxymehtylcellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) films adsorbed onto silicon wafers were characterized by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), sum frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG) and contact angle measurements. The adsorption behavior of lysozyme (LIS) or bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto CAB and CMCAB films was investigated. The amounts of adsorbed LIS or BSA onto CMCAB films were more pronounced than those onto CAB films due to the presence of carboxymethyl group in the CMCAB structure. Besides, the adsorption of BSA molecules on CMCAB films was more favored than that of LIS molecules. Antimicrobial effect of LIS bound to CAB or CMCAB layers was evaluated using Micrococcus luteus as substrate.


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Advances in diagnostic research are moving towards methods whereby the periodontal risk can be identified and quantified by objective measures using biomarkers. Patients with periodontitis may have elevated circulating levels of specific inflammatory markers that can be correlated to the severity of the disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether differences in the serum levels of inflammatory biomarkers are differentially expressed in healthy and periodontitis patients. Twenty-five patients (8 healthy patients and 17 chronic periodontitis patients) were enrolled in the study. A 15 mL blood sample was used for identification of the inflammatory markers, with a human inflammatory flow cytometry multiplex assay. Among 24 assessed cytokines, only 3 (RANTES, MIG and Eotaxin) were statistically different between groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, some of the selected markers of inflammation are differentially expressed in healthy and periodontitis patients. Cytokine profile analysis may be further explored to distinguish the periodontitis patients from the ones free of disease and also to be used as a measure of risk. The present data, however, are limited and larger sample size studies are required to validate the findings of the specific biomarkers.


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The biological fixation between the dental implant surfaces and jaw bones should be considered a prerequisite for the long-term success of implant-supported prostheses. In this context, the implant surface modifications gained an important and decisive place in implant research over the last years. As the most investigated topic in, it aided the development of enhanced dental treatment modalities and the expansion of dental implant use. Nowadays, a large number of implant types with a great variety of surface properties and other features are commercially available and have to be treated with caution. Although surface modifications have been shown to enhance osseointegration at early implantation times, for example, the clinician should look for research evidence before selecting a dental implant for a specific use. This paper reviews the literature on dental implant surfaces by assessing in vitro and in vivo studies to show the current perspective of implant development. The review comprises quantitative and qualitative results on the analysis of bone-implant interface using micro and nano implant surface topographies. Furthermore, the perspective of incorporating biomimetic molecules (e.g.: peptides and bone morphogenetic proteins) to the implant surface and their effects on bone formation and remodeling around implants are discussed.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimental mandibular condyle fracture and with protein undernutrition (8% of protein) by means of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: Forty-five adult Wistar rats were distributed in three groups: fracture group, submitted to condylar fracture with no changes in diet; undernourished fracture group, submitted to hypoproteic diet and condylar fracture; undernourished group, kept until the end of experiment, without condylar fracture. Displaced fractures of the right condyle were induced under general anesthesia. The specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups and between the sides in each group. RESULTS: There was significative decrease of the values of serum proteins and albumin in the undernourished fracture group. There was deviation of the median line of the mandible relative to the median line of the maxilla, significative to undernutrition fracture group, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and mandible, in special in the final period of experiment. CONCLUSION: The mandibular condyle fracture in rats with proteic undernutrition induced an asymmetry of the mandible, also leading to consequences in the maxilla.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine if some stimulated whole saliva parameters are influenced by an increase of Body Mass Index. METHODS: Controlled cross-sectional study involving 90 school children of both genders between 7 and 10 years of age, from Bragança Paulista - SP. Three groups were formed: overweight, obese and control. Body Mass Index and diet intake by the Food Register method were evaluated. The salivary pH, flow rate, buffer capacity, protein, phosphate, calcium, fluoride, total and free sialic acid, and peroxidase activity were determined. RESULTS: The overweight and obese groups showed greater energy and lipid intake (P< 0.001) than the control group. There was no difference in the saliva flow rate between groups, however only the control group showed a mean value considered normal. In the overweight and obese groups a decrease in both the concentration of phosphate (P< 0.001) and peroxidase activity (P<0.001) was observed. In the obese group an increase in the concentrations of free sialic acid (P= 0.004) and protein (P= 0.003) occurred. CONCLUSION: Overweight and obese children show alterations in the concentrations of phosphate, free sialic acid and proteins, and in the peroxidase activity that are favorable conditions for dental caries.


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Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a presença de pneumócitos tipo II e o início da produção de lipoproteína surfactante em bovinos, correlacionando a idade gestacional com a síntese de surfactante durante o desenvolvimento fetal. Pulmões de fetos com quatro meses de idade gestacional estavam na fase canalicular de desenvolvimento, sem a presença de pneumócitos tipo II ou bandas eletroforéticas compatíveis com a presença de proteínas surfactante. No 5&deg; mês gestacional, os pulmões dos fetos encontravam-se em fase de saculação terminal, com a presença de alvéolos por epitélio cúbico, com áreas formadas por pneumócitos I e II. Nesse período ainda não foi possível identificar proteína surfactante nos pulmões. Esses órgãos em fetos com seis meses de idade gestacional estavam em fase de saco terminal, com presença de pneumócitos tipo I e II. Nessa fase a análise para determinação protéica do surfactante de feto bovino (SDS - PAGE) demonstrou presença de bandas entre 26 e 36kDa, confirmando produção de SP - A, proteína surfactante encontrada em maior quantidade. A partir do 7&deg; mês gestacional, a fase de saco terminal é mais evidente e complexa, com desenvolvimento de intensa vascularização. O pneumócito tipo I apresentava aspecto mais pavimentoso, e o tipo II apresentava aspecto mais globoso. Na análise SDS - PAGE do lavado bronco - alveolar, bandas de proteína surfactante com aspecto similar ao de animais recém-nascidos foram encontradas. Em recém-nascidos, pulmões na fase alveolar foram observados com pneumócitos tipo I e II característicos. O perfil das bandas do lavado bronco-alveolar dos recém-nascidos foi igual ao de animais adultos. Esses achados sugerem que um animal nascido precocemente, a partir dos sete meses de gestação, teria sua sobrevivência garantida devido a uma possível funcionalidade do sistema respiratório do feto, pois o pulmão possuiria as características necessárias para a síntese de proteínas surfactantes. Entretanto, mais estudos clínicos sobre a funcionalidade do sistema respiratório abrem novas fronteiras de experimentos sobre fisiologia respiratória em recém-nascidos bovinos.


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The aim of the present work was to characterize changes in the protein profile throughout seed development in O. catharinensis, a recalcitrant species, by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Protein extraction was undertaken by using a thiourea/urea buffer, followed by a precipitation step with 10% TCA. Comparative analysis during seed development showed that a large number of proteins were exclusively detected in each developmental stage. The cotyledonary stage, which represents the transition phase between embryogenesis and the beginning of metabolism related to maturation, presents the highest number of stage-specific spots. Protein identification, through MS/MS analysis, resulted in the identification of proteins mainly related to oxidative metabolism and storage synthesis. These findings contribute to a better understanding of protein metabolism during seed development in recalcitrant seeds, besides providing information on established markers that could be useful in defining and improving somatic embryogenesis protocols, besides monitoring the development of somatic embryos in this species.


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Physiological and biochemical aspects of assai palm during seed germination and early seedling growth were investigated. Seeds collected from plants growing in flooded and upland forests were used to determine the influence of normoxic (aerobic) and anoxic (anaerobic) conditions in germination and the initial and average time of development in the roots and shoots. After 75 days, seedlings germinated under normoxia were transferred to trays and submitted to flooding. Seed reserves (lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch) were monitored for quiescent and germinated seeds maintained under normoxic and anoxic conditions, as well as after 5, 10 and 20 days of seedling growth. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was quantified in roots and leaves of seedlings without or with flooding (partial and total). Seeds were not able to germinate under anoxia. Different strategies of storage mobilization of lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch were observed in seeds of each environment. ADH activity was induced by anoxia, with the highest level observed in the leaves. This study showed that, under normoxic conditions, the best developmental performance of assai palm seeds, from flooded or upland forest areas, during germination was associated with primary metabolites mobilization and seedling flooding tolerance with increased ADH activity. We conclude that the assai palm is well adapted to the anoxic conditions provoked by flooding.


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Contents of proteins, carbohydrates and oil of seeds of 57 individuals of Vochysiaceae, involving one species of Callisthene, six of Qualea, one of Salvertia and eight of Vochysia were determined. The main nutritional reserves of Vochysiaceae seeds are proteins (20% in average) and oils (21. 6%). Mean of carbohydrate contents was 5. 8%. Callisthene showed the lowest protein content (16. 9%), while Q. cordata was the species with the highest content (30% in average). The contents of ethanol soluble carbohydrates were much higher than those of water soluble carbohydrates. Oil contents lay above 20% for most species (30. 4% in V. pygmaea and V. pyramidalis seeds). The predominant fatty acids are lauric (Q. grandiflora), oleic (Qualea and Salvertia) or acids with longer carbon chains (Salvertia and a group of Vochysia species). The distribution of Vochysiaceae fatty acids suggests for seeds of some species an exploitation as food sources (predominance of oleic acid), for other species an alternative to cocoa butter (high contents or predominance of stearic acid) or the production of lubricants, surfactants, detergents, cosmetics and plastic (predominance of acids with C20 or C22 chains) or biodiesel (predominance of monounsaturated acids). The possibility of exploitation of Vochysiaceae products in a cultivation regimen and in extractive reserves is discussed.


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Várias estratégias têm sido pensadas com o propósito de se utilizar a biologia molecular como ferramenta na pré-seleção e na seleção de talentos esportivos, na manipulação genética visando ao aumento ou à diminuição da produção de determinadas substâncias pelo organismo, na prescrição do treinamento e na recuperação de lesões. Portanto, o objetivo desta revisão é apresentar o DNA como regulador do funcionamento do organismo e de que forma alterações no perfil genético, tanto espontâneas como induzidas artificialmente, podem modular respostas fisiológicas e morfológicas por alterar a expressão de determinadas proteínas. Será dada especial atenção à descrição dos procedimentos utilizados para a manipulação genética, nos baixos riscos associados e nas estratégias que têm sido desenvolvidas com o objetivo de detectá-la. Com base em conhecimentos científicos, coerência e bom senso, diversas visões devem ser expostas e amplamente discutidas para ser definido o que é permitido e o que é proibido nas competições esportivas.


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O ácido graxo (AG) é uma importante fonte de energia para o músculo esquelético. Durante o exercício sua mobilização é aumentada para suprir as necessidades da musculatura ativa. Acredita-se que diversos pontos de regulação atuem no controle da oxidação dos AG, sendo o principal a atividade do complexo carnitina palmitoil transferase (CPT), entre os quais três componentes estão envolvidos: a CPT I, a CPT II e carnitina acilcarnitina translocase. A função da CPT I durante o exercício físico é controlar a entrada de AG para o interior da mitocôndria, para posterior oxidação do AG e produção de energia. Em resposta ao treinamento físico há um aumento na atividade e expressão da CPT I no músculo esquelético. Devido sua grande importância no metabolismo de lipídios, os mecanismos que controlam sua atividade e sua expressão gênica são revisados no presente estudo. Reguladores da expressão gênica de proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo de lipídios no músculo esquelético, os receptores ativados por proliferadores de peroxissomas (PPAR) alfa e beta, são discutidos com um enfoque na resposta ao treinamento físico.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expression of SMAD proteins in human thyroid tissues since the inactivation of TGF-β/activin signaling components is reported in several types of cancer. Phosphorylated SMAD 2 and SMAD3 (pSMAD2/3) associated with the SMAD4 induce the signal transduction generated by TGF-β and activin, while SMAD7 inhibits this intracellular signaling. Although TGF-β and activin exert antiproliferative roles in thyroid follicular cells, thyroid tumors express high levels of these proteins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The protein expression of SMADs was evaluated in multinodular goiter, follicular adenoma, papillary and follicular carcinomas by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The expression of pSMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 was observed in both benign and malignant thyroid tumors. Although pSMAD2/3, SMAD4 and SMAD7 exhibited high cytoplasmic staining in carcinomas, the nuclear staining of pSMAD2/3 was not different between benign and malignant lesions. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of SMADs expression in thyroid cells and the presence of pSMAD2/3 and SMAD4 proteins in the nucleus of tumor cells indicates propagation of TGF-β/activin signaling. However, the high expression of the inhibitory SMAD7, mostly in malignant tumors, could contribute to the attenuation of the SMADs antiproliferative signaling in thyroid carcinomas.


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The effect of S,S-ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (edds) on the quenching of metal-catalyzed (metal = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) oxidation of ascorbic acid was tested in vitro via oxidation of the fluorescent probe 1,2,3-dihydrorhodamine dihydrochloride. The pro-oxidant activity of iron was not fully suppressed, even at a four-fold molar excess of the ligand. The effect of serum on the toxicity to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and K562 cells was investigated. The cytotoxic effect of Fe-edds was abrogated in the presence of Trolox or serum proteins. The probable pathways of cell toxicity were investigated through blocking of the monocarboxylate transporters (MCT) in association with cell cycle studies by flow cytometry. Cells treated with metal complexes and alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, a known MCT inhibitor, showed recovery of viability, suggesting that MCT proteins may be involved in the internalization of metal-edds complexes. The free acid induced cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 (PBMC) and S (K562) phases, suggesting direct DNA damage or interference in DNA replication.


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PURPOSE: To compare the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation of supine versus prone position in hydrochloric acid (HCl)-induced lung dysfunction. METHODS: Twenty, adult, male, Wistar-EPM-1 rats were anesthetized and randomly grouped (n=5 animals per group) as follows: CS-MV (mechanical ventilation in supine position); CP-MV (mechanical ventilation in prone position); bilateral instillation of HCl and mechanical ventilation in supine position (HCl+S); and bilateral instillation of HCl and mechanical ventilation in prone position (HCl+P). All groups were ventilated for 180 minutes. The blood partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide were measured in the time points 0 (zero; 10 minutes before lung injury for stabilization), and at the end of times acid injury, 60, 120 and 180 minutes of mechanical ventilation. At the end of experiment the animals were euthanized, and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) were taken to determine the contents of total proteins, inflammatory mediators, and lungs wet-to-dry ratios. RESULTS: In the HCl+P group the partial pressure of oxygen increased when compared with HCl+S (128.0±2.9 mmHg and 111.0±6.7 mmHg, respectively) within 60 minutes. TNF-α levels in BAL do not differ significantly in the HCl+P group (516.0±5.9 pg/mL), and the HCl+S (513.0±10.6 pg/mL). CONCLUSION: The use of prone position improved oxygenation, but did not reduce TNF-α in BAL upon lung dysfunction induced by HCl.


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A proporção ideal dos macronutrientes em dietas de emagrecimento é atualmente bastante discutida. Existem evidências de que dietas com maior proporção de proteína aumentam a perda de peso e de gordura corporal e diminuem a perda de massa corporal magra durante o emagrecimento. Todavia, os mecanismos responsáveis por estes efeitos não estão totalmente esclarecidos. Além disso, existem poucas conclusões a respeito dos possíveis efeitos colaterais dessas dietas na função renal e no estado nutricional relativo ao cálcio. Assim, este artigo objetiva trazer informações atuais sobre os efeitos de dietas ricas em proteína na perda de peso e na composição corporal e dos mecanismos envolvidos, bem como seus efeitos na função renal e no estado nutricional relativo ao cálcio.