17 resultados para Io sono l’ultimo

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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An implementation of a computational tool to generate new summaries from new source texts is presented, by means of the connectionist approach (artificial neural networks). Among other contributions that this work intends to bring to natural language processing research, the use of a more biologically plausible connectionist architecture and training for automatic summarization is emphasized. The choice relies on the expectation that it may bring an increase in computational efficiency when compared to the sa-called biologically implausible algorithms.


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Psychopathologies play a role in the etiology and maintenance of craniomandibular disorders (CMD). In this study, the craniomandibular index was applied to valuate signs and symptoms of CMD in 60 dentate patients, who were assigned to 2 groups: symptomatic (n=35) and asymptomatic (n=25). An interview on psychopathologies was carried out with the aim to detect the presence of some mood disorders, such as depression, dysthymic and bipolar I disorders. Among these disturbances, depression was the most significant aspect to be reported (p<0.05) since it was present in most symptomatic patients. This important interaction was also significantly correlated (p<0.05) with the Palpation Index. These results suggest that psychopathological aspects could increase muscle tenderness and pain in addition to sleep dysfuntions and other physical complaints. Therefore, psychopathologies should be regarded as an important aspect in patients with orofacial pains.


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Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb., Convolvulaceae, is used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation, swelling and wounds, as well as to treat pains after childbirth and for stomach problems. Administration of ethanol extract, lipid and aqueous fraction of I. imperati(300, 100 and 200 mg/kg) significantly inhibited the abdominal constriction in mice induced by acetic acid; increased the sleeping time evoked by pentobarbital sodium and showed a significant activity by inhibiting formalin-induced paw edema in mice. The same dose of I. imperatialso raised the pain of mice in the hot-plate test and increased the latency at all observation times. The pre-treatment of the animals with naloxone (5 mg/kg, i.p.) suggested the participation of the opioid system in the antinociceptive effect of Ipomoea imperati.


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Um levantamento preliminar da ictiofauna que ocorre na Estação Ecológica Serra Geral de Tocantins, situada no Sudeste do Estado do Tocantins e Noroeste do Estado da Bahia, é apresentado. A Estação Ecológica Serra Geral de Tocantins situa-se no divisor de águas entre as bacias do Rio São Francisco (Rio Sapão) e Rio Tocantins (bacias dos Rios Novo, Balsas e Manuel Alves). A cabeceira comum ou "água emendada" do Rio Sapão e Rio Galheiros, este um afluente do Rio Novo, situa-se no interior da estação e é considerada na literatura como uma possível área de intercâmbio ictiofaunístico entre a bacia do Rio São Francisco e a bacia do Rio Tocantins. Trinta e cinco espécies de peixes foram registradas dentro da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral de Tocantins e em seu entorno imediato, algumas delas desconhecidas da ciência e possivelmente endêmicas da região. Um total de 111 espécies de peixes foi registrado regionalmente (incluindo espécies de peixes registrados nos trechos do Rio Sapão e do Rio Novo/do Sono abaixo da estação). O acará Cichlasoma sanctifranciscense é aqui registrado pela primeira vez na bacia do Rio Tocantins. A ocorrência desta espécie, bem como do lambari Astyanax novae, no Rio Sapão e no Rio Novo/do Sono, são considerados os únicos exemplos inequívocos de transposição natural de espécies de peixes entre as bacias do Rio São Francisco e Tocantins efetuado pelas águas emendadas dos rios Sapão e Galheiros.


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Previous studies found students who both work and attend school undergo a partial sleep deprivation that accumulates across the week. The aim of the present study was to obtain information using a questionnaire on a number of variables (e.g., socio-demographics, lifestyle, work timing, and sleep-wake habits) considered to impact on sleep duration of working (n=51) and non-working (n=41) high-school students aged 14-21 yrs old attending evening classes (19:00-22:30 h) at a public school in the city of So Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected for working days and days off. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with sleep duration on weekdays and weekends. Work, sex, age, smoking, consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and physical activity were considered control variables. Significant predictors of sleep duration were: work (p < 0.01), daily work duration (8-10 h/day; p < 0.01), sex (p=0.04), age 18-21 yrs (0.01), smoking (p=0.02) and drinking habits (p=0.03), irregular physical exercise (p < 0.01), ease of falling asleep (p=0.04), and the sleep-wake cycle variables of napping (p < 0.01), nocturnal awakenings (p < 0.01), and mid-sleep regularity (p < 0.01). The results confirm the hypotheses that young students who work and attend school showed a reduction in night-time sleep duration. Sleep deprivation across the week, particularly in students working 8-10 h/day, is manifested through a sleep rebound (i.e., extended sleep duration) on Saturdays. However, the different roles played by socio-demographic and lifestyle variables have proven to be factors that intervene with nocturnal sleep duration. ) The variables related to the sleep-wake cycle naps and night awakenings proved to be associated with a slight reduction in night-time sleep, while regularity in sleep and wake-up schedules was shown to be associated with more extended sleep duration, with a distinct expression along the week and the weekend. Having to attend school and work, coupled with other socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, creates an unfavorable scenario for satisfactory sleep duration


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Daytime fatigue and lack of sleep seem to increase throughout adolescent years. Several environmental, psychological, and biological factors have been associated with the development of sleep across adolescence. The aim of the present article is to summarize these factors and to give examples of various outcomes in sleep patterns among adolescents studied in different cultural settings. It is obvious from earlier work that many adolescents have displaced circadian rhythms and lack of adaptation to school hours due to an early school start or additional burdens for work. Several interventions have aimed to help the adaptation process by supporting sleep processes and changing scheduling, in this way promoting classroom alertness. In summary, adolescents worldwide shorten their sleep due to schoolwork hours and additional work, especially by disturbing their sleep due to circadian misalignment


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Previous studies have revealed that students who work and study build up sleep deficits during the wrkweek, which can trigger a sleep rebound during days off. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of working on sleepiness during days off working / non-working on sleepiness days off among high school students. The study population, aged 14-21 years, attended evening classes in São Paulo, Brazil. For the study, the students completed questionaires on living conditions, health, and work; wore actigraphs; and completed the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). To predict sleepiness, a logistic regression analysis was performed. Excessive sleepiness was observed on the first day off among working students. Results suggest that working is a significant predictor for sleepiness and that two shifts of daily systematic activities, study and work, might lead to excessive daytime sleepiness on the first day off. Further, this observed excessive sleepiness may reflect the sleep debt accumulated during the workweek


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Background and objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a nap at work on the sleepiness of 12-hour, night-shift (registered and assistant) nursing personnel.Methods: Twelve nurses filled out daily logs, the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KS), and wore wrist actigraphs for two periods of four continuous days.Results: Mean nap duration during the night shifts was 138.3 (SD+39.8) minutes. The mean sleepiness level assessed by the KS score was lower, 3.3 (SD±1.6), when the nap was taken during the first span (00:01 - 03:00h) of the night shift, compared with 6.6 (SD±1.0) when there was no nap. The mean sleepiness level assessed by the KS score was also lower, 3.6 (SD±0.9), when the nap was taken during the second span (03:01 - 06:00h) of the night shift, compared with 7.0 (SD±1.1) when there was no nap. Thus, napping either during the first or second part of the night shift reduces sleepiness of 12-hour, night-shift nursing personnel. Moreover, the mean duration of the first sleep episode after night work was longer in those who did not nap than in those who did. Conclusions: The results of this study show that napping during the 12-hour, night-shift results in less sleepiness at work and less need for recovery sleep after work


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Introdução e objetivo: A exposição à luz natural tem efeitos relevantes no sistema de temporização biológica. Pode-se supor que essa exposição poderia promover um ajuste melhor entre os ritmos biológicos e os horários de início de trabalho entre trabalhadores diurnos de ambientes externos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a matutinidade/vespertinidade e a relação entre o horário de trabalho real e o ideal em trabalhadores diurnos expostos a condições de iluminação distintas. Métodos: O estudo foi conduzido com dois grupos de trabalhadores (n=49) que residiam em uma área rural e tinham condições sociais similares. Um grupo trabalhava em ambiente interno (n=20, idade média 30,8 anos (21-50); desvio padrão=9,8) e o outro grupo trabalhava em ambiente externo (n=29, idade média 30,8 anos (17- 50); desvio padrão=10,0). Os trabalhadores preencheram um questionário de matutinidade/vespertinidade (MEQ). Foi realizada uma ANOVA de um fator com o intuito de comparar os escores do MEQ entre os dois grupos de trabalhadores. Resultados: Como esperado, o Grupo do Ambiente Externo (GAE) apresentou média de escores mais elevada que o Grupo do Ambiente Interno (GAI), o que significa uma tendência à matutinidade (GAE: 58,4±7,9; GAI; 47,4±6,4), com significância estatística (F=26,22; p<0,001). De acordo com os dados relatados em relação aos horários de trabalho, o GAE gostaria de atrasar seu horário de trabalho em 31 minutos, em média, enquanto que o GAI gostaria de atrasar em 96 minutos seu horário de trabalho (F=7,71; p<0,01). Conclusões: Os resultados desse estudo sugerem que a exposição à luz natural pode promover um ajuste melhor aos horários de início de trabalho matutinos


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In this work a downscaled multicommuted flow injection analysis setup for photometric determination is described. The setup consists of a flow system module and a LED based photometer, with a total internal volume of about 170 mu L The system was tested by developing an analytical procedure for the photometric determination of iodate in table salt using N,N-diethyl-henylenediamine (DPD) as the chromogenic reagent. Accuracy was accessed by applying the paired r-test between results obtained using the proposed procedure and a reference method, and no significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other profitable features, such as a low reagent consumption of 7.3 mu g DPD per determination: a linear response ranging from 0.1 up to 3.0 m IO(3)(-), a relative standard deviation of 0.9% (n = 11) for samples containing 0.5 m IO(3)(-), a detection limit of 17 mu g L(-1) IO(3)(-), a sampling throughput of 117 determination per hour, and a waste generation 600 mu L per determination, were also achieved. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A nostocalean nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium isolated from an eutrophic freshwater reservoir located in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, was evaluated for the production of hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides, microcystins. Morphologically this new cyanobacterium strain appears closest to Nostoc, however, in the phylogenetic analysis of 165 rRNA gene it falls into a highly stable cluster distantly only related to the typical Nostoc cluster. Extracts of Nostoc sp. CENA88 cultured cells, investigated using ELISA assay, gave positive results and the microcystin profile revealed by ESI-Q-TOF/MS/MS analysis confirmed the production of [Dha(7)]MCYST-YR. Further, Nostoc sp. CENA88 genomic DNA was analyzed by PCR for sequences of mcyD, mcyE and mcyG genes of microcystin synthetase (mcy) cluster. The result revealed the presence of mcyD, mcyE and mcyG genes with similarities to those from mcy of Nostoc sp. strains 152 and IO-102-I and other cyanobacterial genera. The phylogenetic tree based on concatenated McyG, McyD and McyE amino acids clustered the sequences according to cyanobacterial genera, with exception of the Nostoc sp. CENA88 sequence, which was placed in a clade distantly related from other Nostoc strains, as previously observed also in the 165 rRNA phylogenetic analysis. The present study describes for the first time a Brazilian Nostoc microcystin producer and also the occurrence of demethyl MCYST-YR variant in this genus. The sequenced Nostoc genes involved in the microcystin synthesis can contribute to a better understanding of the toxigenicity and evolution of this cyanotoxin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the syntax of indirect objects (IO) in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Adopting a comparative perspective we propose that BP differs from European Portuguese (EP) in the grammatical encoding of IO. In EP ditransitive contexts, IO is found in two configurations - one projected by a (low) applicative head and another one involving a lexical/true preposition. We propose that the former property is contingent upon the presence of dative Case marking: namely, the morpheme `a` that introduces IO (a-DP), whose corresponding clitic pronoun is `lhe/lhes`. In contrast, important changes in the pronominal system, coupled with the increase in the use of the preposition `para` are taken as evidence for the loss of the low applicative construction in BP. Thus only the configuration with the lexical/true preposition is found in (Standard) BP. We argue that the innovative properties of IO in BP are due to the loss of the (3rd person) dative clitic and the preposition `a` as dative Case markers. Under this view, we further account for the realization of IO as a DP/weak pronoun, found in dialects of the central region of Brazil, which points to a similarity with the English Double Object Construction. Finally we show that the connection between the morphological expression of the dative Case and the expression of parameters supports a view of syntactic change according to which parametric variation is determined in the lexicon, in terms of the formal features of functional heads.


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Aliman AC, Piccioni MA, Piccioni JL, Oliva JL, Auler Junior JOC - Intraosseous Anesthesia in Hemodynamic Studies in Children with Cardiopathy. Background and objectives: Intraosseous (IO) access has been used with good results in emergency situations, when venous access is not available for fluids and drugs infusion. The objective of this study was to evaluate IO a useful technique for anesthesia and fluids infusion during hemodynamic studies and when peripheral intravascular access is unobtainable. The setting was an university hospital hemodynamics unit, and the subjects were twenty one infants with congenital heart disease enrolled for elective hemodynamic study diagnosis. Methods: This study compared the effectiveness of IO access in relation to IV access for infusion of anesthetics agents (ketamine, midazolann, and fentanyl) and fluids during hemodynamic studies. The anesthetic induction time, procedure duration, anesthesia recovery time, adequate hydration, and IV and IO puncture complications were compared between groups. Results: The puncture time was significantly smaller in IO group (3.6 min) that in IV group (9.6 min). The anesthetic onset time (56.3 second) for the IV group was faster than IO group (71.3 second). No significant difference between groups were found in relation to hydration (IV group, 315.5 mL vs IO group, 293.2 mL), and anesthesia recovery time (IO group, 65.2 min vs IV group, 55.0 min). The puncture site was reevaluated after 7 and 15 days without signs of infection or other complications. Conclusions: Results showed superiority for IO infusion when considering the puncture time of the procedure. Due to its easy manipulation and efficiency, hydration and anesthesia by IO access was satisfactory for hemodynamic studies without the necessity of other infusion access.


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The stress intensity factor threshold (K(IO)) is related to the stress level at which cracks start to grow stably, causing the weakening of porcelain prostheses during their use. The values of K(IO) of seven dental porcelains (with and without reinforcing leucite crystal, KAlSi(2)O(6)) stored in air (22 degrees C, 60% relative humidity) and artificial saliva (37 degrees C) were determined by measuring the crack growth velocity of radial cracks generated at the corner of Vickers indentations. The results of K(IO) were correlated with the leucite content, fracture toughness (K(Ic)), and chemical composition of the porcelains. It was observed that K(IO) increased with the increase of leucite content (only for the leucite-based porcelains) and with the increase of K(Ic). The increase in Al(2)O(3) content or the decrease in the alkali oxide (K(2)O and Na(2)O) content of the material`s glassy matrix tended to increase the K(IO) values. Storage media (air and saliva) did not significantly affect the K(IO) of porcelains tested, indicating that the control parameter of K(IO) value was not the water content of the storage media.