17 resultados para Integrative Water Research

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Identification of all important community members as well as of the numerically dominant members of a community are key aspects of microbial community analysis of bioreactor samples. A systematic study was conducted with artificial consortia to test whether denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGCE) is a reliable technique to obtain such community data under conditions where results would not be affected by differences in DNA extraction efficiency from cells. A total of 27 consortia were established by mixing DNA extracted from Escherichia coli K12, Burkholderia cepacia and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in different proportions. Concentrations of DNA of single organisms in the consortia were either 0.04, 0.4 or 4 ng/mu l. DGGE-PCR of genomic DNA with primer sets targeted at the V3 and V6-V8 regions of the 16S rDNA failed to detect the three community members in only 7% of consortia, but provided incorrect information about dominance or co-dominance for 85% and 89% of consortia with the primer sets for the V6-V8 and V3 regions, respectively. The high failure rate in detection of dominant B. cepacia with the primers for the V6-V8 region was attributable to a single nucleoticle primer mismatch in the target sequences of both, the forward and reverse primer. Amplification bias in PCR of E. coli and S. maltophilia for the V6-V8 region and for all three organisms for the V3 region occurred due to interference of genomic DNA in PCR-DGGE, since a nested PCR approach, where PCR-DGGE was started from mixtures of 16S rRNA genes of the organisms, provided correct information about the relative abundance of original DNA in the sample. Multiple bands were not observed in pure culture amplicons produced with the V6-V8 primer pair, but pure culture V3 DGGE profiles of E. coli, S. maltophilia and B. cepacia contained 5, 3 and 3 bands, respectively. These results demonstrate DGGE was suitable for identification of all important community members in the three-membered artificial consortium, but not for identification of the dominant organisms in this small community. Multiple DGGE bands obtained for single organisms with the V3 primer pair could greatly confound interpretation of DGGE profiles. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aquatic macrophytes Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes were chosen to investigate the Cr(VI) reduced by root-based biosorption in a chromium uptake experiment, using a high-resolution XRF technique. These plants were grown in hydroponics medium supplied with non-toxic Cr concentrations during a 27-day metal uptake experiment. The high-resolution Cr-K beta fluorescence spectra for dried root tissues and Cr reference material (100% Cr, Cr(2)O(3), and CrO(3)) were measured using an XRF spectrometer. For all species of aquatic plant treated with Cr(VI), the energy of the Cr-K beta(2,5) line was shifted around 8 eV below the same spectral line identified for the Cr(VI) reference, but it was also near to the line identified for the Cr(III) reference. Moreover, there was a lack of the strong Cr-K beta"" line assigned to the Cr(VI) reference material within the Cr(VI)-treated plant spectra, suggesting the reduction of Cr(VI) for other less toxic oxidation states of Cr. As all Cr-K beta spectra of root tissue species were compared, the peak energies and lineshape patterns of the Cr-K beta(2,5) line are coincident for the same aquatic plant species, when they were treated with Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Based on the experimental evidence, the Cr(VI) reduction process has happened during metal biosorption by these plants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag media were studied as a potential treatment material in on-site sanitation systems. Batch and column studies were conducted to evaluate attenuation of the bacteriophage PR772 and 0.190 mu m diameter microspheres by BOF media, and to delineate the relative contributions of two principle processes of virus attenuation: inactivation and attachment. In the batch studies, conducted at 4 degrees C, substantial inactivation of PR772 did not occur in the pH 7.6 and 9.5 suspensions. At pH 11.4, bimodal inactivation of PR772 was observed, at an initial rate of 2.1 log C/C(0) day(-1) for the first two days, followed by a much slower rate of 0.124 log C/C(0) day(-1) over the following 10 days. Two column studies were conducted at 4 degrees C at a flow rate of 1 pore volume day(-1) using two slag sources (Stelco, Ontario; Tubarao, Brazil) combined with sand and pea gravel. In both column experiments, the effluent microsphere concentration approached input concentrations over time (reductions of 0.1-0.2 log C/C(0)), suggesting attachment processes for microspheres were negligible. Removal of PR772 virus was more pronounced both during the early stages of the experiments, but also after longer transport times (0.5-1.0 log C/C(0)). PR772 reduction appeared to be primarily as a result of virus inactivation in response to the elevated pH conditions generated by the BOF mixture (10.6-11.4). On-site sanitation systems using BOF media should be designed to maintain sufficient contact time between the BOF media and the wastewater to allow sufficient residence time of pathogens at elevated pH conditions. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Chen LM, Zhao J, Musa-Aziz R, Pelletier MF, Drummond IA, Boron WF. Cloning and characterization of a zebrafish homologue of human AQP1: a bifunctional water and gas channel. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299: R1163-R1174, 2010. First published August 25, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00319.2010.-The mammalian aquaporins AQP1, AQP4, and AQP5 have been shown to function not only as water channels but also as gas channels. Zebrafish have two genes encoding an AQP1 homologue, aqp1a and aqp1b. In the present study, we cloned the cDNA that encodes the zebrafish protein Aqp1a from the 72-h postfertilization (hpf) embryo of Danio rerio, as well as from the swim bladder of the adult. The deduced amino-acid sequence of aqp1a consists of 260 amino acids and is 59% identical to human AQP1. By analyzing the genomic DNA sequence, we identified four exons in the aqp1a gene. By in situ hybridization, aqp1a is expressed transiently in the developing vasculature and in erythrocytes from 16 to 48 h of development. Later, at 72 hpf, aqp1a is expressed in dermal ionocytes and in the swim bladder. Western blot analysis of adult tissues reveals that Aqp1a is most highly expressed in the eye and swim bladder. Xenopus oocytes expressing aqp1a have a channel-dependent (*) osmotic water permeability (P(f)*) that is indistinguishable from that of human AQP1. On the basis of the magnitude of the transient change in surface pH (Delta pHS) that were recorded as the oocytes were exposed to either CO(2) or NH(3), we conclude that zebrafish Aqp1a is permeable to both CO(2) and NH(3). The ratio (Delta pHS*)CO2/P(f)* is about half that of human AQP1, and the ratio (Delta pHS*)NH3/P(f)* is about one-quarter that of human AQP1. Thus, compared with human AQP1, zebrafish Aqp1a has about twice the selectivity for CO(2) over NH(3).


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Objective Underreporting of energy intake is prevalent in food surveys, but there is controversy about which dietary assessment method provides greater underreporting rates. Our objective is to compare validity of self-reported energy intake obtained by three dietary assessment methods with total energy expenditure (TEE) obtained by doubly labeled water (DLW) among Brazilian women. Design We used a cross-sectional study. Subjects/setting Sixty-five females aged 18 to 57 years (28 normal-weight, 10 over-weight, and 27 obese) were recruited from two universities to participate. Main outcome measures TEE determined by DLW, energy intake estimated by three 24-hour recalls, 3-day food record, and a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Statistical analyses performed Regression and analysis of variance with repeated measures compared TEE and energy intake values, and energy intake-to-TEE ratios and energy intake-TEE values between dietary assessment methods. Bland and Altman plots were provided for each method. chi(2) test compared proportion of underreporters between the methods. Results Mean TEE was 2,622 kcal (standard deviation [SD] =490 kcal), while mean energy intake was 2,078 kcal (SD=430 kcal) for the diet recalls; 2,044 kcal (SD=479 kcal) for the food record and 1,984 kcal (SD=832 kcal) for the FFQ (all energy intake values significantly differed from TEE; P<0.0001). Bland and Altman plots indicated great dispersion, negative mean differences between measurements, and wide limits of agreement. Obese subjects underreported more than normal-weight subjects in the diet recalls and in the food records, but not in the FFQ. Years of education, income and ethnicity were associated with reporting accuracy. Conclusions The FFQ produced greater under- and overestimation of energy intake. Underreporting of energy intake is a serious and prevalent error in dietary self-reports provided by Brazilian women, as has been described in studies conducted in developed countries.


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The sensitivity of solar irradiance at the surface to the variability of aerosol intensive optical properties is investigated for a site (Alta Floresta) in the southern portion of the Amazon basin using detailed comparisons between measured and modeled irradiances. Apart from aerosol intensive optical properties, specifically single scattering albedo (omega(o lambda)) and asymmetry parameter (g(lambda)), which were assumed constant, all other relevant input to the model were prescribed based on observation. For clean conditions, the differences between observed and modeled irradiances were consistent with instrumental uncertainty. For polluted conditions, the agreement was significantly worse, with a root mean square difference three times larger (23.5 Wm(-2)). Analysis revealed a noteworthy correlation between the irradiance differences (observed minus modeled) and the column water vapor (CWV) for polluted conditions. Positive differences occurred mostly in wet conditions, while the differences became more negative as the atmosphere dried. To explore the hypothesis that the irradiance differences might be linked to the modulation of omega(o lambda) and g(lambda) by humidity, AERONET retrievals of aerosol properties and CWV over the same site were analyzed. The results highlight the potential role of humidity in modifying omega(o lambda) and g(lambda) and suggest that to explain the relationship seen between irradiances differences via aerosols properties the focus has to be on humidity-dependent processes that affect particles chemical composition. Undoubtedly, there is a need to better understand the role of humidity in modifying the properties of smoke aerosols in the southern portion of the Amazon basin.


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Tropical vegetation is a major source of global land surface evapotranspiration, and can thus play a major role in global hydrological cycles and global atmospheric circulation. Accurate prediction of tropical evapotranspiration is critical to our understanding of these processes under changing climate. We examined the controls on evapotranspiration in tropical vegetation at 21 pan-tropical eddy covariance sites, conducted a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of 13 evapotranspiration models at these sites, and assessed the ability to scale up model estimates of evapotranspiration for the test region of Amazonia. Net radiation was the strongest determinant of evapotranspiration (mean evaporative fraction was 0.72) and explained 87% of the variance in monthly evapotranspiration across the sites. Vapor pressure deficit was the strongest residual predictor (14%), followed by normalized difference vegetation index (9%), precipitation (6%) and wind speed (4%). The radiation-based evapotranspiration models performed best overall for three reasons: (1) the vegetation was largely decoupled from atmospheric turbulent transfer (calculated from X decoupling factor), especially at the wetter sites; (2) the resistance-based models were hindered by difficulty in consistently characterizing canopy (and stomatal) resistance in the highly diverse vegetation; (3) the temperature-based models inadequately captured the variability in tropical evapotranspiration. We evaluated the potential to predict regional evapotranspiration for one test region: Amazonia. We estimated an Amazonia-wide evapotranspiration of 1370 mm yr(-1), but this value is dependent on assumptions about energy balance closure for the tropical eddy covariance sites; a lower value (1096 mm yr(-1)) is considered in discussion on the use of flux data to validate and interpolate models.


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Triggered seismicity is commonly associated with deep water reservoirs or injection wells where water is injected at high pressure into the reservoir rock. However, earth tremors related solely to the opening of groundwater wells are extremely rare. Here we present a clear case of seismicity induced by pore-pressure changes following the drilling of water wells that exploit a confined aquifer in the intracratonic Parana Basin of southeastern Brazil. Since 2004, shallow seismic activity, with magnitudes up to 2.9 and intensities V MM, has been observed near deep wells (120-200 m) that were drilled in early 2003 near the town of Bebedouro. The wells were drilled for irrigation purposes, cross a sandstone layer about 60-80 m thick and extract water from a confined aquifer in fractured zones between basalt flow layers. Seismic activity, mainly event swarms, has occurred yearly since 2004, mostly during the rainy season when the wells are not pumped. During the dry season when the wells are pumped almost continuously, the activity is very low. A seismographic network, installed in March 2005, has located more than 2000 microearthquakes. The events are less than 1 km deep (mostly within the 0.5 km thick basalt layer) and cover an area roughly 1.5 km x 5 km across. The seismicity generally starts in a small area and expands to larger distances with an equivalent hydraulic diffusivity ranging from 0.06 to 0.6 m(2)/s. Geophysical and geothermal logging of several wells in the area showed that water from the shallow sandstone aquifer enters the well at the top and usually forms waterfalls. The waterfalls flow down the sides of the wells and feed the confined, fractured aquifer in the basalt layer at the bottom. Two seismic areas are observed: the main area surrounds several wells that are pumped continuously during the dry season, and a second area near another well (about 10 km from the first area) that is not used for irrigation and not pumped regularly. The main area displays cyclic annual activity, but the second area does not. We explain the earthquake swarms as being triggered by pore pressure diffusion in the fractured basalt layer due to additional pressure from the newly connected surface aquifer. This reaches critically prestressed areas up to a few kilometers away from the wells. During periods of continuous pumping, the reduction of pore pressure in the confined aquifer stops the seismic activity. Our study suggests that this kind of activity may be more common than previously thought and implies that many other cases of small tremors associated with the drilling of water wells may have gone unnoticed.


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We investigated the seasonal patterns of water vapor and sensible heat flux along a tropical biome gradient from forest to savanna. We analyzed data from a network of flux towers in Brazil that were operated within the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA). These tower sites included tropical humid and semideciduous forest, transitional forest, floodplain (with physiognomies of cerrado), and cerrado sensu stricto. The mean annual sensible heat flux at all sites ranged from 20 to 38 Wm(-2), and was generally reduced in the wet season and increased in the late dry season, coincident with seasonal variations of net radiation and soil moisture. The sites were easily divisible into two functional groups based on the seasonality of evaporation: tropical forest and savanna. At sites with an annual precipitation above 1900 mm and a dry season length less than 4 months (Manaus, Santarem and Rondonia), evaporation rates increased in the dry season, coincident with increased radiation. Evaporation rates were as high as 4.0 mm d(-1) in these evergreen or semidecidous forests. In contrast, ecosystems with precipitation less than 1700 mm and a longer dry season (Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Sao Paulo) showed clear evidence of reduced evaporation in the dry season. Evaporation rates were as low as 2.5 mm d(-1) in the transitional forests and 1 mm d(-1) in the cerrado. The controls on evapotranspiration seasonality changed along the biome gradient, with evaporative demand (especially net radiation) playing a more important role in the wetter forests, and soil moisture playing a more important role in the drier savannah sites.


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The antiparasitic property of peptides is believed to be associated with their interactions with the protozoan membrane, which calls for research on the identification of membrane sites capable of peptide binding. In this study we investigated the interaction of a lipophilicglutathioine peptide known to be effective against the African Sleeping Sickness (ASS - African Trypanosomiasis) and cell membrane models represented by Langmuir monolayers. It is shown that even small amounts of the peptide affect the monolayers of some phospholipids and other lipids, which points to a significant interaction. The latter did not depend on the electrical charge of the monolayer-forming molecules but the peptide action was particularly distinctive for cholesterol + sphingomyelin monolayers that roughly resemble rafts on a cell membrane. Using in situ polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), we found that the orientation of the peptide is affected by the phospholipids and dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB), but not in monolayers comprising cholesterol + sphingomyelin. In this mixed monolayer resembling rafts, the peptide still interacts and has some induced order, probably because the peptide molecules are fitted together into a compact monolayer. Therefore, the lipid composition of the monolayer modulates the interaction with the lipophilic glutathioine peptide, and this may have important implications in understanding how the peptide acts on specific sites of the protozoan membrane. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The capability of self-assembly and molecular recognition of biomolecules is essential for many nanotechnological applications, as in the use of alkyl-modified nucleosides and oligonucleotides to increase the cellular uptake of DNA and RNA. In this study, we show that a lipophilic nucleoside, which is an isomer mixture of 2`-palmitoyluridin und 3`-palmitoyluridin, forms Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films as a typical amphiphile, though with a smaller elasticity. The nucleoside may be incorporated into dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) monolayers that serve as a simplified cell membrane model. The molecular-level interactions between the nucleoside and DPPC led to a remarkable condensation of the mixed monolayer, which affected both surface pressure and surface potential isotherms. The morphology of the mixed monolayers was dominated by the small domains of the nucleoside. The mixed monolayers could be deposited onto solid substrates as a one-layer Langmuir Blodgett film that displayed UV-vis absorption spectra typical of aggregated nucleosides owing to the interaction between the nucleoside and DPPC. The formation of solid films with DNA building blocks in the polar heads may open the way for devices and sensors be produced to exploit their molecular recognition properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high incidence of waterborne diseases is observed worldwide and in order to address contamination problems prior to an outbreak, quantitative microbial risk assessment is a useful tool for estimating the risk of infection. The objective of this paper was to assess the probability of Giardia infection from consuming water from shallow wells in a peri-urban area. Giardia has been described as an important waterborne pathogen and reported in several water sources, including ground waters. Sixteen water samples were collected and examined according to the US EPA (1623, 2005). A Monte Carlo method was used to address the potential risk as described by the exponential dose response model. Giardia cysts occurred in 62.5% of the samples (0.1-36.1 cysts/l). A median risk of 10-1 for the population was estimated and the adult ingestion was the highest risk driver. This study illustrates the vulnerability of shallow well water supply systems in peri-urban areas.


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This work describes the development and optimization of a sequential injection method to automate the determination of paraquat by square-wave voltammetry employing a hanging mercury drop electrode. Automation by sequential injection enhanced the sampling throughput, improving the sensitivity and precision of the measurements as a consequence of the highly reproducible and efficient conditions of mass transport of the analyte toward the electrode surface. For instance, 212 analyses can be made per hour if the sample/standard solution is prepared off-line and the sequential injection system is used just to inject the solution towards the flow cell. In-line sample conditioning reduces the sampling frequency to 44 h(-1). Experiments were performed in 0.10 M NaCl, which was the carrier solution, using a frequency of 200 Hz, a pulse height of 25 mV, a potential step of 2 mV, and a flow rate of 100 mu L s(-1). For a concentration range between 0.010 and 0.25 mg L(-1), the current (i(p), mu A) read at the potential corresponding to the peak maximum fitted the following linear equation with the paraquat concentration (mg L(-1)): ip = (-20.5 +/- 0.3) Cparaquat -(0.02 +/- 0.03). The limits of detection and quantification were 2.0 and 7.0 mu g L(-1), respectively. The accuracy of the method was evaluated by recovery studies using spiked water samples that were also analyzed by molecular absorption spectrophotometry after reduction of paraquat with sodium dithionite in an alkaline medium. No evidence of statistically significant differences between the two methods was observed at the 95% confidence level.


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A simple, rapid, and low-cost coulometric method for direct detection of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) in water samples using anion-exchange chromatography and coulometric detection with copper electrode is presented. Under optimized conditions, the limits of detection (LODs) (S/N = 3) were 0.038 mu g ml(-1) for glyphosate and 0.24 mu g ml(-1) for AMPA, without any preconcentration method. The calibration curves were linear and presented an excellent correlation coefficient. The method was successfully applied to the determination of glyphosate and AMPA in water samples without any kind of extraction, clean-up, or preconcentration step. No interferent was found in the water, like this, the recovery was, practically, 100%. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the present work was to investigate the toughening of phenolic thermoset and its composites reinforced with sisal fibers, using hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene rubber (HTPB) as both impact modifier and coupling agent. Substantial increase in the impact strength of the thermoset was achieved by the addition 10% of HTPB. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the material with 15% HTPB content revealed the formation of some rubber aggregates that reduced the efficiency of the toughening mechanism. In composites, the toughening effect was observed only when 2.5% of HTPB was added. The rubber aggregates were found located mainly at the matrix-fiber interface suggesting that HTPB could be used as coupling agent between the sisal fibers and the phenolic matrix. A composite reinforced with sisal fibers pre-impregnated with HTPB was then prepared; its SEM images showed the formation of a thin coating of HTPB on the surface of the fibers. The ability of HTBP as coupling agent between sisal fibers and phenolic matrix was then investigated by preparing a composite reinforced with sisal fibers pre-treated with HTPB. As revealed by its SEM images, the HTPB pre-treatment of the fibers resulted on the formation of a thin coating of HTPB on the surface of the fibers, which provided better compatibility between the fibers and the matrix at their interface, resulting in a material with low water absorption capacity and no loss of impact strength. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.