13 resultados para HARTMANN, NICOLAI

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In this article, we evaluate the use of simple Lee-Goldburg cross-polarization (LG-CP) NMR experiments for obtaining quantitative information of molecular motion in the intermediate regime. In particular, we introduce the measurement of Hartmann-Hahn matching profiles for the assessment of heteronuclear dipolar couplings as well as dynamics as a reliable and robust alternative to the more common analysis of build-up curves. We have carried out dynamic spin dynamics simulations in order to test the method's sensitivity to intermediate motion and address its limitations concerning possible experimental imperfections. We further demonstrate the successful use of simple theoretical concepts, most prominently Anderson-Weiss (AW) theory, to analyze the data. We further propose an alternative way to estimate activation energies of molecular motions, based upon the acquisition of only two LG-CP spectra per temperature at different temperatures. As experimental tests, molecular jumps in imidazole methyl sulfonate, trimethylsulfoxonium iodide, and bisphenol A polycarbonate were investigated with the new method.


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The South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) is one of the most outstanding anomalies of the geomagnetic field. The SAMA secular variation was obtained and compared to the evolution of other anomalies using spherical harmonic field models for the 1590-2005 period. An analysis of data from four South American observatories shows how this large scale anomaly affected their measurements. Since SAMA is a low total field anomaly, the field was separated into its nondipolar, quadrupolar and octupolar parts. The time evolution of the non-dipole/total, quadrupolar/total and octupolar/total field ratios yielded increasingly high values for the South Atlantic since 1750. The SAMA evolution is compared to the evolution of other large scale surface geomagnetic features like the North and the South Pole and the Siberia High, and this comparison shows the intensity equilibrium between these anomalies in both hemispheres. The analysis of non-dipole fields in historical period suggests that SAMA is governed by (i) quadrupolar field for drift, and (ii) quadrupolar and octupolar fields for intensity and area of influence. Furthermore, our study reinforces the possibility that SAMA may be related to reverse fluxes in the outer core under the South Atlantic region.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver simulação computadorizada de ablação para produzir lentes de contato personalizadas a fim de corrigir aberrações de alta ordem. MÉTODOS: Usando dados reais de um paciente com ceratocone, mensurados em um aberrômetro ("wavefront") com sensor Hartmann-Shack, foram determinados as espessuras de lentes de contato que compensam essas aberrações assim como os números de pulsos necessários para fazer ablação as lentes especificamente para este paciente. RESULTADOS: Os mapas de correção são apresentados e os números dos pulsos foram calculados, usando feixes com a largura de 0,5 mm e profundidade de ablação de 0,3 µm. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados simulados foram promissores, mas ainda precisam ser aprimorados para que o sistema de ablação "real" possa alcançar a precisão desejada.


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The CoRoT exoplanet science team announces the discovery of CoRoT-11b, a fairly massive hot-Jupiter transiting a V = 12.9 mag F6 dwarf star (M(*) = 1.27 +/- 0.05 M(circle dot), R(*) = 1.37 +/- 0.03 R(circle dot), T(eff) = 6440 +/- 120 K), with an orbital period of P = 2.994329 +/- 0.000011 days and semi-major axis a = 0.0436 +/- 0.005 AU. The detection of part of the radial velocity anomaly caused by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect shows that the transit-like events detected by CoRoT are caused by a planet-sized transiting object in a prograde orbit. The relatively high projected rotational velocity of the star (upsilon sin i(star) = 40 +/- 5 km s(-1)) places CoRoT-11 among the most rapidly rotating planet host stars discovered so far. With a planetary mass of M(p) = 2.33 +/- 0.34 M(Jup) and radius R(p) = 1.43 +/- 0.03 R(Jup), the resulting mean density of CoRoT-11b (rho(p) = 0.99 +/- 0.15 g/cm(3)) can be explained with a model for an inflated hydrogen-planet with a solar composition and a high level of energy dissipation in its interior.


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We report on an intensive observational campaign carried out with HARPS at the 3.6 m telescope at La Silla on the star CoRoT-7. Additional simultaneous photometric measurements carried out with the Euler Swiss telescope have demonstrated that the observed radial velocity variations are dominated by rotational modulation from cool spots on the stellar surface. Several approaches were used to extract the radial velocity signal of the planet(s) from the stellar activity signal. First, a simple pre-whitening procedure was employed to find and subsequently remove periodic signals from the complex frequency structure of the radial velocity data. The dominant frequency in the power spectrum was found at 23 days, which corresponds to the rotation period of CoRoT-7. The 0.8535 day period of CoRoT-7b planetary candidate was detected with an amplitude of 3.3 m s(-1). Most other frequencies, some with amplitudes larger than the CoRoT-7b signal, are most likely associated with activity. A second approach used harmonic decomposition of the rotational period and up to the first three harmonics to filter out the activity signal from radial velocity variations caused by orbiting planets. After correcting the radial velocity data for activity, two periodic signals are detected: the CoRoT-7b transit period and a second one with a period of 3.69 days and an amplitude of 4 m s(-1). This second signal was also found in the pre-whitening analysis. We attribute the second signal to a second, more remote planet CoRoT-7c. The orbital solution of both planets is compatible with circular orbits. The mass of CoRoT-7b is 4.8 +/- 0.8 (M(circle plus)) and that of CoRoT-7c is 8.4 +/- 0.9 (M(circle plus)), assuming both planets are on coplanar orbits. We also investigated the false positive scenario of a blend by a faint stellar binary, and this may be rejected by the stability of the bisector on a nightly scale. According to their masses both planets belong to the super-Earth planet category. The average density of CoRoT-7b is rho = 5.6 +/- 1.3 g cm(-3), similar to the Earth. The CoRoT-7 planetary system provides us with the first insight into the physical nature of short period super-Earth planets recently detected by radial velocity surveys. These planets may be denser than Neptune and therefore likely made of rocks like the Earth, or a mix of water ice and rocks.


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Kick performance, anthropometric characteristics, slalom, and linear running were assessed in 49 (24 elite, 25 nonelite) postpubertal indoor soccer players in order to (a) verify whether anthropometric characteristics and physical and technical capacities can distinguish players of different competitive levels, (b) compare the kicking kinematics of these groups, with and without a defined target, and (c) compare results on the assessments and coaches` subjective rankings of the players. Thigh circumference and specific technical capacities differentiated the players by level of play; cluster analysis correctly classified 77.5% of the players. The correlation between players` standardized measures and the coaches` rankings was 0.29. Anthropometric characteristics and physical capacities do not necessarily differentiate players at post-pubertal stages and should not be overvalued during early development. Considering the coaches` rankings, performance measures outside the specific game conditions may not be useful in identification of talented players.


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Matsushigue, KA, Hartmann, K, and Franchini, E. Taekwondo: Physiological responses and match analysis. J Strength Cond Res 23(4): 1112-1117, 2009-The aim of the present study was to determine the time structure and physiological responses during Songahm Taekwondo (TKD) competition and to compare these variables between winner and non-winner athletes. Fourteen men subjects were analyzed. Blood lactate concentration (LA) and heart rate (HR) were determined before and after the match. The match was filmed for the determination of the number of techniques used, the duration of effort and rest periods (RPs), and the interval between high-intensity movements (HM). Post-match LA was 7.5 +/- 3.8 mmol.L(-1), HR was 183 +/- 9 b.min(-1), and HM was 31 +/- 16 seconds. The mean effort time (862 seconds) did not differ from mean interval time (8 +/- 3 seconds). Winners used a smaller total number of techniques, but post-match LA or HR did not differ from that of non-winners. In conclusion, the glycolytic metabolism was not the predominant energy source and the physiological responses did not differ between winners and non-winners. Coaches and sports scientists should prepare a technical or physical training session considering the low glycolytic contribution in this sport, hence the training protocol should involve high-intensity movements interspersed with longer RPs to provide the creatine phosphate recovery, with special attention given to the technical quality of TKD skills and not to higher technique volume during a simulation of matches.


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Background: Germ-line mutations in CYLD are found in patients with familial skin appendage tumours. The protein product functions as a deubiquitinase enzyme, which negatively regulates NF-kappa B and c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling. Brooke-Spiegler syndrome (BSS) is characterised by cylindromas, trichoepitheliomas and spiradenomas, whereas in familial cylindromatosis (FC) patients present with cylindromas and in multiple familial trichoepitheliomas (MFT) with trichoepitheliomas as the only skin tumour type. Although described as distinct entities, recent studies suggest that they are within the spectrum of a single entity. Objective: To investigate the mutation spectrum of CYLD and possible genotype-phenotype correlations. Methods: 25 families including 13 BSS, 3 FC, and 9 MFT families were examined and evaluated for mutations in the CYLD gene. Results: In total, 18 mutations in CYLD, including 6 novel mutations, were identified in 25 probands (72%). The mutation frequencies among distinct phenotypes were 85% for BSS, 100% for FC, and 44% for MFT. The majority of the mutations were insertions, deletions or nonsense mutations leading to formation of truncated proteins. All mutations were located between exons 9 to 20, encoding the NEMO binding site and the catalytic domain. Genotype-phenotype analysis failed to reveal a correlation between the types of mutations and their location within the gene and the patients` phenotypes and disease severity. Conclusions: This study provides further evidence on the role of CYLD in the pathogenesis of skin appendage tumours characterised by cylindromas, trichoepitheliomas and/or spiradenomas, but the molecular mechanisms of CYLD in skin tumorigenesis and the reasons for phenotypic variability remain to be explored.


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Definition of the long-term variation of the geomagnetic virtual dipole moment requires more reliable paleointensity results. Here, we applied a multisample protocol to the study of the 130.5 Ma Ponta Grossa basaltic dikes (southern Brazil) that carry a very stable dual-polarity magnetic component. The magnetic stability of the samples wits checked using thermomagnetic curves and by monitoring the magnetic Susceptibility evolution through the paleointensity experiments. Twelve sites containing the least alterable samples were chosen for the paleointensity measurements. Although these rocks failed stepwise double-heating experiments, they yielded coherent results in the multisample method for all sites but one. The coherent sites show low to moderate field intensities between 5.7 +/- 0.2 and 26.4 +/- 0.7 mu T (average 13.4 +/- 1.9 mu T). Virtual dipole moments for these sites range from 1.3 +/- 0.04 to 6.0 +/- 0.2 x 10(22) A m(2) (average 2.9 +/- 0.5 x 10(22) A m(2)). Our results agree with the tendency for low dipole moments during the Early Cretaceous, immediately prior to the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS). The available paleointensity database shows a strong variability of the field between 80 and 160 Ma. There seems to be no firm evidence for a Mesozoic Dipole Low, but a long-term tendency does emerge from the data with the highest dipole moments Occurring at the middle of the CNS.


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We study the analytic torsion of a cone over an orientable odd dimensional compact connected Riemannian manifold W. We prove that the logarithm of the analytic torsion of the cone decomposes as the sum of the logarithm of the root of the analytic torsion of the boundary of the cone, plus a topological term, plus a further term that is a rational linear combination of local Riemannian invariants of the boundary. We show that this last term coincides with the anomaly boundary term appearing in the Cheeger Muller theorem [3, 2] for a manifold with boundary, according to Bruning and Ma (2006) [5]. We also prove Poincare duality for the analytic torsion of a cone. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We compute the analytic torsion of a cone over a sphere of dimensions 1, 2, and 3, and we conjecture a general formula for the cone over an odd dimensional sphere. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level together with a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The fluorescence detector comprises 24 large telescopes specialized for measuring the nitrogen fluorescence caused by charged particles of cosmic ray air showers. In this paper we describe the components of the fluorescence detector including its optical system, the design of the camera, the electronics, and the systems for relative and absolute calibration. We also discuss the operation and the monitoring of the detector. Finally, we evaluate the detector performance and precision of shower reconstructions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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New U-Pb zircon and (40)Ar-(39)Ar K-feldspar data are presented for syn-sedimentary volcanogenic rocks from the Neoproterozoic Marica Formation, located in the southern Brazilian shield. Seven (of nine) U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe analyses of zircons from pyroclastic cobbles yield an age of 630.2 +/- 3.4 Ma (2 sigma), interpreted as the age of syn-sedimentary volcanism, and thus of the deposition itself. This result indicates that the Marica Formation was deposited during the main collisional phase (640-620 Ma) of the Brasiliano II orogenic system, probably as a forebulge or back-bulge, craton-derived foreland succession. Thus, this unit is possibly correlative of younger portions of the Porongos, Brusque, Passo Feio, Abapa (Itaiacoca) and Lavalleja (Fuente del Puma) metamorphic complexes. Well-defined, step-heating (40)Ar-(39)Ar K-feldspar plateau ages obtained from volcanogenic beds and pyroclastic cobbles of the lower and upper successions of the Marica Formation yielded 507.3 +/- 1.8 Ma and 506.7 +/- 1.4 Ma (2 sigma), respectively. These data are interpreted to reflect total isotopic resetting during deep burial and thermal effects related to magmatic events. Late Middle Cambrian cooling below ca. 200 degrees C, probably related to uplift, is tentatively associated with intraplate effects of the Rio Doce and/or Pampean orogenies (Brasiliano III system). In the southern Brazilian shield, these intraplate stresses are possibly related to the dominantly extensional opening of a rift or a pull-apart basin, where sedimentary rocks of the Camaqua Group (Santa Barbara and Guaritas Formations) accumulated.