22 resultados para GLOBULUS SSP GLOBULUS

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Fourier transform near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy was evaluated as an analytical too[ for monitoring residual Lignin, kappa number and hexenuronic acids (HexA) content in kraft pulps of Eucalyptus globulus. Sets of pulp samples were prepared under different cooking conditions to obtain a wide range of compound concentrations that were characterised by conventional wet chemistry analytical methods. The sample group was also analysed using FT-NIR spectroscopy in order to establish prediction models for the pulp characteristics. Several models were applied to correlate chemical composition in samples with the NIR spectral data by means of PCR or PLS algorithms. Calibration curves were built by using all the spectral data or selected regions. Best calibration models for the quantification of lignin, kappa and HexA were proposed presenting R-2 values of 0.99. Calibration models were used to predict pulp titers of 20 external samples in a validation set. The lignin concentration and kappa number in the range of 1.4-18% and 8-62, respectively, were predicted fairly accurately (standard error of prediction, SEP 1.1% for lignin and 2.9 for kappa). The HexA concentration (range of 5-71 mmol kg(-1) pulp) was more difficult to predict and the SEP was 7.0 mmol kg(-1) pulp in a model of HexA quantified by an ultraviolet (UV) technique and 6.1 mmol kg(-1) pulp in a model of HexA quantified by anion-exchange chromatography (AEC). Even in wet chemical procedures used for HexA determination, there is no good agreement between methods as demonstrated by the UV and AEC methods described in the present work. NIR spectroscopy did provide a rapid estimate of HexA content in kraft pulps prepared in routine cooking experiments.


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A considerable portion of Brazil's commercial eucalypt plantations is located in areas Subjected to periods of water deficit and grown in soils with low natural fertility, particularly poor In potassium. Potassium is influential in controlling water relations of plants. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of potassium fertilization and soil water potential (psi(w)) oil the dry matter production and oil water relations Of eucalypt seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. the experimental units were arranged in 4x4x2 randomized blocks factorial design, as follow: four species of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and hybrid Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), four dosages of K (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm(-3)) and two soil water potentials (-0.01 M Pa and -0.1 M Pa). Plastic containers with 15 cm diameter and 18 cm height, with Styrofoam base, containing 3.0 dm(3) of soil and two plants per container were used. Soil water potential was kept at -0.01 MPa for 40 days after seeding. Afterward, the experimental units were divided into two groups: in one group the potential was kept at 0.01 MPa, and in the other one, at -0.10 MPa. Sol I water potential was control led gravimetrically twice a day with water replacement until the desired potential was reestablished. A week before harvesting, the leaf water potential (psi), the photosynthetic rate (A), the stomatal conductance (gs) and the transpiration rate were evaluated. The last week before harvesting, the mass of the containers was recorded daily before watering to determine the consumption of water by the plants. After harvesting, total dry matter and leaf area were evaluated. the data were Submitted to analysis of variance, to Tukey's tests and regression analyses. The application of K influenced A, gs and the transpiration rate. Plants deficient in K showed lower A and higher Us and transpiration rates. There were no statistical differences in A, gs and transpiration rates ill plants with and Without water deficit. The addition of K reduced the consumption of water per unit of leaf area and, in general, plants submitted to water deficit presented a lower consumption of water.


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This work evaluated the wood anatomical and physical characteristics of 24 months-old Eucalyptus grandis trees, planted in 3x2m spacing and fertilized with nitrogen (6, 12, 18 month old) and sewage sludge (planting, 8 month old). For each treatment 10 eucalypts trees were cut according to the distribution of basal area. Wood samples were collected in different percentages of the total height to analyze the anatomical (vessels and fibers) and physical (wood density) characteristics. The results showed that the wood apparent density and wood basic density of the eucalypt trees in the nitrogen and sewage sludge were larger in comparison to the control. Radial profiles of wood apparent density, were similar in the three treatments, presenting the exected characteristics of juvenile wood of 24 months-old eucalypt trees. Fiber and vessel dimensions were not affected by fertilization.


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Some Eucalyptus species are widely used as a plantation crop in tropical and subtropical regions. One reason for this is the diversity of end uses, but the main reason is the high level of wood production obtained from commercial plantings. With the advancement of biotechnology it will be possible to expand the geographical area in which eucalypts can be used as commercial plantation crops, especially in regions with current climatic restrictions. Despite the popularity of eucalypts and their increasing range, questions still exist, in both traditional planting areas and in the new regions: Can eucalypts invade areas of native vegetation, causing damage to natural ecosystems biodiversity? The objective of this study it was to assess whether eucalypts can invade native vegetation fragments in proximity to commercial stands, and what factors promote this invasive growth. Thus, three experiments were established in forest fragments located in three different regions of Brazil. Each experiment was composed of 40 plots (1 m(2) each one), 20 plots located at the border between the forest fragment and eucalypts plantation, and 20 plots in the interior of the forest fragments. In each experimental site, the plots were paired by two soil exposure conditions, 10 plots in natural conditions and 10 plots with soil exposure (no plant and no litter). During the rainy season, 2 g of eucalypts seeds were sown in each plot, including Eucalyptus grandis or a hybrid of E. urophylla x E. grandis, the most common commercial eucalypt species planted in the three region. At 15, 30, 45, 90, 180, 270 and 360 days after sowing, we assessed the number of seedlings of eucalypts and the number of seedlings of native species resulting from natural regeneration. Fifteen days after sowing, the greatest number of eucalypts seedlings (37 m(-2)) was observed in the plots with lower luminosity and exposed soil. Also, for native species, it was observed that exposed soil improved natural germination reaching the highest number of 163 seedlings per square meter. Site and soil exposure were the factors that have the greatest influence on seed germination of both eucalypt and native species. However, 270 days after sowing, eucalypt seedlings were not observed at any of the three experimental sites. The result shows the inability of eucalypts to adapt to condition outside of their natural range. However, native species demonstrated their strong capacity for natural regeneration in forest fragments under the same conditions where eucalypts were seeded. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eucalyptus is the dominant and most productive planted forest in Brazil, covering around 3.4 million ha for the production of charcoal, pulp, sawtimber, timber plates, wood foils, plywood and for building purposes. At the early establishment of the forest plantations, during the second half of the 1960s, the eucalypt yield was 10 m(3) ha(-1) y(-1). Now, as a result of investments in research and technology, the average productivity is 38 m3 ha(-1) y(-1). The productivity restrictions are related to the following environmental factors, in order of importance: water deficits > nutrient deficiency > soil depth and strength. The clonal forests have been fundamental in sites with larger water and nutrient restrictions, where they out-perform those established from traditional seed-based planting stock. When the environmental limitations are small the productivities of plantations based on clones or seeds appear to be similar. In the long term there are risks to sustainability, because of the low fertility and low reserves of primary minerals in the soils, which are, commonly, loamy and clayey oxisols and ultisols. Usually, a decline of soil quality is caused by management that does not conserve soil and site resources, damages soil physical and chemical characteristics, and insufficient or unbalanced fertiliser management. The problem is more serious when fast-growing genotypes are planted, which have a high nutrient demand and uptake capacity, and therefore high nutrient output through harvesting. The need to mobilise less soil by providing more cover and protection, reduce the nutrient and organic matter losses, preserve crucial physical properties as permeability ( root growth, infiltration and aeration), improve weed control and reduce costs has led to a progressive increase in the use of minimum cultivation practices during the last 20 years, which has been accepted as a good alternative to keep or increase site quality in the long term. In this paper we provide a synthesis and critical appraisal of the research results and practical implications of early silvicultural management on long-term site productivity of fast-growing eucalypt plantations arising from the Brazilian context.


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Inheritance of resistance to Puccinia psidii G. Winter in a eucalyptus interspecific hybrid progeny evaluated under conditions of natural infection Rust caused by the fungus Puccinia psidii is currently the most important disease of eucalyptus. It is widely disseminated in Brazil, and causes serious damage in nurseries and plantation areas. The identification of resistant germplasm along with knowledge of the genetic basis of resistance heredity are the first requirements for the success of breeding programs aiming to develop resistant varieties. Earlier studies carried out under controlled conditions suggested a monogenic control as well as the participation of at least two genes promoting resistance to rust. The goal of this study was to evaluate the resistance to P. psidii under field conditions in fourteen progenies from controlled crosses and self-crosses among four hybrid clones of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden x Eucalyptus urophylla ST Blake that contrast for resistance to the fungus. Results indicated that resistance could be explained by one locus with main effects and at least three different alleles. However, loci with minor effects may influence the resistance, since variation on severity classes was observed. Differences in segregation of resistance between reciprocal crosses were not observed, indicating absence of cytoplasmic effects.


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The leaf area index (LAI) of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations is highly dynamic both seasonally and interannually, and is spatially variable depending on pedo-climatic conditions. LAI is very important in determining the carbon and water balance of a stand, but is difficult to measure during a complete stand rotation and at large scales. Remote-sensing methods allowing the retrieval of LAI time series with accuracy and precision are therefore necessary. Here, we tested two methods for LAI estimation from MODIS 250m resolution red and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance time series. The first method involved the inversion of a coupled model of leaf reflectance and transmittance (PROSPECT4), soil reflectance (SOILSPECT) and canopy radiative transfer (4SAIL2). Model parameters other than the LAI were either fixed to measured constant values, or allowed to vary seasonally and/or with stand age according to trends observed in field measurements. The LAI was assumed to vary throughout the rotation following a series of alternately increasing and decreasing sigmoid curves. The parameters of each sigmoid curve that allowed the best fit of simulated canopy reflectance to MODIS red and NIR reflectance data were obtained by minimization techniques. The second method was based on a linear relationship between the LAI and values of the GEneralized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (GESAVI), which was calibrated using destructive LAI measurements made at two seasons, on Eucalyptus stands of different ages and productivity levels. The ability of each approach to reproduce field-measured LAI values was assessed, and uncertainty on results and parameter sensitivities were examined. Both methods offered a good fit between measured and estimated LAI (R(2) = 0.80 and R(2) = 0.62 for model inversion and GESAVI-based methods, respectively), but the GESAVI-based method overestimated the LAI at young ages. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study analyzed the relationship between environmental factors, especially air pollution and climatic conditions, and non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in plants of Lolium multiflorum exposed during 10 consecutive periods of 28 days at a polluted site (Congonhas) and at a reference site in Sao Paulo city (Brazil). After exposure, NSC composition and leaf concentrations of Al, Fe. Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd were measured. The seasonal pattern of NSC accumulation was quite similar in both sites, but plants at Congonhas showed higher concentrations of these compounds, especially fructans of low and medium degree of polymerization. Regression analysis showed that NSC in plants growing at the polluted site were explained by variations on temperature and leaf concentration of Fe (positive effect), as well as relative humidity and particulate material (negative effect). NSC in the standardized grass culture, in addition to heavy metal accumulation, may indicate stressing conditions in a sub-tropical polluted environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High yields of hemicellulosic and cellulosic sugars are critical in obtaining economical conversion of agricultural residues to ethanol. To optimize pretreatment conditions, we evaluated oxalic acid loading rates, treatment temperatures and times in a 2(3) full factorial design. Response-surface analysis revealed an optimal oxalic acid pretreatment condition to release sugar from the cob of Zea mays L ssp. and for Pichia stipitis CBS 6054. To ferment the residual cellulosic sugars to ethanol following enzymatic hydrolysis, highest saccharification and fermentation yields were obtained following pretreatment at 180 degrees C for 50 min with 0.024 g oxalic acid/g substrate. Under these conditions, only 7.5% hemicellulose remained in the pretreated substrate. The rate of cellulose degradation was significantly less than that of hemicellulose and its hydrolysis was not as extensive. Subsequent enzymatic saccharification of the residual cellulose was strongly affected by the pretreatment condition with cellulose hydrolysis ranging between 26.0% and 76.2%. The residual xylan/lignin ratio ranged from 0.31 to 1.85 depending on the pretreatment condition. Fermentable sugar and ethanol were maximal at the lowest ratio of xylan/lignin and at high glucan contents. The model predicts optimal condition of oxalic acid pretreatment at 168 degrees C, 74 min and 0.027 g/g of oxalic acid. From these findings, we surmised that low residual xylan was critical in obtaining maximal glucose yields from saccharification. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The objective of this study was to detect and identify the autochthonous microbiota of raw milk with antagonistic activity on Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Enteritidis. Three hundred sixty colonies isolated from 15 raw milk samples were tested for antagonistic activity for L. monocytogenes and S. Enteritidis using the ""spot-on-the-lawn"" method. The colonies detected as antagonistic were identified using API 20 Strep. Two types of inhibition were observed: total, characterized by the formation of a well-defined halo around the colony, and partial, with the formation of a diffused halo. Ninety-one (25.3%) colonies presented antagonistic activity for L. monocytogenes and 33 (9.2%) for S. Enteritidis. Most of the antagonistic cultures were lactic acid bacteria, mainly Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and Enterococcus faecium. The results indicate that microorganisms in the natural microbiota of raw milk may play an important role in the inhibition of key pathogens in dairy products.


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This study investigated the viability of probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LBA and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BL-04) in milk fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus LB340 and Streptococcus thermophilus TAO (yoghurt - Y). Each probiotic strain was grown separately in co-culture with Y and in blends of different combinations. Blends affected fermentation time(s), pH and firmness during storage at 4 degrees C. The product made with Y plus B. animalis subsp. lactis and L. rhamnosus had counts of viable cells at the end of shelf life that met the minimum required to achieve probiotic effect. However, L. acidophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus were inhibited.


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Inulin was used as a prebiotic to improve the quality and consistency of skim milk fermented by Lactobacillus acidophilus (La), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr), Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Lb) and Bifidobacterium lactis (BI) with Streptococcus thermophilus (St), either in binary co-cultures or in cocktail containing all microorganisms. We compared, either in the presence of 40 mg inulin g(-1) or not, the results of the maximum acidification rate (V(max)) and the times to reach it (t(max)), to reach pH 5.0 (t(PH5.0)) and to complete the fermentation (t(f)). Post-acidification, lactic acid formation and cell counts were also compared after either 1 day (D1) or 7 days of storage at 4 degrees C (N). In co-culture, inulin addition to the milk increased V(max), decreased t(max) and t(f), favored post-acidification and exerted a bifidogenic effect. S. thermophilus proved to stimulate the metabolism of the other lactic bacteria and enhanced the product features. After D7, a significant prebiotic effect of inulin was observed in all co-cultures. Either after D1 or D7, the enumerations of Lr and BI in mixed culture markedly decreased compared to their respective co-cultures because of greater competition for the same substrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The simultaneous effects of different binary co-cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis with Streptococcus thermophilus and of different prebiotics on the production of fermented milk were investigated in this paper. In particular, we determined and compared the kinetics of acidification of milk either as such or supplemented with 4% (w/w) maltodextrin, oligofructose and polydextrose, as well as the probiotic survival, chemical composition (pH, lactose, lactic acid and protein contents), fatty acids profile and conjugate linoleic acid (CIA) content of fermented milk after storage at 4 degrees C for 24 h. Fermented milk quality was strongly influenced both by the co-culture composition and the selected prebiotic. Depending on the co-culture, prebiotic addition to milk influenced to different extent kinetic acidification parameters. All probiotic counts were stimulated by oligofructose and polydextrose, and among these B. lactis always exhibited the highest counts in all supplemented milk samples. Polydextrose addition led to the highest post-acidification. Although the contents of the main fatty acids were only barely influenced. the highest amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (38% higher than in the control) were found in milk fermented by S. thermophilus-L. acidophilus co-culture and supplemented with maltodextrin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lactic acid bacteria ( LAB) are currently used by food industries because of their ability to produce metabolites with antimicrobial activity against gram-positive pathogens and spoilage microorganisms. The objectives of this study were to identify naturally occurring bacteriocinogenic or bacteriocinogenic-like LAB in raw milk and soft cheese and to detect the presence of nisin-coding genes in cultures identified as Lactococcus lactis. Lactic acid bacteria cultures were isolated from 389 raw milk and soft cheese samples and were later characterized for the production of antimicrobial substances against Listeria monocytogenes. Of these, 58 (14.9%) LAB cultures were identified as antagonistic; the nature of this antagonistic activity was then characterized via enzymatic tests to confirm the proteinaceous nature of the antimicrobial substances. In addition, 20 of these antagonistic cultures were selected and submitted to genetic sequencing; they were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum (n = 2) and Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (n = 18). Nisin genes were identified by polymerase chain reaction in 7 of these cultures. The identified bacteriocinogenic and bacteriocinogenic-like cultures were highly variable concerning the production and activity of antimicrobial substances, even when they were genetically similar. The obtained results indicated the need for molecular and phenotypic methodologies to properly characterize bacteriocinogenic LAB, as well as the potential use of these cultures as tools to provide food safety.


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The effects of acai pulp addition and different probiotic bacteria on the fatty acid profile of stirred yoghurt were examined. Skim milk was divided into two groups: one containing acai pulp and another without the fruit. Batches were inoculated with yoghurt starter culture and divided into five groups according to probiotic addition. Counts of viable microorganisms were measured at days 1, 14 and 28 of cold storage. Fatty acid profile was determined by gas chromatography at day 1. Acai pulp favoured an increase in Lactobacillus acidophilus L10, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis Bl04 and Bifidobacterium longum Bl05 counts at the end of 4 weeks of cold storage. This study demonstrated that acai pulp addition increased monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents in probiotic yoghurt and enhanced the production of cc-linolenic and conjugated linoleic acids during fermentation of skim milk prepared with B. animalis ssp. lactis Bl04 and B94 strains. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.