7 resultados para Fuentes, Carlos 1928-.

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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Four populations of Astyanax hastatus Myers 1928 from the Guapimirim River basin (Rio de Janeiro State) were analyzed and three distinct cytotypes identified. These cytotypes presented 2n = 50 chromosomes, with 4M+8SM+10ST+28A (Cytotype A), 8M+10SM+14ST+18A (Cytotype B), 6M+8SM+4ST+32A (Cytotype C) and scanty heterochromatin, mainly located throughout pericentromeric regions of several chromosomal pairs. No homologies with the As-51 satellite DNA were observed in the three cytotypes, although all of them presented multiple 18S rDNA sites, as detected by both silver nitrate staining and FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization). The application of the term "species complex" in Astyanax is discussed from a cytotaxonomic viewpoint.


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O presente trabalho consiste em um inventário da herpetofauna do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), localizado na região da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de coletas em seis áreas dentro do PECB durante um período de 76 dias distribuídos em um ano, e também por meio de consulta a coleções científicas para obtenção de dados secundários. São apresentados resultados sobre a biologia e ocorrência das espécies no PECB e no Brasil, além de fotografias das diferentes espécies que compõem a herpetofauna do PECB. A herpetofauna do PECB pode ser considerada uma das mais diversificadas de São Paulo, com 65 espécies de anfíbios confirmadas e 59 espécies de répteis registrados neste trabalho. Das 65 espécies de anfíbios, 84% (55 spp.) são endêmicas das formações florestais da Mata Atlântica. Devido às características do relevo do PECB, foram encontrados diferentes padrões altitudinais para os anfíbios: 46% das espécies foram registradas apenas em altitudes acima de 500 m, enquanto que 9% são exclusivas das regiões abaixo de 400 m e 45% ocorrem em todas as áreas amostradas do Parque. Das 59 espécies de répteis do PECB, foram registradas 10 espécies de lagartos, 48 de serpentes e um quelônio. Dentre as serpentes coletadas no PECB, a jararaca Bothrops jararaca foi a mais frequente, com 26,9% (N = 14) do total registrado. Espécies de difícil amostragem, como Echinanthera cephalostriata (13,5%; N = 7) e Taeniophallus affinis (7,7%; N = 4), também foram numerosas no PECB. Dentre os lagartos, Enyalius iheringii foi a espécie mais abundante, com 50% (N = 16) de registros. Uma análise de agrupamento entre 25 taxocenoses de anfíbios brasileiras, incluindo o PECB, resultou na formação de quatro agrupamentos principais. A anurofauna do PECB é mais relacionada com as taxocenoses do Parque Estadual Jacupiranga (0,68) e do Parque Estadual Intervales (0,66). Estes Parques se encontram geograficamente próximos e constituem um dos maiores fragmentos preservados de Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Este trabalho é o primeiro a apresentar a lista de répteis do PECB, alem de complementar o conhecimento em relação a fauna de anfíbios do PECB.


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Biomass Refinery is a sequential of eleven thermochemical processes and one biological process with two initial basic treatments: prehydrolysis for lignocellulosics and low temperature conversion for biomass with medium-to-high content of lipids and proteins. The other ten processes are: effluent treatment plant, furfural plant, biodiesel plant, cellulignin dryer, calcination, fluidized bed boiler, authotermal reforming of cellulignin for syngas production, combined cycle of two-stroke low-speed engine or syngas turbine with fluidized bed boiler heat recovery, GTL technologies and ethanol from cellulose, prehydrolysate and syngas. Any kind of biomass such as wood, agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, seeds, cakes, sludges, excrements and used tires can be processed at the Biomass Refinery. Twelve basic products are generated such as cellulignin, animal feed, electric energy, fuels (ethanol, crude oil, biodiesel, char), petrochemical substitutes, some materials (ash, gypsum, fertilizers, silica, carbon black) and hydrogen. The technology is clean with recovery of energy and reuse of water, acid and effluents. Based on a holistic integration of various disciplines Biomass Refinery maximizes the simultaneous production of food, electric energy, liquid fuels and chemical products and some materials, achieving a competitive position with conventional and fossil fuel technologies, as well as payment capacity for biomass production. Biomass Refinery has a technical economical capability to complement the depletion of the conventional petroleum sources and to capture its GHGs resulting a biomass + petroleum ""green"" combination.


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The transport of liquid and gaseous pollutants through porous geological media depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the unconsolidated material, rocks and water associated with the characteristics of the pollutants. Of these characteristics, the sorption aspect is of fundamental importance and is a function of the mineral proportions, pH, Eh and void aspects encountered in the porous media. In the Sao Carlos region, located in the eastern-central part of the 9 ate of Sao Paulo, Brazil, there are basically two types of unconsolidated materials: the first is a residual from sandstones cemented with fines and the secondarily composed of claystones, siltstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous Period that constitute the Itaqueri Formation; the second is a sandy sediment of the Tertiary Period. These geological conditions are found in areas where chemical products are disposed of characterized as either diffuse or point pollutions sources. Because of this situation, a study was developed to evaluate the sorption aspects of some inorganic cations that are frequently found in these sources, in varied concentrations. Taken into consideration were their physical/chemical properties, such as: specific weight, grain size, mineralogy, cationic exchange capacity, pH, hydraulic conductivity. Batch tests were run using solutions of KCl, ZnCl(2) and CuCl center dot H(2)O at three different pH values, and then with a combined solution (KCl + ZnCl(2) + CuCl center dot H(2)O), also at three different pH values.


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Silveira Neto R. Da M. and Azzoni C. R. Non-spatial government policies and regional income inequality in Brazil, Regional Studies. This paper uses both macro- and micro-data to analyse the role of social programmes in the recent reduction in Brazilian regional income inequality. Convergence indicators are presented for different sources of regional income in the period 1995-2006. A decomposition of the Gini indicator allows the identification of the role of each of these income sources with respect to the reduction of regional inequality during the period. The results point out that both labour productivity and government non-spatial policies - mainly minimum wage changes and income transference programmes - do have a role in explaining regional inequality reduction during the period. [image omitted] Silveira Neto R. Da M. et Azzoni C. R. Les politiques gouvernementales non-spatiales et l`ecart des revenus regionaux au Bresil, Regional Studies. Cet article emploie des donnees a la fois macroeconomiques et microeconomiques afin d`analyser le role des programmes d`actions sociales quant a la baisse recente de l`ecart des revenus regionaux au Bresil. On presente des indicateurs de convergence pour diverses sources des revenus regionaux pour la periode allant de 1995 a 2006. Une decomposition du coefficient de Gini permet d`identifier le role de chacune de ces sources des revenus par rapport a la baisse de l`ecart des revenus pendant cette periode. Les resultats indiquent que la productivite du travail et les politiques gouvernementales non-spatiales - notamment la modification du salaire minimum et les programmes visant le transfert des revenus - ont un role a jouer pour expliquer la baisse de l`ecart des revenus regionaux pendant la periode en question. Convergence Productivite du travail Transfert des revenus Salaire minimum Effets spatiaux des politiques non-spatiales Silveira Neto R. Da M. und Azzoni C. R. Nicht raumliche Regierungspolitiken und das regionale Einkommensungleichgewicht in Brasilien, Regional Studies. In diesem Beitrag analysieren wir mit Hilfe von Makro- und Mikrodaten die Rolle von sozialen Programmen bei der unlangst erzielten Verringerung des regionalen Einkommensungleichgewichts in Brasilien. Wir stellen Konvergenz-Indikatoren fur verschiedene regionale Einkommensquellen im Zeitraum von 1995 bis 2006 vor. Eine Dekomposition des Gini-Indikators ermoglicht die Identifizierung der jeweiligen Rolle dieser Einkommensquellen fur die Verringerung des regionalen Ungleichgewichts im betreffenden Zeitraum. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass sowohl die Produktivitat der Arbeitskrafte als auch die nicht raumlichen Regierungspolitiken - in erster Linie Veranderungen beim Mindestlohn und Programme fur Einkommenstransfers - als Grunde fur die Verringerung des regionalen Ungleichgewichts in dieser Periode durchaus eine Rolle spielen. Konvergenz Arbeitsproduktivitat Einkommenstransfer Mindestlohn Raumliche Auswirkungen nicht raumlicher Politiken Silveira Neto R. Da M. y Azzoni C. R. Politicas gubernamentales no espaciales y desigualdades de ingresos regionales en Brasil, Regional Studies. En este articulo utilizamos datos macro y micro para analizar el papel de los programas sociales en la reciente reduccion en las desigualdades de ingresos regionales de Brasil. Presentamos los indicadores de convergencia para diferentes fuentes de ingresos regionales en el periodo de 1995 a 2006. Una descomposicion del indice Gini permite identificar el papel de cada una de estas fuentes de ingresos con respecto a la reduccion de las desiguadades regionales durante este periodo. Los resultados destacan que tanto la productividad laboral como las politicas no espaciales del gobierno - principalmente los cambios de salario minimo y los programas de transferencias de ingresos - desempenan una funcion a la hora de explicar la reduccion de las desigualdades regionales durante este periodo. Convergencia Productividad laboral Transferencias de ingresos Salario minimo Efectos espaciales de politicas no espaciales.


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A subgroup of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients remains refractory to conventional treatments. For them, a new stereotactic radiosurgery has been recently developed: the ventral capsular/ventral striatal (VC/VS) gamma capsulotomy. The authors aim to report efficacy and adverse events of VC/VS gamma capsulotomy. Five refractory OCD patients were selected. The authors assessed OCD, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and side effects pre- and postoperatively. Three patients (60%) met response criteria 48 months after surgery. Adverse effects were episodic and transient. Ventral capsular/ventral striatal gamma capsulotomy holds therapeutic promise, with few adverse effects. (The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 21:381-392)


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Five refractory obsessive-compulsive patients were assessed using a neuropsychological battery after a modified gamma knife capsulotomy. The surgical technique was not associated with profound cognitive deficits. The authors found improvements in attention, vocabulary, learning, abstract reasoning, and memory. (The journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 21:393-397)