11 resultados para Distortions of competition
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Individual fitness and the structure of marine communities are strongly affected by spatial competition. Among the most common space holders are the colonial ascidians, which have the ability to monopolize large areas of hard substrate, overgrowing most other competitors. The effects of competition on colony growth and on gonad production of the ascidian Didemnum perlucidum were studied in southeastern Brazil by experimentally removing surrounding competitors. Colonies of D, perlucidum competing for space exhibited a growth rate 9 times less than that of colonies that were competitor free. Among the colonies subject to competition, growth rates were unrelated to the percentage of colony border that was free of competitors. However, the identity of the competitor was important in the outcome of border contacts. At the beginning of the experiment, most border encounters of D. perlucidum were with solitary organisms, which in most cases were overgrown. These were progressively replaced by colonial ascidians and bryozoans, resulting mostly in stand-off interactions. Besides reducing asexual growth, spatial competition also affected female gonad production. Colonies free of competitors had a significantly higher proportion of zooids with ovaries. Thus, our findings show that spatial competition reduces both ascidian colony size and gonad production.
The impact of large food falls and carrion on meiobenthic communities remains little understood. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the carcass of a stingray, encountered fortuitously in an Australian estuary, affects the underlying meiobenthic community, in particular nematode assemblages. The integrity of the skeleton and the low redox values observed under the carcass suggest that the cadaver had been slowly and chiefly decomposed by microbes. The abundance and number of meiofaunal taxa, as well as nematode abundance and nematode-species richness, were significantly lower under the carcass when compared to samples outside the carcass. Nonetheless, a few nematode species, typical of hypoxic/anoxic sediments, were more abundant under the carcass. Interestingly, all these species were absent or rare in samples near, but not under, the carcass, suggesting that they may take advantage of the reduced environment created by the carcass and the consequent lack of competition to prosper. As observed for other marine environments, carcasses in estuaries create a microhabitat that supports a characteristic meiobenthic fauna, distinct from those inhabiting the surrounding sediments, but similar to those of reduced habitats.
Two bench-scale horizontal anaerobic fixed bed reactors were tested to remove both sulfate and organic matter from wastewater. First, the reactors (R1 and R2) were supplied with synthetic wastewater containing sulfate and a solution of ethanol and volatile fatty acids. Subsequently, RI and R2 were fed with only ethanol or acetate, respectively. The substitution to ethanol in R1 increased the sulfate reduction efficiency from 83% to nearly 100% for a chemical oxygen demand to sulfate (COD/sulfate) ratio of 3.0. In contrast, in R2, the switch in carbon source to acetate strongly decreased sulfidogenesis and the maximum sulfate reduction achieved was 47%. Process stability in long-term experiments and high removal efficiencies of both organic matter and sulfate were achieved with ethanol as the sole carbon source. The results allow concluding that syntrophism instead of competition between the sulfate reducing bacteria and acetoclastic methanogenic archaeal populations prevailed in the reactor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Listeria monocytogenes is of particular concern for the food industry due to its psychrotolerant and ubiquitous nature. In this work, the ability of L monocytogenes culturable cells to adhere to stainless steel coupons was studied in co-culture with the bacteriocin-producing food isolate Lactobacillus sakei 1 as well as in the presence of the cell-free neutralized supernatant of L sakei 1 (CFSN-S1) containing sakacin 1. Results were compared with counts obtained using a non bacteriocin-producing strain (L sakei ATCC 15521) and its bacteriocin free supernatant (CFSN-SA). Culturable adherent L monocytogenes and lactobacilli cells were enumerated respectively on PALCAM and MRS agars at 3-h intervals for up to 12 h and after 24 and 48 h of incubation. Bacteriocin activity was evaluated by critical dilution method. After 6 h of incubation, the number of adhered L monocytogenes cells in pure culture increased from 3.8 to 5.3 log CFU/cm(2) (48h). Co-culture with L sakei 1 decreased the number of adhered L monocytogenes cells (P < 0.001) during all sampling times with counts lower than 3.0 log CFU/cm(2). The CFNS-S1 also led to a significant and similar reduction in culturable adhered L. monocytogenes counts for up to 24 h of incubation, however after 48 h of incubation, re-growth of L monocytogenes number of adhered cells was observed, likely due to lack of competition for nutrients. L sakei ATCC 15521 or its supernatant (CFNS-SA) did not reduce the number of adhered L monocytogenes cells on stainless steel surface and from 6 h of incubation, listerial counts were between 4.3 and 4.5 log CFU/cm(2). These results indicate that L sakei 1 and its bacteriocin sakacin 1 may be useful to inhibit early stages of L monocytogenes adherence to abiotic surface. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective-To evaluate the presence of a dominance rank in a group of cats and the relation between agonistic behavior and the use of resources, including environmental enrichment, in these cats. Design-Observational analytic study. Animals-27 neutered cats in a shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Procedures-The cats were video recorded for 4 consecutive days to obtain baseline data. Subsequently, a puzzle feeder was added as an enrichment device every other day over 8 days, for a total of 4 days with enrichment. Cats were also video recorded on these days. All pretreatment and posttreatment agonistic behaviors and interactions with the puzzle feeder were recorded by reviewing the videotapes. Results-143 agonistic encounters were recorded, of which 44 were related to resources and 99 were not. There were insufficient agonistic interactions to determine a dominance rank. Presence or absence of the puzzle feeder did not affect the rate of aggression. There was no significant effect of weight, sex, or coat color on the rate of aggression, and aggressive behavior did not correlate with time spent with the puzzle feeder. Twenty-three of the 27 cats interacted with the puzzle feeder. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In a stable group of communally housed cats, environmental enrichment did not cause increased aggression as a result of competition for the source of enrichment. Because environmental enrichment increases the opportunity to perform exploratory behaviors, it may improve the welfare of groups of cats maintained long-term in shelters, sanctuaries, or multicat households. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:796-802)
Dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4) circulates in tropical and subtropical countries from Asia and the Americas. Despite the importance of dengue virus distribution, little is known about the worldwide viral spread. Following a Bayesian phylogenetic approach we inferred the evolutionary history of 310 isolates sampled from 37 countries during the time period 1956-2008 and the spreading dynamics for genotypes I and II. The region (tropical rainforest biome) comprised by Malaysia-Thailand was the most likely ancestral area from which the serotype has originated and spread. Interestingly, cross-correlation analysis on demographic time series with the Asian sequences showed a statistically significant negative correlation that could be suggestive of competition among genotypes within the same serotype. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanisms for multimode vibrational couplings in resonant positron annihilation are not well understood. We show that these resonances can arise from positron-induced distortions of the potential energy surface (target response to the positron field). Though these distortions can transfer energy into single- and multiquantum vibrations, they have so far been disregarded as a pathway to resonant annihilation. We also compare the existing annihilation theories and show that the currently accepted model can be cast as a special case of the Feshbach annihilation theory.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate oxidative stress, antioxidant biomarkers, and performance during a multiday 210-km endurance race. Nine endurance athlete horses participated in this study. Samples were always taken at the same times of day, before the beginning of the race and after every day of competition. Analytic measurements included glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase activity, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs), and reactive carbonylated derivatives. Competition intensity was low, with an average speed of 12.56 +/- 0.9 km/h. Four horses were unable to finish the race because of metabolic problems or fatigue. GR activity increased progressively (P < .001) throughout the competition, and TBARs showed a significant rise compared with baseline values (P < .01) but remained at the same levels throughout the 3 days of competition. Catalase and reactive carbonylated derivatives did not show any significant alterations in any time period. The best performance was obtained from horses who demonstrated higher GR capacity and/or lower TBAR concentration. In conclusion, redox. status seems to modulate horses` performance in endurance races, but further Studies are needed to better determine the adequate oxidant/antioxidant ratio to acquire optimal performance.
This paper discusses the need to simultaneously monitor voltage unbalance and harmonic distortions in addition to root-mean-square voltage values. An alternative way to obtain the parameters related to voltage unbalance at fundamental frequency as well as voltage harmonic distortions is here proposed, which is based on the representation of instantaneous values at the axes and at the instantaneous Euclidean norm. A new power-quality (PQ) index is then proposed to combine the effects of voltage unbalance and harmonic distortions. This new index is easily implemented into existing electronic power meters. This PQ index is determined from the analysis of temperature rise in induction motor windings, which were tested for long periods of time. This paper also shows that these voltage disturbances, which are harmful to the lifetime expectancy of motors, can be measured by alternative ways in relation to conventional methods. Although this paper deals with induction motors only, the results show the relevance for further studies on other pieces of equipment.
We consider two viral strains competing against each other within individual hosts (at cellular level) and at population level (for infecting hosts) by studying two cases. In the first case, the strains do not mutate into each other. In this case, we found that each individual in the population can be infected by only one strain and that co-existence in the population is possible only when the strain that has the greater basic intracellular reproduction number, R (0c) , has the smaller population number R (0p) . Treatment against the one strain shifts the population equilibrium toward the other strain in a complicated way (see Appendix B). In the second case, we assume that the strain that has the greater intracellular number R (0c) can mutate into the other strain. In this case, individual hosts can be simultaneously infected by both strains (co-existence within the host). Treatment shifts the prevalence of the two strains within the hosts, depending on the mortality induced by the treatment, which is, in turn, dependent upon the doses given to each individual. The relative proportions of the strains at the population level, under treatment, depend both on the relative proportions within the hosts (which is determined by the dosage of treatment) and on the number of individuals treated per unit time, that is, the rate of treatment. Implications for cases of real diseases are briefly discussed.
Objective. The effect of creatine supplementation upon plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines: Interleukin (IL) 1 beta and IL-6, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF alpha), and Interferon alpha (INF alpha) and Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) after a half-ironman competition were investigated. Methods. Eleven triathletes, each with at least three years experience of participation in this sport were randomly divided between the control and experimental groups. During 5 days prior to competition, the control group (n = 6) was supplemented with carbohydrate (20g center dot d(-1)) whereas the experimental group (n = 5) received creatine (20 center dot d(-1)) in a double-blind trial. Blood samples were collected 48h before and 24 and 48h after competition and were used for the measurement of cytokines and PGE(2). Results. Forty-eight hours prior to competition there was no difference between groups in the plasma concentrations (pg center dot ml(-1), mean +/- SEM) of IL-6 (7.08 +/- 0.63), TNF alpha (76.50 +/- 5.60), INF alpha (18.32 +/- 1.20), IL-1 beta (23.42 +/- 5.52), and PGE(2) (39.71 +/- 3.8). Twenty-four and 48h after competition plasma levels of TNF alpha, INF alpha, IL-1 beta and PGE(2) were significantly increased (P < 0.05) in both groups. However, the increases in these were markedly reduced following creatine supplementation. An increase in plasma IL-6 was observed only after 24h and, in this case, there was no difference between the two groups. Conclusion. Creatine supplementation before a long distance triathlon competition may reduce the inflammatory response induced by this form of strenuous of exercise.