14 resultados para Career calling
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
After an ichthyofaunistic survey conducted in May 2007 on surface (epigean) water bodies of Cordisburgo karst area, State of Minas Gerais, 13 species were recorded, mostly characiforms; in addition three non-troglomorphic (normally eyed and pigmented) and one troglomorphic catfish (siluriforms) species were recorded in two caves surveyed at different occasions, totaling 17 fish species for the area. All the nominal species herein reported for Cordisburgo area have been previously reported for the Rio das Velhas basin. None of the species observed in caves were found in epigean habitats and vice-versa. The four cave species are distributed throughout subterranean stream reaches, with individuals at different size/age classes. This, associated to the lack of conspicuous morphological differences in relation to epigean congeners, indicate that Trichomycterus brasiliensis, Gymnotus cf. carapo and Pimelodella cf. vittata are troglophiles (species encompassing individuals able to live and complete their life cycle either in the surface or in the subterranean environment) in the Morena Cave; the latter forms a large population and may be at the beginning of a differentiation process due to isolation in the subterranean habitat, as indicated by a slight reduction in eye size. Topographic isolation may be the cause for the incipient, but unmistakable troglomorphism of the Rhamdiopsis population found in the Salitre Cave, allowing for its classification as troglobite (exclusively subterranean species). The Cordisburgo area is subject to significant anthropic pressure, mainly represented by deforestation for agriculture, cattle raising and timbering. Tourism is an additional important threat for cave communities, calling for urgent protection measures.
The Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi, a demersal-pelagic species found from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, has become an important target of the Brazilian bottom-trawler fleet since 2001. Earlier studies focusing on the species have suggested that more than one stock might occur off the Brazilian coast, in accordance with environmental features. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, fish were collected from four different areas in the Brazilian waters in which the hake is distributed, during the summers and winters of 1996-2001 and 2004, the females being used to analyze and compare spatial-temporal variations in ovarian maturation. Gonad indexes were also applied for the same purpose. Results indicate a north-south spawning gradient occurring as from summer at around 21°S to winter near 34°S, leading to the identification of two distinct stocks: one located between 21°S and 29°S (Southeastern stock) and the other between 29°S and 34°S (Southern stock), this latter shared with Uruguay and Argentina. Brazilian stocks present clear signs of overexploitation, the situation calling for an urgent solution.
Este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as representações sociais dos profissionais de saúde sobre o trabalho multiprofissional no Serviço Público de Saúde no município de Bandeirantes, Paraná. Foram entrevistados 44 profissionais de saúde de nível superior, com quatro questões abertas que abordaram aspectos de interesse para o tema. Para a análise dos dados, tomou-se como base o referencial da Teoria da Representação Social. Para o processamento dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, por meio da qual se construíram os discursos-sínteses com auxílio do programa Qualiquantisoft. Nos discursos obtidos, os profissionais de saúde entrevistados consideraram seu trabalho uma rotina de atendimento programado, determinado pela demanda, desgastante, porém vocacionado. Destacaram que o trabalho multiprofissional é a integração de vários campos da área da saúde, entre profissionais de outras áreas e de outras especialidades para ter uma equipe formada para solucionar os problemas. Relataram que, para o desenvolvimento do trabalho multiprofissional, seria necessária maior interação entre os gestores e os profissionais; recursos materiais e físicos para a melhoria do atendimento; capacitação, conscientização, contratação de profissionais para o serviço; remuneração salarial e organização do serviço de saúde. Os conteúdos revelaram barreiras para o desenvolvimento do trabalho multiprofissional, como ausência de novas formas de gestão, flexibilização das relações de trabalho e necessidade de resolução de questões antigas, como remuneração salarial, planos de cargos e carreiras, e organização do serviço, com instalação de mecanismos que possam evitar a intensa rotatividade de profissionais.
Summary: In 1984, children presented to the emergency department of a hospital in the small town of Promissão, São Paulo State, Brazil, with an acute febrile illness that rapidly progressed to death. Local clinicians and public health officials recognized that these children had an unusual illness, which led to outbreak investigations conducted by Brazilian health officials in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The studies that followed are an excellent example of the coordinated and parallel studies that are used to investigate outbreaks of a new disease, which became known as Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF). In the first outbreak investigation, a case-control study confirmed an association between BPF and antecedent conjunctivitis but the etiology of the disease could not be determined. In a subsequent outbreak, children with BPF were found to have bacteremia caused by Haemophilus influenzae biogroup aegyptius (H. aegyptius), an organism previously known mainly to cause self-limited purulent conjunctivitis. Molecular characterization of blood and other isolates demonstrated the clonal nature of the H. aegyptius strains that caused BPF, which were genetically distant from the diverse strains that cause only conjunctivitis. This led to an intense effort to identify the factors causing the unusual invasiveness of the BPF clone, which has yet to definitively identify the virulence factor or factors involved. After a series of outbreaks and sporadic cases through 1993, no additional cases of BPF have been reported
Background: RRP is a devastating disease in which papillomas in the airway cause hoarseness and breathing difficulty. The disease is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) 6 or 11 and is very variable. Patients undergo multiple surgeries to maintain a patent airway and in order to communicate vocally. Several small studies have been published in which most have noted that HPV 11 is associated with a more aggressive course. Methodology/Principal Findings: Papilloma biopsies were taken from patients undergoing surgical treatment of RRP and were subjected to HPV typing. 118 patients with juvenile-onset RRP with at least 1 year of clinical data and infected with a single HPV type were analyzed. HPV 11 was encountered in 40% of the patients. By our definition, most of the patients in the sample (81%) had run an aggressive course. The odds of a patient with HPV 11 running an aggressive course were 3.9 times higher than that of patients with HPV 6 (Fisher's exact p = 0.017). However, clinical course was more closely associated with age of the patient (at diagnosis and at the time of the current surgery) than with HPV type. Patients with HPV 11 were diagnosed at a younger age (2.4y) than were those with HPV 6 (3.4y) (p = 0.014). Both by multiple linear regression and by multiple logistic regression HPV type was only weakly associated with metrics of disease course when simultaneously accounting for age. Conclusions/Significance Abstract: The course of RRP is variable and a quarter of the variability can be accounted for by the age of the patient. HPV 11 is more closely associated with a younger age at diagnosis than it is associated with an aggressive clinical course. These data suggest that there are factors other than HPV type and age of the patient that determine disease course.
Background: Extracellular vesicles in yeast cells are involved in the molecular traffic across the cell wall. In yeast pathogens, these vesicles have been implicated in the transport of proteins, lipids, polysaccharide and pigments to the extracellular space. Cellular pathways required for the biogenesis of yeast extracellular vesicles are largely unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We characterized extracellular vesicle production in wild type (WT) and mutant strains of the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using transmission electron microscopy in combination with light scattering analysis, lipid extraction and proteomics. WT cells and mutants with defective expression of Sec4p, a secretory vesicle-associated Rab GTPase essential for Golgi-derived exocytosis, or Snf7p, which is involved in multivesicular body (MVB) formation, were analyzed in parallel. Bilayered vesicles with diameters at the 100-300 nm range were found in extracellular fractions from yeast cultures. Proteomic analysis of vesicular fractions from the cells aforementioned and additional mutants with defects in conventional secretion pathways (sec1-1, fusion of Golgi-derived exocytic vesicles with the plasma membrane; bos1-1, vesicle targeting to the Golgi complex) or MVB functionality (vps23, late endosomal trafficking) revealed a complex and interrelated protein collection. Semi-quantitative analysis of protein abundance revealed that mutations in both MVB- and Golgi-derived pathways affected the composition of yeast extracellular vesicles, but none abrogated vesicle production. Lipid analysis revealed that mutants with defects in Golgi-related components of the secretory pathway had slower vesicle release kinetics, as inferred from intracellular accumulation of sterols and reduced detection of these lipids in vesicle fractions in comparison with WT cells. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that both conventional and unconventional pathways of secretion are required for biogenesis of extracellular vesicles, which demonstrate the complexity of this process in the biology of yeast cells.
Brazilian science has increased fast during the last decades. An example is the increasing in the country`s share in the world`s scientific publication within the main international databases. But what is the actual weight of international publications to the whole Brazilian productivity? In order to respond this question, we have elaborated a new indicator, the International Publication Ratio (IPR). The data source was Lattes Database, a database organized by one of the main Brazilian S&T funding agency, which encompasses publication data from 1997 to 2004 of about 51,000 Brazilian researchers. Influences of distinct parameters, such as sectors, fields, career age and gender, are analyzed. We hope the data presented may help S&T managers and other S&T interests to better understand the complexity under the concept scientific productivity, especially in peripheral countries in science, such as Brazil.
The article explores the relationships between distance education, information and communication technologies and teacher education. Its focus is on the interactive media and its uses in an in-service teacher education program, in Brazil, and on the ways the teachers used the technologies doing their own appropriateness. It departs from the presuppositions of the society of knowledge, that is, the close relationships between new technologies, continuing professional development and social inclusion, arguing that this paradigm is an ideological discourse. The article shows how the teachers have used the technologies in creative ways, calling the attention to the importance of this teachers` abilities as a basic skill to facing the challenges of the society of knowledge itself.
Discussion opposing the Theory of the Firm to the Theory of Stakeholders are contemporaneous and polemical. One focal point of such debates refers to which objective-function companies, should choose, whether that of the shareholders or that of the stakeholders, and whether it is possible to opt for both simultaneously. Several empirical studies. have attempted-to test a possible correlation between both functions, and there has not been any consensus-so far. The objective of the present research is to examine a gap in such discussions: is there (or not) a subordination of the stakeholders` objective-function to that of the shareholders? The research is empirical,and analytical and employs quantitative methods. Hypotheses were tested and data analyzed by using non-parametrical (chi-square test) and parametrical procedures (frequency. correlation `coefficient). Secondary data was collected from he Economitica database and from the Brazilian Institute of Social and-Economic Analyses (IBASE) website, relative to public companies that have published their Social Balance Statements following the IBASE model from 1999 to 2006, whose sample amounted to 65 companies; In order to assess the objective-function of shareholders a proxy was created based on the following three indices: ROE (return on equity), EnterpriseValue and Tobin`s Q. In order to assess the objective-function of stakeholders a proxy was created by employing the following IBASE social balance indices: internal ones (ISI), external ones (ISE), and environmental ones (IAM). The results have shown no evidence of subordination of stakeholders` objective-function to that of the shareholders in analyzed companies, negating initial expectations and calling for deeper investigation of results. Its main conclusion, which states that the attempted subordination does not take place, is limited to the sample herein investigated and calls for ongoing research aiming at improvements which may lead to sample enlargement and, as a consequence, may make feasible the application of other statistical techniques which may yield a more thorough, analysis of the studied phenomehon.
The present study aimed to determine the richness, occurrence constancy, reproductive modes. standard of abundance distribution, season of vocalization and to test correlation among climatic variables and activity of vocalization of anurans in a region of the Pampa Biome, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State. During the period of Novernber/2001 to October/2002 monthly collections were carried out utilizing the `survey at breeding site` method and examination of specimens kept in the Colecao Herpetologica do Setor de Zoologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (ZUFSM). Tire Occurrence of 25 species of anurans was recorded. The anurofauna recorded represents 30% of the species known to Occur in Rio Grande do Sul, and comprises species generally associated with grasslands in this state and neighboring countries. Four reproductive modes were recorded: mode 1 (14 species: 58.3%) mode 11 and 30 (9 species` 37.5%) and mode 24 (1 species; 4.2%). The low diversification of reproductive modes is likely related to the homogeneity of the grassland habitat. Most species were constant or accessory in the Study area and the species abundance distribution patterns fit in the Broken Stick and Log-normal models. characterized by homogeneity of species abundance distribution. Most species showed great plasticity in habitat. but few were plastic in vocalization sites use. There was a weak positive correlation between species richness and precipitation. There was also a weak positive correlation between the abundance of species calling activity and maximum average temperatures. These correlations indicated that, in the study area. the abundance of calling males is more affected by the temperature, and species richness is more affected by precipitation, despite the fact that significantly higher species richness occurs during the hottest period of the year. These results showed that the climatological variables examined were not enough to explain the seasonal occurrence of species, thus the influence of other environmental variables merit to be tested in future studies.
The establishment of modern sociology in Brazil was part of a thoroughgoing modernization of the country that began in the 1930s and the years immediately following World War II. The founding of the University of Sao Paulo made possible the systematic training of scientists devoted to teaching and research and broadened the way learning was understood. Florestan Fernandes was the outstanding personality among the first social scientists that the university produced, and the picture of the Brazilian sociologist today is largely inspired by his career. Enthusiasm and scientific rigor were the hallmarks of his approach. His early work reflects intellectuals` shared belief in the power of ideas to regenerate the nation, freeing it from a past that they condemned. The mature reflection of his later works retreats from this optimistic view, recognizing the emergence of modern society in Brazil as a complex process with mixed results.
Pop-rock musicians are at risk of developing hearing loss and other symptoms related to amplified music. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the satisfaction provided by the use of hearing protection in pop-rock musicians. Study design: Contemporary cohort study. Materials and Methods: A study of 23 male pop-rock musicians, aged between 25 to 45 years. After audiological evaluation (pure tone audiometry, middle ear analysis, TEOAE and DPOAE) hearing protective devices were provided to be used for three months. After that musicians answered a satisfaction assessment questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of hearing loss was of 21.7%. The most common complaints about the hearing protectors were: autophonia, pressure in the ears, interference in high frequencies perception and full time use of the hearing protector during concerts. There was a positive correlation between a reduction in tinnitus after the use of the HPD with the following complaints: tinnitus after beginning the career (p=0.044), discomfort with the sound intensity in the work place (p=0.009) and intolerance to loud sound (p=0.029). Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of hearing loss and a positive tendency towards the use of the ear protector device among the sample population.
The current Brazilian Ixodes fauna is composed of the following eight species: I. amarali Fonseca, 1935; I. aragaoi Fonseca, 1935; I. auritulus Neumann, 1904; I. fuscipes Koch, 1844; I. loricatus Neumann, 1899; I. luciae S,nevet, 1940; I. paranaensis Barros-Battesti, Arzua, Pichorim & Keirans, 2003; and I. schulzei AragA o pound & Fonseca, 1951. Further studies are needed to establish the taxonomic status of I. serrafreirei Amorim, Gazeta, Bossi & Linhares, 2003, a recently proposed species based solely on the nymphal stage. We present an up-to-date key to adults of the currently valid Brazilian species of Ixodes based on scanning electron microscopy. The relationships between Brazilian and other Neotropical Ixodes are also discussed.