11 resultados para Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 1734-1802
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
Avaliaram-se os efeitos do fornecimento da dieta pré-inicial (DPI) e do peso ao alojamento sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de frangos de corte. Utilizaram-se 960 frangos machos, linhagem comercial Cobb-500, alojados em 32 boxes, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, composto de dois pesos ao alojamento (42 e 46 g) e quatro períodos de fornecimento da dieta pré-inicial (0, 1 a 7, 1 a 10 e 1 a 14 dias de idade), durante 49 dias. Os programas alimentares compreenderam três ou quatro fases (pré-inicial e/ou inicial; engorda; final) e as dietas fornecidas eram à base de milho e farelo de soja. De modo geral, aves mais pesadas ao alojamento apresentaram, ao longo de todo o período experimental, maior consumo de ração (CR) e ganho de peso (GP). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na conversão alimentar (CA) dos animais. Considerando todo o período experimental, as aves alimentadas com a dieta pré-inicial durante sete dias apresentaram maior consumo de ração e ganho de peso, porém, menor rendimento de carcaça. O peso ao alojamento determina o desempenho e o oferecimento da dieta pré-inicial durante sete dias beneficia o desempenho das aves.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a morfometria da pars da segunda vértebra cervical, verificar as variações existentes e predizer sua segurança para a colocação de parafusos por meio de uma abordagem cervical posterior. MÉTODOS: 58 vértebras foram obtidas para estudo anatômico (116 pars de C2) e foram medidas a altura e largura da pars, além do comprimento eixo-pedículo, largura e comprimento do pedículo, angulação sagital e medial. Todas as medidas foram separadas quanto aos seus lados direito e esquerdo; foi realizado o cálculo da média, variação, desvio padrão e a médica foi comparada com os estudos prévios. RESULTADOS: a largura média da pars de C2 foi de 9,5 mm; a altura, 9,5 mm; não houve diferença significativa entre os lados esquerdo e direito. O comprimento médio do pedículo foi de 10,5 mm; a medida média encontrada para o comprimento eixo-pedículo foi de 24,9 mm; a largura do pedículo foi de 2,8 mm. A angulação sagital encontrada foi de 19,6º e a horizontal foi de 28,5º. CONCLUSÕES: este estudo demonstra a viabilidade para a colocação de parafuso na pars de C2 em uma população caucasiana, destacando-se, porém, a grande variabilidade anatômica encontrada nas referidas medidas.
Background: The rapid progress currently being made in genomic science has created interest in potential clinical applications; however, formal translational research has been limited thus far. Studies of population genetics have demonstrated substantial variation in allele frequencies and haplotype structure at loci of medical relevance and the genetic background of patient cohorts may often be complex. Methods and Findings: To describe the heterogeneity in an unselected clinical sample we used the Affymetrix 6.0 gene array chip to genotype self-identified European Americans (N = 326), African Americans (N = 324) and Hispanics (N = 327) from the medical practice of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, NY. Additional data from US minority groups and Brazil were used for external comparison. Substantial variation in ancestral origin was observed for both African Americans and Hispanics; data from the latter group overlapped with both Mexican Americans and Brazilians in the external data sets. A pooled analysis of the African Americans and Hispanics from NY demonstrated a broad continuum of ancestral origin making classification by race/ethnicity uninformative. Selected loci harboring variants associated with medical traits and drug response confirmed substantial within-and between-group heterogeneity. Conclusion: As a consequence of these complementary levels of heterogeneity group labels offered no guidance at the individual level. These findings demonstrate the complexity involved in clinical translation of the results from genome-wide association studies and suggest that in the genomic era conventional racial/ethnic labels are of little value.
Science education is under revision. Recent changes in society require changes in education to respond to new demands. Scientific literacy can be considered a new goal of science education and the epistemological gap between natural sciences and literacy disciplines must be overcome. The history of science is a possible bridge to link these `two cultures` and to foster an interdisciplinary approach in the classroom. This paper acknowledges Darwin`s legacy and proposes the use of cartoons and narrative expositions to put this interesting chapter of science into its historical context. A five-lesson didactic sequence was developed to tell part of the story of Darwin`s expedition through South America for students from 10 to 12 years of age. Beyond geological and biological perspectives, the inclusion of historical, social and geographical facts demonstrated the beauty and complexity of the findings that Darwin employed to propose the theory of evolution.
Ide, BN, Leme, TCF, Lopes, CR, Moreira, A, Dechechi, CJ, Sarraipa, MF, da Mota, GR, Brenzikofer, R, and Macedo, DV. Time course of strength and power recovery after resistance training with different movement velocities. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 2025-2033, 2011-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course of strength and power recovery after a single bout of strength training designed with fast and slow contraction velocities. Nineteen male subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: the slow-velocity contraction (SV) group and the fast velocity contraction (FV) group. Resistance training protocols consisted of 5 sets of 12 repetition maximum (5 x 12RM) with 50 seconds of rest between sets and 2 minutes between exercises. Contraction velocity was controlled by the execution time for each repetition (SV-6 seconds to complete concentric and eccentric phases and for FV-1.5 seconds). Leg Press 45 degrees 1RM (LP 1RM), horizontal countermovement jump (HCMJ), and right thigh circumference (TC) were accessed in 6 distinct moments: base (1 week before exercise), 0 (immediately after exercises), 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after exercise protocol. The SV and FV presented significant LP 1RM decrements at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise. The magnitude of decline was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. The SV and FV presented significant HCMJ decrements at 0, but only for FV were these still evident 24-72 hours postexercise. The SV and FV presented significant TC increments at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise for SV but for FV it continued up to 96 hours. The magnitude of increase was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. In conclusion, the fast contraction velocity protocol resulted in greater decreases in LP 1RM and HCMJ performance, when compared with slow velocity. The results lead us to interpret that this variable may exert direct influence on acute muscle strength and power generation capacity.
We report here genome sequences and comparative analyses of three closely related parasitoid wasps: Nasonia vitripennis, N. giraulti, and N. longicornis. Parasitoids are important regulators of arthropod populations, including major agricultural pests and disease vectors, and Nasonia is an emerging genetic model, particularly for evolutionary and developmental genetics. Key findings include the identification of a functional DNA methylation tool kit; hymenopteran-specific genes including diverse venoms; lateral gene transfers among Pox viruses, Wolbachia, and Nasonia; and the rapid evolution of genes involved in nuclear-mitochondrial interactions that are implicated in speciation. Newly developed genome resources advance Nasonia for genetic research, accelerate mapping and cloning of quantitative trait loci, and will ultimately provide tools and knowledge for further increasing the utility of parasitoids as pest insect-control agents.
The main focus of this essay is the first American round-the-world scientific voyage, the U. S Exploring Expedition, which took place between 1838 and 1841 and was lead by Lieutenant Charles Wilkes. Here, I discuss the purposes of this expedition in the context of the voyages of circumnavigation accomplished by the various European powers during the same period.
A 14-year-old patient had a low-energy facial blunt trauma that evolved to right facial paralysis caused by parotid hematoma with parotid salivary gland lesion. Computed tomography and angiography demonstrated intraparotid collection without pseudoaneurysm and without radiologic signs of fracture in the face. The patient was treated with serial punctures for hematoma deflation, resolving with regression and complete remission of facial paralysis, with no late sequela. The authors discuss the relationship between facial nerve traumatic injuries associated or not with the presence of facial fractures, emphasizing the importance of early recognition and appropriate treatment of such cases.
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of probing depth (PD) and to investigate the associations between demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators and PD in a periodontally untreated and isolated population in Brazil. Methods: The target population consisted of all individuals aged >= 12 years as identified by a census. Consenting participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Results: Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and clinically examined, PD >= 4 mm was observed in 54% to 83% of the subjects, depending on age, whereas the age-dependent prevalence of PD :6 mm ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 50% among 40- to 49-year-olds, decreasing to 40% among subjects >= 50 years of age. Multivariate analyses identified supragingival calculus (odds ratio [OR] = 5.4 to 10.3; 95% confidence intervals [CIs]: 2.5 to 11.6 and 4.0 to 26.2 for 20% to 50% and > 50% of the sites, respectively) as a risk indicator for PD A mm, whereas age :40 years (OR = 9.0; 95% CI: 1.7 to 48.5), being a moderate/heavy smoker (OR = 3.7; 95% CI: 1.4 to 10. 1), and having supragingival calculus in 20% to 50% of sites (OR = 6.8; 95% CI: 1.4 to 32.4) or in >50% of sites (OR = 15.3; 95% CI: 3.2 to 73.6) were risk indicators for PD >= 6 mm. Having undergone urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for PD A and >= 6 mm (OR = 0.4; 95% CI: 0.2 to 0.8). Conclusions: Increased PD is highly prevalent in this isolated population. Behavioral factors played a significant role as risk indicators for increased PD in this isolated population.