16 resultados para Bull Mountains
em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)
A new genus and species of microteiid lizard is described based on a series of specimens obtained at Parque Nacional do Caparao (20 degrees 28'S, 41 degrees 49'W), southeastern Brazil, along the division line between the States of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. The new lizard occurs in isolated high-altitude, open, rocky habitats above the altitudinal lit-nits of the Atlantic forest. It is characterized by the presence of prefrontals, frontoparietals, parietals, interparietal, and occipital scales; ear opening and eyelid distinct; three pairs of genials; absence of collar; lanceolate and mucronate dorsal scales; six regular transverse and longitudinal series of smooth ventrals that are longer than wide, with the lateral ones narrower. Maximum parsimony (MP) and partitioned Bayesian (PBA) phylogenetic analyses based on morphological and molecular characters with all known genera of Gymnophthalminae (except for Scriptosaura) Plus Rhachisaurus recovered this new lizard in a clade having Colobodactylus and Heterodactylus as its closest relatives. Both analyses recovered the monophyly of Gymnophthalminae and Gymnophthalmini. The monophyly of the Heterodactylini received moderate support in MP analyses but was not recovered in PBA. To eliminate classification controversy between these results, the present concept of Heterodactylini is restricted to accommodate the new genus, Colobodactylus and Heterodactylus, and a new tribe Iphisiini is proposed to allocate Alexandresaurus, Iphisa, Colobosaura, Acratosaura, and Stenolepis. Current phylogenetic knowledge of Gymnophthalminae suggests that fossoriality and increase of body elongation arose as adaptive responses to avoid extreme surface temperatures, either cold or hot, depending on circumstances.
Seven species of Anacroneuria Klapalek are considered; of these 4 were known, A. debilis (Pictet, 1841), A. flintorum Froehlich, 2002, A. toriba Froehlich, 2002 (the female is described herein), and A. vanini Froehlich, 2004. Three are new: A. mantiqueirae, A. simulans, and A. tabatae.
Eight species of Kempnyia Klapalek were collected in the Mantiqueira Mountains at Campos do Jordao, of which six were known: K. colossica (Navas, 1934), K. flava Klapalek, 1916, K. neotropica (Jacobson and Bianchi, 1905), K. obtusa Klapalek, 1916, K. reichardti Froehlich, 1984 and K. tamoya Froehlich, 1984; two are new, K. pirata and K. tupinamba. One new synonymy is proposed. Comments are provided for all species from the area and a key to these species is presented.
Contents This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the exogenous recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), insulin and semen quality of bulls. Twenty bulls (Aberdeen Angus and Brangus) were divided by breed into two groups. Placebo group was injected with NaCl 0.9% (s.c.) and treatment group with rbST (s.c., 500 mg) at days 0 and 14 of the experiment. Immediately after semen collection, blood samples were taken on days 0, 14, 28, 42 and 56 of the experiment. Semen was also collected on day 70 of the experiment. Evaluation of sperm motility was performed at pre-freezing and post-thawing stage, whereas assessment of sperm membrane integrity was performed after freezing and thawing. Analysis of data revealed that the effect of treatment and treatment-by-collection day on plasma concentrations of IGF-I and insulin was not significant. However, mean plasma concentrations of IGF-I and insulin were affected (p < 0.0001) by days of blood sampling. Effect of treatment and treatment-by-collection day on motility of spermatozoa was similar (p > 0.05) at pre-freezing and post-thawing stage. Intactness of plasmalemma and tail membrane of spermatozoa at post-thawing stage was higher (p < 0.05) in rbST-treated group than in control. In conclusion, rbST did not affect plasma concentrations of IGF-I and insulin, however, it did improve post-thaw sperm membrane integrity.
Eight new species of the spider genus Chrysometa Simon, 1894 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) are described and illustrated. Chrysometa nubigena n. sp., C. waikoxi n. sp., C. petrasierwaldae n. sp., C. santosi n. sp., C. yanomami n. sp., C. candianii n. sp., C. lomanhungae n. sp., and C. saci n. sp. Those species were collected in a study on the diversity of spider communities along altitudinal gradients in Brazilian Amazonia. C. saci was captured at the Serra do Tapirapeco (Barcelos), while all the other species are from the Pico da Neblina (Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira), the highest mountain in Brazil. We provide new records for C. boraceia, C. flava, C. guttata, C. minuta and C. opulenta, and we describe the male of C. minuta for the first time. We also present the first results on the diversity and altitudinal distribution of the species of Chrysometa at the Pico da Neblina and Serra do Tapirapeco. We sampled the first locality at six different elevations, and obtained 336 specimens distributed in 12 species. Richness and abundance, as well as relative importance peaked at the highest sites sampled (2,000 and 2,400 m). The three most abundant species showed a segregated distribution, being dominant or exclusively distributed in different altitudes. At the Serra do Tapirapeco, sampling at four different elevations up to 1200 m, we only obtained 40 individuals divided in four species, and there was no clear relation to altitude. Most of the new species were found at mid and high altitude sites, while species from lower altitude sites represented widespread species. The comparison with other neotropical spiders inventories highlights the high diversity recorded at Pico da Neblina, which could be assigned to the large environmental variation covered in this work and to the sampling of high-altitude environments. Inventories in the Andean region and other information in the literature also seem to support the association of Chrysometa with high altitude environments.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho utilizar regras de associação para identificar forças de mercado que regem a comercialização de touros com avaliação genética pelo programa Nelore Brasil. Essas regras permitem evidenciar padrões implícitos nas transações de grandes bases de dados, indicando causas e efeitos determinantes da oferta e comercialização de touros. Na análise foram considerados 19.736 registros de touros comercializados, 17 fazendas e 15 atributos referentes às diferenças esperadas nas progênies dos reprodutores, local e época da venda. Utilizou-se um sistema com interface gráfica usuário-dirigido que permite geração e seleção interativa de regras de associação. Análise de Pareto foi aplicada para as três medidas objetivas (suporte, confiança e lift) que acompanham cada uma das regras de associação, para validação das mesmas. Foram geradas 2.667 regras de associação, 164 consideradas úteis pelo usuário e 107 válidas para lift ≥ 1,0505. As fazendas participantes do programa Nelore Brasil apresentam especializações na oferta de touros, segundo características para habilidade materna, ganho de peso, fertilidade, precocidade sexual, longevidade, rendimento e terminação de carcaça. Os perfis genéticos dos touros são diferentes para as variedades padrão e mocho. Algumas regiões brasileiras são nichos de mercado para touros sem registro genealógico. A análise de evolução de mercado sugere que o mérito genético total, índice oficial do programa Nelore Brasil, tornou-se um importante índice para comercialização dos touros. Com o uso das regras de associação, foi possível descobrir forças do mercado e identificar combinações de atributos genéticos, geográficos e temporais que determinam a comercialização de touros no programa Nelore Brasil.
The industry has made available in the market a series of substances (nutraceuticals) which intent would be to optimize the use of nutrients in some metabolic paths, influencing positively reproductive performance in animals. However, the response to the use of nutraceuticals varies according to the animal. As the organism is highly complex and in order to achieve a perfect activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, an ideal interaction in molecular basis is needed, where the nutraceuticals can have their direct action. The aim of this study was to review the function and research results using the main nutraceuticals (β carotene, vitamin A, L-carnitine, omegas 3, 6 and 9 and Gamma-oryzanol) on reproductive characteristics of bulls and stallions.
The objective of this study was to characterize acrosomal ultrastructure following discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation of cryopreserved bovine sperm. Semen was collected from six bulls of different breeds and three ejaculates per bull were evaluated. Frozen semen samples were thawed and the acrosomal region of sperm cells was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) before (n = 18) and after (n = 18) Percoll centrifugation. The evaluation of 20 sperm heads from each of the 36 samples analyzed ensured that a large number of cells were investigated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance at a level of significance of 5%. Percoll centrifugation reduced the percentage of sperm exhibiting normal acrosomes (from 61.77 to 30.24%), reduced the percentage of sperm presenting atypical acrosome reactions (from 28.38 to 4.84%) and increased the percentage of sperm exhibiting damage in the acrosome (from 6.14 to 64.26%). The percentage of sperm with typical acrosome reactions was not significantly different before (3.70%) and after (0.67%) centrifugation. TEM distinguished four different types of acrosomal status and enabled ultrastructural characterization of acrosomal injuries. The percentage of sperm exhibiting normal acrosomes decreased and damage in the acrosome was the most frequent acrosomal injury with the Percoll gradient centrifugation protocol utilized.
Seven species or Mycena are reported as luminescent, representing specimens collected in Belize, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, japan (Bonin Islands), Malaysia (Borneo) and Puerto Rico. Four of them represent new species (Mycena luxaeterna, M. luxarboricola, M. luxperpetua, M. silvaelucens) and three represent new reports of luminescence in previously described species (M. aff. abieticola, M. aspratilis, M. margarita). Mycena subepipterygia is synonymized with M. margarita, and M. chlorinosma is proposed as a possible synonym. Comprehensive descriptions, illustrations, photographs and comparisons with phenetically similar species are provided. A redescription of M. chlorophos, based on analyses of type specimens and recently collected topotypical material, is provided. The addition of these seven new or new, reported luminescent species of Mycena brings the total to 71 known bioluminescent species of fungi.
Imaging Spectroscopy (IS) is a promising tool for studying soil properties in large spatial domains. Going from point to image spectrometry is not only a journey from micro to macro scales, but also a long stage where problems such as dealing with data having a low signal-to-noise level, contamination of the atmosphere, large data sets, the BRDF effect and more are often encountered. In this paper we provide an up-to-date overview of some of the case studies that have used IS technology for soil science applications. Besides a brief discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of IS for studying soils, the following cases are comprehensively discussed: soil degradation (salinity, erosion, and deposition), soil mapping and classification, soil genesis and formation, soil contamination, soil water content, and soil swelling. We review these case studies and suggest that the 15 data be provided to the end-users as real reflectance and not as raw data and with better signal-to-noise ratios than presently exist. This is because converting the raw data into reflectance is a complicated stage that requires experience, knowledge, and specific infrastructures not available to many users, whereas quantitative spectral models require good quality data. These limitations serve as a barrier that impedes potential end-users, inhibiting researchers from trying this technique for their needs. The paper ends with a general call to the soil science audience to extend the utilization of the IS technique, and it provides some ideas on how to propel this technology forward to enable its widespread adoption in order to achieve a breakthrough in the field of soil science and remote sensing. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Global biodiversity peaks in the tropical forests of the Andes, a striking geological feature that has likely been instrumental in generating biodiversity by providing opportunities for both vicariant and ecological speciation. However, the role of these mountains in the diversification of insects, which dominate biodiversity, has been poorly explored using phylogenetic methods. Here we study the role of the Andes in the evolution of a diverse Neotropical insect group, the clearwing butterflies. We used dated species-level phylogenies to investigate the time course of speciation and to infer ancestral elevation ranges for two diverse genera. We show that both genera likely originated at middle elevations in the Andes in the Middle Miocene, contrasting with most published results in vertebrates that point to a lowland origin. Although we detected a signature of vicariance caused by the uplift of the Andes at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary, most sister species were parapatric without any obvious vicariant barrier. Combined with an overall decelerating speciation rate, these results suggest an important role for ecological speciation and adaptive radiation, rather than simple vicariance.
The objective was to evaluate the suitability of using natural or lyophilized low density lipoproteins (LDL), in lieu of whole egg yolk, in extenders for cryopreserving ram semen. Once extragonadal sperm reserves were depleted in 10 fertile Santa Ines cross rams, two ejaculates per ram were collected for cryopreservation. Nine extenders were used: Tris-16% egg yolk extender with 5% glycerol as a control (T1), and substitution of whole egg yolk with 8, 12, 16 or 20% natural LDL (T2-T5, respectively), or with 8, 12, 16, or 20% lyophilized LDL (T6-T9). Semen was diluted to 100 X 10(6) sperm/mL, packaged into 0.25 mL straws, cooled, held at 5 C for 3 h, and then frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor. Immediately after thawing (37 degrees C for 30 s), sperm total and progressive motility, and kinetic parameters were analyzed with computer assisted semen analysis (CASA). Percentage of sperm with plasma membrane functional integrity was assessed by the hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST), sperm membrane physical integrity with propidium iodide (PI), and acrosome integrity with FITC-PSA using an epifluorescent microscope. For all sperm end points, there was no difference between the control and natural LDL treatments (P > 0.05): total motility (T1: 20.9 +/- 11.9 and average of T2-T5: 25.9 +/- 13.6%; mean SD), progressive motility (T1: 6.6 +/- 4.2 and average of T2-T5: 11.7 +/- 7.5%), HOST(+) (T1: 23.7 +/- 6.9 and average of T2-T5: 23.2 +/- 8.7%) and PI(-)/PSA(-) (T1: 13.8 +/- 7.8 and average of T2-T5: 18.1 +/- 7.8%). However, lyophilization was apparently unable to preserve the protective function of LDL; every sperm end point was significantly worse than in the control and natural LDL groups. We concluded that natural LDL was appropriate for cryopreserving ram semen, as it yielded results similar to those obtained with whole egg yolk. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Sperm-mediated gene transfer (SMGT) is a fast and low-cost method used to produce transgenic animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the concentration of exogenous DNA and the duration of incubation on DNA uptake by bovine spermatozoa and subsequently the integrity of sperm DNA and sperm apoptosis. Spermatozoa (5 X 10(6) cells/mL) were incubated with 100, 300, or 500 ng of exogenous DNA (pEYFP-Nuc plasmid) for 60 or 120 min at 39 degrees C. The amount of exogenous DNA associated with spermatozoa was quantified by real-time PCR, and the percentages of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa were evaluated using SCSA and a TUNEL assay, coupled with flow cytometry. Uptake of exogenous DNA increased significantly as incubation increased from 60 to 120 min (0.0091 and 0.028 ng, respectively), but only when the highest exogenous DNA concentration (500 ng) was used (P < 0.05). Based on SCSA and TUNEL assays, there was no effect of exogenous DNA uptake or incubation period on sperm DNA integrity. In conclusion, exogenous DNA uptake by bovine spermatozoa was increased with the highest exogenous DNA concentration and longest incubation period, but fragmentation of endogenous DNA was apparently not induced. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of pre-exposure of oocytes to Ricinus communis (RCA-1) lectin and osteopontin (OPN) in uterine tube fluid (UTF) on in vitro sperm-egg binding and fertilization. In vitro-matured bovine oocytes were incubated (39 degrees C, 5% CO(2) in air) for 2 h in the following treatments: (i) 500 mu l of fertilization medium (FM); (ii) 250 mu l of FM with 0.25 ml of non-luteal ampullary uterine tube fluid (NLAUTF); (iii) 250 mu l of FM with 250 mu l of NLAUTF and 4 mu l of RCA-1 lectin; (iv) 250 mu l of FM with 250 mu l of NLAUTF, a rabbit polyclonal antibody (1:200) against purified bovine milk OPN, and RCA-1 lectin; (v) 500 mu l of FM and RCA-1 lectin. Following incubation, oocytes were washed, placed in FM with 2 mu g heparin, and incubated with 1 x 10(5) frozen-thawed spermatozoa per 10 oocytes. Oocytes used to assess sperm binding were stained with Hoescht 33342, and the number of sperm bound per zona pellucida counted. The remaining oocytes were fixed in acid alcohol, stained with 1% acetate-orcein and observed to determine the presence of pronuclei. More sperm bound to the zona pellucida (mean +/- SEM) when oocytes were incubated in treatment 3 (59.0 +/- 5.5) than in treatments 2 (46.4 +/- 5.6), 4 (18.1 +/- 5.4), 5 (33.4 +/- 5.6) or 1 (32.5 +/- 5.6). More oocytes were fertilized when incubated in treatment 3 (91% +/- 3.0) than in 2 (84% +/- 3.0), 4 (40% +/- 3.0), 5 (77% +/- 3.0) or 1 (76% +/- 3.0). As in previous studies, this study suggests that RCA-1 lectin enhances binding of UTF-derived OPN to bovine oocytes, resulting in increased sperm-egg binding and fertilization in vitro and a possible role in fertilization.
The process of cryopreservation impairs sperm cell function, potentially leading to a reduction in fertility. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects that cryopreservation using two different extenders has on sperm motility and mitochondrial function, as well as on the integrity of plasma membranes, acrosomal membranes and chromatin, using practical and objective techniques. The focus of the present study was to identify correlations between alterations in sperm membranes and sperm motility in cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa. Seven ejaculates were collected from eight Simmental bulls (n = 56). After collection, semen volume and concentration were assessed for purposes of dilution. Sperm motility was evaluated subjectively and by computer-assisted semen analysis, morphological characteristics were evaluated by differential interference microscopy, the integrity of plasma and acrosomal membranes, as well as mitochondrial function, were determined using a combination of fluorescent probes containing fluorescein isothiocyanate-Pisum sativum agglutinin, propidium iodide or 5,5`,6,6`-tetrachloro-1,1`,3,3`-tetraethylbenzimidazolearbocyanine iodide. Chromatin integrity was evaluated using the acridine orange technique. The semen was subsequently divided into two aliquots and diluted with one of two extenders (Bioxcell(R) or Botu-Bov(R)), after which both were packaged in 0.5 mL straws and frozen using an automated system. Two straws of semen from each treatment were thawed, and the semen parameters were evaluated as described above. Cryopreservation of sperm reduced motility, damaging plasma and acrosomal membranes, as well as decreasing mitochondrial function. The Botu-Bov(R) extender was more effective in preserving sperm motility and membrane integrity than was the Bioxcell(R) extender. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.